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Gas boiler house of the residential complex "Elite"


Power supply of the boiler house. "Gas boiler house of the residential complex "Elite", located at the address: Novosibirsk Region, Novosibirsk District, Michurinsky Village Council". The 0.4 kV power supply is carried out using the TN-C-S grounding system.  The ASU is installed in the boiler room. 

The electricity meter is installed in the ASU of the boiler house. Two power cables of design cross-section from the projected 2BKTP (1-working, 1-backup) to the boiler house building are provided in this section .  The method of laying is chosen by the CL in the trenches. The required reliability category for the facility is II. Consumers of electricity are: control cabinets for boilers and burners, ventilation systems, electric motors of pumps, softening station, gas and heat metering units, working and emergency electric lighting devices,    fire alarm device. In accordance with the current regulations, rules and standards, the lightning protection system of the boiler house belongs to the III category. For lightning protection of the boiler house building, it is planned to install a lightning rod made of round steel ∅16 mm  on the fence of the chimney of the boiler house. This lightning rod is welded to the chimney fence.  The fence is a natural current collector, for which in the lower part it is necessary to provide for the connection of the metal structure with the grounding device in at least 2 places using a steel strip 50x4 mm. All joints are welded. In the boiler rooms, cables with copper conductors, PVC insulation and a sheath of the "ngLS" type, which does not spread combustion, for a voltage of 0.66 kV are provided.  The following brands of cables are accepted for laying: 

- power cables – VVGng(A)-LS;

- power cables of a special group - VVGng(A)-  FRLS. The power supply of the working and emergency lighting panel is provided from the ASU.

The following types of lighting have been adopted by the project: 


- emergency (evacuation);  



Working lighting is provided in all rooms of the boiler room building. To connect portable repair lighting  fixtures, a box with a safe isolation transformer 220/24V of the YATP type  is installed.

Lighting of the premises and entrances is carried out  by LED lamps. Electric lighting devices are controlled by switches installed on site. 

Emergency lighting is provided by lighting devices with built-in emergency power supplies. 

Evacuation lighting is provided in the main passages. Indicator lamps with installed battery packs are used as evacuation lighting fixtures.

Outdoor lighting is provided by LED spotlights installed on the façade of the boiler room building. The control is carried out by the control unit of the nuclear control unit in manual and automatic modes. 

Project's Content

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