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Entrances to the territory of the museum-panorama Stalingrad battle. Volgograd, st. Chuikova, 47


MCUD of entrance to the territory of the panorama museum

Project's Content

icon ПЗ СКУД.doc
icon СПЦ СКУД.doc

Additional information


Grounds for Project Development

Project Development Requirements

Automatic access control and control system

Purpose of the system

Technical decisions made in the project

Equipment placement and cabling

Power supply


1 Grounds for project development.

The design of the automatic access control and control system is based on:

a) contract.;

b) design tasks;

c) construction drawings and in accordance with the following regulatory and technical documents:

• Construction Norms and Regulations 110195 "The instruction about structure, an order of development, coordination, a statement and structure of the project documentation on construction of the enterprises, buildings and constructions".

• PUE 1985g. "Electrical Installation Device Rules."

• SNiP 3.05.0685 "Electrical devices."

• Other regulatory documents.

2 Requirements for project development.

The N1 barrier is installed at the entrance to the territory of the Battle of Stalingrad panorama museum from the intersection of 13th Guards Street and Chuikov Street.

The N2 barrier is installed at the entrance to the territory of the Battle of Stalingrad panorama museum from the intersection of Naumov Street and Chuikov Street.

Stationary buttons installed at N1, N2 security post and MPC are provided for control of barriers.

3 Automatic access control and control system.

3.1 Purpose of the system.

The access control and control system (barrier) is designed to manage entrances, driveways, and paths. To prevent unauthorized passage to the protected area.

3.2 Technical solutions adopted in the project.

Taking into account the technical characteristics of existing barriers and the features of controlled entrances, the project used the following equipment:

"GARD 6000" - a barrier, designed to control and manage entrances to the protected area;

Entrances to the territory of the Battle of Stalingrad panorama museum are equipped with two GARD 6000 barriers.

All MCDS equipment has a certificate of conformity according to GOST R line.

Stationary z-position button panels are used as control of barriers for premises, they are installed according to diagrams (refer to Sheet 2, 3).

4 Arrangement of equipment and laying of cable products

All MCDS equipment is located as per diagrams (refer to Sheet 2.). Lay the cable products as per PUE (refer to Sheet 1.).

5 Power supply

To carry out power supply of control units of barriers of "GARD 6000 N1" and "GARD 6000 N2" from SO OShchV6 A3161 15A N1 and OS OShchV6 A3161 15A N2 respectively according to schemes (see Sheet 2).

Power supply of all consuming devices (safety systems, photocells, etc.) from the barrier control unit.

Back-up power (24V) of current-consuming devices should be provided from the battery, which will ensure their power supply in standby mode.

MCDS equipment shall be grounded with copper wire of 1.5 sq. mm section by connection to the internal grounding circuit of the building.

6 Ecology.

The work on the equipment of the MCDS of entrances to the territory of the Battle of Stalingrad panorama museum refers to environmentally friendly production. All equipment and materials used are environmentally friendly.

Drawings content



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