Gas supply of Korolev city

- Added: 09.08.2014
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The methods and pace of development of the gas industry determine gas production, according to which the Russian Federation occupies the leading roles. The rational use of gaseous fuel with the greatest realization of its technical advantages allows to obtain a significant economic effect, which is associated with an increase in the efficiency of the units and a decrease in fuel consumption. The use of gas for industrial installations improves working conditions and increases its productivity. In addition, the use of gas as fuel improves the living conditions of the population.
The increase in gas consumption in cities, towns and rural areas, as well as the scale of distribution gas systems, pose new, more difficult tasks for the gas supply engineer related to the development and reconstruction of systems, improving their reliability, the need for economic use of gas and protecting the air basin from pollution.
In this diploma project, the gas supply system of the Chistopol district with the industrial facility "Dairy Plant Chistopol" was designed.
The main components of the gas supply system are a gas supply source, a gas distribution network and internal gas equipment. The gas distribution network is a system of pipelines and equipment for transporting and distributing gas inside the city.
The following are calculated: gas distribution systems, annual and hourly gas consumption by individual consumers, gas consumption modes, routing of high and low pressure gas pipelines. In order to calculate the network and structures, the estimated costs are determined in detail based on gas consumption standards, the number of gas supply facilities, the gas consumption mode and the coefficient of simultaneous operation of devices and installations .
The gas supply system of the industrial boiler house on the territory of the dairy was separately designed, for which equipment was selected and an automation system was developed.
In addition, economic assessment and substantiation of technical solutions, methods of work execution is carried out, the main scope of work for the designed networks and structures, the need for materials and equipment, the construction of gas pipelines, safety and environmental protection are established.
1. Gas supply to the city of Chistopol
1.1. Source data.
Gasified object - Korolev.
Area - 5195 ha.
The number is 44317 people.
The population density is 2555 people/ha.
Domestic gas consumption:
1. Preparation of food with central hot water supply - 10%;
2. Cooking in the presence of a water heater - 80%;
3. Cooking food and hot water for household needs with only a slab - 10%.
Utilities and Public Utilities:
1. Heads and restaurants 15%;
2. Baths of-10%;
3. Hospitals (number of beds per 1000 inhabitants) -1 pc.
Large Utilities and Public Utilities
1. Mechanical laundry (100 kg dry laundry per 1 person. per year) - 15%;
2. Khlebzavody (per 1000 inhabitants) - 0.7 tons/day.
Industrial enterprises:
Gas flow rate: 960 thousand m/year
Gas pressure (absolute):
- up to GPC - 0.7 MPa
- at consumer - 0.35 MPa
Nominal pressure upstream of household appliances 1800 Pa.
Gas field - Urengoyskoye.
7. Gas Distribution Network Routing
Two-stage gas supply systems have become widespread today. They consist of high-pressure networks through which gas is transported to industrial consumers and low-pressure networks to which residential and public buildings, small utility consumers and small heating boilers connect.
Gasified points are located in the center of the load, their number is determined by technical and economic calculation. Gas is supplied to gas control points via branches from high-pressure city network. The low pressure network is mixed, i.e. the main lines are looped, and the branches to the buildings and groups of buildings are designed as dead ends.
Both high and low pressure gas networks have negligible storage capacity (approximately 3.. 4% of the maximum hourly capacity), so the connection between the supply of gas to the network and its consumption is almost strict. This leads to the fact that the capacity of the network does not affect the reliability of the gas supply and cannot serve as a reserve for improving the reliability of the system. The dispersion of gas consumers in distribution systems significantly limits the possibility of using emergency gas sources. Emergency sources can be used to improve the reliability of only the main high pressure lines or some of the most critical consumers. The main means of redundancy are the ring of networks and the duplication of its individual sections .
To reduce damage when consumers disconnect from the gas network in emergency situations, it is necessary to design it so that gas failure is small. This is achieved by partitioning the network into sections so that a limited number of consumers are connected to each section. Proper partitioning can significantly improve the quality of partitioning of a complex technical system.
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