Gas supply to the microdistrict of the city of Tver
- Added: 20.03.2020
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Brief information about the design area Climatic conditions: located on the banks of the Volga River; design air temperature for heating - 33℃;srednyaya outside air temperature for the heating period - internal air 15℃;temperatura for ventilation +18℃;prodolzhitelnost heating season 219 days. Characteristics of gas fuel: Soleninsky gas condensate field; Introduction 41 Guidelines for the design of gas supply to the microdistrict of the city of Tver. 71.1 Summary of design area 71.2 Determination of population of microdistrict 81.3 Determination of annual gas consumption by evenly distributed consumers 111.4 Determination of estimated (hourly) gas consumption by evenly distributed consumers 141.5 Determination of annual and calculated Gas flow rate by concentrated consumers 171.5.1 Determination of gas flow rate by hotel for 500 seats with restaurant for 300 seats 181.5.2 Determination of gas flow rate by hospital for 400 seats with polyclinic for 25192 visits 201.5.3 Determination of gas flow rate by bath and laundry plant serving microdistrict with population of 7557 people 221.5.4 Determination of gas flow rate for bakery by servicing microdistrict 7 Calculation of gas flow rate of 1.66 352.1 Substantiation of selection of low pressure network gas supply sources. 352.2 Requirements for buildings and premises of GRP. 352.3 Selection of GRP standard size. 362.3.1 Selection of pressure regulator. 392.3.2 Selection of filters for gas purification. 402.3.3 Selection of the remaining main equipment. 413. Guidelines for designing the gas supply of a residential building. 433.1 Installation of in-house gas pipelines, installation and placement of disconnecting devices. 433.2 Hydraulic Calculation of Internal House Gas Pipeline 44Interpretation. 49List of Literature. 50
Project's Content
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Additional information
1 Instructions for designing gas supply to the microdistrict of the city of Tver
1.1 Design Area Brief
1.2 Determining the population of the microdistrict
1.3 Determination of annual gas consumption by evenly distributed consumers
1.4 Determination of calculated (hourly) gas flow rates by evenly distributed consumers
1.5 Determination of annual and estimated (hourly) gas consumption by concentrated consumers
1.5.1 Determination of gas consumption by hotel for 500 seats with restaurant for 300 seats
1.5.2 Determination of gas costs by the hospital for 400 places with a clinic for 25192 visits
1.5.3 Determination of gas consumption by the bath and laundry mill serving the microdistrict with a population of 7557 people
1.5.4 Determination of gas costs for bakery serving microdistrict with population of 25194 people
1.6 Selection of the microdistrict gas supply scheme
1.7 Hydraulic calculation of medium pressure street distribution gas pipelines
1.8 Hydraulic calculation of internal gas pipeline
2 Detailed disassembly of GRP, GRU, ShGRP or ShGRP
2.1 Substantiation of selection of low pressure network gas supply sources
2.2 Requirements for Buildings and Premises of GRP
2.3 Selection of GRP standard size
2.3.1 Selection of pressure regulator
2.3.2 Selection of filters for gas purification
2.3.3 Selection of the remaining main equipment
3. Guidelines for designing the gas supply of a residential building
3.1 Installation of in-house gas pipelines, installation and placement of disconnecting devices
3.2 Hydraulic calculation of internal gas pipeline
List of literature
Tver is a city in Russia, the administrative center of the Tver region and the Kalinin district, which is not included in, being an administrative-territorial unit of a city of regional significance, forming the eponymous municipality of the city district of Tver.
A large industrial, scientific and cultural center, a large transport hub at the intersection of the St. Petersburg-Moscow railway line and the Rossiya motorway with the Upper Volga. The area of the city is 152.22 km ², administratively the city is divided into 4 districts (Zavolzhsky, Moscow, Proletarsky, Central). The population is 419507 people.
The level of general gasification of the Tver region is 61.87%, including cities and urban-type settlements - 79.24%, rural areas - 29.92%.
Currently, 23 of the 36 municipal districts of the Tver region are gasified. 13 municipal districts remain negazified: Nelidovsky, Toropetsky, Udomelsky, Krasnokholmsky, Zapadnodvinsky, Vesyegonsky, Belsky, Oleninsky, Zharkovsky, Maksatikhinsky, Sandovsky, Molokovsky, Lesnoy (southwestern districts - 6, northeastern regions - 7).
Retail prices are set by order of the Main Directorate of the Regional Energy Commission of the Tver Region dated December 27, 2017 No. 562np differentiated according to the directions of gas consumption:
From January 1 to June 30, 2018:
for cooking and heating water using a gas stove (in the absence of other areas of gas use) - 7520.00 rubles. per 1000 m3, including VAT;
for cooking and heating water using a gas stove and heating water using a gas water heater in the absence of a central hot water supply (in the absence of other areas of gas use) - 7520.00 rubles. per 1000 m3, including VAT;
for heating with simultaneous use of gas for other purposes (except for heating and (or) generation of electric energy using boiler houses of all types and (or) other equipment under the general shared ownership of the owners of premises in apartment buildings) - 4,935.0 rubles. per 1000 m3, including VAT;
for heating and (or) generation of electric energy using boiler houses of all types and (or) other equipment under the general shared ownership of the owners of premises in apartment buildings - 4,935.0 rubles. per 1000 m3, including VAT.
From July 1, 2018:
for cooking and heating water using a gas stove (in the absence of other areas of gas use) - 8090.00 rubles. per 1000 m3, including VAT;
for cooking and heating water using a gas stove and heating water using a gas water heater in the absence of a central hot water supply (in the absence of other gas uses) - 8090.00 rubles. per 1000 m3, including VAT;
for heating or heating with simultaneous use of gas for other purposes (except heating and (or) generation of electric energy using boiler houses of all types and (or) other equipment, which are shared by the owners of premises in apartment buildings) - 5309.00 rubles. for 1000 m3, including VAT;
for heating and (or) generation of electric energy using boiler houses of all types and (or) other equipment under the general shared ownership of the owners of premises in apartment buildings - 5309.00 rubles. for 1000 m3, including VAT.
Solyoninsky gas condensate field is located 695 km northeast of the city of Salekhard, Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug of the Russian Federation and is timed to coincide with the eponymous local uplift of the MessoyakhskoBalakhninsky oil and gas belt of the YeniseySkoLaptev oil and gas province.
Soleninskoye field was discovered in 1969 by well No. 3 of Krasnoyarsk Neftegazgeologia. Along the reflecting horizon "B," the rise is contoured with an isogypse - 2725 m and has an area of 100 km2. The foundation is not opened. Within the field, 2 gas condensate and 2 gas deposits of reservoir and lithologically shielded types were identified. The collector is sandstones with lenticular interlayers of clays.
Soleninskoye deposit belongs to the distributed subsoil fund, and in terms of the amount of recoverable reserves, it belongs to the medium class. Initially, the license was issued to Norilskgazprom OJSC.
Detailed disassembly of GRP, GRU, ShGRP or ShGRP
Substantiation of selection of low pressure network gas supply sources
Gas control stations serve for additional cleaning of gas from mechanical impurities, reduction of gas pressure downstream the gas distribution station and its maintenance at the specified value with subsequent uninterrupted and trouble-free supply to consumers.
Gas control stations and plants are automatic devices and perform the following functions: reduce the gas pressure to a given value; maintaining a predetermined pressure regardless of changes in gas flow rate and pressure upstream of the control stations; stop gas supply at increase or decrease of its pressure after regulators above the specified limits; gas is cleaned from mechanical impurities.
Stationary gas control station.
GRP is built on the distribution networks of cities and settlements, as well as on the territory of communal, industrial and other enterprises. GRU is also mounted directly in the premises where gas-consuming units are located.
Requirements for buildings and premises of FRG
Gas control stations are usually located in separate buildings or cabinets. The GRP building shall be above ground, one-storey, made of materials of I and II degree of fire resistance, with a combined roof.
The GRP room is equipped with fire equipment (a box with sand, fire extinguishers, cats, etc.).
Ventilation of the FRG room should be natural and provide three-fold air exchange at 1 hour. Fresh air inflow is performed through louver grille, and exhaust - through deflector in room floor.
The FRG room shall be illuminated by natural light (through windows) and artificial (electric). Electrical Lighting Wiring
is made in explosion-proof design. For safety reasons, it is allowed to oblique, that is, illuminate the room with reflectors installed outside the room.
The GRP room can be heated with water or steam (low steam pressure) systems from a nearby boiler house or from AGV and other boilers located in the annex. Under all conditions, the heating shall ensure that the temperature in the FRG room is not lower than 5℃.
Lightning protection of the GRP room is necessary in cases when the building does not fall into the zone of thunderstorm protection of neighboring objects. In this case, a lightning bolt is installed. If· the FRG building is located in the area of lightning protection of other objects, then only the grounding loop is made in it.
The floor in the FRG building is made of non-combustible and spark-free materials so that sparks do not occur when metal objects fall, from metal shackles on shoes, etc. Doors in the FRG building shall open outside.
Guidelines for designing the gas supply of a residential building
Construction of in-house gas pipelines, installation and placement of disconnecting devices
Residential buildings, utilities and industrial enterprises are supplied with gas from low-pressure or medium-pressure gas pipelines through GRP. Gas supply system includes branches from distribution gas pipeline, gas inlet to consumer, and internal gas pipelines.
A gas pipeline laid from the building wall to the gas-using equipment is called an internal one. Unlike the external gas pipeline, which is located outside the building. In residential buildings, the use of gas is allowed only low pressure (for residential - 0.003 MPa, public - 0.005 MPa)
Gas pipelines in residential buildings are laid only from steel pipes. Copper pipelines may be used. They must correspond to the guest (low carbon steel, seamless).
Copper pipes are much less susceptible to corrosion (the oxide covering them over time, patina, acts as a protective coating), look more aesthetic, easier and faster to mount. Their connection is carried out by both welding and capillary soldering (in gas supply - by brazing) or using pressings.
In 2003, the laying of gas pipelines through staircases was prohibited, therefore, during new construction, gas pipelines are not introduced into approaches, they are introduced into those rooms where gas-using equipment is installed.
To prevent corrosion of the pipeline, it is painted with two layers of paint, most often yellow.
Blowdown plugs were installed on the external gas pipeline at the entrance (up to 2003).
In accordance with the requirements of SNiP 42012002, they must be metal, and they should be laid in an open way. When implementing additional waterproofing measures and having the possibility of access for preventive inspection of the gas pipeline, steel pipes can be laid in rods. At the same time, hidden areas should not contain reinforcement and detachable connections.
Through the wall and ceiling, gas pipelines must be carried out in a case. Gap between its wall and pipe of gas pipeline is hermetically hydro-insulated with bitumen. When wiring through floors, the edge of the case must protrude 5 cm above the floor level and 3 cm below the ceiling level.
For the installation of steel gas pipelines, various branches, burns, passages, tees, valves, plugs and other pipe fittings are manufactured and widely used.
A cork crane (and behind it a cork) was installed on each branch from the riser to the apartment, as well as to turn off individual sections of the network and gas devices on the gas pipeline line. Cast iron cranes were allowed to be installed at the entrance, on branches to apartments from risers located in staircases, and in all other places - bronze, with cone plugs
In the gas supply safety system, the main role is assigned to shut-off valves, which should be installed in the new gas supply systems, as well as in the modernization and repair of existing gas pipelines. If the volume flow of gas exceeds a predetermined value due to uncontrolled losses in the system, the valves automatically close the pipeline.
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