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Electrification of the dairy shop




The quality of milk largely depends on the conditions of primary processing and processing. For long-term storage of this perishable product, it must be processed.


Milk processing involves a number of operations aimed at changing the initial properties and qualities of milk and allows you to get drinking milk, cream, cottage cheese, butter, cottage cheese, etc.


One of the most important issues of technology is milk processing and cooling.


There are many ways to cool milk on farms. Almost all methods are based on the fact that milk gives off heat to the coolant through the wall separating them, usually up to a temperature of 4 ° C. On hot summer days, milk is cooled to a temperature of 2 ° C, and in winter - to 8 ° C.


A distinction is made between artificial and natural methods of cooling milk.


The easiest way to cool milk is natural. The product is cooled to a temperature of 4 ... 8 ° C. But this method requires a large consumption of fresh water. Ice harvested in winter (frigeration units) is also used to remove heat.


A more advanced way to cool milk or cream is to use special coolers. One of these coolers is irrigation. The designs of irrigation coolers are diverse.


Thus, the processing of milk is a direct necessity to extend the shelf life of this perishable product.

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icon 6 внтур. силов. распред сеть.cdw
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icon 2 Схема електрична принципова.cdw

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icon 6 внтур. силов. распред сеть.cdw

6 внтур. силов. распред сеть.cdw

icon 3 соединения.cdw

3 соединения.cdw

icon 5 расположение.cdw

5 расположение.cdw

icon 1 функционалка.cdw

1 функционалка.cdw

icon 7 освещьение.cdw

7 освещьение.cdw

icon 4 подключения.cdw

4 подключения.cdw

icon 2 Схема електрична принципова.cdw

2 Схема електрична принципова.cdw

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