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Exchange rate project generator VAZ 2105


Organization of the process of maintenance and repair of generators of cars of the VAZ-2105 family at STO

Project's Content

icon Spetsifikatsia_Gen.cdw
icon STO Zhukov.cdw
icon Tekh_karta (1).cdw
icon Generator 2105.cdw
icon kursovoy_proekt Zhukov.docx

Additional information


Introduction of pages

1 General part

1.1 Organizational structure of the enterprise

1.2 Device and Principle of Operation

1.3 Main failures of the generator, their causes

2 Process Part

2.1 Maintenance Process

2.2 Repair Process

2.3 Development of Job Instruction for Generator Maintenance and Repair

2.4 Calculation of the annual production program of technical repair and current repair

2.5 Calculation of annual scope of process maintenance and maintenance

2.6 Calculation of the annual scope of work of the aggregate section

2.7 Calculation of the number of production workers of the aggregate section

3 Organizational part

3.1 Selection of process equipment

3.2 Calculation of production area of the site

4 Electrical Safety Precautions

4.1. General occupational safety issues in enterprises

4.2. Mechanical Safety Precautions

4.3 Fire Safety

4.4 Electrical safety

4.5 Production sanitation

5 Conclusion

6 Sources used



In modern cars, electric energy is used to ignite the working mixture in cylinders, start the engine with a starter, illuminate the road, sound and light signals, internal lighting of the car and power various electrical devices. The current source for all electric current consumers on cars is a generator and a battery connected in parallel. The generator converts mechanical energy into electric energy, and the battery into chemical energy into electric energy. The generator is used to supply electric appliances with current when the engine is operating at medium and high speeds, as well as to recharge the battery of batteries. It is the main source of current in the power supply system of the car. Modern cars use current sources and consumers with a nominal voltage of 12 or 24 V. On cars - 12V. The action of electric generators is based on the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction. Each time the current conductor crosses magnetic power lines or vice versa, when the magnetic power lines cross the conductor, an electric voltage is excited in it, the magnitude of which is higher, the greater the intersection speed and density of the magnetic flux. If you close this conductor, a current will appear in the circuit. According to the principle of operation and device, generators are DC and AC. Currently, alternators are used, because the power and service life of such generators are higher, they have a lower mass at the same power, copper consumption is 22.5 times less. The possibility of increasing the gear ratio from engine to generator to 2.53.0. In this case, at idling speed, the generator engine gives up to 2550% of its power, which improves the charging condition of the battery, and therefore its service life. With the development of the automotive industry, car factories constantly improve the design of cars. The generators used in them are also being improved. The use of semiconductors and microcircuits made it possible to increase the reliability, quality of work of generators, and simplify their maintenance.

Process of maintenance of VAZ generator 2105

During OM it is necessary to visually check the external condition of the generator, wires, terminals, drive belt. In case of significant deposits of dust, dirt, remove them with a brush or rags. If TO-1, perform the scope of work as per OM. Clean generator unit, wires and contacts from dust and dirt, check generator attachment and drive belt tension. Belt is tensioned by turning generator around lower supports of its attachment. Adjustment is considered correct if from the force of 30... 40N applied between the pulleys, the deflection of the belt is 8... 14mm. Through the oxidized places, first grind with glass skin. If damaged protective caps of contacts, wires with broken insulation are detected, replace. Check generator operation in different engine operation modes by test instruments. At THAT 2 It is necessary to check operation of the generator together with the relay - the regulator on the running engine by means of figurative E214 devices, K484. Check of the generator is carried out usually at average frequencies of rotation of the engine, With inclusion of headlights and other consumers of current. Generator is blown with air, parts of generator attachment and nut of its pulley attachment are tightened, frequency of wire tips and their attachment to voltage regulator terminals is checked. At STR, controlled voltage is checked. For this purpose DC voltmeter of accuracy class not lower than 1.5 is connected between terminals of "+" and "-" generator. Check is performed with the batteries on. When the engine crankshaft is at an average speed and the headlights are ON, which loads the generator. Voltmeter readings shall be 14.0, .14.6V at VAZ generator 2105.

2.2 Process of repair of VAZ generator 2105

Defects of generators: violation of contact of brushes with contact rings as a result of wear or hanging of brushes, breakage or loosening of brush springs; closure to mass of insulated leads of stator or rotor windings; breakage or interturning of stator or rotor windings; breakage or breakdown of diodes at generators with built-in rectifiers, wear of contact rings surface, cracks or chips of brush holder.

Premature failure of the bearings occurs due to the lack of lubrication or at significantly higher tension of the drive belt. In places where ball bearings are installed, wear occurs: on the surface of the armature shaft as a result of turning its cages when the bearings are destroyed, in the holes of the covers for bearing fit. Damage to the insulating gaskets of the brush holders and loss of elasticity of their springs occur due to local heating due to the formation of conductive bridges during contamination. As a result of the lack of rigidity of the generator installation on the engine, fragments of the cover antennae and cracks in the bridges between the ventilation holes can occur. The covers are characterized by defects, connection with wear of holes in the lugs for attachment bolts and tearing of threads in the lugs for attachment bolt of the tension bracket. The main electrical defects are: turn-to-turn winding closure and mass closure; breaks of output tips and in connections of windings. The excitation windings are checked with a Model 533 instrument.


During the development of this course project, issues on the organization of maintenance and repair of the steering of the VAZ2114 car were considered. To do this, they selected the necessary standards, selected and justified the initial data: ECU, fleet composition, operating mode and other data, the selection of which affected the results of all our calculations. Then we determined the periodicity and labor intensity of all services, the number of required production workers.

Drawings content

icon Spetsifikatsia_Gen.cdw


icon STO Zhukov.cdw

STO Zhukov.cdw

icon Tekh_karta (1).cdw

Tekh_karta (1).cdw

icon Generator 2105.cdw

Generator 2105.cdw

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