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Fire alarm of a residential building


Working project. Composition:
General Data
List of working drawings of the main set.
List of referenced and attached documents.
General instructions.
Block diagram.
Diagram of external connections of Signal-20P device
Shop. Diagram of external connections of "S2000-4" device
Offices. Diagram of external connections of "S2000-4" device
First floor. Layout of fire alarm wiring.
Typical floor. Layout of fire alarm wiring.
Basement. Layout of fire alarm wiring.
Technical floor. Layout of fire alarm wiring.

Project's Content

icon 1.1- Ведом.рабоч.черт.doc
icon 1.2 - Вед.прил.doc
icon 1.3-Общие указания.doc
icon 2-Структурная схема.dwg
icon 3-Cх.внеш.соед.Сигнал-20.dwg
icon 4-Cх.внеш.С2000-4(магазин).dwg
icon 5-Cх.внеш.С2000-4(офисы).dwg
icon 6-Первый этаж.Пл.пож.сигнал.dwg
icon 7-Типовой этаж.Пл.пож.сигн.dwg
icon 8-Подвал.Пл.пож.сигн.dwg
icon 9-Техн. этаж.Плпож.сигн.dwg
icon 1-Опись документов.doc
icon 2-Жилой дом.Спецификация .doc
icon 3-Магазин.Спецификация .doc
icon 4-Офисы.Спецификация .doc

Additional information

General Instructions

These working drawings of the automatic fire alarm system are developed on the basis of architectural and construction drawings of LLC Studio of Architecture and Design.

The work project has been completed in accordance with the requirements of:

- NPB 882001 "Fire Safety Standards";

- NPB 10403 "Design of fire warning systems for people in buildings and


- NPB 11003 "List of buildings, structures, premises and equipment subject to

protection by automatic fire extinguishing and automatic fire fighting units

signalling ";

- SNiP 2.01.0189 "Residential buildings."

To detect the source of fire at an early stage, the project provides

installation of autonomous optoelectronic fire smoke detectors of type IP2¼ 0UB in living rooms, bedrooms and kitchens of apartments. In hallway apartments, on sites, in built-in

smoke optoelectronic detectors of type IP 21245M are installed in new premises for office and commercial purposes. Manual fire detectors of IPR-K type are installed along evacuation routes at exits from the floor at a height of 1.5 m from the floor level.

For the notification about the fire and designations of exits are used the light-sound boards of NBO2h1 "Exit" established on each floor at an exit to a ladder.

As equipment for receiving signals from detectors, receiving and control devices of the type "Signal20P" (for the residential part of the building) and "C20004" (for the premises of the 1st floor) were adopted.

Control is exercised by means of the C2000 remote controller, and events in a system are displayed on the block of indication "S2000BI". Signal-start units "C2000 SP1" are used to issue a command for control of smoke removal valves.

RS485 interface loops connecting devices of this system are executed

KPSVEV 2h2h0.5 cable. Address loops are made by 2x0.5 KSPV cable and are output

on KRTP10h2 boxes installed in floor SR. From boxes to control boxes

10x0.5 KSPV cable is laid for instruments.

Connection of light-sound boards is executed by a wire of ShVVP2h0.75.

For structural diagram of fire alarm refer to Sheet 2.

Power supply of the fire alarm system is carried out from the ~ 220 V network and

Skat2400R20 uninterruptible power supply units in an inhabited part of the building and "RIP12" in

a store and offices. Uninterruptible power supplies ensure system operation during

24 hours in standby mode and at least 3 hours in "Fire" mode.

Connection of the designed equipment to the ~ 220 V network is made in the EM package.

In an inhabited part of the building equipment ("Signal20P"", C2000"", S2000BI"", S2000-SP1"

"Skat2400P20") to be installed on the 1st floor in the cleaning equipment room. Indoors

store and offices location of equipment ("S20004," "S2000-SP1," "RIP12") to clarify

in place.

Drawings content

icon 2-Структурная схема.dwg

2-Структурная схема.dwg

icon 3-Cх.внеш.соед.Сигнал-20.dwg


icon 4-Cх.внеш.С2000-4(магазин).dwg


icon 5-Cх.внеш.С2000-4(офисы).dwg


icon 6-Первый этаж.Пл.пож.сигнал.dwg

6-Первый этаж.Пл.пож.сигнал.dwg

icon 7-Типовой этаж.Пл.пож.сигн.dwg

7-Типовой этаж.Пл.пож.сигн.dwg

icon 8-Подвал.Пл.пож.сигн.dwg


icon 9-Техн. этаж.Плпож.сигн.dwg

9-Техн. этаж.Плпож.сигн.dwg

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