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Farm Master Plan

  • Added: 29.07.2014
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Course work on the design of a livestock farm - explanatory note (PP) for 30-35 sheets, Master plan (GP) of a livestock farm for 100 heads of milking herd, Schedule for loading equipment and equipment, Barn for 100 heads in section with the design of a feed and feeding line. All drawings in format A!, total drawings - 3.

Project's Content

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Additional information



2 Characteristics of the livestock farm

2.1 Requirements for the territory for the construction of a livestock enterprise

2.2 Location of buildings and structures on the territory of the livestock enterprise

2.3 Technological development of the plot plan of the livestock enterprise

3 Livestock production technology

3.1 Calculation of herd structure

3.2 Selection of the system and method of keeping animals

3.3 Justification and calculation of annual requirements

3.4 Selection and substantiation of processes used on the farm

3.5 Organization of labor on the designed farm

4 Mechanization of production processes

livestock production

4.1 Equipment loading schedule

5 Design development

6 Area calculation and space planning solutions

livestock enterprise

6.1 Calculation of production areas of livestock


6.2 Piling and planning solutions of livestock building

7 Calculation of energy and water consumption

7.1 Power Consumption Schedule

8 Calculation of the cost of livestock products

8.1 Compiling the Farm Production Program

8.2 Preparation of Job Instruction

9 Occupational safety




The main goal of course design for the mechanization and technology of livestock production is to systematize and consolidate the knowledge obtained during the study of this discipline at the university; the ability to apply the knowledge gained in studying other disciplines: organization of agricultural production, life safety, heat engineering, electrical equipment, agricultural machines, tractors and cars, etc., to establish the relationship between these disciplines.

The solutions proposed by the student should take into account modern economic conditions, which are characterized by the formation and development of market relations.

Bringing the capabilities of an agricultural enterprise into strict compliance with the requirements of the market environment are mandatory conditions for effective activity. Market research and market conditions are carried out through marketing research. Marketing research in the course project on the mechanization and technology of livestock production should be systematic and should be aimed primarily at studying the economic and technical state of the industry (sub-sector), during which rational technologies, mechanization and automation tools are chosen.

During the course design, mechanization of the main technological processes of the designed farm or complex should be provided with detailed study of one of the main technological lines: feed preparation and feed distribution, milking, haircut, primary treatment of milk, wool, fluff, etc., manure removal. When choosing technology, machines, equipment, the latest achievements of science and technology should be used. If the required machine or apparatus is not produced by mechanical engineering enterprises, the student has the right to offer his design development of this machine (apparatus).

The final stage of the course project is the determination of production costs and other indicators of the efficiency of livestock production, and it is necessary to assess its competitiveness in the food market. To do this, you need to compare the data obtained in the project with indicators similar to the average in the area or region.

2.1 Requirements for the territory for the construction of a livestock enterprise

Livestock enterprises build on lands unsuitable for crop production or agricultural land of worse quality near settlements, roads, energy sources and water supply.

The place for construction is chosen taking into account the approved layout of agricultural enterprises, the current regional planning project, as well as the development scheme of the settlement in which construction is planned.

The right choice of the construction territory depends on its cost, the necessary veterinary regime, improvement and the possibility of creating optimal conditions for organizing production processes.

When selecting a site for construction, the requirements for ensuring the protection of the air basin, water supply sources, reservoirs, soil, from pollution by production runoff and emissions are taken into account.

The territory of enterprises should be located relative to the residential area from the leeward side in the direction of prevailing winds at a distance of at least 200 m from the settlement for cattle, but in relation to the source of air pollution - with windward, for example, manure. If the settlement is located near the river, then the territory is taken downstream of the river in order to exclude pollution of the reservoir adjacent to the settlement, while between the enterprises and the reservoir there should be a built-up strip at least 40 m wide.

During the engineering and technical assessment of the territory, it is taken into account that the site dimensions should be sufficient to accommodate the entire complex of facilities of the enterprise and allow its development and expansion.

The site for development should be located on an elevated dry place, not flooded with meltwater and rainwater. The territory should not be crossed by a transit road, river, ravines.

Soil and sites should allow the construction of production buildings without the installation of expensive bases, and soils should be suitable for the growth of green spaces. The groundwater level should not be higher than 2 m. It is recommended that the terrain be flat, with small slopes (0.3-1%). In the territory or in the vicinity there should be a water supply source providing the need for water for drinking, industrial, economic and fire-fighting needs .

3.2. Selection of the system and method of keeping animals

The method of keeping animals on the complex has a great influence on the choice of technological processes and the choice of machines and equipment.

I accept a tethered stall-pasture method of keeping cattle. This method is characterized by the fact that in winter cows are in stalls on the strap, and in summer on pastures. It is used in farms with pastures at a distance of no more than 3 km from cattle yards.

The tying content requires the animal to be fully provided with everything necessary, at its place of residence, i.e. in the stall. To this end, the stall is equipped with a feeder, tether, autopilk, a system of mechanisms for distributing feed, manure harvesting and milking cows. In the building where animals are kept, ventilation, heating and lighting systems are provided.

3.4 Selection and substantiation of technological processes used on the farm

3.4.1 Preparation of feed for feeding

hay: loading from storage → transportation → unloading → grinding → mixing → feed processing

straw: loading from storage → transportation → unloading → grinding → steaming → mixing → feeding

silo: loading from storage → transportation → feed

senage: loading from storage → transportation → feed

root crops: loading from storage → transportation → unloading → washing and cutting → mixing → feeding

concentrates: loading from storage → transportation → unloading → steaming → mixing → feed

The feed is of plant origin. There are coarse fodders (straw, hay), juicy (silage, melons, root-club crops), green (tops), concentrated (grains, crushes, dry pulp, etc.). Waste from the dairy, meat and fish industries, meat and fish flour make up the group of animal feed. Mineral feed (chalk, salt, etc.), synthetic (carbamide, ammonia water), vitamin and feed, including trace elements (copper, iron, etc.), as well as antibiotics, supplement the feed base of livestock.

Zootechnical conditions determine the following sizes of fodder particles: cutting straw and hay for cows - 3... 4 cm. The cutting thickness of root-club crops for cows 1.5 cm. Crushes for cows are crushed to a size of 10... 15 mm. Crushed concentrated feed for cows shall have particle size 1.8... 4 mm, Particle size of hay (herbal) flour shall not exceed 1 mm

Fodder root roots contamination is allowed not more than 0.3%; for grain feed: 1% (sand), 0.004 (gorchak, sporynye) and 0.25% (doll, head, spit).

3.4.2 Milking

For milking I accept the milking plant UDA16A "Yolochka"

Preparatory and final operations in preparing cows for milking:

0.5 - 1 hours before milking cows must be raised, cleaned

prepare vacuum unit (check presence of oil in lubricants), check and adjust vacuum value if necessary,

check operation of pulsators and, if necessary, set the required number of pulsations,

milking of cows should be carried out at the same time, otherwise there will be a delay in milk recovery

before milking, 30... 60 s before putting milking glasses on the nipples, the udder is sanitized: it is washed with warm water, rubbed with a clean towel and slightly massaged. There is a "milk allowance." The first jets of milk are handed over manually to special dishes. This milk contains contaminants (bacterial plugs) formed in the nipple sphincter channel and is to be destroyed. Then teatcups are placed on the nipples in a certain sequence with the apparatus turned on. After stopping milk recovery, machine refilling is carried out, pulling the device behind the collector down and slightly forward and holding it in this position. 15, .20 s. After making sure that milking is completed, the device is disconnected and cups are removed from the nipples. After removing teat cups, it is recommended to lubricate the nipples with vaseline.

Before milking, the milking machines are washed hot (80... 90 ° C) water to eliminate accidental contamination and heat milking glasses (36... 38 ° C), which improves milk recovery, once a week milking machines must be washed in a disinfectant solution, regularly replace worn rubber parts.

Milking flow chart:

Installation start-up → washing of milking machines and a molokoprovoda before milking → training of cows for milking → turning on of the milking machine → setting of milking glasses on an udder → milking → shutdown of milking machines after dodoya → washing and disinfection of the milking machine

3.4.3 Primary Milk Treatment

Milk is a biological fluid, the secret of the mammalian breast of animals, which is a multiphase polydisperse mixture. It consists of a dispersion medium - plasma in which mineral salts and milk sugar are dissolved, a colloidal phase - proteins and part of salts and a finely dispersed phase - milk fat in the form of balls surrounded by a protein-polypoid shell. Milk contains on average: fat 3.8%, protein 3.3, water 87.5, milk sugar 17, minerals 0.7%. The milk also contains vitamins, hormones, enzymes, citric and lactic acids. Milk is a perishable product. In order to preserve its nutritional and technological value for as long a time as possible, primary shock treatment is carried out. Primary treatment includes: 1) purification to remove mechanical and partially bacterial impurities; 2) cooling to slow down the life of microorganisms causing milk spoiling and skipping; 3) pasteurization - heat treatment used to kill microorganisms in milk.

The quality of milk is evaluated by laboratory studies, the state standard for milk determines milk of the first grade, second grade and non-grade.

Primary Milk Processing Scheme:

cleaning → cooling and storage → tanker truck shipment

3.4.5 Manure disposal and disposal

I accept manure disposal and disposal technology:

collection → removal → storage → introduction of solid bedding manure into the soil

The technological process of manure harvesting from livestock premises, its removal to the places of treatment and storage with subsequent introduction into the soil as organic fertilizer:

delivery and distribution of bedding → cleaning of premises → transportation to places of unloading and temporary storage → manure treatment in order to prepare high-efficiency organic fertilizer → loading and transportation of manure in the field → application to the soil

I accept a mechanical method of removing manure. It involves the use of scraping manure conveyors (horizontal and inclined), designed to harvest manure from livestock premises while loading it into a vehicle. A horizontal conveyor can work in channels with an additional trough for the chain when the scrapers are located above the chain, and in channels without an additional trough when the scrapers are located under the chain. It consists of drive, closed chain circuit with scrapers, tensioning and turning devices. The inclined conveyor is designed to load manure into the vehicle and consists of a trough, a rotary device, a chain with scrapers, a drive and a support post.

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