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Double-rod gearbox with bifurcated high-speed degree

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Explanatory note, companion, MUVP-50, friction clutch, assembly, wheel and pinion shaft detail, specification

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Additional information



1. Energy and kinematic calculation of the drive

1.1. Determination of gearbox efficiency

1.2. Power determination and motor selection

1.3. Determination of gearbox total gear ratio

and its breakdown by stages

1.4. Determination of actual shaft rotation frequencies

1.5. Determination of torque value transmitted by shafts

2. Calculation of slow-moving transmission

2.1. Choice of Gear and Gear Gear Material

2.2. Definition of allowable contact stresses for wheel and gear

2.3. Definition of allowable bending stresses for wheel and gear

2.4. Determine the minimum required aw value from the contact endurance condition

2.5. Determining the Engagement Module

2.6. Determining the number of teeth

2.7. Determining the Basic Dimensions of Gear Wheels

2.8. Verifying Actual Contact Stresses

2.9. Check of endurance of gear teeth Z4 and wheel Z

3. Calculation of high-speed transmission

3.1. Determine the minimum required aw value from the contact endurance condition

3.2. Determining Normal Helical Engagement Module Value

3.3. Determining the number of teeth

3.4. Determining the Basic Dimensions of Gear Wheels

3.5. Verifying Actual Contact Stresses

3.6. Check of endurance of gear teeth Z4 and wheel Z

4. Determination of loads acting in engagement

4.1. Find radial and axial forces applied to gear Z1 and wheel Z

4.2. Finding of loads acting on shafts from clutch couplings

5. Design calculation of shafts

5.1. Determination of the minimum required diameters of shafts with half-couplings and with dead ends and from the calculation for torsion:

5.2. Determination of shaft diameters under seals

5.3. Definition of shaft diameters for bearings

5.4. Purpose of shaft diameters for hubs Z1 and Z

6. Shaft check calculation and bearing durability calculation

6.1. High speed shaft

6.2. Intermediate shaft

6.3. Slow-moving shaft

6.4. Check of shafts strength in hazardous sections

7. Check calculation of bearings by actual resource

8. Selection and check calculation of keys

9. Calculation of shafts for endurance

10. Selection of types and methods of lubrication for gears and bearings

List of literature used:

10. Selection of types and methods of lubrication for gears and bearings.

To reduce friction power losses, reduce the wear rate of friction surfaces, their cooling and cleaning from wear products, as well as to protect against jamming, gouging, corrosion, reliable lubrication of friction surfaces must be provided.

A crankcase system is widely used to lubricate the gears. Oil is poured into the gear box housing so that wheel rims are immersed in it. When rotating, the wheels entrain the oil, spraying it inside the body. Oil enters the inner walls of the housing, from where it flows into its lower part. Inside the housing, a suspension of oil particles is formed in the air, which covers the surface of the parts located inside the housing. We choose oil depending on contact stresses and circumferential speed.

At MPa and circumferential velocity m/s, the viscosity of the oil will be (see [5], page 253).

Depending on the viscosity of the oil, we choose the oil brand "I50A" according to the catalog

(see [5] p. 233, Table 10.10).

And - industrial

A - oil without additives

50 - kinematic viscosity class

Liquid oils and plastic lubricants are used to lubricate the calcium bearings. The former easily penetrate into narrow gaps, well remove heat from the bearing, wash out wear products from the assembly, but require more powerful seals. Plastic lubricants are securely held in the assembly, withstand high pressures and impact loads.

It is used for lubrication of bearings - lithol. I choose the brand - "Litol24."

We calculate the oil required by the body. The total oil bath is determined from the oil per 1 kW of transmitted power (see [8], page 321).

At [kW] we get 1.875 liters of oil.

During operation of gears, oil is gradually contaminated with wear products of gear parts. Over time, its properties deteriorate. Therefore, the oil is periodically changed. For this purpose, a drain hole closed by a plug is provided in the housing.

An oil indicator is installed in the housing to monitor the oil level.

For oil filling and inspection in the housing cover there is a window closed by the cover.

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