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Design of automation system for boiler house operation without permanent maintenance personnel


1.1. Project tasks 1Provide automation system design for boiler room operation without permanent maintenance personnel. 2Manage the boilers using the automation unit depending on the external air temperature. 3 Fill the coolant circuits and make them up in automatic mode. 4 perform schematic diagram (5) to develop algorithm of automatic system 1.1 operation. The Gas Boiler House is located in a separate building and is designed for heating, hot water supply to the "production and storage base." Seven VITOPLEX 100 hot water boilers from VIESSMAN with a capacity of 2000 kW each are installed in the boiler room. Boilers are equipped with OILON GP-150 H burners.

Project's Content

icon Автоматика газовой котельной от температуры наружного воздуха.dwg
icon Автоматика газовой котельной от температуры наружного воздуха.docx

Additional information


The beginning of the development of automation as a science is considered 1765, when the talented Russian mechanic I.I. Polzunov created the world's first closed automatic system for regulating the water level in a steam boiler. The use of machines in industry has played an important role in the development of technology. Regulators maintain a given value of the physical parameter not exactly, but in a given range, so such a regulation principle, which is widely used at present, (the deviation regulation principle (Polzunova-Watta), the load regulation principle (Ponsele), the derivative regulation method (Siemens brothers). It was at this time that the first theoretical studies appeared on the study of the processes of regulation of machines.

Since the second half of the sixties, in connection with the development of computers and the advent of fairly cheap, reliable and fast computers, the first automated control systems (ACS) appeared in the world.

This was especially necessary due to the emergence and development of high-performance units of high unit capacity and fast-acting technological processes. In metallurgy, 350ton oxygen converters were created, rolling mills with a capacity of more than 5 million tons of rolled stock per year, etc., therefore, the requirements for product quality and production efficiency increased significantly.

APCS are built on the basis of control computing systems (UVK), which are a specialized industrial computer designed for computing and implementing the functions of automated control systems. It was the variety of these functions that made it possible to raise automation to a qualitatively new level. Automated control systems develop in two main directions: automated process control systems (APCS) and automated process control systems (APCS).

Prior to APCS, there were so-called "local" automatic control systems (ECS), in which their own automatic regulator (lat.: "local" local, limited in place) was responsible for the functioning of a single control loop of a certain technological parameter.

Coordinated operation of circuits, the number of which may be large in the process, was carried out by operational personnel.

APCS has tens - thousands of separate local control loops, the coordination of which is also carried out by operational personnel, but when using a control computer complex. Thus, local ECs are included in APCS as an integral part.

Currently, fundamentally new control systems have been created - intelligent ACS, using the principles and methods of artificial intelligence. [1]

A modern gas supply and consumption system cannot do without an automation system. Automation of gas supply allows you to protect the system from the consequences of any emergency situations: in case of the slightest danger, gas access is blocked. In addition, automation of gas supply systems allows you to optimize the supply of gas to end users and minimize losses. The principles of automation depend on which process should be automated: gas storage, movement or combustion. [2]


As a result of the calculations and analytical review of the main equipment. A method of regulation was chosen and its scheme developed. A set of equipment is also designed, installed and configured to control the process of operation of the gas boiler room in autonomous mode and to control the operation of boilers using an automation unit depending on the temperature of the ambient air. He calculated the costs of installing the equipment, drew up a schedule of work at the site, and completed the organization of work.

Drawings content

icon Автоматика газовой котельной от температуры наружного воздуха.dwg

Автоматика газовой котельной от температуры наружного воздуха.dwg