Free missiles of RDTT [9], [10]
![Free missiles of RDTT [9], [10] Free missiles of RDTT [9], [10]](
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Additional information
List of abbreviations and symbols
1 Introduction
2 Patent Information Research
2.1 Description and characteristics of prototypes
2.2 Floorless RDTT
2.2.1 Introduction
2.2.2 Internal ballistics
2.2.3 Analysis
3 Purpose and scope of the designed product
3.1 Main purpose of the developed article
3.2 Scope of application
4 Technical characteristics
5 Description of the structure
6 Parametric design of the article
6.1 Determination of head part weight
6.2 Study of tactical and technical characteristics by estimated design parameters of the article
7 Calculation of RDTT charge
7.1 Initial data for calculation
7. 1 Purpose and tasks of calculation
7.2 Initial data for calculation
7.3 Peculiarities of RDTT with fixed charge taken into account during calculation
7.5 Determination of charge length
7.6 Definition of charge combustion surface
7.7 Determination of Pobedonostsev parameter
7.8 Calculation of combustion process to RDTT chamber
7.8.1Determination of initial critical section area
7.8.2 Calculation of internal pressure in combustion chamber
7.8.3 Determination of pressure on nozzle section
7.8.4 Calculation of burning time of burning vault
7.8.5 Calculation of the second flow rate of gases through the critical section of the chamber
7.8.6 Calculation of gas flow rate on nozzle section
7.8.7 Calculation of rocket engine thrust
7.8.8 Calculation of combustion chamber volume
7.8.9 Calculation of thrust at zeroing stage
7.8.10 Calculation of igniter suspension
8 Calculation of controls
9 Pyrotechnic pusher calculation
10 Calculation of dimensions and masses of missile compartments
11 Determination of the center of mass of the article
12 Calculation of external de-ballistic characteristics of the missile
12.1 Calculation of connections in the engine
12.2 Chamber Strength Calculation
12.3 Determination of the voltage in the charge from the pressure inside the chamber
12.4 Calculation of elliptical bottom
13 Unification and standardization of structural elements
14 Description of organization of works using the developed article
15 Expected Feasibility Indicators
List of literature used
Appendix A
The basis for the implementation of the course project KP10 is the requirements of the State educational standard for engineering training, during which all stages of the development of a complex technical system must be mastered. Work is carried out on the 10th semester in accordance with the curriculum of specialty 160801 - Rocket engineering. The operation is performed in accordance with the technical assignment for KP10 heading work "Development of a preliminary design of an operational-tactical missile with a solid fuel engine" KP10.01.00 TA.
In the course of this course project, it is proposed to develop an operational-tactical missile with a solid fuel propulsion system, which delivers payload at a maximum range of 350 km. Since the project is a training project, when performing it, more precisely, calculations of its components, it is necessary to pay attention to:
assimilation of calculation methods of certain missile devices and units on solid fuel components;
familiarization and assimilation of ranges and accuracy of basic design values used in missile design.
During the course project, a patent information study was conducted, the task of which was to study the existing analogues and prototypes, namely only those that have similar ranges and have only one stage. The topic was studied using sources taken from libraries, as well as information found on the Internet.
The missile development process was accompanied by the study of the designs of the main elements of missiles, which are analogues and prototypes of modern missiles.
All calculations that determine the value of parameters that investigate the dependencies of various characteristics and functions are carried out using software, implemented in the mathematical modeling environment MathCAD 14, in programs compiled by employees of the Department of Apparatus Engineering, as well as, if necessary, programs implementing the main, typical, calculation methods, implemented in the same mathematical modeling environment, as well as using other programming capabilities to perform calculations using a personal computer (using Excel spreadsheets, drawing execution in COMPASS drawing environment, etc.).
2 Patent Information Research
The technical task is to design a ballistic single-stage rocket with a solid fuel engine in a floorless layout and a separable head part. The total range of the missile according to the technical assignment is 350 kilometers. Therefore, this chapter covers prototypes and analogues closest to these requirements.
After analyzing the missiles in service and in service, the following prototypes were selected: 9M714, 9M714B, 9M714U, 9M723, 9K711.
Purpose and scope of the designed product
A preliminary design of a medium-range operational-tactical missile with a gas-dynamic control body (autonomous gas generator) has been developed. Range control is carried out due to cut-off of thrust with pushing and separation of MF. The designed product, meeting the specified design parameters of the main characteristics, has a minimum mass .
3.1 Main purpose of the developed article
The designed ballistic OTR is designed to hit a point target at a range of up to 350 km. Target protection p is up to 1 kgf/cm2. The head part separable, cylindrical-conical, carries a monoblock nuclear charge with a capacity of q = 29 kT (in TNT equivalent). It is also possible to equip the head part with various types of combat charge: high-explosive fragmentation, volume explosion, and a cassette clip.
3.2 Scope of application
The product is used to destroy long-term fortified objects and fire support of troops. Firing is carried out at a distance of 100 to 350 km. The missile as part of the launch complex is used in launch conditions of a possible temperature difference from 400 to + 500, at a pressure of 730 to 790 mm Hg and humidity up to 80%. The rocket is launched from a vertical position from a movable wheeled or tracked chassis, railway platform, deck or shaft launcher.
The developed product is created as a basic one with modifications of units and assemblies from previously existing ballistic missiles (previously developed draft designs).
The stability of the quality indicators of the designed product depends on the correct storage, maintenance and application.
Design Description [4
]The product developed during the course project is
a rocket with a propulsion system in a floorless arrangement operating on solid fuel.
Missile head part is detachable and is cylindrical-conical. The RF is connected to the instrument compartment by a terminal connection. Other compartments are interconnected by pin joint.
The charge is fixed and represents a cylindrical channel narrowed in the critical section area and opens behind the critical area. The engine body is a thin-walled fiberglass coiled structure of the "semi-cocoon" type, connected to the tail, metal part by a glue joint. Lattice stabilizers and nozzle plug are installed on tail part.
During the development of the propulsion system, it was necessary to design thrust cutoff units and missile controls through three channels.
As a control for the pitch, yaw and roll channel, it was decided to use two engines creating a control moment at each angle, operating from an autonomous gas generator, with low-temperature fuel, installed in a separate compartment between the instrument compartment and the engine system. Engine nozzles are a prefabricated structure and a metal thin-walled shell with a glued thermal protective coating and a critical insert made of molybdenum. The nozzles of the yaw and pitch engines are located at an angle of 60 ° to the longitudinal axis of the rocket to create additional thrust to the main engine. Control force is controlled by rotation of rotary valve rotating from electric motor. For pitch and yaw engines, special windows are cut out in the shell. The shell is also supported by a frame and stringers
As traction cutoff units, it was decided to install four symmetrical gas ducts perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the rocket in the area of the pole hole of the bottom. A detonating compacted charge is embedded in them. At the right time, with the help of an installed electric detonator, windows will be opened and the traction will begin to decrease.
To protect the front bottom of the chamber of the main engine, the bottoms of the gas generator and the gas ducts of the control engines, soft materials are used, based on rubbers, solid heat-protective materials (plastics) are used for nozzles.
Igniter for main fuel is placed in basket-type housing, which together with gas duct of thrust cutoff is fixed on pole hole of engine.
Unification and standardization of structural elements
When developing detailed design documentation for rocket units and assemblies, it is necessary to strive for the use of standard fastening and sealing, and other similar elements.
When designing the structure, standard elements were used, such as bolts, screws, studs, washers, nuts, sealing rings. Also, the number of different types of holes was minimized.
Connection units with adjacent compartments, attachment units of nozzle unit and bottom, as well as other structural elements were designed in the same way as prototypes. Therefore, during their manufacture and assembly, there will be no questions in the development of completely new technological processes and special devices. As a result, manufacturing costs will be partially reduced.
14 Description of organization of works using the developed article
Rigging works are performed in accordance with the specifications for high-risk rigging works.
Transportation of the article in the container by road transport is carried out at a speed of not more than 40 km/h on roads with good coverage and at a speed of not more than 15 km/h on off-road, on railway transport without speed limitation .
Approximately the same temperature is maintained in the container.
The head part is connected at the technical position.
15 Expected Feasibility Indicators
Maintenance and other technical operations necessary for the operation of the product are carried out only by qualified personnel so as not to create the conditions under which it is necessary to either replace one of the units and units of the propulsion system, or the rocket as a whole.
The likely economic efficiency, due to the exclusion of the nozzle unit and the rear bottom of the engine, will be 10-15%.
The result of the course project was a developed rocket running on solid fuel and having controls that control through three channels.
During the design design, calculations were carried out to determine the minimum mass, internal ballistics, external ballistics, as well as strength calculations.
The developed missile has the following parameters :
- maximum pressure in the chamber: 6 MPa;
- transverse load: 100 kPa;
-coef. traction weapons: 0.225;
- relative fuel reserve: 0.64;
-mass coefficient of propulsion system: 0.084;
- speed at the end of the active section of the trajectory: 1743 m/s;
-start weight: 3390 kg;
-Midel diameter: 0.65 m;
-fuel weight: 2168 kg;
- maximum thrust: 144700 N;
- full flight time: 329.323s;
- maximum flight range: 352478 m.
In addition, skills were gained in the design and design of complex technical systems.
In the developed design, during the diploma design, it is possible to rework the attachment of the stabilizers in the open position and study the head part in more detail, as well as rework the controls.
Considering the developed product as a whole, it is noted that the product meets the requirements of the technical specification, the conditions imposed on certain calculation stages and units of the propulsion system are fulfilled.

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