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Ethylene Glycol Production Technology by Ethylene Oxide Hydration

  • Added: 17.08.2021
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Primary Oil Refining

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Source Data

Overview of Industrial Ethylene Glycol Production Options

Raw materials used in production

3.1Ethylene Oxide

3.2 Water

4.Production flow chart

5. Chemical processes and reactions

6. Production products

6.1 Ethylene glycol

6.2 Diethylene glycol

7. Composition of material balance of production

8. Calculation of main technical indicators

8.1 Determination of column diameter

8.2 Column Height Determination

9. Design Part

9.1 Material Selection

9.2 Calculation of cylindrical part

9.3 Calculation of elliptical bottom and cover for strength

9.4 Calculation of flange connection

9.5 Calculation of strength of holes reinforcement

9.6 Calculation of apparatus supports

10. Plant Safety

11. Environmental safety of the process

12. Economic part


List of sources used


Any industrial production can be presented as the technological scheme, i.e. set of the devices, machines and other devices and also the material, power and other flows between them functioning as a unit and intended for processing of initial substances (raw materials) in products.

Raw materials, intermediate products and secondary raw materials are the starting materials for industrial products. The preparation of the raw material includes its preliminary treatment, then the prepared raw material undergoes a number of transformations, as a result of which the necessary production product is formed.

The purpose of this work is to consider the technology for the production of ethylene glycol by hydration of ethylene oxide. To this end, the following tasks were formulated:

describe the ethylene glycol synthesis scheme;

Consider raw materials used in production, intermediates and by-products;

to draw up a material balance of the production under study;

calculate the main technical indicators of production (consumption factors, conversion degree, product yield by raw materials).


The water is a colorless clear liquid. The heat capacity of the water is 4.18 J/( g· ° C).

The boiling point of water is 100 ° C, freezing 0 ° C. Water is a very reactive substance. Water is used in almost all industries.

Ethylene oxide is mixed with water in all respects.

The solution of ethylene oxide at room temperature is very stable. The mixture of water vapors and ethylene oxide is stable at a temperature of about 200 ° C.

The continuous process of hydrating ethylene oxide can be carried out using an ion exchange resin suspended in the liquid reaction mass. Reaction with water can also be carried out by bubbling ethylene oxide into a suspension of ion-exchange resin [6].


In this work, the preparation of ethylene glycol from ethylene oxide has been considered, the process schemes and raw materials used in the production of the multi-stage synthesis of ethylene glycol are described; by-products are considered.

The preparation of ethylene glycol by hydration of ethylene oxide is most suitable, since, starting from dichloroethane or from ethylene chlorohydrin, it is necessary to separate the resulting product from the accompanying salt; only in the hydration of ethylene oxide, an aqueous solution of glycol without an impurity of salts and often directly usable is obtained.

In addition, the material balance of the studied production was compiled and the main technical indicators of production efficiency (consumption factors, conversion degree, product yield by raw materials) were calculated.

Process and design calculations were made.

The issues of occupational safety and environmental safety of rectification unit are considered.

Drawings content

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icon 8 черт.cdw

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