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  • icon Waiting For Moderation: 2

Elevator 320 kg


archive of the course project. passenger elevator, 320 kg, side counterweight, winch drawing, specifications and rps

Project's Content

icon Chertezh.cdw
icon lebedka_Q320.cdw
icon spek1.spw.bak
icon spek2.spw.bak
icon исх данные.docx
icon Лифт пассажирский грузоподъемностью 320кг, и скоростью движения кабины 1 мс Сборочный чертеж _ КП.ЛиП-17.806.00.00.00 СБ.cdw
icon РПЗ_Гавриленко.docx

Additional information



1. Static calculation

1.1 Calculation and justification of traction ropes selection

1.2 Calculation of weight of movable parts of elevator

1.3 Calculation of resistance to movement of cargo, cabin, counterweight

1.4 Calculation of tension of ropes, cantilever, circumferential load of HPC and ratio of static value of tension of ropes

1.5 Design justification and selection of elevator winch main units

1.5.1 Calculation of drive power and engine selection

1.5.2 Calculation of gear box parameters

1.5.3 Calculation of parameters and selection of block brake

1.5.4 Development of layout of elevator equipment in the shaft plan

2. Dynamic calculation

2.1 Calculation of approximate value of moment of inertia of elevator winch

2.2 Design value of the moment of inertia of the handwheel

2.3 Calculation of geometric parameters of the wheel

2.4 Weight of translational moving parts of elevator brought to HVSh rim

2.5 Moments of inertia of translational moving masses at start-up

2.6 Moments of inertia of the drive system at start-up

2.7 Moments of inertia of translational moving masses during braking

2.8 Moments of inertia of the drive system during braking

2.9 Design accelerations of the cockpit in transient modes

2.10 Calculation of cabin stop accuracy

3. Design justification of HVB rim groove parameters

3.1 Minimum value of traction coefficient of HVB

3.2 Design value of traction coefficient of HVB

3.3 Reduced value of friction coefficient between the rope and HVB rim

3.4 Geometry of HVB groove profile

3.5 Contact pressure between rope and HPC groove


List of literature



Currently, elevator equipment has become an integral functional part of residential and public buildings of medium and high rise. The efficiency of buildings depends to a large extent on the quality of the elevator service, determined by the technical characteristics and layout of the elevators. In some cases, when designing complex structures with intensive passenger traffic, the need to solve transport problems makes significant adjustments to the architectonics of the structures. Architectural and construction-technological tasks are organically connected with rational arrangement of elevators and design justification of their technical parameters. Of great importance are the issues of automatic control of a group of elevators in order to optimize their operation and improve the quality of elevator service. Successful solution of these problems requires a systematic approach and creative interaction of specialists of various profiles.

The mechanical engineer of the elevator specialization should be well oriented in the placement and binding of the elevator equipment structure to the construction part of the building; successfully solve the problems of selecting parameters of the technical characteristics of elevators taking into account the purpose and architectural characteristics of the building or structure, working in close cooperation with specialists of the construction profile. To a large extent, regardless of the builders, specific issues of designing the elevator equipment itself and calculating the justification of the parameters of functional units and parts that ensure the reliable and safe operation of elevators are solved.

During the design of elevator equipment, three stages of work can be distinguished:

Calculation of vertical transport - includes substantiation of the parameters and number of elevators taking into account the characteristics of passenger traffic and the purpose of the building;

Traction calculation - includes justification of elevator kinematic scheme, selection of traction ropes and determination of weight of movable elements, design justification of parameters of main units and characteristics of elevator lifting mechanism;

Strength calculations and calculations of elevator auxiliary mechanisms ensuring reliable and safe operation of elevator equipment.


In this course design, a passenger elevator with a lifting capacity of 320 kg and a driving speed of 1 m/s was designed.

Design can be divided into several stages:

Selection and justification of elevator equipment parameters;

Elevator equipment layout;

Static calculation. As a result of static calculation, weights of movable elements, parameters of cable-driving element, engine, reduction gear box, coupling and brake are determined;

Dynamic calculation. As a result of dynamic calculation, we determine the design accelerations of the cabin, the dynamic ratio of tension of the ropes and stop accuracy;

Substantiation of HVB rim groove parameters.

Drawings content

icon Chertezh.cdw

icon lebedka_Q320.cdw


icon Лифт пассажирский грузоподъемностью 320кг, и скоростью движения кабины 1 мс Сборочный чертеж _ КП.ЛиП-17.806.00.00.00 СБ.cdw

Лифт пассажирский  грузоподъемностью 320кг, и скоростью  движения кабины 1 мс Сборочный чертеж _ КП.ЛиП-17.806.00.00.00 СБ.cdw
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