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District heating system of a village in the Altai Territory from a boiler house

  • Added: 30.01.2024
  • Size: 4 MB
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The object of development is the heat supply system of a village in the Altai Territory.

The purpose of the work is to design and calculate the heat supply system of a village in the Altai Territory, as well as the selected microdistrict.

As a result of the design, plans of heating networks and installation diagrams of pipelines should be developed, hydraulic calculation of the heating networks of the village and the selected microdistrict should be made, temperature, flow and piezometric graphs of heating networks should be built, a graph of the duration of heat load should be built, a longitudinal profile of the heating network of the microdistrict should be built, a specification of equipment and materials for the heating network of the microdistrict should be drawn up.

Project's Content

icon 071921_Б4-СТЗСипу41_2024_6_8.pdf
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icon 071921_Б4-СТЗСипу41_2024_6_10.docx
icon 071921_Б4-СТЗСипу41_2024_6_7.pdf
icon 071921_Б4-СТЗСипу41_2024_6_9р.dwg
icon 071921_Б4-СТЗСипу41_2024_6_2.pdf
icon 071921_Б4-СТЗСипу41_2024_6_6.pdf
icon 071921_Б4-СТЗСипу41_2024_6_5.pdf

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