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Foundation tape shallow in the city of Rostov-on-Don, 10 et. building


Foundation tape shallow in the city of Rostov-on-Don
The file includes an explanatory note and 1 sheet of drawings: sections on the outer and inner walls, a geological section and 2nd images of natural pressure and sediment.

Project's Content

icon Классификация грунтов.docx
icon Makshanov_OIF_recover.dwg

Additional information



1.Engineering and Geological Section

1.1 Classification of soils

1.2 Construction of an epure of table values of design resistance

2. Calculations of shallow foundation design

2.1 Determination of design loads

2.2 Determination of foundation depth

2.2.1 Design requirements

2.2.2 Climatic requirements

2.2.3 Analysis of geotechnical conditions

2.3 Determination of geometric parameters of foundation foot

2.3.1 Wall along axis

2.3.2 Column along axis

3. Sand cushion calculation

3.1. Design of sand cushion for tape foundation

3.2. Design of sand cushion for separate foundation for column

4. Determination of stabilized sediment of shallow foundation by layer-by-layer summation method on the 1st wall

4.1.1 Calculation of ordinates of natural pressure epure zg, i

4.1.2Computing the ordinates of the epure of additional pressure zg, i along the 1st wall

4.1.3. Calculation of deformation characteristics of soil layers of the base

4.1.4Development calculation on the 1st wall

4.2. Determination of stabilized sediment of shallow foundation by layer-by-layer summation method on the 2nd wall

4.2.1 Calculation of natural pressure epure ordinates zg, i

4.2.2Calculating the ordinates of the epure of additional pressure zg, i along the 2nd wall

4.2.3 Calculation of deformation characteristics of soil layers


4.2.4.Development calculation on the 2nd wall

5. Difference of precipitate of closely located walls

Drawings content

icon Makshanov_OIF_recover.dwg


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