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Diploma project for part machining process "Flange"


Thesis project. Explanatory note, drawings

Project's Content

icon Аннотация.doc
icon Введение+Содержание.doc
icon Заключение.doc
icon Спецификация.doc
icon 1.Технологическая часть.doc
icon 2.Конструкторская часть.doc
icon 3. Экономическая часть.doc
icon 4.БЖД.doc
icon Фланец.dwg

Additional information



1. Process Part

1.1 Description of part design and analysis of its processability

1.2 Definition of production type

1.3 Selection of bases

1.4 Selection of procurement method

1.5 Definition of allowances

1.6 Routing Process

1.7 Operational Process Design

1.8 Definition of cutting modes

1.9 Process rationing

2. Design Part

2.1 Description of the accessory

2.2 Calculation of clamping force

2.3 Accuracy Calculation

3. Economic part

3.1 Definition of production type

3.2 Determination of the number of workplaces

3.3 Determining the number of main production


3.4 Determining the number of auxiliary workers

3.5 Determination of required production area

3.6 Determining the Value of Fixed Assets

3.7 Calculation of cost of manufacturing the tip on IBM PC

3.8 Calculation of main technical and economic parameters of tip production

4. Safety of life

4.1 Chip control measures

4.2Important Computer Maintenance Security Measures

5. Special part

5.1. Scheduled maintenance

5.2. Description of the MS calculation program using the Microsoft Excel environment


List of sources used







Graduation qualification work (diploma project)

MF VSTU, 2006,., Fig., Table, sources.,

1 att., 11 l. Drawings f. A1.

The developed diploma project consists of five sections: design, technological, economic parts, a section on life safety and a special part.

Part analysis is performed in design part and fixture clamping forces are calculated.

In the process part, the analysis of technological features of the part "Flange," its technical description, analysis of the existing technological process and feasibility study for the selection of the workpiece, development of the technological process with the transfer of some operations to a machine with numerical program control, calculation of cutting modes and rationing of the technological process are considered .

Design part is presented by design of device for boring of an opening of Ø 72H9, with calculation of forces of a clip and calculation of adaptation on accuracy .

In the economic part, the full cost of the part is calculated using computers.

Part of life safety contains information on equipment

computer security and chip control measures.

In a special part of the diploma project, software for PPR (planned preventive repair) is developed using Microsoft Excel.


In the diploma project, the technological process of machining the part "Flange" is being developed. The goal of the development is to reduce the cost of the part compared to the basic technological process, as well as improve the technical and economic indicators and efficiency indicators. The task is to improve the technological process, to introduce numerical control machines into technology. And also consider the option of reducing universal equipment, which will lead to a decrease in the number of workers, a decrease in auxiliary time, a reduction in cost, and thereby bring us closer to our goal.

Mechanical engineering has a leading role among other sectors of the economy, since machines perform the main production processes.

Therefore, the technical level of many industries largely determines the level of development of engineering.

Improving operational and quality indicators, reducing development time and introducing new machines, improving their reliability and durability are the main tasks of machine builders. One of the ways of solving these problems is to improve the training of students at higher educational institutions.

Large opportunities for improving the work of machine builders are provided by the use of computers, which allows you to optimize and automate most of the design process.

In this regard, in the educational process of higher educational institutions, a significant place is given to the study of computer technologies, graphic and engineering programs.

The diploma presented was developed through these programs.

In a special part of the diploma project, a subsystem for PPM (planned - preventive repair) is being developed. The purpose of the development is to automate the selection of the overhaul cycle, the overhaul period and the cycle. The tasks in the special part of the diploma project are to simplify the choice of the overhaul period, removing the need to look for a large amount of reference literature that make up the overhaul period.

1. Technological part


1.1. Description of part design and analysis of its processability.

1.1.1. Service purpose of the product and description of working conditions.

The article - "flange," is one of the main links in the landing gear system of the MI171 helicopter.

Based on the purpose, it is a very responsible unit, on the parts of which there are great requirements for accuracy and quality of production. With inaccurate manufacture of parts, a skew may occur and as a result, jamming or gouging will occur, which eliminates the possibility of a clear and smooth landing of the helicopter, shortens the service life of the product.

1.1.3. Part Design Processability Analysis.

The workability of the product design provides a combination of all its design qualities that provide operational functions and allow the use of modern progressive methods of manufacture, which are most technically and economically feasible in these conditions.

Taking into account small-scale production, the billet - stamping on hammers, was chosen rationally .

The configuration of the outer and inner contour requires additional tooling during manufacture to obtain an axis arrangement at an angle of 80 52,.

The design of the part cannot allow free access of the tool for the final treatment of the central hole to the passage, requiring additional equipment; there are no significant difficulties in obtaining the remaining holes.

The part is thin-walled, used medium workability material, and a special tool is also required during manufacture - cutters for processing external diameters with R8, R5 and for processing internal diameters, which requires additional costs for their manufacture.

A variety of part subassemblies allow you to process the largest number of surfaces, reducing auxiliary time.

The remaining structural elements of the part, which are finally manufactured according to the drawing and do not require rework during assembly, correspond to the specified accuracy and roughness, based on their service purpose.

Output: part - "flange," not sufficiently technological, allows the use of high-performance processing modes, the possibility of processing on machines with numerical program control; the surfaces to be treated require additional tooling in terms of providing the specified accuracy, roughness and location of the surfaces; A special tool is also required to meet certain drawing requirements.

2.1 Description of boring accessory

Ø72H9 openings.

Adaptation is intended for installation, a clip and processing of an opening of Ø72H9 in a detail "Flange".

The special accessory consists of:

1) Counterweight.

2) 2 cones.

3) The device is equipped with a non-mechanized screw clamping mechanism, which ensures a reduction in auxiliary time and an increase in the productivity of the collet. Clamping mechanism consists of wear-resistant strong critical parts, which provide prevention of vibration and displacement of blank relative to supports of accessory during processing.

4) Nuts.

5) Tablets.

6) Shank.

7) 2 screws.

The part is based in the device on the plane and on the hole using a non-mechanized screw clamping mechanism and a faceplate.

The procedure for working with the appliance is as follows: in the part we install 2cones, collets. Twist the nut and use the screw to secure the part in the desired position. Then, using another screw, fix the part in the faceplate. The faceplate, in turn, is welded to the shank, which is installed in the spindle of the machine. A counterbalance helps to position the part at the right angle for us at 8to 52. "


As a result of the diploma project, the technological process of machining the Flange part using numerical control machines was improved, which significantly reduced the time spent on machining the part. Calculation and processing charts were compiled, cutting modes and unit time for operations were calculated. In the economic part, the cost of the part is calculated, which turned out to be lower than the base. Techno-economic and performance indicators were also presented, which showed that the presented technical process is more effective than the basic one in many indicators.

In the section on life safety, recommendations were given on security during computer maintenance.

Developed in a special part of the diploma project, the calculation subsystem for the PPM allows you to determine the overhaul cycle much faster.

Drawings content

icon Фланец.dwg


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