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Drive of MPM-800 flour sieve



The drive for MPM-800 consists of welded frame, explosion-proof electric motor, chain transmission; conical-cylindrical reduction gear box; and a cylindrical gear train with oblique teeth from a pair of bearings which drive the screw with the screen and the impeller in the hopper.

To start the machine, a magnetic starter and a circuit breaker and control buttons are installed.

The structure of archive - the Assembly drawing (A1) and the main cuts (A2) in a compass, the specification, RPZ.

Project's Content

icon Привод мукопросеивателя МПМ-800.docx
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Additional information




1 Kinematic diagram

2 Design part

2.1 Kinematic calculation of the drive

2.2 Gearbox selection

2.3 Transmission Calculation

2.4 Calculation of key connection

3 Recommendations for selection of oil and lubrication of all drive units

4 Brief description of the order of assembly, operation and maintenance of the main

of drive elements

5 TB Requirements for the Designed Facility


List of sources used


2.2 Gearbox selection

The conical-cylindrical reduction gear is selected from the reference literature on the transfer ratio (must be standard and equal to the previously accepted) uktsr = 6.3 and the torque on the slow-moving shaft (the table value should be equal to or greater than the calculated value) TIII = 192.52 Nm.

We accept the conical cylinder single-stage reduction gear box

KTs1-200 GOST R5089196 (s.37 [8]), in which the nominal torque on the output shaft Tvykh = 600 Nm, and the nominal gear ratio u = 6.3.

Recommendations for selection of oil and lubrication of all drive units

Lubrication of units reduces friction losses, prevents increased wear and heating of parts, and also protects parts from corrosion. Reducing friction losses increases drive efficiency. Lubrication reduces dynamic loads and, as a result, reduces noise and vibrations during the operation of the mechanism. In the designed design of the drive, a conical cylinder reduction gear, chain transmission, gear cylinder transmission, and rolling bearings of the drive shaft are lubricated.

Crankcase (dipping) lubricant with liquid oil is used for lubrication of gear engagement of conical cylindrical reducers. With crankcase lubrication, it is enough that the larger of the two gear wheels of the pair is immersed in the lubricant. Depth of immersion of cylindrical wheels is accepted within two heights of teeth, but not less than 10 mm. Oil is poured into reduction gear box by means of protective washers. The cavity of the bearing unit is closed from the outside with blind covers, and in the units where the ends of the shafts come out, with through covers. For lubrication of conical cylinder reducer KTs1200 GOST R5089196 select oil IRP75 GOST TU3810145178.

For chain gears at chain speeds v < 10 m/s. continuous crankcase lubrication is recommended. To this end, the transmission is placed in a sealed crankcase serving as an oil tank. Lubrication is carried out by immersing the chain in an oil bath to a depth not exceeding the width of the plate. The chain transmission speed of this drive is v = 3.76 m/s, so we will use continuous crankcase lubrication with oil grades IGS32 GOST 16728.

The principle of assigning the oil grade to the gear cylinder is as follows: the higher the circumferential speed of the wheel, the lower the viscosity of the oil and the higher the contact pressure in the engagement, the greater the viscosity of the oil. Methods for lubrication of open gears: - at a circumferential transfer speed of not more than 1.5 m/s - trough lubricant; - at a speed of not more than 4 m/s - periodic lubrication with ointments or very viscous liquid oils; - if it is impossible to use a casing for oil baths due to space limitations - drip lubrication; - at a speed of not more than 0.5 m/s - coating with solid lubricants. The required viscosity of the oil is determined depending on the contact voltage and the circumferential speed of the wheels (Table 11.1 [4]). As per Table 11.2 [4] oil grade is selected for lubrication of gears. At circumferential speed of calculated transmission v = 0.17 m/s with contact voltage of 530 MPa, industrial oil of IGA32 grade GOST-20799 is selected for lubrication of gear-cylindrical transmission .

Bearings are usually lubricated with the same oil as the gear parts.

Lubricating them with another lubricant is rarely used. During crankcase lubrication of gears bearings are lubricated with oil spatter. Due to rotation of wheels all parts of gears and internal surfaces of housing walls are covered with oil spatter. Oil flowing from wheels, shafts and from the walls of the housing enters the bearing. Various devices are used to lubricate shaft supports far from the level of the oil bath. So, for lubrication of bearings of the shaft of the bevel gear, remote from the oil bath, grooves are made on the flange of the housing in the plane of the connector, and bevels are made on the cover of the housing. Oil sprayed by the wheel flows into the grooves from the walls of the housing cover and enters the bearings through the holes in the sleeve.

It is advisable to lubricate the rolling bearings of the drive shaft with individually thick (plastic) lubricant. In this case, the bearing is closed from the inside with a protective or oil discharge ring. Free space inside bearing assembly is filled with thick lubricant. Every three months fresh grease is added, and after a year - disassembly, washing of the unit and assembly with fresh grease. Let us select the type of plastic lubricant Litol24 GOST 211502017 for lubrication of rolling bearings.

To supply thick lubricant to bearings, press lubricants are used as per GOST 1985374. Lubricant is supplied under pressure by a special syringe. Cap lubricants are also used for thick lubrication.

4 Brief description of the procedure for assembly, operation and maintenance of the main elements of the drive

The assembly order of the actuator is described in the assembly drawings. Electric motor and reduction gear are installed on previously prepared frame with drilled holes. Further, by means of keys placed in key slots, sprockets are installed on shaft I of electric motor and high-speed shaft II of reduction gear, then bushing chain is put on and chain transmission tensioner is installed on drive frame. Key is installed on slow-moving shaft of reduction gear III, after that gear of open gear cylindrical gear is installed, providing its fixation with endplate and nut. Key is placed on drive shaft IV in key slot and wheel of cylindrical gear is installed. It is fixed with endplate, bolt and pins are installed, providing sufficient engagement of gear teeth with each other. After installation of all drive elements, protective casings are installed, oil level in the reduction gear box is monitored. Before the first start-up after assembly and commissioning, the designed drive must be run without load for one hour. When operating the drive, there should be no sharp noise, strong vibrations and various kinds of knocks. The drive is serviced as required. In this case, it is necessary to timely eliminate the observed problems, add or replace oil in the reduction gear box, and lubricate the open cylindrical gear train. In addition, the workplace must be kept clean and orderly at all times.

5 TB Requirements for the Designed Facility

An important role in ensuring the safe operation of the designed drive belongs to its design, equipped with the necessary instrumentation, interlocking devices, automatic alarm and protection devices, which, if necessary, allow to monitor compliance with the required operating modes of the process equipment, and exclude the possibility of emergency situations leading to accidents.

Electrical installation of the drive must be carried out by an electrician and in accordance with the current rules for switching on electric power plants of this capacity, as well as safety regulations.

During operation of the drive, its maintenance is strictly prohibited (troubleshooting, addition or change of oil in the reduction gear box, lubrication of open cylindrical gear train, adjustment of belt transmission tension, etc.). The drive must be mounted on a strong, carefully leveled base. Support structures must be bolted in order to avoid displacement from the specified design position during operation.

The design of the MPM800 flour sieve drive must be made in the required climatic version, capable of providing safe and trouble-free operation. To protect a person from electric shock, the metal and electrical parts of the drive must be grounded or drilled. Protective casings shall be installed on all rotating and movable elements, such as open gear and chain gear. The location and installation of the drive in the production room should ensure the reliability of the start-up and the speed of stopping, ease and usability, avoid the possibility of erroneous or accidental switching on, as well as ensure the convenience and safety of its maintenance and repair.


During the course project on "MPM-800 Flour Filter Drive," I got acquainted with the principle of its operation and purpose. In the design part, the drive of the flour sifting machine was calculated according to the specified parameters, that is, an electric motor, a cylindrical reduction gear was selected. Chain and gear cylindrical gears were also calculated. The assembly drawing of the drive together with the frame was drawn, as well as the main sections of the drive elements.

Drawings content

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