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Gas Pipeline Design

  • Added: 29.01.2016
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Gas Supply Exchange Rate Project

Project's Content

icon Gazik.docx
icon axon.dwg

Additional information



2. Source Data

3. Description of the design object

4. Determination of physicochemical properties of natural gas

5. Selection of gas devices

6. Determination of estimated gas flow rates by network sections

7. Chimney calculation

8. Gas burner calculation

9. Determination of estimated gas consumption by annual consumption standards

10. Hydraulic calculation of low pressure dead end network

11. Medium Pressure Ring Calculation

12. Selection of SRP

13. To Create a Longitudinal Profile

14. List of literature

2 Initial data

City - Veliky Novgorod

Gas field - Uchkyrskoye field

Section Plan -3

Quarter Plan - 2

Microdistrict Plan-3

Number of floors in the building - 9

Soil type - unpowered

Gas devices - 4-conch plate, water heater

Calculation of gas burner - oven of stove

Description of the design object

This course project provides for the development of an internal gas pipeline of a 9-story 3-section residential building supplied with natural gas.

Gas plates and water heaters are used as gas devices. To install domestic gas stoves in the kitchens of residential apartments, the following conditions must be observed: the height of kitchens is at least 2.5 m; natural ventilation from the calculation: exhaust - in the volume of three times air exchange per hour; inflow - in the volume of exhaust and additional air for gas combustion.

It is recommended to install gas plates against the wall made of non-combustible materials at a distance of at least 6 cm from the wall (including the side wall). It is allowed to install a slab near walls made of difficult-to-burn and non-combustible materials insulated by non-combustible materials at a distance of at least 7 cm from the walls. It is not recommended to place the slabs near or opposite the windows, since when they are opened, it is possible to blow the flame when operating at low heat loads or in modes close to the flame release limit.

Gas flow water heaters shall be installed on the non-combustible walls of the room at a distance of not less than 2 cm from the wall. If there are no non-burning walls in the room, it is allowed to install the water heater on the hard-burning wall at a distance of at least 3 cm from the wall. The wall surface in this case shall be insulated with roofing steel on asbestos sheet 3 mm thick. Upholstery shall extend beyond the water heater housing by 10 cm. No additional insulation is required when installing the water heater on a wall lined with glazed tiles.

To account for gas consumption to individual consumers in kitchens, the installation of household gas counters is provided. Installation of counters is provided based on the conditions of convenience of their installation, maintenance and repair. The height of the meter installation, as a rule, is taken 1.6 m from the floor level. The distance from the meters installation places to the gas plate is assumed to be at least 0.8 m.

For the purpose of fire safety, the gas pipeline shall be equipped with a thermally sensitive shutoff device (valve), which automatically closes the gas pipeline when the air temperature in the room is reached in case of fire 100.

Gas pipelines are introduced into kitchen rooms. In places where the gas pipeline passes through the building structures, laying is provided in the case. The ends of the case are made on the same level as the surfaces of the intersected wall structures and are displayed at least 50 mm above the floor surface.

Gas pipelines laid indoors. Shall be made of steel pipes.

On gas pipelines, it should be provided for the installation of disconnecting devices at the inputs of gas pipelines to individual residential buildings. Disconnecting devices are provided: in front of gas counters and in front of each gas device.

Drawings content

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