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FPSO Vessel Design - Design of Floating Offshore Engineering Facilities


Design of floating offshore engineering facilities

L2, m330.67v2, m56t2, m14.36n2, m23.91

Project's Content

icon Общее расположение.cdw
icon Кривые теоретческого чертежа.cdw
icon Пояснительная записка.docx
icon Теоретический чертеж.cdw
icon Эпюра емкости.cdw
icon Расстановка переборок.cdw

Additional information

Output on Course Project

As a result of the performed calculation work on the course project, I managed to graphically build a floating technological platform of the ship's hull shape, using the method of successive approximations, using data on the platform - the prototype. According to the results of the verification calculations, we conclude that the results obtained are realistic, are within the norm and are comparable to the prototype data, therefore, the calculations are correct, additional recalculation or special recommendations are not required.

Drawings content

icon Общее расположение.cdw

Общее расположение.cdw

icon Кривые теоретческого чертежа.cdw

Кривые теоретческого чертежа.cdw

icon Теоретический чертеж.cdw

Теоретический чертеж.cdw

icon Эпюра емкости.cdw

Эпюра емкости.cdw

icon Расстановка переборок.cdw

Расстановка переборок.cdw

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