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Gas supply of Buzuluka district

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to the diploma project
Frolova Natalia Sergeevna
"Gas supply of Buzuluka district"
(head of the diploma project Filatov E.B.)

The diploma project consists of an explanatory note on 101 pages and a graphic part on 10 sheets of A1 format.

Project's Content

icon Лист 1.dwg
icon Лист 10.dwg
icon Лист 2.dwg
icon Лист 3.dwg
icon Лист 4.dwg
icon Лист 5.dwg
icon Лист 6.dwg
icon Лист 7.dwg
icon Лист 8.dwg
icon Лист 9.dwg
icon 1.Газоснабжение.doc
icon 2.Автоматизация.doc
icon 3.Строительные конструкции.doc
icon 4.Безопасность труда.doc
icon 5.Организация строительства.doc
icon Содержание.doc
icon Список литературы.doc

Additional information




1.1. Characteristics of gasified area

1.2. Project Input

1.3. Calculation of gas characteristics

1.4. Determination of the population of the region

1.5. Determination of annual gas consumption by domestic and small utility consumers

1.6. Calculation of hourly and specific hourly gas consumption

1.7. Low Pressure Ring Routing

1.8. Determination of specific gas travel expenses in sections of street distribution network

1.9. Determination of estimated gas hourly consumption by street distribution network sections

1.10. Hydraulic calculation of low pressure street distribution network

1.11. Hydraulic calculation of internal house gas pipeline

1.12. Hydraulic calculation of intra-quarter gas pipeline

1.13. Calculation of medium pressure gas consumption by public utilities

1.14. Hydraulic calculation of medium pressure network

1.15. Location of gas control stations and installations

1.16. GRP Equipment (GRU)

1.17. Selection of FRG equipment

1.18. Gas supply to the production boiler house





5.1. Source Data

5.2.Define the geometric parameters of the route

5.3.Define Scope of Work for External Gas Pipeline Networks

5.4.Compute labor costs and wages

5.5.Compute the network determinant card

5.6. Determination of the number of construction machines

5.7. Define freight volume and transport requirements

5.8. Calculation of technical and economic indicators


Appendix No.


Significant reserves of the gas industry have been laid down since its inception. Improvement and automation of technological processes leads to the need to improve the quality of consumable heat carriers. Natural gas meets these requirements most than other fuels.

The rational use of gaseous fuel with the greatest realization of its technological advantages allows to obtain a significant economic effect, which is associated with an increase in the efficiency of the units and a decrease in fuel consumption, easier regulation of temperature fields and the composition of the gas medium in the working space of furnaces and plants, as a result of which it is possible to significantly increase the intensity of production and quality of products. The use of gas for industrial installations improves working conditions and increases its productivity.

The use of natural gas in industry makes it possible to carry out fundamentally new, progressive and cost-effective technological processes. In addition, the use of gas as fuel makes it possible to significantly improve the living conditions of the population, increase the sanitary and hygienic level of production and improve the air pool in cities and industrial centers.

Gas supply projects of regions, cities, villages are developed on the basis of schemes, plans and master plans. The gas supply system shall ensure uninterrupted supply of gas to consumers, be safe in operation, simple and convenient to maintain, shall provide for the possibility of disconnecting its individual elements or sections of gas pipelines.

The main element of the gas supply is gas pipelines, which are classified by gas pressure, configuration, purpose and can be made according to an annular and dead end scheme.

The gas supply of residential, public buildings and small municipal consumers is carried out from low-pressure gas pipelines, as well as large municipal and industrial consumers, as well as boiler houses from medium and high-pressure networks. Communication between gas pipelines of different pressures is carried out only through GRP or SGRP.

EMG is located in the centers of the zones that they feed. As a rule, a large consumer (city, microdistrict) is fed by gas from a medium or high pressure gas pipeline and has at least two connection points. Street distribution networks are designed in ring to increase the reliability of gas supply, intra-quarter - dead end. Consumers of gas of an average or high pressure are GRP, the industrial enterprises (plants, factories, etc.) and large household consumers (baths, laundry, boiler).

The choice of gas combustion devices and gas equipment of the units is based on modern ideas of the theory and practice of gas combustion, methods of calculating and designing gas burners, technological features of the units.

In this project, the gas supply system of the Buzuluka district was designed. Underground piping of PE polyethylene 100 SDR11 is selected for low and medium pressure distribution networks. Laying of intra-quarter and intra-house gas pipelines above ground, steel pipes.

As a special issue, the project developed gas supply to a 2.5 MW production boiler house with the installation of 2 Wolf Eurotwin boilers.

The project was developed in accordance with the current norms and rules, meets the requirements of environmental, sanitary, hygienic and fire safety standards in force on the territory of the Russian Federation and ensures safe operation of the facility for life and health of people, subject to the measures envisaged by the project.

Section 1. gas supply

1.1. Characteristics of gasified area

According to the assignment for the diploma design, gas supply is provided for the district of the city of Buzuluk. The residential area is built up with five, seven and nine storey buildings.

In the blocks of five-story buildings, gas stoves for cooking are installed, as well as flowing gas water heaters for cooking hot water with central heating. In the area of ​ ​ seven and nine-story buildings, gas stoves and centralized hot water supply are provided. In addition, gas flow meters are installed in all apartments. Also in the area there are large household consumers who are fed with gas from a medium-pressure gas pipeline.

1.2. Project Input

1. Gas field - Orenburg.

2. The gas pressure at the point of connection of the gasified area is 3.6 ata.

3. List of concentrated consumers - central heating boiler houses No. 1,2; baths No. 1.2; bakeries No. 1.2, laundry, boiler room No. 3.

4. Design temperature of the coldest five-day week security 0.92-(31 wasps).

5. Design internal temperature for premises - 18 wasps.

6. The depth of ground freezing is up to 1.7 meters.

7. The number of days of the heating period is 202 days.

8. Gas supply coverage - 100%

9. The soil is chernozem.

1.7. Low pressure ring routing.

City gas pipelines are divided by their purpose into:

1) distribution (street);

2) branches;

3) intra-quarter;

4) intradomal.

The routes of street gas pipelines are designed based on the condition of minimum length.

Guided by the principle of reliability of gas supply, the low-pressure network is designed ring. At the same time, the condition must be fulfilled that all neighborhoods of the district become possible to connect from either side (any one) to the designed gas pipeline .

The distance in a straight line from the GRP to the point of meeting the flows is called the radius of action of the GRP, and the distance from the GRP to the point of meeting the flows along the gas pipeline line is called the radius of action of the gas pipeline (RGRP = 600 the 900 m, Rgaz = 900 the 1200 m).

After determining the position of the GRP and the points of encounter of flows, the network is divided into calculated sections.

This project has developed a two-stage scheme of distribution gas pipelines:

I st - medium pressure gas pipelines;

II st - low-pressure gas pipelines.

1.15. Location of gas control stations and installations

The FRG and GRU are designed to reduce the gas supplied to the consumer to the required, and automatically keep it constant, regardless of the gas flow rate and its pressure fluctuation to the FRG. Besides, gas cleaning from mechanical impurities, control of inlet and outlet pressure and gas temperature, flow rate accounting (in case of absence of special flow measurement point), protection against possible increase or decrease of gas pressure in controlled point of gas pipeline is performed at the top of permissible limits.

The EMG, depending on the purpose and technical feasibility, provides for:

- in additions to buildings;

- built into single-storey production buildings and boiler houses;

- in separate buildings;

- in cabinets on external walls of gasified buildings or on separate supports made of non-combustible materials;

- on open gasified industrial buildings of the first and second degree of fire resistance with non-combustible insulation;

- on open fenced sites under a canopy on the territory of industrial enterprises.

It is prohibited to provide GRP with built-in and attached to residential and public buildings (excluding industrial buildings), as well as to place them in the basement and basement rooms of a building of any purpose.

Separate GRP in settlements should be placed in the green areas at a distance not less than that specified in Table 10 (SNiP 2.04.0887 "Gas supply"). GRP on the territory of industrial enterprises and other industrial enterprises should be placed in accordance with the requirements of SNiP II -8980. The distance from the FRG to the buildings to which it is allowed to attach FRG is not regulated.

It is allowed to remove part of equipment (gate valves, filters, etc.) from the FRG, if climatic conditions allow. Equipment located outside the FRG shall have a fence adjacent to the FRG building or in common with FRG fences.

GRP, with an inlet pressure of not more than 0, 6MPa (6kgf/cm2), can be attached to production buildings not lower than the first and second degree of fire resistance with rooms of categories D and D, as well as separate buildings, gasified boiler houses, baths, laundry and other similar facilities.

Stand-alone GRP shall be single-storey of the first and second degree of fire resistance with combined roof. Seams, joints of brick walls and foundations of all rooms of FRG shall be bandaged. Walls separating GRP rooms shall be provided with fire-fighting type 1 and gas-tight. Separating walls made of brick should be plastered on two sides. Installation of smoke and ventilation channels in separating walls, as well as in the walls of buildings to which the FRG is attached, is not allowed.

The room of regulators, separate, attached and built-in GRP shall meet the requirements established by SNiP and SNiP for category A premises. The need for heating of the GRP room should be determined depending on the climatic conditions, humidity of the transported gas and the design, used equipment and instrumentation. Maximum coolant temperature shall not exceed 1300С.

In all rooms of the FRG, natural and artificial lighting, and natural permanent ventilation should be provided, providing at least three times air exchange per 1 hour.

GRU shall be provided with a gas inlet pressure of not more than 0.6 MPa (6kgf/cm2) with a device of not more than two control lines. GRU should be located in gasified buildings near the gas pipeline inlet directly in the rooms of boiler rooms and shops, where there are units using gas, or in adjacent rooms connected to them by open openings and having at least three times air exchange per 1 hour. GRU placement, in rooms of categories A, B and C, is not allowed.

Gas supply from GRU to consumers located in other separate buildings is not allowed.

GRU equipment shall be protected from mechanical damages and GRU location shall be illuminated. GRU shall not be placed under stairways. Gas supply from one GRU to thermal units located in other rooms of one building is allowed. Provided that these units operate in the same gas pressure modes and in the premises where the units are located, 24-hour access of the gas service maintenance personnel is provided.

1.16. GRP Equipment (GRU)

In accordance with the purpose, the following elements are included in the GRP (GRU):

1. a pressure controller (RD) reducing the gas pressure and maintaining it at a predetermined level regardless of the gas flow rate and input pressure value;

2. safety shut-off device (ROM), which stops the gas supply when its pressure increases or decreases after the regulator, in excess of this one;

3. safety relief device (PSU), which discharges excess gas from the gas pipeline after the regulator so that the gas pressure does not exceed the specified one;

4. filter for gas cleaning from mechanical impurities;

5. instrumentation for measuring pressure (pressure gauges), differential pressure on the filter (differential pressure gauges), gas flow rate (flowmeters), gas temperature (thermometers);

6. pulse and discharge pipelines;

7. shutoff devices (valves, cranes);

8. bypass gas pipeline (bypass) for gas supply to consumers during inspection and repair.

During GRP equipment layout it is possible to access the equipment for installation, maintenance and repair. The distance between parallel rows of equipment in the light must be at least 0.4 m; the width of the main passage to the GRP room and from the GRU maintenance side is not less than 0.8 m. If the equipment is placed at a height of more than 1.5 m, it is necessary to arrange platforms with stairs enclosed by railings. The process layout and operation of the GRP equipment does not depend on the initial and final gas pressure in the gas pipelines and consists in the following: gas from the high or medium pressure network, passing through the filter, is cleaned of mechanical impurities and enters the regulator, where pressure throttling passes to a given level. This pressure is maintained at the same level regardless of the amount of gas flowing. The safety shut-off valve installed in front of the regulator closes the gas passage to the network when the pressure rises above the specified one (in case of regulator malfunction). To prevent closing of the valve and shutdown of the regulator in case of small gas flow and pressure increase, the release device - spring valve or hydraulic lock - is put into operation. The value of the gas pressure before and after the regulator is measured by indicating or recording pressure gauges located on a special panel.

The pressure regulator together with the listed equipment has a bypass gas pipeline (bypass), through which gas is supplied when the equipment is switched off. In this case, the pressure is controlled manually by means of a gate valve on the bypass. External gate valves are installed on the inlet and outlet gas pipelines of the FRG at a distance from buildings not closer than 5 m and not further than 100 m.

Drawings content

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