ESN and EO Mechanical workshop of mass production

- Added: 08.09.2015
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1. Characteristics of power generation and consumers 2. Characteristics of the facility
2. Calculation of electrical loads
Workshop Electrical Load Calculation Table
3. Selection of compensating device
4. Calculation and selection of transformers
5.Selection of protection devices and 0.4kV wire
Site Power Grid Calculation Table
6.Select 10kV supply cable
7. Calculation of short-circuit currents and check of supply cable for thermal stability
8. Selection of equipment on the 0.4kV side
10. List of used literature
Project's Content
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Additional information
1. Characteristics of power generation and consumers
2. Characteristics of the object
2. Calculation of electrical loads
Workshop Electrical Load Calculation Table
3. Selection of compensating device
4. Calculation and selection of transformers
5.Selection of protection devices and 0.4kV wire
Site Power Grid Calculation Table
6.Select 10kV supply cable
7. Calculation of short-circuit currents and check of supply cable on
thermal stability
8. Selection of equipment on the 0.4kV side
10. List of used literature
For the course project MDC 02.01 Internal power supply
Task Theme:
ESN and EO of the mechanical workshop of mass production
1. Initial data
The course project was completed in the following volume:
1. Equipment layout plan with load indication
2. Assigned power factor cos ᵩ=0,92
3. The workshop is powered by a cable line with a length of 1.2 km
4. K.Z. power at the point of connection to the system 85 mVA tpr. = 0.7
5. Grunt together structures - clay.
2. Calculation part of the project
1. Calculation of electrical loads.
2. Selection of compensating devices.
3. Transformer selection.
4. Calculation of selection of circuit breakers and conductors by 0.4kV.
5.Select cable for 10kV.
6. Calculation of short circuit currents and cable check for thermal stability.
7. Selection of protection devices on the low voltage side of 0.4kV.
3. Graphic part
Sheet 1 Power Equipment and Power Network Plan.
Sheet 2 One-line schematic diagram of power supply.
Electricity is an industry engaged in the production of electricity at power plants and its transfer to consumers. Energy is the basis for the development of production forces in any state, ensures the uninterrupted operation of industry, agriculture, transport, utilities.
The increase in the level of electrification of production and efficiency of energy use is based on the further development of the energy base, a continuous increase in electric energy.
Currently, with the presence of powerful power plants combined into electric systems that have high power supply reliability, the construction of power plants continues at many industrial enterprises. The need for their construction is due to the great distance from energy systems, the need for thermal energy for production needs and heating, the need for backup power for essential consumers.
Currently, methods for calculating and designing workshop networks, choosing the capacity of workshop transformers, methods for determining workshop loads, etc. have been developed. In this regard, the issues of training highly qualified personnel who can successfully solve the issues of designing electricity supply and practical tasks are of great importance.
The purpose of course design is to systematize and consolidate the obtained theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the field of power supply of the industry, formations of skills to apply theoretical knowledge in solving the issues raised, to consolidate the skills of using reference, regulatory and legal documentation, to develop creative initiative, independence, responsibility and organization, and to prepare for the final state certification.
Characteristics of power generation and consumers
The Mechanical Mass Production Shop (MTSSP) is designed for mass production of products for the heavy engineering plant.
It is an auxiliary link in the industrial production chain of the plant.
The workshop has a machine department, production, auxiliary, household and office premises. ESN is carried out from 6 and 10 kV GPP located in the plant at a distance of 1.2 km from the workshop. From the power system to the GPP - 12 km.
Shop consumers belong to category 1, 2 and 3 of reliability of power supply. Number of working shifts-2. Soil in the area of the workshop - clay at a temperature of + 10С.
The workshop building frame is mounted of blocks - sections, 4 m long each.
Sizes of the AHVHN shop of =48х32х8 m.
All auxiliary rooms are two-story, 3.5 m high.
Power consumption capacity (Rep) is specified for one electric receiver .
The location of the main EE shop is shown in the drawing.
1.2 Characteristics of the object
The Mechanical Mass Production Shop (MTSSP) is designed for mass production of products for the heavy engineering plant. It comprises milling compartment, sharpening compartment, and ventilation compartment. In addition, there are auxiliary, household and office facilities.
The main EP of the workshop are mass-produced machines, a crane and fans, with a capacity of 1.5 to 63.8 kW. The total rated power for the facility is 214.8 kW. Shop consumers belong to category 1, 2 and 3 of ESN reliability.
The internal power supply circuit is radial. In the workshop, the following are used as power stations: SCRN equipped with VA8832, VA88-35 automatic machines
"TP receives food on an AAShv brand cable, with a section of 3х50 mm2, laid in a trench at a depth of 0.7 m 1.2 km long from factory GRP.
Back-up power is provided on the 0.4kV side. "
The workshop is located in the IV climatic zone. Clay soil.
1.3 Selection and justification of 0.4 kV circuit
Radial diagram is adopted for this workshop. According to the radial scheme, energy from a separate power supply unit (RP) is supplied to one sufficiently powerful consumer or group of electric receivers.
Radial diagrams are used for concentrated loads of high power, in case of non-uniform placement of receivers in the workshop or in groups in its individual sections, as well as for power supply of receivers in explosive, fire hazardous and dusty rooms.
Radial diagrams are made with cables or wires in pipes, trays or ducts.
Advantages: high reliability (an accident on one line does not affect the operation of receivers powered by another line) and convenience of automation. Improving the reliability of radial circuits is achieved by connecting the buses of individual RP with protection jumpers, on the switching devices of which the ALT circuit can be performed - automatic input of backup power.
Disadvantage: high cost, limited flexibility of the network when moving process mechanisms associated with process change.
Selection of protection devices and conductors
Wires and cables selected by nominal or maximum current in normal mode may experience loads significantly exceeding the permissible ones due to overloads of electric receivers, as well as at single-phase and interphase short circuits (cl.). In connection with the above, both electric receivers and sections of the network should be protected by protective devices: fuses, circuit breakers.
According to PUE, the section of the conductor selected for heating is checked according to the conditions of compliance with the selected protection device.

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