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Gas supply of Ukhta district

  • Added: 29.07.2014
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Course project. Design of gas supply system of Ukhta city

Project's Content

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1. Design of gas supply system of the city district

1. Determination of gas parameters

2. Determination of population

3. Determination of annual gas consumption for utilities

4. Determination of gas consumption for heat supply needs

4.1 Hourly gas consumption for heat supply needs

4.2 Determine the hourly gas flow rate for utilities

4.3 Determination of annual consumption for heat supply needs

4.4 Determine the design gas flow rate for heating and ventilation needs of industrial enterprises

4.5) We determine the hourly gas flow rate of industrial enterprises

5 Selection and justification of gas supply system

5.1 Determine the estimated gas flow rate

5.2 Determination of optimal number of network GRP

6 Hydraulic calculation of high (medium) pressure network


The purpose of the course project is to design a gas supply system for the city district, consisting of several quarters, a bakery, a hospital, a bath and laundry plant, a dining room and a industrial enterprise. Thus, the course design considers the basis for designing a network of both low and medium pressure. In addition, the calculation of the internal-house network according to the requirements and standards for the design and calculation of gas supply networks is given here.

During the course project, initial data were used for the design of external and internal house networks, as well as the general plan of the city district and the plan of the standard floor of a residential building.

The course project consists of a calculation and explanatory note and a graphic part. The calculation and explanatory note provides the calculation and justification of decisions. It contains the following sections :

1) Design of gas supply system of the city district;

2) Design of internal house gas network;

3) Selection of gas control station equipment.

The graphic part is performed according to the task and consists of 6 sheets with a block plan, medium and low pressure network diagrams, a GRP diagram, a floor plan and an internal house network axonometry.

Drawings content

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