Fire alarm at substation

- Added: 29.09.2012
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Additional information
Characteristics of the object.
The perimeter of the substation, the OMP room and the switchgear shall be protected.
The perimeter of the substation is surrounded by a 2.5-meter high reinforced concrete fence with barbed wire.
The walls of the buildings are made of metal sheets with insulation from glass wool.. The areas of the OMP and KRUN10kV premises are 54.61 and 42.8m2, respectively. The height of the premises is 2.87 meters.
- Ambient temperature:
a) indoors from + 15 ° С to + 35 ° С;
b) in the territory from 35 ° С to + 40 ° С;
Relative humidity up to 70% at 20C.
- rainfall in the form of rain, snow, etc.;
- power supply of all electrical equipment is carried out not lower than in I category of reliability from the auxiliary board of PS.
- for the routing of communication cables, power trays laid in the territory are used (the designed network of cable trays is used).
According to the operating conditions of the equipment, dust, smoke formations, vibration and aggressive media are absent.
Purpose of the system.
The engineering fire alarm system (OPS) is designed for round-the-clock monitoring of the operational fire protection situation both in buildings and on the territory of the Veles substation. The OPS system is both an integral part of the substation engineering system and a system that independently solves the tasks of monitoring the situation at the facility.
The OPS system is built on the principle of unity of physical obstruction by electronic detection means and is a complex that provides centralized protection of the perimeter of the substation and the premises located on its territory, together with fire alarms. The system provides 2 control lines:
1. Perimeter of substation territory;
2. OMP and KRUN10kV buildings.
Information on the operational situation is transmitted to the hardware and software complex for its display on AWS monitors involved in the substation automated monitoring and control system and transmitted via communication channels to the upper level of dispatching and control. The system provides the storage of events occurring in it with time specificity and is able to output information from the printer (if any) in the form of an event protocol.
The solution of the issue of developing specialized software for integrating the signals of the designed system into the existing software and hardware complex of the CPPS KOTMI, OIC KOTMINT CPD of the Tula electric networks and the functions of timely notification of operational personnel of the upper communication levels in the security and fire alarm system is presented in the volume "Automated process control system."
Equipment selection is made taking into account regulatory documents and operating conditions.
Composition and technical characteristics of the system.
The engineering system is based on the Orion integrated security system (ISO), consisting of:
• Automated workstation based on PC (AWS Orion, AWS NSO);
• "Signal20M" and "С 20004" instruments of control and control security and firefighters;
• Security and fire detectors.
Orion system software is developed by NVP "Bolid" and is intended for:
• collection, processing, transmission, graphic display and recording of notifications on the status of security, alarm and fire alarm loops;
• access control and control (control of blocking devices - gates, doors);
• reporting on the status and events of the hardware of the integrated system at the user-defined time interval;
• settings of device configuration parameters.
The system software is installed on an IBM compatible PC and runs the Windows 98/2000/XP operating system.
Minimum requirements for PCMs: Pentium III 600, 64Mb RAM, SVGA 16Mb, 500Mb free space on LCD. Equip the computer with a mouse and a sound card. Recommended display size is 19 to 21 inches.
Layout of OPS system equipment.
The security alarm system consists of two control and receiving devices connected to each other via the RS485 industrial data interface. One device ("Signal20M") is installed in OPU, the second device ("C20004") - indoors KRUN10kV. Also in the OMP room there is a PC, with the Orion program installed and constantly working on it.
The device "S20004" serves for round-the-clock control of the fire situation and protection of the KRU premises. The device is mounted on the wall of the switchgear room using the installation parts included in the delivery of the device. The UPS3 uninterruptible power supply "RIP12" (see sheet 11.2 of the set) is installed on the same wall under it, which serves to ensure uninterrupted power supply of the entire OPS system of the KRN10kV room according to NPB 882001. Signals about actuation of certain detectors are transmitted via RS-485 interface to the OMP room. Data transmission cable in rooms and on the street is laid in existing cable and ground reinforced concrete trays, respectively. The cable must be located at a distance of not less than 0.5m from the power and lighting circuits, it is allowed to lay only in trays with control and measuring circuits with a voltage of not more than 110V.
The Signal20M device is intended for the round-the-clock control of the room of OPU and perimeter. It is mounted on a wall in a mounted cabinet in conjunction with the interface converter "C2000Etheta" (see kit sheet 9). On the same wall under it uninterruptible power supplies UPS1 "RIP12" and UPS2 "RIP24" are installed (see sheet 3.2 of the set ).
All wires and cables laid in the room along the walls are laid in a decorative non-combustible PVC duct.
Perimeter control is performed by "DelfinMP," "SPEK-1115" devices and sensors of position of gate doors and DMPG 2100 wicket. The DelfinMP vibration detection cable consists of 2 separate devices installed at gate No. 1, each of which is connected to the Signal20M device. Food and signals from SPEK1115 sensors and DMPG 2100 is brought for each gate on the separate cable laid from boxes of connecting KC1 and KC2 (see sheets 6 and 7 of a set).
Cables going to instruments and sensors installed at the gate are laid along existing cable trays and in the ground in the newly laid pipe from the IPA (see sheets 8.1 and 8.2 of the set). Cables laid openly on construction structures shall be protected by means of RCSC grade metal armor.
Fire alarm system.
Sources of ignition at Vélez PS can be wiring and faulty electrical equipment. The fire alarm system consists of:
• AWS Orion;
• "Signal-20M" and "С 20004" instruments;
• Manual and automatic fire detectors;
• Light-and-sound fire alarm system.
The fire alarm system allows you to:
• timely detection of fire source in OMP and KRU premises;
• generate an alarm and send it to the upper control level (dispatcher);
• turn on the audible warning system (in case of fire);
• write the event to the system log by storing it in non-volatile memory.
This system is based on controllers "Signals 20M" (control of the OMP room) and "С 20004" (control of the switchgear room). These controllers are installed in guarded premises and perform the following functions:
• receiving notifications from automatic and manual passive, active fire sensors (powered by a loop), with normally closed or normally open internal contacts;
• control of sound and light annunciators (SW and SW);
• receiving commands and issuing notifications via RS485 interface to the computer with AWS Orion software installed;
• security or removal of individual SGs or a group of loops combined with one user password;
• dialing the PINcode, which is the user's password;
The OMP and KRU rooms are protected by AVRORADTN combined thermo-smoke fire detectors. 4 fire detectors are installed in each room. Reception of signal from firefighters from broadcasters is performed by means of control of current value in circuits of alarm loops.
Manual fire detectors IPR 5133 are installed on escape routes and at exits in accordance with Annex 13 of NPB 882001.
The design provides for installation of "Ton-1S-12" audible annunciators and "EXIT" annunciators installed inside the premises above the entrance doors (refer to sheets 3.1, 3.2 and 11.1, 11.2 of the set).
In case of fire, "Signal20M" and "С 20004" devices switch on the corresponding relay, which turns on the sound warning, and also transmits the signal about fire to AWS "Orion" with indication of the loop number, which detected the fire.
Fire alarm loops in protected rooms and along routes shall be laid separately from all power and lighting cables and wires. In case of parallel open laying, the distance between wires and cables of loops and connecting lines with power and lighting wires must be at least 0.5 m. If it is necessary to lay these wires and cables at a distance of less than 0.5 m from power and lighting wires, they must have protection against aiming. In the latter case, the loop screens are grounded. It is allowed to reduce the distance to 0.25 m from wires and cables of loops and connecting lines without protection from aiming to single lighting wires and control cables. Automatic fire alarm loops in the room and along the routes are laid by KSPVe 2x0.5 wire in the 20x10mm cable channel, wire launches to manual fire detectors, siren and "EXIT" annunciator are laid in the 20x10 mm cable channel, descents to the Signal 20M device - in the 40x25 box.
Two-wire line RS485 is laid by 2x2x0.75 MCES wire. Screens of highways of all devices are grounded only in one point at a signal source (C20004-Signal20M " It Is Grounded at the C20004 Device Indoors KRUN10kV, the Signal20M — C2000Ethernet Highway Is Grounded at the Device " by Signal20M highway). The loop of sound and light annunciators in rooms and along routes is laid by 2x0.75 CVP wire in PVC pipeline (refer to sheets 6 and 13 of the set) of 20x10mm cable-channel.
Power supply of devices is provided from uninterrupted power supply source RIP12 with one built-in storage battery. Uninterrupted power supplies RIP12 are designed for continuous 24-hour operation. When mains power is cut off, the batteries ensure serviceability of the specified electric receivers in standby mode for 24 hours and in "Alarm" mode for at least 3 hours.
To execute protective grounding connection of cases of the equipment to an internal contour of grounding by a flexible wire of PV3h6.
Security alarm system.
The security alarm system is designed for round-the-clock monitoring of the operational situation in buildings located on the territory of the Veles substation, for transmitting alarms to the upper level in order to quickly prevent unauthorized penetration of the intruder into the facility.
The system includes:
• computer-based workstation with Orion AWS software installed on it;
• Instruments "Signal-20M and" С 20004 ";
• Automatic security detectors;
The security alarm system allows you to:
• timely detection of penetration into OMP and KRUN10kV premises;
• generate an alarm and send it to the upper control level (dispatcher);
• write the event to the system log by storing it in non-volatile memory.
The security alarm system of buildings and premises is built according to the two-line protection principle: - the first line is the blocking of entrance doors in the rooms for opening by electromagnetic sensors; - the second line is the blocking of the room volume by combined detectors. Each room is equipped with an independent security alarm device. The system provides for security and removal of premises from it independently of each other. Control of the security system and removal from it is carried out by entering personal codes from the keyboard. Each group of users has its own unique identification number, which controls access rights to the system, removal and placement of loops for security. They are programmed at the stage of setup of the system, entered into the database by groups of visitors. Visual display of operational information about the situation at the substation enters the OMP building and is displayed on the computer monitor, as well as transmitted to the upper level of dispatching and control.
This system is based on Signal20M controllers (control of the room of OPU) and "With 20004" (control of the room KRUn10kV). These controllers are installed in guarded premises and perform the following functions:
• receipt of notifications from magneto-contact security and automatic combined Sokol4 detectors with normally closed internal contacts;
• receiving commands and issuing notifications via RS485 interface to the computer with "Orion" AWS software installed, located in the AR OMP room;
• security or removal of individual SGs or a group of loops combined with one user password;
• Dial the PINcode that is the user's password.
Rooms of OPU and KRUn10kV it is protected by the combined security announcers of "Sokol4" feeding from power supply 12B and magnetocontact security announcers of "IO10220 A2M" (see sheets 5 and 12 of a set). Reception of signal from security detectors is performed by means of current value control in circuits of alarm loops. In case of detection of penetration into the guarded room, "Signal20M" and "С 20004" instruments transmit the signal of penetration to AWS "Orion" with indication of the loop number, which detected the actuation.
Alarm loops in protected rooms and along routes shall be laid separately from all power cables, lighting cables and wires. In case of parallel open laying, the distance between wires and cables of alarm loops and connecting lines with power and lighting wires must be at least 0.5 m. If it is necessary to lay these wires and cables at a distance of less than 0.5 m from power and lighting wires, they must be protected from aiming. In the latter case, the loop screens are grounded. It is allowed to reduce the distance to 0.25 m from wires and cables of APS loops and connecting lines without protection from aiming to single lighting wires and control cables. Loops of the automatic security alarm system in the room and on routes are laid by wire KSPVE 4х0.5 ("Sokol4") and KSPVE 2х0.5 ("IO10220 A2M") in cable channel 20kh10mm, during descent of wires to devices reception and control - in a decorative box of PVC 40kh25mm (see sheets 3.2 and 11.2 of a set).
Two-wire line RS485 is laid by 2x2x0.75 MCES wire. Screens of highways of all devices are grounded only in one point - at a signal source (C20004-Signal20M " It Is Grounded at the C20004 Device Indoors KRUN10kV, the Signal20M — C2000Ethernet Highway Is Grounded at the Device " by Signal20M highway).
Power supply of devices is provided from uninterrupted power supply source RIP12 with one built-in storage battery. Uninterrupted power supplies RIP12 are designed for continuous 24-hour operation. When mains power is cut off, the batteries ensure serviceability of the specified electric receivers in standby mode for 24 hours and in "Alarm" mode for at least 3 hours.
To execute protective grounding connection of cases of the equipment to an internal contour of grounding by a flexible wire of PV3h6 .
9. Perimeter alarm system.
The system is designed for round-the-clock monitoring of the operational situation on the territory of the Veles substation, and for a quick decision by the upper-level dispatcher to develop measures to prevent unauthorized penetration of the intruder into the facility. The system is an integral part of the substation's engineering fire alarm system (see set sheet 2).
The system includes:
• computer-based workstation with Orion AWS software installed on it;
• Safety and fire control device Signal20M;
• "DelfinMP" vibration detection means (CO) ensuring that perimeter sections up to 250 m are taken under guard and removed from it independently of each other;
• multibeam infrared detectors: "SPEK1115" kit (2-beam barrier - blocking of gates and driveways)
• sensors of gate doors position and DMPG wicket 2-100
• uninterruptible power supply of RIP24 (isp. 02);
The perimeter security alarm system is built on the basis of the DelfinMP device according to the single-line protection principle. Protection against overrunning through the fence, which limits the territory of the AR, is carried out with the building of a highly reliable alarm line of the object perimeter protection for detection of violators overcoming the alarm fence in the following ways:
• Overloading, both using improvised means (stairs, etc.) and without them;
• destruction of the barrier canvas in order to overcome it;
2 DelfinMP devices participate in the perimeter control system, each of which controls its own zone: 1 zone - ORU-110kV, 2 zone - ORU 35 kV. Each device is mounted on a concrete barrier in a communication casing. The signals from each device via a separate cable are reduced to the CP3 box, where they are combined into one cable and transmitted to the OMP room to the Signal 20M device.
Protection of vehicle entry-exit sections and wickets from penetration through them is performed by means of control of position of gate flaps and wickets by magnetic contact sensors of DMPG 2100 and creation of IR barrier on the top of gate and wicket by "SPEK1115" device (refer to sheet 4 of set). Signals from sensors and power supply of devices are separated from U615AU2 switchgear boxes mounted on reinforced concrete fencing .
Cables going to the junction boxes and from them to the sensors and perimeter control devices are laid along the existing cable trays and in the ground in the newly laid pipe from the IPA (see sheets 8.1 and 8.2 of the set). Cables laid openly on construction structures shall be protected by means of RCSC grade metal armor.
Signal cables to the instruments are grounded on both sides (in the junction box and at the instrument).
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