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Gas supply to the district of Ulan-Ude

  • Added: 09.08.2014
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Source Data

District construction: Ulan-Ude.

The population density is 200 people/ha.

Area of ​ ​ the district S = 133.25 ha.

The city is supplied with gas from the Urengoy field.

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1. Population definition

2. Determination of annual consumption of gas for household needs

3. Determination of annual gas consumption for small utility consumption

4. Determination of hourly gas consumption for small utility consumption

5. Determination of gas consumption for heating

6. Determination of gas flow rate for ventilation

7. Determination of gas flow to large and small boiler houses

8. Hydraulic calculation of low pressure network

9. Hydraulic calculation of medium pressure network

10. Hydraulic calculation of quarterly and in-house gas pipelines

11. Selection of gas control station equipment

11.1 Selection of pressure regulator

11.2 Filter Selection

11.3 Safety relief valve selection

12. Selection of gas distribution station equipment

12.1 Filter Selection

12.2 Determination of gas temperature at GPU outlet

12.3 Selection of pressure regulator

13. Determination of liquefied hydrocarbon gas storage capacity

List of sources used

Source Data

Construction area: Ulan-Ude.

The population density is 200 people/ha.

Area of ​ ​ the district S = 133.25 ha.

The city is supplied with gas from the Urengoy field.

Initial gas pressure in the annular gas pipeline: 0.4 MPa.

The final gas pressure in the annular gas pipeline is 0.14 MPa.

Initial gas pressure in the low pressure network: 3 kPa.

Allowable pressure drop in the low pressure network: 1200 Pa.

Gas pressure upstream GVC 2.5 MPa.


Natural gas supply to cities and settlements aims to:

Improving the living conditions of the population;

replacement of more expensive solid fuel or electricity in thermal processes at industrial enterprises, thermal power plants, municipal enterprises, medical institutions, public catering enterprises, etc.;

Improvement of ecological conditions in cities and settlements, as natural gas during combustion practically does not emit harmful gases into the atmosphere.

Natural gas is supplied to cities and towns through main gas pipelines starting from gas production sites (gas fields) and ending at gas distribution stations (GRS) located near cities and towns.

To supply gas to all consumers, a gas distribution network is being built on the territory of cities, gas control points or installations (GRP and GRU) are being equipped, control points and other SNiP equipment necessary for the operation of gas pipelines are being built [1].

On the territory of cities, gas pipelines are laid only underground.

Gas pipelines shall be laid in accordance with the requirements of SNiP [1].

Natural gas is used by the population for burning in household gas appliances: stoves, water gas heaters, in heating boilers.

At public utilities, gas is used to obtain hot water and steam, baking bread, cooking in canteens and restaurants, and heating rooms.

In medical institutions, natural gas is used for sanitary treatment, preparation of hot water, for cooking.

At industrial enterprises, gas is burned primarily in boilers and industrial furnaces. It is also used in technological processes for heat treatment of products manufactured by the enterprise.

When designing gas networks of cities and towns, the following issues have to be solved:

Identify all gas consumers in the gasified area;

* determine the gas flow rate for each consumer;

* Identify the locations of distribution gas pipelines;

Determine the diameters of all gas pipelines;

:: Select equipment for all GRP and GRS and identify their locations.

When laying gas pipelines are guided by SNiPom [1].

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