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Gas-dynamic and strength calculation of a gas turbine

  • Added: 26.02.2023
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Pacific State University Department: Faculty of Transport and Energy Coursework on the discipline "Gas Turbine and Steam Turbine Installations" on the topic: Gas-dynamic and strength calculation of a gas turbine


The initial data for the work are: - purpose and scheme of the gas turbine: power turbine of the gas turbine for a mechanical drive; - gas turbine - prototype; - effective power of the gas turbine: N = 90 MW; - rotor speed for single-shaft gas turbines or the power turbine rotor for gas turbines of other schemes: n = 3000 min ^ (-1). The purpose of the course work is to perform in the calculation part: gas-dynamic calculation of the turbine flow path, profiling of the elements of the turbine flow path, calculation of the strength of the main structural elements of the turbine. In the graphic part of the course work, the following will be performed: a longitudinal section of the turbine with the study of structural elements according to a given prototype, additionally depicting the general design scheme of the gas turbine; registration of the results of profiling the elements of the flow path, including the meridional profile of the flow path of the calculated turbine and the profiles of the nozzle and rotor blades of one of the turbine stages. Contents

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