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Diploma Project on Expansion of Production Base of OJSC "Gomelzhelezobeton"


Expansion of production base of OJSC "Gomelzhelezobeton" with organization of production of internal wall panels of full factory readiness according to cassette technology

Project's Content

icon Soderzhanie.docx
icon Выступление Гуленковой.doc
icon Гуленкова Татьяна 1.doc
icon Гуленкова Татьяна.docx
icon 1 Генплан.dwg
icon 1 Генплан.dwl
icon 1 Генплан.dwl2
icon 10 охрана труда.dwg
icon 2 Разрез кровли.dwg
icon 3 Внутренняя стеновая панель.dwg
icon 4 Ребристая плита.dwg
icon 5 Кассета.dwg
icon 6 Циклограмма.dwg
icon 6 Циклограмма.dwl
icon 6 Циклограмма.dwl2
icon 7 Разрез 1-1.dwg
icon 7 Разрез 1-1.dwl
icon 7 Разрез 1-1.dwl2
icon 8 Бетонораздатчик.dwg
icon 9 Электрическая схема.dwg
icon acaddoc.lsp

Additional information



1 Introduction. Feasibility Study for Enterprise Modernization

1.1 Characteristics of the designed enterprise

1.1.1 Characteristics of local conditions

1.1.2 Plant composition

1.1.3 Operating mode of the enterprise

1.1.4 Enterprise products and capacity

1.1.5 Raw material base and transport

1.2 Substantiation of design solutions of the article design

1.3 Manufacturing Technology Design

1.3.1 Basic provisions of BSC technology

1.3.2 Main provisions of reinforcement shop technology

1.3.3 Main provisions of molding shop technology

1.3.4 Warehouses of raw materials and finished products

1.4 Organization, planning and management of the enterprise

2 Architectural - Building Part

2.1 Site Plot Plan

2.2 Structures of buildings and structures

2.3 Administrative and Household Building

2.4 Location and binding of main equipment

2.5 Physical and technical calculations

2.6 Technical indicators

3 Design and structural part

3.1 Calculation of reinforced concrete ribbed slab (3x12m)

4 Manufacturing technology of internal wall panels

4.1 Process Regulations for the Manufacture of Internal Wall Panels

4.1.1 General provisions

4.1.2 Storage and storage of raw materials

4.1.3 Requirements for applied materials

4.1.4 Selection of nominal composition of concrete and assignment of working composition of concrete mixture

4.1.5 Process of concrete mix preparation

4.1.6 Production flow chart

4.1.7 Production process of reinforcement blocks

4.1.8 Technological redistribution of internal wall panels manufacturing

4.1.9 Cyclogram of main process equipment operation

4.1.10 In-plant transportation, storage and storage

4.1.11 Process Control Map

4.2 Equipment and Tooling List

4.3 Mechanization and Automation of Production

4.3.1 Development of process unit, mechanization - cassette unit

4.3.2 Functional diagram of control and regulation of thermal processes in cassettes

4.3.3 Development of process unit, automation - cantilever concrete dispenser

4.3.4 Development of schematic (electrical) control diagram of cantilever concrete dispenser

5 Economic part

5.1 Calculation of unit price in calculation for internal wall panels

5.2 Technical and economic indicators

6 Health and Safety

6.1 Ensuring safety during production of prefabricated reinforced concrete structures

6.2 Basic Safety Requirements for Internal Wall Panels

6.3 Safety precautions during lifting and transportation works

6.4 Analysis of occupational safety conditions in the shop with occupational risk assessment

7 Environmental protection

7.1 Brief description of the enterprise as a source of air pollution

8 Energy saving

9 Research and development

Appendix A Process Control Map

List of literature

1. Introduction. Feasibility Study for Enterprise Modernization

The expansion of the production base of Gomelzhelezobeton OJSC is required due to the presence in the construction of housing, public, socio-cultural buildings, industrial facilities of increased demand for such products as internal wall panels of full factory readiness.

Thus, it is economically advisable to organize the production of wall panels on the third span of Gomelzhelezobeton OJSC according to cassette technology. This will increase the range of products produced, increase the efficiency of using production space, thereby making it possible to make a large profit from the products sold.

The production of products manufactured in a horizontal position is irrational due to the low removal of products from a unit of production area and the labor intensity of obtaining a high-quality face, therefore, special cassette installations are used to ensure the molding of products in a vertical position.

The cassette method has several features:

- possibility of relatively fast re-setting of cavities;

- takes up little space;

- maximum possible removal of products from the production area;

- high-quality surface of both sides of the articles;

- High productivity;

- requires smaller production areas, steam consumption and electricity.

One of the main tasks in the modernization of Gomelzhelezobeton OJSC is to reduce the consumption of heat and electricity. To do this, it is necessary to introduce low-energy technologies for the production of prefabricated reinforced concrete, automated heat treatment systems for reinforced concrete products, to organize constant monitoring and accounting of coolant consumption. In this regard, the technology of forming products should be used with the addition of complex additives - a hyperplasticizer and hardening accelerators to the concrete mixture. (Stachement 3000), which allows to obtain concrete mixtures of high mobility with low V/C, to produce high-grade concretes (C55/60 and above) with rapid strength gain, save cement consumption by 20% or more, save energy by 30% and concrete heat treatment time, obtain a high-quality concrete surface.

1.1.2 Plant composition

The WBI plant includes:

warehouses - cement, additives, aggregates, finished products, reinforcement steel;

main workshops - concrete mixing, reinforcement, moulding;

Power and Mechanical Repair Shop

road section

railway section

auxiliary units - compressor, workshops;

administrative and household building.

1.1.3 Operating mode of the enterprise

In accordance with the requirements of technological design of precast concrete enterprises [5], the plant operation mode is accepted:

- nominal number of working days per year for all types of works except works related to railway transport maintenance - 260

- nominal number of working days per year for production of raw materials and maintenance of railway transport - 365

- estimated number of working days per year for cassette production - 253

- working week, days - 5

- working shift duration, h - 8

- number of working shifts per day for all types of works, including mechanical repair and reinforcement workshops - 3

- number of working shifts per day for maintenance - 3

- number of working shifts per day for the reception of raw materials and materials when delivered by rail - 3

- number of working shifts per day for receiving raw materials and materials when delivered by road - 2-3

We accept the following operating mode of the Gomelzhelezobeton OJSC plant: 5 day working week and 6 day working week every eighth week.

According to the accepted mode of operation: the nominal number of working days per year is 260; number of working shifts per day - 3; working day duration - 24 hours.

1.2 Substantiation of design solutions of the article design

Internal wall panels 2PSV1k.

a) Required performance:

Concrete compression strength class C20/25 (Rb = 32.1)

Concrete grade for frost resistance F50.

Concrete grade by waterproof W2.

b) Basic technical requirements for manufacturing:

Wall interior panels shall comply with the requirements of STB 115199 "Wall interior ventilation concrete and reinforced concrete panels for buildings. General Specifications "and to be made according to the working drawings of OKUP" Gomelgrazhdanproekt. "

Panels shall be made of heavy structural concrete as per STB 1544, compression strength class specified in the working drawings, but not less than C20/25 (B25).

The strength of the concrete at which the panels are smelted must be at least 70% of the compression strength of the concrete corresponding to its design class.

The release strength of concrete panels when delivering products in the warm period of the year should be at least 70% of the compression strength of concrete corresponding to its design class.

The release strength of concrete panels when supplying products in the cold period of the year should be at least 85% of the compression strength of concrete corresponding to its design class.

Frost resistance of concrete of panels must correspond to the grade of frost resistance specified during ordering and must be not lower than F50 .

The quality of concrete surfaces for all types of internal wall panels shall meet the requirements of the working drawings and STB 2173. Category of the concrete surface of the structure adjacent to the mold during moulding is not lower than A3, opened during moulding of A4. Other categories of panel surfaces may be established by agreement of the manufacturer with the consumer .

Panel markings shall be in accordance with the working drawings.

Markings should be applied with clearly indelible paint on the end side face of each panel with mandatory execution of main and information inscriptions as per GOST 13015.2 and STB 2173.

c) Transportation and installation methods:

Internal wall panels of reinforced concrete shall be stored and transported in accordance with the requirements of GOST 13015.4 and this standard.

The inner wall panels should be installed upright in the warehouse so that markings and signs are visible and free lifting is possible for loading on vehicles.

Panels shall be stored under conditions that prevent damage to face surfaces.

The panels shall be placed close to the mounting hinges. Lining thickness shall be not less than 30 mm.

Passages with a width of at least 0.8 m and passages, the width of which depends on the dimensions of vehicles and loading and unloading mechanisms serving the warehouse, shall be provided between stacks in the warehouse. Plate stack height shall not exceed 2.5 m.

The panels should be transported vertically on panels, railway platforms and other vehicles equipped with special fastening and supporting devices ensuring the immobility of the panels and their safety during transportation.

Lifting, loading and unloading of panels shall be performed by lifting crane with gripping of mounting loops or using special gripping devices specified in design documentation.

d) Material specification.

Reinforcement steel of the following types and classes shall be used for reinforcement of internal wall panels:

- hot-rolled rod of periodic profile of class S400, S500 as per STB 1704 "Non-stressed reinforcement for reinforced concrete structures. Specifications ";

- hot-rolled rod class S240 as per STB 1704 "Non-stressed reinforcement for reinforced concrete structures. Specifications. "

Hot-rolled reinforcement steel of S240 class as per STB 1704 "Non-stressed reinforcement for reinforced concrete structures should be used for manufacturing of mounting loops. Specifications", A240 in accordance with GOST 5781.

C20/25 concrete - heavy constructional;

Cement - PC M500;

Crushed stone of 520 mm fraction;

Sand with Mk = 1.31.5.

e) Fracturing strength - 70%.

Concrete strength when sent in warm period - 70%, in cold period - 85%.

The tempering strength of concrete in the warm period should be at least 70%, in the cold period - 90%.

1.3.3 Main provisions of molding shop technology

For the production of internal wall panels, a cassette production method is adopted.

The main technological equipment is a dispenser bin, a cantilever concrete dispenser, a cassette plant, a machine for cleaning and grinding cassettes, a trolley for importing reinforcement elements, a trolley for removing finished products, and a finishing line. Two bridge cranes operate in the span. The articles are moulded and heat-moisture treated in a fixed vertical cassette unit.

The main feature of the cassette production method is vertical molding of articles in stationary cassette installations consisting of several vertical metal molds - compartments. Reinforcement frame is placed in each compartment, after which it is filled with concrete mixture. Mixture is compacted with mounted vibrators. Articles are in cassette molds until concrete acquires the specified strength. The working link used in the production of the product moves from one cassette unit to another, which, with an appropriate number of molds, allows a continuous production flow.

For heat treatment of articles in cassette molds contact heating is used through walls of heat compartments, to which steam with temperature of about 100 ° C is supplied. A distinctive feature of this type of heat treatment is the almost complete isolation of the heated product from the air, as well as the elimination of moisture exchange between concrete and heat carrier .

The mode of thermal treatment of articles in cassette forms is characterized by a rapid rise in temperature in the articles by 85... 95 ° С. The total duration of the process is up to 6... 10 h. After completion of the heat treatment, the walls of the cassette unit compartments are pushed apart by hydraulic jacks, and the product is removed from the compartment by a bridge crane and transferred to the cooling place or to the finished product warehouse.

This method provides higher labor productivity, requires smaller production areas, steam consumption and electricity [8].

1.3.4 Warehouses of raw materials and finished products

Cement warehouses should have the following structural features: protect cement from wetting, provide separate storage of cement of at least three types and classes, be suitable for periodic loosening of cement in order to eliminate caking, and allow cement to be dispensed to car cement trucks.

Cement storage at the enterprise is carried out in a typical silo-type rail warehouse. The cement warehouse includes: a receiving device with a pneumatic lift; silo storage, consisting of six silos with a total capacity of 1200t with pneumatic blowers; cement pipeline for cement supply to service hoppers of concrete mixing shop.

For storing fillers, the warehouse is equipped with three 800m3 sand silos, two 1200m3 and 800m3 crushed stone silos and one 800m3 expanded clay silo.

Chemical additives entering the plant in a liquid state are unloaded and stored in a specially equipped warehouse, which is part of the chemical additive preparation department. The warehouse consists of six containers in which 15 tons of liquid additives can be stored.

Chemical additives entering the plant in a dry state and packed in paper and polyethylene bags are stored and stored separately in a specially designated room in the warehouse of the concrete mixing unit.

The finished warehouse area is 7500 m2. Products can be shipped simultaneously to vehicles and railway cars. The sales area consists of two spans equipped with four bridge cranes with a carrying capacity of 10 and 16 tons.

The process flow chart for warehousing and shipping of finished products is developed taking into account the optimization of all processes .

Every day, 300350 m3 of reinforced concrete products are shipped by the sales area. The geography of supplies is all regions of the Republic of Belarus and near abroad.

1.4 Organization, planning and management of the enterprise

Planning at the enterprise is a set of actions to develop programs for the activities of an industrial enterprise and its divisions, to determine the directions, pace and proportions of development in order to achieve maximum effect at minimum costs.

Planning is based on certain principles and acts in various types. They are characterized by: scientificity, organic unity of planning types, continuity, optimality and stability.

Management at Gomelzhelezobeton OJSC is built according to the linear type. It is based on the principle of building and specializing the management process in the functional subsystems of the organization: production, marketing and foreign economic activity, technological support and development, maintenance, finance, economics, personnel and general issues. For each subsystem, a hierarchy of services is formed, penetrating the entire organization from top to bottom.

The advantages of the current structure can be determined :

- a clear system of mutual relations between functions and units;

- a clear system of unity of command - one leader focuses in his hands the management of the entire set of processes with a common goal;

- quick reaction of executive units to direct instructions of superiors.

When designing technological processes, the initial data are: product nomenclature; output per year; Specifications for articles, concrete compositions, heat treatment modes. The production process according to its structure consists of the following operations: main technological; auxiliary and general services.

The objectives of the scientific organization of labor are:

1. Improvement of methods and methods of receiving work, its separation and co-operation through dismemberment of operations;

2. Improving the organization of jobs and ensuring favourable working conditions;

3. Advanced training of workers;

4. Implementation of measures to improve labour standards.

Work on the introduction of a scientific organization of labor should be carried out in several stages: the preparatory and organizational period; analysis of labour organization, preparation of NOTES plans and implementation of NOTES measures.

At the plant there is a collective form of organization of labor. Special attention should be paid to improving the working condition: reducing noise and vibration, ensuring temperature and illumination, etc.

The structure of enterprise management is as follows. The head of the enterprise is the director and chief engineer, who are responsible for the work on the manufacture of products. The Director provides overall management of the enterprise through a number of management services. The Deputy Director performs the functions of administrative and economic management, production and technological support and supply. Chief Engineer - provides general technical guidance. Organizational and technical management of production is provided by deputy chief engineer. The head of the production and technological department and his department are engaged in improving the implementation of new technology for the manufacture of products, the use of new materials, etc.

Architectural - Building Part

2.1 Site Plot Plan

The general plan solves the issues of the most profitable location of the designed buildings and structures in terms of functional processes, ensuring fire and sanitary standards, as well as in terms of operating amenities.

The following rooms and structures are presented on the general plan:

Main production building;

Administrative and household complex ;

Rebar shop;

Finished goods warehouse;


Aggregate storage;

Cement warehouse;

Automated department for preparation of liquid chemical additives;

Emulsion storage;

Compressor room;

Cooling tower;

Transformer substation;

Material warehouse;

Treatment facilities of industrial sewage;


Rain sewage treatment facilities;

Silo for sediment;

Heat station;

Transition Gallery;

Widened entrances to the main and auxiliary rooms are provided. All main rooms are interconnected by means of special galleries, conveyors, pipelines, etc.

On the territory are provided: benches for rest near the administrative building.

It also provides for the planting of trees, shrubs, the installation of flowerbeds, extensive lawns. For landscaping the site of the enterprise, local species of wood-shrub plants are used; for the arrangement of lawns - local types of herbs.

Landscaping of the territory is carried out in such a way as to isolate the premises of the administrative building as much as possible from harmful emissions that can occur from the workshops of the main production and warehouses of raw materials and materials, as well as isolate from the exhaust of transport.

On the territory of the plant there is a network of communications and engineering facilities for various purposes. These networks connect buildings that are in the same production process into a single system. They supply raw materials to the concrete mixing shop, reinforcement and concrete mixture to the molding shop, electric power, compressed air and steam are supplied.

The general plan of the enterprise and the facade of the molding workshop are shown on sheet No. 1.

2.2 Structures of buildings and structures

Enclosing structures and floors of buildings and structures of OJSC "Gomelzhelezobeton" enterprise consist of prefabricated reinforced concrete, which includes: panels, columns, girders, slabs and floors, stairways, etc. Roads and sidewalks on the territory of the plant are covered with asphalt concrete .

The molding shop is a building where the main process of forming products, as well as their heat treatment, takes place.

It has the following dimensions:

- length 144 m;

- width 78 m;

- height to the bottom of the rafter structure 10.8 m;

The production building has four spans (3 spans of 18 m and 1 span of 24 meters), on which various products are produced. The production building is directly adjacent to the workshop for the production of reinforcement and embedded products. On the other side of the production building there are the main gates through which construction products are exported to the finished product warehouse. The administrative and household building and the rebar workshop are connected by a gallery.

Heating and ventilation equipment is located at the ends of the spans of the molding shop on the sites.

The frames of production buildings and structures are made of prefabricated reinforced concrete and metal structures.

The framework includes: foundation blocks, ribbon foundations, columns of various types, girders, beams, trusses.

According to the structural features of the main production building, the following main elements of the parking system are used in the building:

- foundations, which are reinforced concrete foundations of monolithic-stage type for the column. Separate monolithic foundations are provided for the main process equipment, since this equipment has a large mass and is subject to various kinds of additional influences (vibrations);

- reinforced concrete columns single-branch and double-branch with dimensions of 800 × 500 mm.

- reinforced concrete raceless trusses are used as rafters.

To perceive the wind load acting on the end of the building, horizontal connections in the form of a horizontal connecting truss are arranged in the coating along the lower belt of rafter trusses. They are made in the form of grid block from steel angles between two extreme trusses of coating. In addition, horizontal connections are arranged along the upper belt of the cover trusses in the form of a horizontal truss formed by cruciform connections and belts of two extreme trusses, as well as in the form of spacers installed on the middle of the span between all other cover trusses. The lanterns have a system of connections from vertical and horizontal steel corners. Vertical connections between bearing structures of coating are arranged in extreme spans of temperature block limited by temperature seams or end face of building. These connections are designed to perceive the braking forces of cranes, as well as wind impacts on the end of the building.

As a coating, prestressed reinforced concrete slabs measuring 3000 × 12000 mm, vapor insulating film, polystyrene foam slabs, cement sand bracing and 4 layers of isoplast are adopted.

The enclosing structure is a three-layer wall panel, which is hung on a column. Light openings are made in the form of ribbons. The filling of window openings consists of blind metal bindings with double glazing.

The floors are made of two layers of concrete compacted with crushed stone soil: the upper layer is 30 mm concrete C18/22.5, the underlying layer is C10/12.5.

Bridge cranes with a lifting capacity of 16 tons are installed in the building. For laying the crane rail, a crane beam with a length of 12 m and a section height of 1400 mm is used.

Plan and section of molding shops, roof plan is presented on sheet No. 2.

2.4 Location and binding of main equipment

On the 1st span there is a line for manufacturing multistage panels, ribbed paving plates and road plates. The line includes a 6-post conveyor, on which the molds are unfolded and prepared, and an aggregate-flow molding station, which is equipped with a vibration platform, a concrete laying, a self-propelled portal with a loading panel and a molding unit with hollow formers. Molds prepared for forming are installed on the vibration platform of the forming post using self-propelled portals or a bridge crane.

Heat treatment of products is carried out in pit steaming chambers equipped with air conditioning pumps. In each chamber the articles are placed in 7 tiers. Concrete mixture is supplied to concrete laying device from self-propelled hoppers of supply path through bunkers of sawdust pits. The span is served by two bridge cranes using automatic grips and slings with different load capacity. The finished products are exported by a self-propelled trolley with a trailer.

On the 2nd span, a modern technological line for the production of hollow flooring slabs using formwork-free molding technology was put into operation. Floor slabs are made on equipment of the Italian company Weiler Italia and are designed for use in floors and coverings of multi-storey residential, public and industrial buildings with load-bearing walls, prefabricated or prefabricated monolithic framework. The line consists of 6 tracks 110 m long and 1.5 m wide.

Concrete mixture coming from the concrete mixing shop is unloaded into the bucket, which is moved to the two-stage bunker using a bridge crane and unloaded. The vibratory finisher hopper begins to move along the production track forming a plate with a width of 1500 or 1200 mm (additional molding equipment is used to produce a plate with a width of 1200 mm).

Preparation of track is carried out mechanically by means of unit for unwinding of reinforcement strand, cleaning and lubrication of tracks. At the end of the reinforcement strand tension side there are fixed containers for reinforcement and control unit with hydraulic jack for reinforcement stress.

Slipformer is the main unit of the line for the production of prestressed multistage plates.

After passing through the vibration finisher, covering with an insulating web begins in order to maintain moisture and increase the temperature of the concrete mixture. Thermal treatment is carried out using closed steam registers located under production tracks.

The panels are cut using a saw. The span is served by two bridge cranes using automatic grips and slings with different load capacity. The finished products are exported by a self-propelled trolley with a trailer.

On the 3rd span there are four cassette installations for the manufacture of panels of internal walls, separating walls of loggia and balconies, partitions of reinforced concrete, walls of elevator shafts.

Turnover of cassettes: 1 turn per day. Loosening and assembly of cassettes is performed by machine for loosening and assembly of cassettes. Cleaning of cassette sheets after fracturing is carried out by a machine for cleaning and grinding sheets, lubrication - by spray rods.

Installation of valves into compartments, and removal of finished products from compartments is performed by bridge crane. Concrete mix is supplied by means of cantilever concrete dispenser. Concrete mix is compacted in cassette unit by means of mounted vibrators. Reinforcement articles are supplied to the span by means of a trolley.

Thermal moisture treatment is carried out in a cassette installation using steam supplied to closed thermal compartments. Finished products are exported to the finished products warehouse using a self-propelled trolley with a trailer. The span is equipped with two bridge cranes with a lifting capacity of 16 tons [9].

On the 4th span there is a 9-post conveyor line for the production of panels of external walls, as well as a line for the production of columns by bench method. In addition, on the 4th span, the production of foundation blocks and rings for round wells of water supply and sewerage was established.

Moulding of external walls is carried out in specialized, often re-equipped forms-wagons. Heat treatment of products takes place in two 12-post underground slot chambers. The concrete mixture is fed to the span by self-propelled hoppers of the concrete supply path and then by a belt conveyor to the concrete laying line. Reinforcement products are supplied from the reinforcement shop on the trolley. Finished products are exported to the warehouse of finished products by a 20-ton self-propelled trolley with a 20-ton trailer.

The process line for the production of internal wall panels is presented on sheet No. 7.

2.6 Technical indicators

1. The area of ​ ​ the plant is 90,000 m2;

2. The built-up area is 29650 m2;

3. The area of ​ ​ driveways and sidewalks is 6000 m2;

4. Landscaping area 12,000 m2;

5. Number of buildings 23;

6. The length of roads is 2000 m;

7. The length of the railway tracks is 195 m;

8. Building factor 0.3275;

9. Territory utilization rate 0.4275.

Technology of internal wall panels manufacturing

4.1 Process Regulations for the Manufacture of Internal Wall Panels

4.1.1 General provisions

The process sheet for the manufacture of reinforced concrete internal wall panels has been developed in accordance with the requirements of:

- TKP 451.01-144-2009 "Construction. Process documentation in the manufacture of construction materials and products. Procedure for development, approval and approval ";

- STB 21732011 "Wall inner concrete and reinforced concrete panels for buildings. Specifications ";

- GOST 13015.083 "Concrete and reinforced concrete prefabricated structures and products. General technical requirements ";

- SNB 5.03.0102 (with modification 1-4) "Concrete and reinforced concrete structures";

-P2-01 to SNiP 3.09.0185 "Fabrication of prefabricated concrete and reinforced concrete products."

The checklist is the document defining technological processes of warehousing and storage of raw materials, formations, thermal treatment, a raspalubka, finishing, operational development and storage of products at production of internal wall panels.

The process map is developed taking into account best practices, corresponds to the level of organization of production of reinforced concrete products and quality management achieved at the plant, provides for the following sections:

general provisions;

warehousing and storage of raw materials;

requirements for the materials used;

requirements for moulds for the manufacture of internal wall panels;

selection of nominal composition of concrete and assignment of working composition of concrete mixture;

manufacturing process of reinforcement frames;

manufacturing process of concrete mixture;

technological redistribution of internal wall panels manufacturing;

control map of process operations and process modes;

acceptance of finished products;

warehousing and storage of products.

Internal wall panels shall comply with the requirements of STB 2173 "Internal concrete and reinforced concrete wall panels for buildings. Specifications "and to be made according to the working drawings of the reuse of OKUP" Gomelgrazhdanproekt, "" Object 164.07 KZH1. "

Panels shall be made of heavy structural concrete as per STB 1544. Concrete compression strength class shall be as specified in the design documentation.

The strength of the concrete at which the panels are smelted must be at least 70% of the compression strength of the concrete corresponding to its design class.

The release strength of concrete panels when delivering products in the warm period of the year should be at least 70% of the compression strength of concrete corresponding to its design class.

The release strength of concrete panels when supplying products in the cold period of the year should be at least 85% of the compression strength of concrete corresponding to its design class.

Frost resistance of concrete of panels must correspond to the grade of frost resistance specified during ordering and must be not lower than F50 .

The quality of concrete surfaces for all types of internal wall panels shall meet the requirements of the working drawings and STB 2173.

Category of the concrete surface of the structure adjacent to the mold during moulding is not lower than A3, opened during moulding of A4. Other categories of panel surfaces may be established by agreement of the manufacturer with the consumer.

Internal wall panels are designed for use in residential and public buildings with non-aggressive, low-aggressive and medium-aggressive degree of exposure to gas media.

Reinforcement and formwork drawing of the inner wall panel is shown on sheet No. 3.

4.1.2 Storage and storage of raw materials


Cement is stored and stored in a specialized silo-type rail warehouse.

Cement enters the warehouse in railway cars of all types (bunker type, cement locomotives with pneumatic unloading) and in self-unloading car cement locomotives with pneumatic unloading.

Cement storage tanks are equipped with aeration RH devices.

Cement storage shall be sealed and ensure cement protection against atmospheric and soil moisture.

Cement is stored by types and brands separately in silos. To avoid caking, cement is periodically pumped from silo to silo.

For long-term storage of cement (over two months), it is necessary to check its activity before using it to prepare a concrete mixture.

Aggregates - crushed stone and sand

Storage of crushed stone and sand is carried out in an indoor warehouse of a half-junker type trestle and open storage sites.

The aggregates entering the plant are discharged into a special receiving bin, from where they are fed by an inclined belt conveyor to a belt conveyor distributing crushed stone and sand to the corresponding compartments of the warehouse or open storage sites.

In the warehouse, fillers are taken by volume or mass in a state of natural humidity.

The volume of aggregates, if necessary, is determined by measurements in vehicles, and the mass by weighing.

Crushed stone is stored and stored separately by fractions. Mixing of crushed stone of different fractions during storage and storage is not allowed.

Reinforcement steel and wire

Reinforcement steel and wire should be stored in closed warehouses sorted by classes, diameters and suppliers on racks or stacks of bundles with free passages, in conditions that exclude corrosion and contamination. It is allowed to store reinforcement steel and wire under a canopy under the condition of moisture protection. Reinforcement steel and wire are not allowed to be stored on the ground floor, as well as near aggressive chemicals.

Each batch of reinforcement steel and wire shall be accompanied by a special document - a certificate, which indicates the name of the manufacturer, the date and number of the order, the diameter and grade of the steel, the test results, the mass of the batch, the standard number. Time and results of tests, lot weight, standard number.

When storing reinforcement steel and wire, check the presence of a label (tag) indicating: trademark of the manufacturer; steel brands; smelting numbers, size, reinforcement steel or wire class, weight in kg, order number, additional marking.

4.1.3 Requirements for applied materials

Materials for concrete mix preparation

Cement shall comply with GOST 10178 Portland Cement and Slag Portland Cement. Specifications, "grades 400 and 500 and GOST 31108 of types CEM I, CEM II/A - Sh 42.5N.

Crushed stone must comply with GOST 8267 "Crushed stone and gravel from dense rocks for construction work. Specifications. " Crushed stone fraction 520 mm. It is allowed to use a mixture of fractions of 510 and 1020 mm with a strength of at least 1000 with a content of grains of weak rocks of not more than 5%, dust-like and clay particles of 1% by weight.

Sand shall comply with GOST 8736 "Sand for construction works. Specifications. "

Water shall comply with STB 1114 "Water for concrete and mortar. Specifications. " When using service water, tests are carried out once a year for the content of soluble salts, sulfates, chlorides and suspended particles, as well as for compliance with other technical requirements.

When using a chemical additive, the C-3 plasticizing chemical additive must comply with the regulatory documents according to which it is issued and has a technical certificate or must be entered in the catalog of chemical additives KDx2010 allowed for use in the territory of the Republic of Belarus.

It is allowed to use other chemical additives according to STB 1182 when making a concrete mixture, provided that the concrete composition is selected taking into account the recommendations of P 199 to SNiP 3.09.01.

Reinforcement steel

Reinforcement steel of the following types and classes shall be used for reinforcement of internal wall panels:

- hot-rolled rod of periodic profile of class S400, S500 as per STB 1704 "Non-stressed reinforcement for reinforced concrete structures. Specifications ";

- hot-rolled rod class S240 as per STB 1704 "Non-stressed reinforcement for reinforced concrete structures. Specifications. "

Hot-rolled reinforcement steel of S240 class as per STB 1704 "Non-stressed reinforcement for reinforced concrete structures should be used for manufacturing of mounting loops. Specifications", A240 in accordance with GOST 5781.

Welded reinforcement and embedded items shall meet the requirements of STB 2174 and the series of working drawings.

Welded nets (frames) are manufactured by contact spot welding in accordance with STB 2174 "Welded reinforcement and embedded products, welded reinforcement joints and embedded products of reinforced concrete structures."

Grids (frames) manufactured on multi-electrode welding machines shall comply with the requirements of GOST 23279 "Reinforcement welded grids for reinforced concrete structures and products. General Specifications. "

Limit deviations of dimensions of reinforcement meshes (frames) shall not exceed the deviations specified in the working drawings or shall not exceed:

- length of individual rods, distance between extreme rods along length and width ± 5 mm;

- by distance between two adjacent longitudinal rods (except extreme) ± 6 mm.

Transfer of rebar meshes to molding shops is carried out after acceptance of the batch by technical control.

It is allowed to include grids from wire of one class and one type according to GOST 23279.

Loops for internal wall panels are manufactured in accordance with working drawings and accepted in batches by technical control before transfer to molding shops.

Reinforcement of panels is adopted by welded frames, which are combined by separate longitudinal rods into a spatial block on the entire panel. All elements of the three-dimensional frame are connected by contact welding or viscous by means of a binding wire with a diameter of 0.8 mm.

Other materials

For hidden interchangeable wiring, channels are provided in the panels, which should be formed by PVC pipe with a nominal diameter of 25 and 50 mm.

Concrete mix

Concrete mix for internal wall panels shall comply with STB 1035 "Concrete mix. Specifications. " Concrete mixture mobility index - P1, with cone settlement 1-4 cm. Selection of concrete mixture composition should be performed as per STB 1182 "Concretes. Rules for selection of composition. "

4.1.4 Selection of nominal composition of concrete and assignment of working composition of concrete mixture

Selection of the nominal composition of concrete and assignment of the working composition of the concrete mixture should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of STB 1182 to ensure the specified quality indicators of the panels.

Selection of nominal composition of concrete is carried out at organization of production, change of standardized parameters of products, production technology, characteristics of applied materials, as well as at development and revision of production and technical standards of materials consumption, but at least once a year.

Selection of concrete composition should be performed by the laboratory of the enterprise according to the terms of reference approved by the chief technologist, developed by the technological service of the enterprise.

Materials used for composition selection shall comply with the requirements of the standards or specifications for these materials. Prior to the start of the concrete mix composition calculations, the materials shall be tested according to the relevant standards to determine the quality indicators required for the calculations.

Selection of nominal composition of concrete is carried out according to the following stages:

- determination of characteristics of raw materials;

- calculation of initial composition of concrete mixture;

- calculation of additional compositions of concrete mixture with parameters of compositions that differ from those accepted in the initial composition upwards or downwards;

- manufacture of initial and additional test mixes, manufacture of samples and their testing according to all normalized quality indicators;

- processing of the obtained results with the establishment of dependencies reflecting the influence of composition parameters on the normalized quality indicators of concrete products and intended for the purpose of nominal, as well as the purpose and correction of working compositions;

- designation of nominal composition of concrete ensuring production

panels of required quality with minimum consumption of cement.

The results of the selection of the nominal composition of concrete meeting the requirements of the approved technical specification must be documented in the log of the selection of the composition of the concrete mixture and approved by the chief technologist.

The testing laboratory of the enterprise shall transmit the dosing map from the composition selection log for each working composition of the concrete mixture to the BSC. Each dosing card shall be signed by the head or other responsible person of the testing laboratory.

4.1.5 Process of concrete mix preparation

The process of concrete mix preparation consists of the following process operations:

1. Transportation of cement, crushed stone, sand to batching silos of concrete mixing unit.

2. Batching of concrete mix components:

- sand;

- crushed stone;

- cement;

- water;

- chemical additives.

3. Mixing of concrete mix components.

4. Concrete mix unloading.

5. Dosing of crushed stone and sand is carried out using AVDCH1200 dispensers. Filler dosing error shall be not more than 2% by weight.

6. Cement dosing is carried out using AVDTs425 dosing unit. Cement dosing error shall be not more than 1% by weight.

7. Water dosing is performed by AVJ425 weighing dispenser. The error of dosing water and working solutions of liquid additives must be not more than 1%.

8. Initial components of concrete mixture are supplied from batchers to concrete mixer in the following sequence: crushed stone, sand, cement, water with solution of chemical additive.

9. The initial components of the concrete mixture are loaded at the working concrete mixer.

10. The mixing time shall be not less than 50 seconds.

11. Monitoring of dosing accuracy is carried out at least once a month using control weights or electronic cargoes by concrete mixing unit personnel. If the dosing unit is more than permissible, the dosing unit shall be repaired and metrologically inspected.

4.1.7 Production process of reinforcement blocks

The manufacturing process of reinforcement blocks for internal wall panels consists of the following technological operations:

- procurement of reinforcement bars of class S400, S500 and reinforcement wire S500;

- procurement of reinforcement rods for mounting loops from reinforcement of class S240;

- manufacturing of mounting loops;

- welding of flat reinforcement frames and grids on a single-electrode point welding machine;

- manufacturing of embedded parts;

-Assembles rebar flat frames into a spatial rebar block.

Billet of reinforcement bars of class S400, S500, S240 and reinforcement wire S500.

The procurement process of reinforcement bars of class S400, S500 consists of the following operations:

- cleaning of reinforcement steel from rust, contamination, oxide film, and peeling scale (if necessary);

- unwinding of valves (if the valves come in the windings);

- fittings editing;

- measuring and marking of reinforcement;

- cutting of reinforcement steel.

The manufacturing process of assembly loops consists of the following operations:

- marking of rebar blanks;

- laying of reinforcement rod on the chuck of the drive bending machine;

- bending of rebar end;

- repeating operations until the loop is fully formed.

The process of welding flat reinforcement frames and grids on a single-electrode spot welding machine consists of the following operations:

- transportation of the prepared rods of the working and distributing valves to the welding machine;

- marking of welding pitch of longitudinal and transverse rods;

placing a cross-shaped longitudinal rod and a transverse one on a fixed electrode of a welding machine;

- activation of the machine and pressing of the movable electrode to the fixed one;

- cross joint welding.

Manufacturing process of embedded parts consists of the following operations:

- billet of plates, angles, shaped rolled stock and rods;

- welding of embedded parts.

The process of assembling rebar flat frames and grids into a spatial rebar block consists of the following process operations:

- installation of flat longitudinal frames in upper and lower zone of reinforcement unit (frames KV3, KV-8, KV10, KV-11, KV16, KV12, KV13, KVCH-5, KVCH9, KVCH-10, KVCH11, KVCH16, 30, KVCH 29-18)

- installation of flat transverse frames (frames KV1, KV-2) in the design position with their simultaneous fixation with longitudinal frames using binding wire. Flat longitudinal and transverse frames are interconnected in two places (upper and lower zone);

- connection of flat transverse frames in the middle zone with separate rods (TV2, TV-11, TV14 rods, etc.) by means of binding wire;

- installation of the remaining flat frames and grids in the design position, their fixation by means of binding wire;

- installation of mounting loops and embedded parts in the design position, their fixation by means of binding wire.

4.1.8 Technological redistribution of internal wall panels manufacturing

Technological redistribution of panels production consists of the following technological processes:

1. Unraveling, cleaning, lubrication and assembly of the cassette.

2. Reinforcement of the cassette.

3. Forming panels.

4. Thermal moisture treatment of panels.

5. Fine-tuning and marking of panels.

The process of unraveling, cleaning, lubrication and assembly of the cartridge for the manufacture of internal wall panels consists of the following operations:

1. Removal of retainer preventing self-closing of cassette installed on frame of stripping machine.

2. Attachment of the first compartment of the cassette by rearrangement of rods connecting the two walls.

3. Lowering the crossbeam above the cassette.

4. Article slinging by mounting loops and its removal from cassette compartment.

5. Inspection of the article, removal of residual grasped concrete from the edges of the article.

6. Transportation of the article to the finished product delivery station or to the finishing station.

7. Supply of crossbeam by crane to second compartment of cassette.

8. Actuation of the unraveling machine for assembly, closing of the locks of the first compartment of the cassette.

9. The operation of unraveling the articles is repeated according to the number of cassette compartments.

10. Cleaning with metal wall scraper. Periodically cleaning of cassette separation walls is performed by grinding machine.

11. Application of lubricant by spray rod on cassette wall by circular downward movements.

12. Start the unraveling machine to close the lubricated compartment and open the next one.

Preparation and reinforcement of cassette compartments. The cassette reinforcement starts from the last compartment:

1. Installation of retainers to form protective layer on reinforcement block.

2. Block slinging and its movement to cassette compartment.

3. Lowering the unit into the compartment.

4. Block upset.

5. Check of compartment reinforcement correctness.

6. Actuation of the unraveling machine to close the compartment.

7. Closing of the assembled compartment locks.

8. Opening of locks of the next compartment.

9. Start the unraveling machine to open the next compartment.

10. The cycle of the operation to strengthen the compartments is repeated according to their number.

Moulding of cassette compartments:

1. Check of rebar block design location.

2. Setting the shutoff device to the operating position against self-closing of the compartment and final pressing of the cassette.

3. Concrete supply to the span using self-propelled trolleys along the concrete rack.

4. Loading of concrete mixture into hopper and its slinging with crane.

5. Filling of cassette compartment with concrete mixture up to ¼ of its height .

6. Actuation of mounted vibrators and compaction of mixture during 3040s.

7. Repeat this operation until all cassette compartments are fully filled with the mixture.

8. Final vibration compaction of concrete mixture until cement milk appears on the product surface.

9. Installation of embedded parts (if required).

10. Remove remnants of concrete mixture from the cassette surface and carefully smooth the surface of the articles.

Thermal treatment process by mode:

- temperature rise to 600 С - 3 hours;

- isothermal heating at 600 С - 8 hours;

- cooling of articles - 2 hours;

- total heat treatment cycle - 13 hours.

The process of refinement and marking of wall panels consists of the following technological operations:

1. Transfer of molten articles to the finishing station for final cooling of the article and its finishing.

2. Installation of the plate on the finishing station.

3. Installation of the article with a bridge crane in the racks for repair.

4. Inspection of panel side surfaces. Sealing of shells, shrinkage cracks, poorly compacted sections of the product, concrete fragments with polymer cement mortar.

5. Acceptance of internal wall panels by technical control.

6. Application of marking marks on the end vertical face of the article in accordance with the requirements of GOST 13015.2. The contents of the markings shall correspond to the working drawings.

Process of finished products export.

1. Lowering the crossbeam above the article.

2. Slinging and lifting of the article.

3. Movement of the article, installation on the trolley and its disassembly.

4. Full loading of the self-propelled trolley and removal of products to the finished product warehouse.

4.3 Mechanization and Automation of Production

4.3.1 Development of process unit - cassette unit

The production of products in a horizontal position is irrational due to the low removal of products from a unit of production area and the labor intensity of obtaining a high-quality face, therefore, special cassette installations are used.

A feature of the cassette technology is the formation of articles in a vertical position in stationary detachable metal group moulds, where the articles remain until concrete acquires the necessary strength.

cassette-forming plant with hydraulic drive consists of vertically installed mold-cassette and machine for unraveling and assembly of cassettes mounted on welded bed.

The cassette consists of a number of compartments (10) formed by vertically installed steel walls with a thickness of 24 mm. Sides made of angles are fixed on walls from below and from sides. The width of the compartments is 160 mm.

machine has frame, hydraulic cylinder (5), system of locking levers with shock absorbers (6), adjusting screws (11), six stops (7) welded to front wall of RH compartment (as per drawing), hydraulic equipment and electrical equipment. Stops are controlled by hydraulic cylinder through system of rods and levers (8).

The frame is formed by two (front and rear) posts 13 and 12, respectively, connected to each other by support beams 1, on which support rollers 4, which, rolling along treadmills 2, rest dividing 3 and steam walls 10 forming a cassette.

Heat treatment of manufactured panels is performed by steam supplied to closed thermal compartments. Thermal compartments are located at the edges of the cassette and every 2 moulding compartments. In cassettes, 9 articles are formed simultaneously. Separate compartments of cassette are connected in series with each other by pin locks (9). External vibrators of type IV104N (14) are attached to the cartridge sides.

Operation on the cassette forming unit is performed in the following sequence. The cassette is assembled into one common unit. Reinforcement is laid in moulding compartments. Then concrete mixture is fed by concrete dispenser into moulding compartments with simultaneous actuation of vibrators. When the compartments are filled with concrete mixture and the molded article is finally compacted, the vibrators are disconnected, and steam is supplied to the thermal compartments.

Thermal treatment of articles is carried out during 6-8 hours. Then, the manufactured articles are smelted. To do this, the right (as per the drawing) compartment is disconnected from the adjacent one by opening the pin lock. Then, when oil is supplied to hydraulic cylinder, piston rod moves upwards, acting on lever system. At that, horizontal levers are folded and the wall welded to it is pulled to the right by 0.85 m. Using a crane, the manufactured product is removed from the compartment and transferred to the finished product warehouse. Then the right wall of the compartment returns to the initial position and is connected to the wall of the second compartment by means of a pin lock. The second compartment is then disconnected from the third compartment. After that, when oil is supplied to hydraulic cylinder, two compartments connected to each other are moved to the right through system of rods and levers. After removing the product from the second compartment, both compartments return to the left, the second compartment is connected to the third compartment, which is then disconnected from the fourth compartment. Then all three compartments move to the right etc. until the cassette is completely unloaded. When all compartments have been unloaded, the entire compartment assembly returns to its original position to form the next batch of articles.

Control panel and electric cabinet are mounted next to cassette molding unit on service platform [12].

The vertical forming cassette unit is shown on sheet No. 5.

4.3.2 Functional diagram of control and regulation of thermal processes in cassettes

Heating of cassette with parts is performed by steam inlet through pipe located in lower part of steam jacket. Steam supply is controlled by motor actuator 1IM, which receives pulses from astatic program controller 1ER. Temperature meter (sensor) is located in cassette unit.

Before entering the cassette unit, steam passes through the DN orifice plate with the condensing vessel. Measuring instrument DPflow meter with integrator is connected to diaphragm. Following the diaphragm of the flowmeter, a direct pressure regulator is installed "after itself," and then a device showing and indicating pressure, i.e. a contact pressure gauge giving signals: normal, above, below.

The panel has a multi-pole switchgear selector switch, with which you can alternately disconnect the sensors from the regulator in all cassette installations controlled by this panel and connect them to the LG device showing the temperature (in this case, to the logometer).

The board shall have the following alarm: value of steam pressure - LN, LP, LD lamps, which are switched on by contact pressure gauge, process "Cycle is finished" - 1LO lamp, which is switched on by regulator, actuation of automatic mode - 1LS lamp, which is switched on by contact of universal selector switch. Control buttons and universal switch are also installed on the board.

Other instruments: sound signal, flow meter with integrator, pressure regulator and pressure gauge are located near cassette installation in places of controlled values extraction. Astatic software regulator is used for temperature control.

Functional diagram of control and regulation of thermal processes in cassettes is presented on sheet No. 5.

4.3.3 Development of process unit, automation - cantilever concrete dispenser

Betonorazdatchik console SMZh 306A is intended for giving and laying of concrete mix in compartments of the cassette installations located in flights of production of panels of internal walls. It is installed on the rail track of the trestle belt conveyor, on which it moves during operation.

Cantilever continuous concrete dispenser SMZH306A consists of cantilever feeder, drives and control panel.

The belt feeder is a welded frame on which the drive drum 10, the receiving tray 9, straight roller supports 6, the drum with a tensioner, the unloading funnel 3 and the full-turn groove 2 are mounted. Above the belt there is a receiving tray 9.

The operation of the concrete dispenser is carried out as follows: the operator from the control panel turns the feeder frame, sets a leak over the shape of the cassette installation, supplies from the control panel of the concrete dispenser a permitting signal to the concrete mixing compartment for starting and loading with the concrete mixture with a belt conveyor and, moving the concrete dispenser along the vertical shape, fills it. By increasing the angle of rotation of the feeder in the horizontal plane, molds less distant from the axis of movement of the concrete dispenser are filled. The angle of rotation of the feeder from the perpendicular position 600 to both sides. The largest runner leak is 4500 mm, the smallest - 2250 mm. By turning the stream, the accuracy of feeding the mixture into the mold is adjusted. Capacity of concrete dispenser up to 125 t/h.

The concrete mixture is fed into the molds of the cassette unit 1 by a tape feeder through a discharge funnel 3 and a full-turn drain 2.

Uniform loading of cassette plant compartments is achieved by operator due to reciprocating motion of concrete dispenser along rail track parallel to cassette plant compartments and periodic rotation of feeder as compartment is loaded. For independent adjustment of concrete mixture supply from feeder tape to cassette unit compartments the feeder drain is made full-turn [4].

Betonorazdatchik console SMZh 306A is presented on sheet No. 8.

4.3.4 Development of schematic (electrical) control diagram of cantilever concrete dispenser

Process and schematic diagrams of automatic control of cantilever concrete dispenser are presented on sheet 9.

Concrete mixture from BSC to moulding shop is supplied via concrete rack by means of concrete trolley and unloaded directly into hopper of cantilever concrete dispenser. This scheme provides: automatic sending of the cantilever concrete dispenser after loading it with concrete mixture to the place of unloading, automatic unloading and returning it to the next load.

When the SF1 circuit breaker is switched on, the supply voltage through the SBA emergency stop button (2) is supplied to the automatic control circuits of the cantilever concrete dispenser. In the initial state, the cantilever concrete dispenser is installed under the concrete trolley and the limit switch SQ6 (4) is pressed. The operator from the control panel selects SB6 (8) at the request of the unloading point of the cantilever concrete dispenser and sets the voter of the SBR (9) control mode to position A - automatic control.

When the concrete mixer is unloaded, the contact of the limit switch SQ5 (9) of the gate is closed and relay K2 (9) operates, which becomes self-locking through the normally closed contact of relay K1 (8). The mixture from the concrete mixer is unloaded into the concrete carriage, and then from it into the cantilever concrete dispenser. After a given unloading time, the concrete mixer unloading gate closes and one contact of the final switch SQ5 (10) opens, and the other closes, which leads to the switching on of the relay KZ (10), which prepares the circuit for switching on the time relay KT1 (11).

When the operator presses the start button SB7 (11), the relay KT1 operates, which supplies voltage to the siren of the pre-start alarm of the GV (12). After 30 s, the contact of time relay KT1 is switched over and relay K4 (13) for sending the cantilever concrete dispenser to the unloading point is actuated. At that magnetic starter KMV1 (3) of electric drive of cantilever concrete dispenser is switched on. Relay K4 (13) is switched off at the same time. When the concrete dispenser approaches the cassette installation, the contact of the final switch SQ4 (8) is closed and the relay K1 (8) operates, which stops the concrete dispenser by turning off the magnetic starter KMV1, turns off the electromagnetic brake UA1 (5) and opens the gate of the concrete dispenser using the magnetic starter KMV2 (6).

When the gate is opened, the contact of the final switch SQ7 (14) is closed and the relay KT2 (14) is switched on, which becomes self-locking through its contact and the contact of relay K1 and supplies voltage to the siren of the pre-start alarm of the HA. After the discharge time of the concrete dispenser (about 20 s), the time contact of the KT2 relay is switched on and the magnetic starter KMN2 (7) of the shutter closure is turned on. At completely closed lock the contact of SQ11 (15) becomes isolated also the K5 (15) relay which removes stress from a brake of UA1 and turns on the KMN_ magnetic actuator (4) returns of a betonorazdatchik under the concrete mixer works. When the concrete dispenser comes off the limit switch SQ4, the relay K1 is switched off, which turns on the relay KT2 (the siren of the GV is turned off) and the relay K5. When approaching a betonorazdatchik under the concrete mixer the SQ6 limit switch works, its normally closed contact switches-off the magnetic KMH1 actuator and at the same time normally open contact includes an electromagnetic brake of UA1. Cantilever concrete dispenser is in initial state under concrete mixer.

To send the concrete dispenser again after loading (relays K2 and KZ are on) to the unloading point, the operator sets the switch SB6 from the control panel to the required state and presses the button SB7. At the same time acts napryazhenis from an electromagnetic brake of UA1 and the timer of the prestarting KT1 alarm system turns on.

Drawings content

icon 1 Генплан.dwg

icon 10 охрана труда.dwg

icon 2 Разрез кровли.dwg

icon 3 Внутренняя стеновая панель.dwg

icon 4 Ребристая плита.dwg

icon 5 Кассета.dwg

icon 6 Циклограмма.dwg

icon 7 Разрез 1-1.dwg

icon 8 Бетонораздатчик.dwg

icon 9 Электрическая схема.dwg

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