Calculation of ESN and EO of mechanical repair shop
- Added: 13.10.2015
- Size: 588 KB
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Course project in the discipline "Intra-plant power supply" Topic: Calculation of ESN and EO of the repair and mechanical workshop
Project's Content
Схема РМЦ.bak
Схема РМЦ.dwg
Схема РМЦ2007.dwg
Additional information
Terms of Reference
Automated Workshop Analysis
Definition of design loads
Select Distribution Network
Reactive power compensation
Selection of number and power of power transformers
Calculation of conductors section
Calculation of short-circuit currents
Selection of switching, protection and shield equipment
Bibliographic list
The first place in terms of the amount of electricity consumed belongs to industry, which accounts for more than 60% of the energy generated in the country. With the help of electric energy, millions of machines and mechanisms are driven, rooms are illuminated, process processes are automatically controlled, etc. There are technologies where electricity is the only energy source.
Due to the acceleration of scientific and technological progress, energy consumption in industry increased significantly due to the creation of flexible automated industries.
The energy program provides for the creation of powerful territorial production complexes (TPK) in those regions where large reserves of mineral and water resources are concentrated. Such a complex is mined, processed, transported energy resources using various electrical installations for the production, transfer and distribution of electric and thermal energy.
The energy program of Russia provides for the further development of energy-saving policy. Energy resources should be saved by switching to energy-saving production technologies; improvement of energy equipment; reconstruction of obsolete equipment; Reducing all energy losses and increasing the use of secondary resources; improving the structure of production, transformation and use of energy resources.
Modern energy is characterized by an increasing centralization of electricity production and distribution. Energy systems form several large energy associations.
The integration of regional ECO into a more powerful system formed a single energy system (UES) of the Russian Federation. The EEC made it possible to reduce the necessary generator power compared to isolated power plants and carry out more rapid control over the flow of energy capacities from the East, where about 80% of fuel and hydraulic resources are located, to the West of the country, since 80% of all energy consumers are located in the European part of the country. For electrical communication between ECO, ultra-long transmission lines with a voltage of 330 are used; 500; 750 and 1150 kV and above.
The energy policy of the Russian Federation provides for the further development of an energy-saving program. Energy resources should be saved by: switching to energy-saving production technologies; improvement of power equipment, reconstruction of obsolete equipment; reducing all types of energy losses and increasing the use of secondary
energy resources. Replacement of organic fuels with other energy sources, primarily nuclear and hydraulic energy, is also envisaged.
In the near future, energy is faced with the task of fully developing and using renewable energy sources: solar, geothermal, wind, tidal, etc. Development of combined generation of electricity and heat for district heating of industrial cities.
Схема РМЦ.dwg
Схема РМЦ2007.dwg
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