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Field Disk Harrow Project

  • Added: 09.07.2014
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Field Disk Harrow Project

Project's Content

icon готовый Дисковый бороны.cdw
icon Диск.cdw
icon Курсовая.doc
icon Ось.cdw
icon В рамке.doc
icon Приднестровский государственный университет.doc
icon 0001.frf
icon 0001.tif
icon 0002.frf
icon 0002.tif
icon 0003.frf
icon 0003.tif
icon 0004.frf
icon 0004.tif
icon 0005.frf
icon 0005.tif
icon 0006.frf
icon 0006.tif
icon 0007.frf
icon 0007.tif
icon 0008.frf
icon 0008.tif
icon desktop.ini
icon FRBatch.opt
icon packet.ico
icon scanman.ini
icon _FRBatch.pac
icon Чертеж22.cdw
icon Шпулька.cdw

Additional information


1) Introduction

1) Purpose and overview of analogues of the designed machine

2) Structural diagram of the machine

3) Justification of the design machine selection

4) Agrotechnical and operational requirements,

applied to this machine

5) Calculation of process and design parameters of the machine

6) Process adjustments and operating rules of the machine

7) Machine Safety

8) Conclusions and proposals

10) List of literature used


Soil treatment refers to the mechanical effect on non-working organs of a machine and tools, in order to create the best conditions for the growth of a plant culture.

Soils are characterized by physical and mechanical and

technological properties, knowledge of which is necessary for selection of rational method of processing and corresponding tools.

The technological properties of soils together determine the working conditions of tillage machines and therefore affect them with operational parameters: grip width, working speed, productivity, processing depth, energy intensity, etc. This circumstance is taken into account when planning and rationing the operation of machine reactor units.

Tillage is an important link in the system of agricultural measures.

Its tasks include:

- creation of a deep loose full layer, in which the bulk of the roots of c/c plants is located, soil micro organisms develop, nutrients and moisture used by plants accumulate;

- maintaining the soil surface in a loose state, contributing to improved gas exchange of soil, penetration of precipitation into it, prevention of evaporation; -systemic control of weeds, by cutting their offspring and turning rhizomes to the surface;

- laying of plant residues and fertilizers;

- destruction of pests and pathogens of diseases of cultivated plants nesting in plant residues or in upper layers of soil;

- Fundamental improvements in podzolic and saltwater soils,

deep processing;

- preparation of soil for sowing and plant care

leveling and destruction

soil surfaces or creation of comb surface of soil, pupation of plants.

Purpose and overview of analogues of the designed machine

Disc harrows are light (field, garden and heavy). Light field harrows are used to treat goosebumps, after arable loosening of posterior strata, swallowing of stubble, refreshing of weakly posterior meadows. Garden harrows are designed to treat soils in inter-row gardens. Processing depth up to 10 cm. Heavy harrows are used to cut back strata after plowing virgin and fallow lands, discing swampy soils, cultivating meadows and pastures, sealing fertilizers and crop precipitation. Processing depth up to 20 cm.

The working element of the light disk harrow is a steel pointed spherical disk 0 450mm or 510mm. Traction disk harrows have cut-out discs 0 660mm, which are well buried in the soil and intensively crush plant residues.

Batteries are fixed on frame in two rows at angle to direction of motion. The front batteries work in decay, the rear in piles.

For improved soil crushing, rear battery disks are displaced relative to front battery disks. The angle alpha between the plane of rotation of the disk and the lines of movement of the gun is called the angle of attack. It can be changed from 0 "to 21. Traction force of two-track traction barons, which are 1 cm of grip width. P = 200 - 300 kg/m

Mounted double-tracked disk harrow BDH3 has 4 reels with variable number of disks. The width of the harrow grip is 2 or 3 m.

In the first case, there are nine disks installed on three batteries, and ten on the rear left. The additional disk loosens the raw strip formed between the extreme internal disks of the front batteries. In the second case, three batteries have to place the disks, and the fourth seven. The processing depth is controlled by changing the angle of attack of the disks (12 °, 15 °, 18, "21 °) and the weight of the ballast loaded into the boxes.

Trailed harrow BD10 consists of 4 sections, jreberez, self-aligning wheels and hydraulic system. Hinged connection of frames provides copying of soil relief. Sections of working tools can be installed with angles of attack 12% 15 °, 18 °, 21 Boron BD10 is aggregated with tractors T150k and K701.

Heavy harrows BDT7 and BDT10 with a grip width of 7 and Yum, are designed to cut the posterior formations after plowing. Plant residues are destroyed after culture, sunflower, etc.

OBD-7 consists of 3 sections: middle and two side hinged to middle. Middle section rests on 2 wheels. The hinged joint of the sections allows the furrow to copy the irregularities of the terrain.

BDT-10 is equipped with milled discs composed of 3 rows for intensive grinding of plant residues.

Angle of attack of disks 8... 24 °. processing depth up to 20 cm. It is aggregated with tractors T15O, T15Ok, K-701.

Substantiation of the design machine selection. Soil treatment reception, providing


and Hippopotamians of diseases in cultivated plants. And "the risk harrow is worse at wrapping the soil, not tillage ploughshares, and cutting weeds, but better at cutting their horizontally located rhizomes and ° TPRYSKI" ° Pin 12cm Processing depth 68cm, with additional loads up to 1012cm. Fox harrows are mainly used for

post-harvest harrow and clean vapour treatment

Torn by dust creeping, as well as for pre-processing

virgin and sandy lands.

Disk harrows well loosen soil ploughed without

They are used to spin stubble and fields

from perennial herbs.

Agrotechnical and operational requirements for this machine

Harrows are designed for leveling, loosening and destruction of the upper layer and reducing evaporation of moisture from the soil, destruction of weeds and seeding of seeds, fertilizers,

Light disc harrows treat the serpent, lush the Sternu, after plowing the posterior strata and freshen the weakly posterior meadows. Heavy harrows loosen highly backward strata after plowing the soil of shrubs with swamp plows, seal arable remains and fertilizers, treat meadows and pastures.

Harrows shall ensure destruction of soil crust and destruction of topsoil to a depth of not less than 34cm;

- align the field surface and destroy the bulk

soil lumps up to dimensions 1Zcm;

- create height of ridges and furrow not more than 34cm;

- do not damage cultivated plants when harrowing

seedlings (permissible damage not more than 51);

- to prevent flaws.

It is also necessary that the front and rear batteries are buried evenly, therefore changing the length of the built-in adjustable push-pull rod and repositioning the attachment axes on the boards.

During transportation, the angle of attack is reduced to zero and balastic boxes are unloaded. If the transport clearance is less than 300 mm, then the length of the upper tie-rod of the tractor is reduced.

During harrow operation, the cutting edge of the disks cuts off the strip of soil, lifts it along the inner surface of the disk. Then the soil from a non-rolled height falls and is shifted by the disks to the side, as a result of which the soil crumbles and partially mixes.

Process adjustments and operating rules of the machine

When preparing the machine for operation, the completeness and technical condition of the machine are checked. Broken discs are replaced, sharpened if necessary. When tuning, it is ensured that the wheels of the harrow with the raised frame and the disk section easily rotate from the level of the hand; when installing the harrow on a horizontal surface, so that the disks of all batteries touch the surface; the gap between the disk plane and the cleaner was 2... 4 mm.

During long-term transportation, for unloading the tractor hydraulic system, the fixing bolt is installed in the hole of cheeks welded on the front frame bar and intended for trailer attachment.

Depth of discs travel is controlled by changing angle of attack and weight of ballast loaded into boxes. During operation, discs are cleaned from adhered soil with particles.

Angle of attack (12,15,18 or 2G) is set by moving brackets along the bar and their discarding with pins. With an increase in the angle of attack, harrow working elements are buried in the soil more.

When adjusting the rams for a grip width of 2 m, seven disks are mounted on the rear left battery, and six on the rest, while the side bars are brought closer, shifting them along the transverse bars, and the batteries are fixed.

Conclusions and proposals

This course design was designed on the basis of these parameters and according to calculations, the desired dimensions of the disk harrow were obtained.

The form of drawing up this course project reveals the essence of the disk harrow, and its purpose in agricultural production, analogues of this project, the place and time of use in technology or other cases.

The above structural diagram of the machine shows the main parts and assembly units of the ramp.

The description of technological adjustments describes the setting of the harrow and the rule of operation during the season.

Safety precautions during operation with disk harrow and rules of its transportation are shown.

Drawings content

icon готовый Дисковый бороны.cdw

готовый Дисковый бороны.cdw

icon Диск.cdw


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