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Electrification of the Instrument-Making Plant

  • Added: 18.12.2024
  • Size: 936 KB
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Currently, it is hard to imagine the life and activities of a modern person without electricity. It has long been firmly integrated into all sectors of the national economy and the daily lives of people. The power supply of the Russian Federation is a fundamental sector of the economy, fully providing electricity for both the internal needs of the national economy and the population, as well as for export to CIS countries and distant foreign countries. The main consumers of electrical energy are various industries, transportation, agriculture, and municipal services of cities and towns. More than 70% of electricity consumption is accounted for by production facilities. Electrical energy in industry is used to power various mechanisms and directly in technological processes. To ensure the supply of electricity in the necessary quantity and of the appropriate quality from power systems to industrial facilities, installations, and mechanisms, there are power supply systems of enterprises consisting of networks with voltage up to 1 kV and above, transformer substations, converting substations, and distribution substations. The study of such a discipline as power supply is very relevant today, as the degree of its development reflects the level of growth of the productive forces of society and the possibilities of scientific and technological progress.

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