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Foam Concrete & Products Workshop

  • Added: 29.07.2014
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Thesis: topic 'Wex for the production of foam concrete and products', contains: m drawings, explanatory note, calculations in LIR

Project's Content

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Additional information

1. Architectural and construction part

1.1. General characteristic of the object

The object of the work is the construction on the undeveloped territory of an industrial enterprise - a workshop for the production of foam concrete and foam concrete products - slabs and blocks of various sizes.

Foam concrete has a porous structure due to closed pores (bubbles) throughout the volume, obtained as a result of hardening of a solution consisting of cement, sand, water, and a foaming agent. In the construction industry, foam concrete is widely used as a material for enclosing structures, is a good thermal insulation. In low-rise construction, this material is used for structural structures. Foam concrete is equally suitable for pouring monolithic structures directly on the construction site, as well as for the production of prefabricated elements at landfills and factories. Foam concrete provides many advantages over traditional building materials:

• large aggregate is not required, cement is required 2-4 times less - part of the volume is occupied by voids;

• high mobility of the mixture allows to pour any shapes, hidden cavities, thin internal partitions (50 mm) into the vertical formwork;

• The use of concrete pumps eliminates the time-consuming process - the distribution of the concrete mixture along the flooded structure is 3-4 times compared to crane laying, labor costs are reduced;

• has a smaller mass than concrete, which reduces transportation, masonry and processing costs. In terms of ease of processing, it is comparable to wood: it saws easily, drills, nails. The small mass of the structure allows you to use a cheaper foundation.

At the moment, the production and supply of foam concrete is defended from the growing avalanche-like demand for it. When analyzing the industry for the production of foam concrete, it turned out that most enterprises in Khabarovsk and other cities of Russia are quite small, their daily output does not exceed 30 m3. A similar situation has developed because production technology is quite simple and does not require a large investment of capital. In some ways, this is a minus, since with large volumes the manufacturer has the opportunity to buy cement of significantly better quality, and the production itself is mechanized, which also positively affects the quality of the final products .

The purpose of the graduation work was to design the building for an enterprise with a sufficiently high output, which meets all the requirements for such industries. When designing such enterprises, two ways are possible: first, a technological scheme is developed and the required production of the enterprise is indicated, and the building is designed to meet the specified requirements. Another way is possible - the developer of the technological scheme is adjusting to the already ready-made design of the building. The first path was chosen, since it is more rational and provides greater freedom of action.

The maximum daily production of foam concrete in the designed workshop is 120 m3. The place of construction is the city of Khabarovsk. Foam concrete production is almost completely mechanized. The process begins with the delivery of raw materials to the workshop. Sand is delivered by car dump trucks. For its storage, a 55m3 bin is provided. With a demand of 300 kg of sand per 1m3 foam concrete, this is a reserve of 2 per day. Sand flows from the hopper through the belt conveyor to the vibrating screen, where unnecessary fractions are screened. Since the sand screening process is associated with additional noise and the formation of a large amount of dust, it was decided to place the sand bin and the vibrating screen in a separate extension. After screening through a belt conveyor, sand is supplied to a mixer located directly in the workshop. Cement is delivered to the workshop in bags of the big bag type weighing 2.2 tons. For their storage in the workshop there is a separate area. Steamed cement enters a silo with a volume of 20m3, from where it is fed to a mixer through a screw conveyor. It is also possible to deliver cement by cement truck with supply immediately to the silo. The mixer has a daily production of 120 m3. In addition to sand and cement, foaming agent, water and other components are supplied to the mixer in the required amount, if required. The process of preparing the mixture takes about three minutes, after which the mixture enters a receiving hopper with a volume of 0.5 m3, and then with the help of a concrete pump, the mixture is supplied to the formwork or to a concrete truck. During the production of blocks, formwork of the Formoblokmassiv type is used with dimensions of 1.45x1.45x0.75 m3. A day after pouring, the formwork is removed, and the concrete massif is fed into cutting complexes, where it is cut into small blocks of the required size. After cutting the blocks stack on pallets, close a layer of polyethylene and reliably connect then store in the shop where at a temperature +15os blocks in 5 days gain holiday durability in 70% of branded. The maximum lifting weight during production is 2.2 tons - the mass of the big bag with cement. To lift goods, forklifts are used, for which driveways should be provided in the building.

In total, the designed building should include directly a workshop where most of the technological process passes, an extension for storage and processing of sand, as well as an administrative complex.

1.3. Architectural and constructive solution.

The workshop is a two-span industrial building with a length of 36 m and a span of 24 m. The frame is made of prefabricated reinforced concrete. The pitch of the supporting columns in the longitudinal direction is 12m. Along the perimeter of the workshop with a pitch of 6 m there are framing columns. The elevation of the top of the columns is 7.8 m. The coating of the building is a multi-wave long cylindrical shell with a span of 24 m and a wave pitch of 12 m. The height of the curvilinear part of the column is 2m, the side element is 1m. Foundations of shallow laying shop. The external walls of the workshop are made of wall panels of the Sandwich type. The color scheme of the external walls is set in accordance with the RAL palette and is shown on the facades of the building, shown on sheet 1 of the graphic part. There are two entrances in the workshop: from the north and from the south.

The administrative complex is a two-story building with a prefabricated reinforced concrete frame, the external walls and partitions are made of brick. The pitch of the columns in the longitudinal and transverse directions is 6 m. The elevation of the bottom of the floor girder is 4 m, the roof girder is 8.1 m. The columns are based on shallow foundations.

The walls of the sand storage extension are made of brick and rest on a prefabricated strip foundation. Wall thickness 510mm. The cover of the Sandwich panels rests on metal runs and trusses. A separate foundation of reinforced concrete slab is provided under the sand bunker.

The ABK and the sand extension are separated from the workshop by a deformation seam with a width of 1 m.

1.4. Decision on domestic and sanitary care of workers.

The building provides premises for domestic and sanitary services for workers. There are two bathrooms on the first and second floors of the ABK. On the second floor of the ABK there is a shower and dining room, a spacious relaxation room, for primary medical care in case of industrial injuries on the second floor of the ABK there is a medical center.

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