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Fartos filter



1.1 Purpose of the article.

Filter FARTOS Ts-500C (hereinafter referred to as filter) is designed to clean air from finely dispersed liquid aerosol particles, acid solutions except for HF and HCl, as well as organic liquids, and alkali solutions.

The filter can be used for cleaning gases from solid fine aerosol particles in the dry sludge accumulation mode.

The filter can be used to simultaneously capture solid and liquid fine aerosol particles.

The filter can be used in ventilation and recirculation systems of premises also during decontamination of premises and equipment or repair works related to the release of fogs of radioactive or toxic liquids.

1.2 Main characteristics of the filter:

1.2.1 Filter surface area, m2 4.2

1.2.2 Standard slip factor

oil fog (SMT),% not more than 0.1

1.2.3 Rated capacity, m3/h (m3/s) 500 (0.139)

1.2.4 Resistance to air flow at rated capacity:

- initial, Pa not more than 500

- in stationary self-cleaning mode, Pa not more than 3000

1.2.5 At operating capacity below nominal one, slip factor and air flow resistance decrease.

For example: when the filter is operating with a capacity of not more than 100 m3/h (0.028 m3/s) in the dry sediment accumulation mode, the slip coefficient according to SMT will be not more than 0.05%, and the initial resistance to air flow will not exceed 100 Pa.

1.2.6 Working medium - air containing solid and liquid fine, aerosol particles

1.2.7 Permissible mass concentration of aerosol particles in purified air:

- solid, mg/m3 not more than 0.5

- liquid, mg/m3 not more than 2000

1.2.8 Operating pressure in the filter housing:

- design (overpressure), MPa 0.25

- design vacuum, MPa 0.08

- hydraulic test pressure (excess) MPa 0.4

- vacuum test, MPa 0.088

1.2.9 Cleaned air temperature:

- minimum not less than 5 OS

- maximum no more than 100 OS

1.2.10 Relative humidity of cleaned air up to 100%

1.2.10 Overall dimensions:

- outer diameter of the shell, mm 558

- distance between axes of holes in supports, mm 670

- height, mm 1114

- distance from flange connector plane

to the axis of the outlet nozzle, mm 310

1.2.11 Filter weight, kg 156

1.3 Composition of the article (refer to Figure 1).

The filter is made in the form of a vertical cylindrical apparatus consisting of the following main elements:

- housing L.;

- L. cover;

- filter element L.;

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icon R29.KK.1 UKC.0.RO.TZN.WD001лист50 (Фильтр)-1.frw

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icon R29.KK.1 UKC.0.RO.TZN.WD001лист50 (Фильтр)-1.frw

R29.KK.1 UKC.0.RO.TZN.WD001лист50 (Фильтр)-1.frw