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Diploma project of a residential building


Project diploma contains drawings + explanatory note

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1 Architectural and construction section

1.1 Design Input

1.2 Plot Plan

1.3 Functional Process

1.4 Space Planning Solution

1.5 Interior and Exterior Finishes

1.6 Constructive solution

1.7 Engineering Equipment

1.8 Heat Engineering Wall Calculation



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2 Design section: Building structures

2.1 Calculation of multi-stop slab

2.1.1 Calculation by limit states of the first group

2.1.2 Calculation of limit states of the second group

2.1.3 Pre-stress loss of valves

2.1.4 Calculation of crack formation normal to longitudinal axis

2.1.5 Calculation of plate deflection


No. P/N

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3 Design section

3.1 Calculation of shallow foundation

3.1.1 General characteristics of the building

3.1.2 Load collection

3.1.3 Engineering and geological conditions of the construction site

3.1.4 Climatological and geological features of the construction area

3.1.5 Calculation of shallow foundation

3.1.6 Determination of foundation depth

3.1.7 Design of shallow foundation

3.1.8 Calculation of reinforcement section area

3.1.9 Settlement calculation

3.1.10 Determination of deformation characteristics



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4 Technology of construction production

4.1 Job Instruction for Brickwork and Installation of Floor Slabs

4.1.1 Scope of application

4.1.2 Calculation of Scope of Work

4.1.3 Calculation of labor costs

4.1.4 Selection of integrated brigade

4.1.5 Organization and procedure of works

4.1.6 Safety precautions for masonry and slab installation

4.1.7 Quality control of works performance

4.1.8 Allowable deviations

4.1.9 Technical and economic indicators

4.2 Job Instruction for Roofing Operations

4.2.1 Scope of application

4.2.2 Calculation of Scope of Work

4.2.3 Calculation of labor costs

4.2.4 Selection of integrated brigade

4.2.5 Organization and procedure of works

4.2.6 Safety precautions during roofing works

4.2.7 Quality control of works performance

4.2.8 Tolerances

4.2.9 Technical and economic indicators


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5 Economy and organization of construction

5.1 Schedule

5.1.1 Description of the schedule

5.1.2 Election of methods of works execution

5.1.3 Definition of Scope of Work

5.1.4 Determination of Labour Intensity of Costs

5.1.5 Material Requirements List

5.1.6 List of requirements for construction machines and low-mechanization equipment

5.1.7 Selection of installation crane

5.1.8 Feasibility study of installation crane selection

5.2 Estimated calculations

5.2.1 Local estimate No. 1 for civil works

5.2.2 Estimated calculation No. 1 for sanitary works

5.2.3 Estimate calculation No. 2 for electrical installation works

5.2.4 Estimated calculation No. 3 for the purchase and installation of equipment

5.2.5 Object Estimate No.

5.2.6 Consolidated cost estimate for construction

5.2.7 Technical and economic indicators

5.3 Construction Plan

5.3.1 Summary of Construction Plan

5.3.2 Calculation of storage areas

5.3.3 Calculation of temporary buildings on the construction site

5.3.4 Calculation of water demand

5.3.5 Calculation of temporary power supply



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6 Life Safety

6.1 Analysis of hazardous and harmful factors during construction

6.2 Occupational safety measures

6.3 Calculation of fire resistance degree of reinforced concrete slab

6.4 Possible emergencies

6.5 Fire prevention measures



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7 Environmental friendliness of the project

7.1 Land reclamation

7.2 Protection of atmospheric air from pollution

7.3 Protection of water bodies from sewage pollution


Construction - branch of production of goods in which fixed assets of industrial and non-productive purpose are created: buildings ready for operation, building constructions, constructions, their complexes.

The intensive development of construction equipment is accompanied by the introduction of industrial construction methods, new construction and structural systems. Recently, in connection with the transition of the country to a market economy, a large number of fundamentally new building materials have appeared in terms of constructive and decorative indicators. Meanwhile, due to increased competition among manufacturers in the construction materials market, there is an inevitable reduction in their cost, quality and assortment.

In the field of architecture and civil engineering, construction means the process of erecting or creating infrastructure. The main stages of this process are land removal, design, project approval in the authorities, the actual process of erecting a building or structure, and commissioning of the facility. As a rule, the work is carried out by a team of specialists of a construction or engineering company under the guidance of a project manager (English project manager) and is controlled by representatives of technical supervision and development engineers (design engineer or project architect).

Specialists who participate in the development and implementation of construction projects should create effective mechanisms for planning, budgeting, document management, timely supply of construction materials, logistics, workplace safety, etc. In addition, they need to take into account the environmental consequences of their work and create a minimum of temporary inconvenience for the public at the stage of the construction of the facility.

Building construction is the process of adding a building to real estate. The vast majority of construction projects are small reconstructions. Often, the owner of the property acts as an auxiliary worker, design engineer and team of designers of the entire project. Nevertheless, all building construction projects include some common elements - design, definition of the project budget, resolution of legal issues. Many projects of varying sizes result in undesirable outcomes, such as destruction of the facility, cost overruns, and/or litigation. Experienced specialists in this field make detailed plans and closely supervise the project at each stage to ensure positive results.

The construction of buildings is carried out at the expense of private or public funds using various methods of organizing construction production. The tools for organizing the construction process are hard tenders, contract price, traditional method, contract contract, risky construction management, design and construction, and related design and construction.

The method of organizing construction production is understood as a set of measures carried out by the developer to obtain a building. There are many different methods of organization, but the most common are:

• Traditional method (design-tender-construction)

• Design and construction

• Contract management

Traditional method. This is the most common method of organizing construction and is well organized and recognized. According to this scheme, at the first stage, the Developer enters into a design agreement. The project organization develops construction drawings and specifications, determines the scope of work and draws up indicative estimate documentation. At the second stage, an open or closed tender is held, with the winner of which the Developer enters into a general contract. The general contractor performs the functions of contract management, calculation, and construction and installation work management at the site from start to finish. There are direct contractual relations between the Developer and the general contractor. Any subcontractor will have a direct contractual relationship with the general contractor.

Design and construction. This approach has become more common in recent years and includes a complete package, including fittings, fittings and equipment, if necessary, to ensure a fully functional building. The "design and construction" package may also include site search, organization of financing and application of all necessary legislative agreements. Design and construction is usually used for less complex projects, such as offices or industrial buildings, and it is also used in large, complex projects, which has become common recently. The potential advantage of the PiS method, which he proposes with respect to other methods, is that it can lead to great reliability of cost and schedule. Under such a system, the client usually has a direct contract relationship only with the PiS contractor.

Contract management. Under this arrangement, the customer plays an active role in the supply chain by entering into separate contracts with the designer (architect or engineer), construction manager, and individual sales contractors. The customer assumes the contract role, while the construction manager or project manager provides an active role in managing individual trade contracts, as well as ensuring their smooth and effective collaboration. Purchasing system management is often used to speed up the delivery process, providing the customer with more flexibility in design options throughout the contract, the ability to assign individual work contractors, individual contractual responsibilities for each individual contract, and providing the customer with more control tools.


This degree project has developed such sections as architectural, design and construction, foundations and foundations, organization and technology of construction production, construction economics, labor protection in construction.

In the construction of a residential building, it is planned to use all modern methods of work and new materials, the use of which leads to a decrease in material consumption, an increase in labor productivity, and an increase in construction efficiency.

Guided by the textbooks of A.F. Gayevoy and N.N. Danilov, a construction schedule, a process schedule, and a construction master plan were developed. Slab and foundation band cushion were calculated.

And also, according to SNiP II379 * "Construction heat engineering, a heat engineering calculation of the outer wall was carried out.

In the future, I can apply the acquired knowledge to work in production.

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