Diploma project of a 6-story 24-apartment residential building

- Added: 29.07.2014
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Additional information
1 Architectural and construction part
1.1 General part (building characteristics and space-planning solutions)
1.2 Plot Plan
1.3 Structural characteristics of the main elements of the building
1.4 Architectural design
1.5 Engineering Equipment
1.6 Technical and economic parameters of the building
2 Design and structural part
2.1 Design diagram
2.2 Load Counting
2.3 Design Calculation
2.4 Design Diagram
2.5 Load counting
2.6 Design Calculation
3 Design and processing part
3.1 Bill of Quantities
3.2 Selection of method of works execution for main types of works
3.3 Labor Cost Sheet
3.4 Material Requirements List
3.5 Calculations for Construction Plan
3.6 Selection of vehicles
3.7 Selection of grippers and crane equipment
3.8 Job Instruction
3.9 Calculation of labor costs
3.10 Technical and economic indicators
3.11 Guidelines for Work and Labor Protection
3.12 Environmental protection measures
4 Economic part
4.1 Compilation of summary estimates
4.2 Summary Estimate
4.3 Object Estimate
4.4 Local Estimate No.
4.5 Local Estimate No.
4.6 Local Estimate No.
4.7 Local Estimate No.
4.8 Calculation of economic efficiency
4.9 Technical and economic indicators of the project
The tasks solved by the people to accelerate the socio-economic development of the country are inextricably connected with the improvement of construction and construction equipment. The government has always paid the utmost attention to construction. Since 1921, the first state construction organizations were created. In 1939, it was decided to spread the practice of high-speed construction methods, the development of mechanization and the use of building parts and factory-made design. This enabled the introduction and implementation of significant measures for housing construction and improvement. In 1950, to develop by further improving the construction business in the country and implementing a unified technical policy in construction. In 1952, they determined the need to build prefabricated reinforced concrete structures in order to increase the pace of construction. In the development of the construction industry and the introduction of new types of buildings into the practice of construction, a government decree played a large role, ways were outlined to further improve the design and estimate business, the widespread transition from non-industrial methods of building design to construction on standard projects, and the elimination of excesses in construction. The decree "On the development of housing construction" in Russia was outlined for the builders the most important national economic task - eliminating the need for housing. By this time, the country had laid a solid foundation for the transition to industrial construction of civilian buildings, and this decree not only gave a huge impetus to housing construction, but also accelerated technological progress in construction. By this time, the developed construction industry had made it possible to improve the housing conditions of about 10 million people annually.
The main areas of economic and social development of Russia defined the main task of capital construction - building the country's production potential on a new technical basis,
Housing and amenities. In the development of civil buildings and structures, special attention has been paid to the economical and rational use of all types of building materials and energy. Special attention is paid to the production of sets of light structures of high factory readiness, the use of local building materials, an increase in the construction of cultural facilities and landscaped houses.
The decree "On measures to ensure the implementation of plans for the construction of houses and social facilities" was planned to implement measures to reduce the level of industrialization, ensure savings in labor resources, and accelerate the transfer of housing construction to progressive series of houses. However, the pace, volume and quality of construction lagged significantly behind the requirements of the country's accelerated socio-economic development. Attempts to correct the matter through extensive development, dispersal of funds for the construction of numerous new facilities, involvement in the production of additional labor and material resources only aggravated the problem of balance of sectors of the national economy. The Government has identified the priority task - to decisively reverse the unfavourable trends in the development of the economy and give it due dynamism. The task set is to provide each family with a separate apartment, in order to do this, the builders have to: achieve a radical improvement in construction; improving capital expenditure efficiency; reduction of construction time; improve design estimates, carry out construction on the most progressive and economical project. Make better use of advances in science and technology and best practices; improve the quality of planning and urban planning solutions; reduce the cost of constructing buildings and structures; Reduce unit costs per unit of capacity to be activated. Increase the implementation of the civil buildings computer-aided design system; improve the contracting method of work; reduce the volume of manual work in construction by 25%; increase the level of industrialization of construction
production and degree of factory readiness of structures and parts; Expand the use of new efficient designs; Make better use of local building materials. In addition, solutions to all issues of planning and development of the territory should be carried out taking into account the protection and rational use of the environment.
1 architectural and construction part
1.1 General part
The developed design of a 6-storey 24x apartment building belongs to the category of residential buildings, that is, it is intended for permanent residence of people. The areas of the premises are available in technical and economic indicators. In addition to the areas of the premises, there is also a construction volume, residential and total area, planning and volume coefficients.
Building Characteristics and Space Planning Solution
Building Class II
Degree of durability II
Fire resistance grade II
Design winter temperature of external air - 30 wasps
Snow load 150 kg/m2
Wind head 45 kg/m2
Ground freezing 2.0 m
The project was developed for construction in the city of Sibay. The building is equipped with the following sanitary and technical systems: central heating, cold and hot water supply, sewerage, low-current devices.
This project provides for measures to ensure explosive, explosion and fire safety during the operation of the building.
Each structural building type has several structural diagrams that differ in the mutual arrangement of structural elements. Structural diagrams and parts of buildings must meet the most progressive types of industrial construction, the requirements of the modular system of unification and typification of structures and parts. It is recommended to design residential buildings, as a rule, taking into account the complete assembly of structural and enclosing structures.
The prevailing wind direction is southwest. Soils-clays and dry
links. The underground part of the building is a technical underground where hot and cold water supply and sewage networks are located.
As a rule, window openings should be provided in any building. In staircases, the window openings of which are filled with glass blocks, it is necessary to provide opening flaps with an area of at least 1.2m2 on each floor. Various types of window openings on balconies were also used.
The object of six floors has a height relative to 17.640. The roof is multi-pitched, the internal and external walls are made of brick. Foundations are made of prefabricated reinforced concrete structures. Reinforced monolithic belt is made for inner and outer walls.
Volumetric planning solutions of the building are developed on the condition of application for dimensions of unified geometric parameters in accordance with GOST 2383889 allowing to replace the load-bearing and enclosing structures without changing the volume-planning solution and the technological part of the warehouse design, the possibility of expanding the building compartment.
1.2 Master Plan
Civil building plot plans shall be designed in accordance with SNiP. The solution of the master plan consists in the correct placement of the building on the building site, its orientation on the sides of the world, the direction of the prevailing winds, the terrain and the presence of neighboring buildings.
The master plan depicts the designed object, entrances and approaches to it, elements of improvement, nearby buildings and structures.
Landscaping is designed to create the healthiest recreational conditions of the urban population, to protect strong winds and polluted air from the production building, to improve climatic conditions,
to decorate the streets.
1.3 Structural characteristics of the main elements of the building
Foundations and foundations. The foundations, together with the soil base, have a significant impact on the strength and stability of the building.
The soil thickness lying under the foundation and accepting the load from the building is called a natural base.
When erecting buildings on a natural base: soils lying in the thickness of this base should have small and uniform compressibility; soils shall have sufficient bearing capacity. Their physical and mechanical are determined during engineering and geological investigation of the construction site; soils shall not have heaving properties. During freezing, soils increase in volume, and during thawing they decrease. This leads to uneven settlement of the building and the appearance of de-formation cracks in it; soils must withstand the effects of groundwater, which, dissolving some rocks, take out the smallest particles from their thickness. As a result, the porosity of the base appears, which reduces its bearing capacity of the base.
Foundations are an important structural element of the building, which perceives the load from its above-ground parts and transfers it to the base. Foundations must meet the requirements of strength, stability, durability, processability of the device and economy.
The upper plane of the foundation, on which the above-ground parts of the building are located, is called the foundation surface or trimming, and its lower plane, directly contacting the base with the foundation foot. The distance from the planned soil surface to the bottom level is called the depth of foundation laying, which should correspond to the depth of the base layer. Depth must be considered
ground freezing. According to the structural scheme, the foundations can be ribbon, located along the entire length of the walls. In the shape of the profile, the ribbon foundation for the wall in the simplest case is a rectangle. The width of the foundation is much larger than the thickness of the wall, providing for small ledges on each side along the 50... 150 mm. According to the method of the device, the tape foundations can be prefabricated. Prefabricated strip foundations for walls consist of foundation blocks-cushions and wall foundation blocks. Foundation cushions are laid directly on the base. Foundation concrete blocks are laid on mortar with obligatory dressing of vertical seams, thickness of which is taken equal to 20 mm.
In this building tape foundation is used from reinforced concrete slabs and concrete blocks they are mounted from rectangular or trapezoidal slabs laid on a leveled base or on sand preparation. Wall blocks are installed over foundation slabs along mortar layer.
Overlaps. Floors along with walls are the main structural elements of buildings. By location in the building, the floors can be intermediate, attic and basement. The ceilings must be strong, withstand constant and temporary loads acting on it. Rigidity is an important requirement that determines the performance of the floor. Slabs shall have pre-static soundproofing. In this regard, layered slab structures with various sound insulation properties are used. Slabs shall also meet fire protection requirements corresponding to the building class. Reinforced concrete floors are the most reliable and durable and therefore are now widely used in civil engineering. According to the method of the device, they are prefabricated. Prefabricated reinforced concrete slabs of floor during their installation are rigidly sealed in walls with the help of anchor anchorages and fixed to each other with welded or reinforcement bonds. The seams between the slabs are ground quite tightly, with
by means of which the overall stability of the building is increased.
The floor is made of many hollow panels with round voids of time-personal length.
Partitions. Partitions are vertical non-bearing enclosing structures that separate one room from another. In civilian buildings, wall crossings are also used, which, in addition to enclosing functions, are also load-bearing. Such structures are based on independent foundations, and their solutions are similar to walls. Partitions shall meet the following requirements: have a small mass and a small thickness; have good sound insulation qualities and the necessary fire resistance; To comply with sanitary and hygienic standards; be industrial in the device. According to the method of the device, the partitions are made of small-sized elements. Depending on the material, the partitions may be brick. Brick partitions can have a thickness of ½ or ¼ bricks. Partitions ½ bricks should have a height of no more than 3 meters, and a length of 5 meters. If the height and length of the room exceed the specified dimensions, then the partition is reinforced with steelmaking with a section of 1, 5x25 mm laid in horizontal seams every six rows of masonry. Ends of reinforcement are connected to the main structures of the building.
In this building, bricks are used as material for partitions.
Windows. Natural lighting of the room can be provided through vertical and horizontal openings in the walls. Windows are the main vertical structures for natural illumination of rooms. Glazing construction is also an important element that affects both the appearance of the building and the interior of the premises. The necessary requirement that windows must meet is their heat-protective properties, which avoids unreasonable heat losses and provides sound insulation of the premises.
According to the material, the windows are wooden, according to the method of opening the windows are double-leaf, according to the number of glass windows with triple glazing. Printer window height
9001300mm is heated. Window blocks consist of window boxes, glazed bindings and sill boards. Window box represents frame to which window bindings are attached. The upper blind or opening part of the window is called a frame. Blind bindings, framugs and sashes are co-standing of bandages and muntins (horizontal and vertical bars inside the binding, dividing the area of the sash, framuga or blind binding into smaller cells). Glass is inserted into specially located in the structures of bindings of quarters, called falcons and fixed with nails, wire studs or plancamistapics. The boxes in the walls are reinforced with verches in masonry seams or nails, which are hammered into specially installed wooden plugs. The gap between the box and the wall is carefully punctured with pacley. The box is necessarily coated with antiseptic and laid around the perimeter with a layer of toluene or ruberoid. Slopes are plastered outside and inside. Window blocks fully prepared for installation are delivered to the construction site. In the windows opening inside, the inner binding is hung on the box, and the outer - on the inner. Both bindings are fastened to each other with screws or cut-in hooks and separate them if it is necessary to remove dust or wipe glass. The distance between the glasses is 47 mm. To prevent air permeability of the lips, the paired bindings have an overlay and a gasket along the binding.
A more progressive design compared to paired bindings are double-glazed windows inserted into single bindings. Such a package consists of two glasses with a layer of dry air and framing of a frame made of rubber or plastic. The use of plastic window bindings, which, unlike wooden ones, do not rot, do not dry and always maintain the density of the narthex.
Doors. Doors are used to isolate the passage rooms from each other and enter the buildings. Their location, number and size are determined taking into account the number of people in the premises, the type of building and other factors. Doors consist of boxes representing frames fixed in doorways
walls, or partitions and webs hung on door boxes. By the number of canvases, the doors can be single and double. According to the position in the building, the doors can be internal, external. Single doors accepted 900 mm, double doors 1400 mm. Height 2300 mm. Door boxes have 15 mm deep quarters of the canvas, the width of which shall correspond to the thickness of the canvas. Door boxes in the openings of stone walls are attached with nails or worms, clogged in wooden plugs specially installed in the structure of the openings. The box must be antiseptic and wrapped in thick. In partitions, the gap between the box and the guard structure is closed with a platter. In temporary buildings, carpentry doors are arranged on keys or bars. Doors located on staircases and attics should be difficult to burn. The main door devices are hinged metal hinges, door handles, tie-in locks and gate valves.
Coatings. A structural element that encloses a building from above is called a coating. The main types of coatings are attic roofs. Based on the main purpose of the coating - protection of the building from atmospheric precipitation in the form of rain and snow, as well as from losses of heat in winter and overheating in summer, it consists of load-bearing structures that perceive transmitted loads from overlying elements and the enclosing part. The main requirements for coverage are as follows: The coating design shall ensure the perception of constant load as well as time loads. The enclosing part of the coating used for sediment removal shall be waterproof, moisture resistant, resistant to the effects of aggressive chemicals contained in the atmospheric air and falling in the form of precipitation on the coating, solar radiation. Important requirements for coverage are the cost-effectiveness of their device and ensuring the minimum cost of their operation. To ensure sediment removal, the coatings are arranged with a slope. The slope depends on the roof material, as well as the climatic conditions of the construction area.
In the designed building there is a multi-pitched roof made of metal.
Floors. Floors are arranged on floors or directly on the ground. The upper layer of the floor, which is directly exposed to operational effects, is called a coating or a clean floor; interlayer (rough layer) - an element connecting the coating with the underlying layer serving as an elastic bed. Brace - a leveling layer on a non-rigid coating, also serves to create a slope. The underlying layer serves to distribute the load on the base. Heat, hydro, sound insulation shall be provided for the floor. The base perceives all the loads acting on the floor. Lagi - boards, bars or plates that support the wooden floor.
Arrangement of floor elements for coating. Concrete underlying layer is laid with vibration. Layers of gravel or crushed stone, which is pressed with the help to depth of not less than 40 mm, are previously scattered over soil surface. Pro-resin and thick-wrapped boards are installed along the length of the concreting strip in places of deformation joints. Waterproofing can be arranged immediately after the concrete mixture is laid or after it is solidified.
Device of plank floors. Plank floors are lined with ostrugan floor rake of coniferous wood. The thickness of the floor rail is 37 mm, the width is 124 mm. For tight connection, the floor rack has a tongue on one side and a ridge on the other. Boards on the ground floor of the building are laid according to lags, located after 600 mm. Lags are laid on iron-concrete slabs. In rooms, boards are placed in the direction of light, and in corridors - in the direction of movement. Plinths are installed after sauces sharpening. Board floors are painted twice after performing all the work in the room .
Plank floors and floors made of ceramic tiles in san are used. nodes.
Floors made of piece stone materials. Ceramic tiles are laid on a layer of cement sand mortar with thickness of 10 mm. Base is cleaned and wetted with water, position of rows is marked. Tiles are laid piece by piece using templates. Templates are used to lay tiles. The template is filled with tiles face down, they are fixed
the rods are transferred to the place of laying, turned over and laid.
The floors must be strong, resist abrasion and confusion; stiff, non-slip and silent when walking; hygienic, easy to clean from dust and dirt; easy to use.
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