External Power Supply Design - Drawings

- Added: 30.08.2014
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Additional information
General provisions
This project was developed on the basis of the contract for design work, technical assignment No........ branch of Lenenergo OJSC "PrES" and in accordance with the current regulatory documents.
The project solves the power supply of the land plot.
The project includes:
branching device from existing VL6 kV LPPb2002359 f. 63907 PS NO. 639;
installation of STP100/6/0.4kV complete column transformer substation with 100 kVA power oil transformer;
pendant of an airline of 0.4 kV (VLI0.4 of kV);
The necessary data for construction and installation works are given in the attached drawings and specifications.
Power supply diagram
Power supply - PS No. 639 (f. №63907).
The neutral mode of the 6 kV network is isolated neutral.
LV-side earthing system - TNC.
According to Table 5.1 of SP 311102003 reliability category of electric receivers power supply - III.
Point of connection of networks - at contacts of connection of 0.4 kV power lines of the applicant to the designed VLI0.4 kV from the designed STP on the end designed support installed at the boundary of the section.
The attached power of the 16 kVA object.
Organization of electricity metering
Technical accounting of the consumed electric power is provided on input of RU0.4 of kV of STP100/6/0.4 by electronic multipurpose three-phase Mercury 230 ART03 CLN 5 (7.5) counter A, 220/380B, C. t. 0,5S, transformer actuation programmed for accounting in two-tariff mode.
Current transformers T0.66 150/5A installed have accuracy class 0.5.
Commercial metering of the electricity consumed by the subscriber is provided in the subscriber's metering board. It is solved by the internal power supply project of the subscriber.
The test terminal box and current transformers in the power metering circuits shall be sealed or visually inspected to prevent unauthorized access to the power metering circuits. State verification seals must be not more than 12 months old.
VLZ-6 kV
The power supply of the installed STP100/6/0.4 is carried out by a branch from intermediate support No. 89 (type P103) of the existing VL6 kV LPPv20022359 f. 63907 PS NO. 639. The branch is carried out by a self-supporting insulated wire of PIP-3 3 (1x50) mm2 grade through the designed disconnector RLND.110/400U1. The designed STP100/6/0.4 is installed on the railway rack CB 1103.5 at a distance of 5 m from the existing support No. 89.
PIP-3 wire section is selected by long-term permissible current. The selected wire section was checked for heating by short circuit currents.
Vertical distance from VLZ6 kV wires to the ground surface and street carriageway shall be not less than 6 m.
According to the conditions of protection zones of electric grid facilities along VLZ6 kV, a protection zone should be provided in the form of part of the surface of the ground and airspace (to the height corresponding to the height of the supports), bounded by parallel vertical planes, spaced on both sides of the line from the extreme wires at their non-tilted position by 5 m (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 160 of 24.02.2009 "On the procedure for establishing protective zones of electric grid facilities and special conditions for the use of land plots located within the boundaries of such zones").
STP100/6/0.4 column transformer substation with TMGSU100/6/0.4 power oil transformer, U/Un0 winding connection diagram is accepted for installation.
STP has air inlets on the side of HV and LV.
Structurally, the STP is made on the reinforced concrete rack SV 1103, buried to a depth of 2.5 m. The substation equipment is mounted on the steel structures fixed on the rack:
over-voltage limiters of OPNRS, high-voltage fuses PKT10162020, which are connected with linear insulators VLZ6 kV and power transformer by PIP-3 wire;
power transformer TMGSU100/6/0.4 kVA;
low voltage switchgear cabinet of LPG.
The transformer is installed on metal structures at a height of 3.5 m from ground level.
The LPG cabinet is fixed on the brackets at a height of 1.0 m for ease of maintenance. A metal box is welded on the roof of the LPG cabinet for cable entry from a power transformer laid along the rack and fixed with clamps.
An integral part of STP is high-voltage disconnector RLD.110/400U1 with PRNZ10 drive, as well as with drives of main and grounding knives.
Power transformer is connected to VLZ6 kV according to dead end circuit through three-pole disconnector RLND.110/400 with grounding knives and fuses of PKT type, to 0.4 kV busbars through input chopper BP3235. On the 0.4 kV side, the outgoing lines are protected by circuit breakers.
STP has the following interlocks:
interlocking of drive of main knives of high-voltage disconnector and LPG input chopper. This interlock prevents disconnector disconnection when LV load is on. It is implemented by mechanical block locks of MBG type;
locking of main knives drive of disconnector with earthing knives drive, which prevents actuation of main knives when earthing knives are on and vice versa;
interlocking of LPG input circuit breaker and LPG protective panel, which does not allow opening of protective panel at actuated input circuit breaker and actuation of input circuit breaker at opened protective panel. It is carried out by a locking device installed inside the flyover control system cabinet on the side wall.
Access roads shall be provided to STP100/6/0.4 (item 4.2.74 of PUE).
According to fire safety rules, the distance from STP to buildings I, II, III of fire resistance is at least 3 m and 5 m to buildings IV and V of fire resistance (item 4.2.131 PUE).
Under the conditions of the protection zones of electric grid facilities, a protection zone of 5 m along the perimeter of the STP should be provided (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 160 of 24.02.2009 "On the procedure for establishing protection zones of electric grid facilities and special conditions for the use of land plots located within the boundaries of such zones").
In protected areas, it is prohibited to carry out any actions that may violate the safe operation of the TP, including its damage or destruction, and (or) lead to harm to the life, health of citizens and property of individuals or legal entities, as well as to environmental damage and fires, including:
throw foreign objects on wires and supports of overhead power transmission lines, as well as climb on supports of overhead power transmission lines;
To place any objects and objects (materials) within the limits of passages and entrances created in accordance with the requirements of regulatory and technical documents for access to electric grid facilities, as well as carry out any work and erect structures that may prevent access to electric grid facilities, without creating passages and entrances necessary for such access;
be located within the fenced area and rooms of switchgears and substations, open the substation doors, switch and connect in electrical networks (this requirement does not apply to workers engaged in the performance of works authorized in the prescribed manner), fire within the protection areas;
place landfills;
perform operations with impact mechanisms, discharge gravity weighing more than 5 tons, discharge and discharge of caustic and corrosive substances and fuel and lubricants (in protective areas of underground cable transmission lines);
Store or place any storage facilities, including lubricants;
To place sports grounds, garages and parking lots of all types of vehicles and mechanisms;
use (launch) any aircraft, including kites.
Within the protected areas, without a written decision on the coordination of network organizations, legal entities and individuals are prohibited from:
construction, overhaul, reconstruction or demolition of buildings and structures;
planting and cutting down trees and shrubs;
Transportation of vehicles and mechanisms with or without cargo from the road surface more than 4.5 meters (in protected areas of overhead power lines);
earthworks at a depth of more than 0.3 meters (on ploughed lands at a depth of more than 0.45 meters).
Construction and installation works
Organization and execution of works on installation of overhead lines and STP should be carried out in accordance with the current norms and regulations (PUE, SNiP 3.05.0685 "Electrical Devices," RD 15334.3-03.2852002 "Safety Rules for Construction of Power Transmission Lines and Electrical Installation Works").
Installation of pits for supports foundations should be performed in accordance with the rules for work performance set out in SNiP III876 and SNiP 3.02.0187. Pits for support posts should be developed, as a rule, by drilling machines.
Installation of supports is carried out in drilled pits with a diameter of 450 mm. Backfilling of pit sinuses shall be performed by soil removed during drilling, layer-by-layer compacted. In case of insufficient load-bearing capacity of soils it is necessary to veto sinuses.
Erection of VLF and VLF wires shall be performed in accordance with Job Instructions or Instructions.
The climatic conditions of the settlement through which the designed VLZ6 kV and VLI0.4 kV pass are as follows:
Ice area - II;
The standard thickness of the ice wall is 15 mm;
The area in the wind is II;
Standard wind speed - 29 m/s;
Wind pressure - 500 Pa;
Average annual duration of thunderstorms - 40-60 h/year
The maximum air temperature - +35os;
The minimum air temperature - - 40 wasps;
Average annual air temperature - +5os.
The force applied to the load-bearing zero core of the PIS shall not exceed 700 daN.
The VULTURE is recommended to make installation with respect for the technologies given in the existing technical and methodical documentation with use of special linear fittings, mechanisms, devices and the tool, at ambient temperature it is not lower than 20 wasps.
Insulators shall be inspected and rejected on the route prior to installation. Resistance of VLF porcelain insulators shall be checked before installation by 2500 V megohmmeter, at that insulation resistance of each suspended insulator shall be at least 300 MOhm.
The wires on the pin insulators should be fixed using coiled spring links with polymer coating. Wire rolling on the ground should, as a rule, be carried out using moving trolleys.
All steel support elements shall be galvanized.
Installation of the wire must be entrusted to specially trained teams of construction and installation or operational organizations.
It is forbidden to work without instruction at the workplace, which is obliged to conduct a master or foreman.
The value of the signals supplied during operation shall be explained to all persons associated with the work.
Personal protective equipment used in the process of electrical installation works shall comply with the requirements of GOST 12.4.01189 "Working protective equipment, general requirements and classification."
Protective safety measures
In accordance with the PUE, a protective grounding system is used to protect against electric shock.
Perform protective grounding, refer to Chapter 1.7 of PUE.
All non-energized conductive parts of the electrical equipment shall be reliably grounded.
According to PUE, the resistance of the grounding device must be no more than 4 ohms. After connection of STP power transformer neutral to the designed grounding device, check its resistance. In case the resistance exceeds the normalized value, add vertical electrodes.
The grounding device is made of horizontal (steel circle d = 16 mm) and vertical (steel circle d = 16 mm) electrodes with a length of 10 m. All connections of the circuit are made by welding according to GOST 526480.
A disconnector with a drive installed on support No. 89, as well as valves of this support, is connected to the grounding circuit of the STP. Perform grounding descents on the support with disconnector by circle d = 10 mm. The number of descents must be at least two. Support reinforcement is used as the second descent.
All metal parts of structures, apparatus and equipment which may be energized due to insulation failure shall be connected to the grounding outlets of the support by welding or IR clamps.
Crossarms and other steel elements of supports shall be electrically connected to the grounding conductor.
Over-voltage protection is provided by surge limiters of OPNRSU1 and OPNP type installed at the 6 kV input of the STP and at 0.4 kV outputs of the transformer.
On the railway supports of the designed VVI0.4 kV, the load-bearing zero wire should be connected to the grounding outlet of the reinforcement of reinforced concrete posts.
At supports No. 7, 8 perform repeated grounding, which provides resistance to current spreading not more than 30 ohms. The switchgears are made of horizontal (steel circle d = 16 mm) and vertical (steel circle d = 16 mm) electrodes 5 m long. d = 10 mm is used as an artificial grounding conductor on VLI supports.
Connection of grounding conductors to each other, their connection to the upper grounding outlets of reinforced concrete supports, to hooks and brackets, as well as to grounded metal structures and grounded electrical equipment installed on VLI supports, shall be performed by welding or bolt connections belonging to the second class as per GOST 1043482.
Fire fighting measures
Fire safety of electrical installations operation is provided by the following design solutions:
non-burnability of support structures;
selection of grade and section of wires, method of laying, which meet PUE requirements;
application of electrical equipment corresponding to environmental conditions and rated voltage;
selection of settings of protective devices providing their actuation in areas of short-circuit currents and overloads;
protective grounding of electrical installation.
Organization of operation
The boundary of balance ownership and operational responsibility between the consumer and the power supply organization is established at the contacts of connection of 0.4 kV power lines of the applicant to the mains VLI0.4 kV from the designed STP on the end designed support installed at the boundary of the section.
After electrical installation works VLZ6 kV, VLI0.4 kV and STP100/6/0.4 shall be transferred to the balance sheet branch of Lenenergo OJSC PrES. VLZ6 kV, VLI0.4 kV and STP100/6/0.4 are operated by Suburban networks of Lenenergo branch of PrES OJSC and are serviced by existing personnel.
The procedure for the organization of all works on dismantling and installation of equipment, supply and removal of voltage is determined by the Suburban Networks of the Lenenergo branch of PrES OJSC with the obligatory presence of their specialists.
The actions providing technically working order of electroinstallation have to correspond to Interindustry rules on labor protection (safety rules) at operation of the P M0162001 SWEAT electroinstallations.
Operation and maintenance of STP and VL shall be performed in accordance with RD 34.20.50195 and PUE.
At STP100/6/0.4, periodic monitoring (inspections, technical inspections) of the technical condition of the equipment should be organized, those responsible for the condition and safe operation of the equipment of the person should be determined, as well as personnel for technical and technological supervision should be appointed and their job responsibilities approved.
Technical examination shall be carried out within the time limits established by the current instructions, but not less than 1 times per 5 years. The results of the technical examination shall be entered in the technical data sheet of the power facility.
Operation of installations with emergency and hazardous defects detected during the control process, as well as with violations of the terms of technical inspection, is prohibited.
Measurement of insulation resistance, integrity of zero and protective conductors, as well as checking the operability of protective equipment should be carried out by specialists who have the right to carry out this activity.
Periodic inspections of equipment shall be carried out by persons responsible for their safe operation.
The frequency of inspections is established by the technical manager of the power facility. Inspection results shall be recorded in a special log.
Persons responsible for state and safe operation shall ensure compliance with technical conditions during operation of STP 100/6/0.4 equipment, its condition accounting, investigation and recording of failures in operation, maintenance of maintenance and repair documentation.
By order of the head, it is necessary to appoint a person responsible for the electrical industry of the organization (V group) and its deputy. The responsible person and his deputy are appointed from among the heads and specialists of the Consumer. In submission responsible for electrical facilities the operational repair personnel with IV and III group on electrical safety according to requirements P M0162001 SWEAT have to enter.
Separate types of works at height have to carry out not less than two workers having the groups established by the Rules PM0162001 SWEAT for performance of these works.
During operation of overhead power transmission lines, maintenance and repair must be carried out to ensure their reliable operation.
During maintenance works shall be performed to protect the VL elements from premature wear by repairing damages and faults detected during inspections, checks and measurements.
The list of works to be performed on the VL during maintenance, repair and re-equipment is given in standard operating instructions of the VL.
During VL operation, the rules for protection of electrical networks must be strictly observed and their implementation monitored.
During VL operation, periodic and extraordinary inspections shall be organized. The schedule of periodic inspections should be approved by the technical head of the organization operating the electrical networks. The frequency of VL inspections along the entire length should be at least 1 time per year.
Faults detected during VL inspection and performance of checks and measurements; shall be noted in the operational documentation and, depending on their nature, eliminated as soon as possible or during maintenance or overhaul of the VL.


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