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Vegetable farming is one of the most labor-intensive sectors of agriculture. In terms of per hectare of area, the need for labor here is 20-25 times higher than the need for grain crops and 2-2.5 times higher for potatoes, reaching 1000 people. zga. The level of mechanization is about 28%. At the same time, the actual availability of labor resources in specialized farms does not provide a quarter of the normative need for them.
The republican system of machines for cultivating, harvesting and post-harvesting processing of vegetables includes 113 items of technical equipment. Of these, only 24 (21%) are in production, 67 (59%) have been developed, but not mastered, 22 positions (20%) are to be developed.
Large labor costs and a low level of mechanization not only restrain the growth of vegetable production, but also lead to a significant reduction in sown areas (more than 30 thousand hectares over the past 10-12 years). There is also a tendency to reduce the range of vegetable products grown by collective farms and state farms, including specialized ones. The production of cucumbers, radishes, garlic, onions, green crops has decreased especially sharply.
In the Republic of Belarus, 64% of households produce vegetables, of which 86% cultivate them on an area of less than 8 hectares. In small areas, and in most households, vegetable plantations are placed on several acres or, at best, on 2-3 hectares, complex equipment cannot be effectively used. Based on the current conditions and taking into account the studies performed, it can be concluded that it is advisable to have two sets of machines for mechanization of work in the industry: one (for specialized farms), based on tractors of traction class 1.4, the second (for non-specialized) - on tractors of class 0.4-0.6.
Bulb onions are one of the most valuable and common vegetable crops that can maintain high taste and commercial qualities for a long period of storage, quickly increase the green crop when distilled in protected soil. The biological features of onions and the methods of their cultivation make it possible to produce fresh products throughout the year. It is widely used in raw and processed form, used in the canning and meat processing industries. An important role for this culture is assigned in medicine, especially folk.
In connection with the diploma project, it is planned to develop an intensive technology for cultivating and harvesting bulb onions with the modernization of the KL-1.4 digger.
Technology of bulb onions cultivation and harvesting
3.1. Onion bulb and its meaning. Morphological and biological features
Bulb onions are one of the most valuable and common vegetable crops that can maintain high taste and commercial qualities for a long period of storage, quickly increase the green crop when distilled in protected soil. The biological features of onions and the methods of their cultivation make it possible to produce fresh products throughout the year. It is widely used in raw and processed form, used in the canning and meat processing industries. An important role for this culture is assigned in medicine, especially folk.
Bulb onions - the plant is cold-resistant, its seeds begin to germinate at a temperature of 57 ° C, but the appearance of seedlings is delayed. With an increase in temperature, the germination process accelerates. At 1415 ° С, seedlings can appear in two weeks, and at 2022 ° С - in 6-8 days. Onion seedlings easily tolerate spring cooling and small frosts (up to 3 ° C), but at a temperature of - 5 ° they die. Leaves of adult plants tolerate 1, -2 ° C, but die at lower temperatures. Sharp varieties are more resistant to negative temperatures.
The most favorable temperature for the growth and development of onions is 22-25 ° C. The increase in temperature during the period of stopping the growth and outflow of plastic substances from the leaves to the bulb contributes to the acceleration of this process, and, therefore, the ripening of the bulbs. Temperature significantly affects the formation of vegetative and generative kidneys during storage. In bulb onions, a low positive temperature during storage (510 ° C) contributes to a more complete passage of all phases of the development of the generative organ, a higher (1215 ° C) delays this process. Storage of bulbs at low temperatures (+ 11cC) also inhibits the development and growth of arrows.
Bulb onions belong to fairly moisture-loving plants. It grows well with low air humidity (6070%), but requires high soil moisture (at least 70% of the lowest moisture consumption). Onions respond well to watering in the first two-thirds of the growing season. The number of watering depends on the meteorological conditions of the year and on the growing zone. In the second half of vegetation, lack of moisture favors the ripening of bulbs.
Onions show a high demand for intensity and duration of lighting. The duration of the day is one of the most important environmental factors determining its speed and, in fact, the success or failure of growing a variety in various geographical conditions.
The most full-fledged bulbs of varieties and similar varieties zoned in Belarus are formed with a long bottom and good illumination. In conditions of low illumination, assimilation is weak, the formation of the bulb is inhibited. The reduction of the day duration causes extension of the growing season in all varieties, the ripeness of onions decreases. Southern varieties respond weaker to a shorter day than northern varieties.
3.2. Technology of bulb onions cultivation and harvesting in the Republic of Belarus
Varieties. The State Register of Varieties and Shrubs of Belarus includes 16 varieties of bulb onions: Strigunovsky local, Yantarny, Vetraz, Stuttgarter rizen, Kruvitski ruzhovy, Volsky, Sokhachevsky, Chernyakhovsky, Grandina, Durko, Jumbo, Mecha, Renate, Dyat. For the conditions of the Mogilev region, the most suitable: Amber, Durko, Volsky, Dzhumbo, Vetraz.
Amber - a breeding variety of the RUP "Institute of Vegetable Production of the NAS of Belarus," zoned in the Vitebsk, Grodno and Mogilev regions. Recommended for growing from sow. Quick, sharp, the length of the growing season from seedlings to feather flight is 7,280 days. The nest is medium, the bed is good. The shape of the bulbs is rounded flat with a run up. The color of the dry scales is light brown with a pink tint, juicy - white. The bulb is dense, weighing 4080 g.
Vetraz - a variety of breeding RUP "Institute of Vegetable Production of the NAS of Belarus," has been zoned since 1994 for cultivation in annual and two-year crops. Quick, sharp, universal. Bulbs are dense, 3-5-conceived, rounded-flat in shape. The color of the dry scales is dark yellow, juicy - white. The mass of the bulb is 6080 g. It has relative resistance to peronosporosis and neck rot. The bed is good.
Durko is a medium-sized hybrid from the Netherlands. The growing season in the annual culture of seeds is 85105 days, the ripening before harvesting is 85-9%. The bulb is rounded, weighing 5075 g. The color of the dry scales is brown, juicy - white. Dry matter content is 9.910.8%. Relatively resistant to peronosporosis.
Volski is an early ripe variety of Polish breeding. The growing season in one-year culture from seeds is 8597 days, in two-year culture from sowing - 77-90. Ripeness before harvesting - 83-98%, bulb weight 7080 g. The color of dry scales is golden yellow with a bronze tint, juicy - white.
Jumbo is a medium-ripe peninsula variety from Sweden. The growing season in the annual culture of seeds is 102119 days, the ripening before harvesting is 60-65%. The bulb is rounded, dense, weighing 6165 g. The color of the dry scales is yellowish, juicy - white. Relatively resistant to peronosporosis. The recumbency of the bulbs is good.
Site selection and soil preparation. Bulb onions are characterized by an increased requirement for soil fertility. This is due to the small suction surface of its root system. The best for onions are humus-rich loamy and sandy soils. Especially important for this culture are the good physical properties of the soil - loose addition, structure, water and air permeability, sufficient moisture capacity.
Onions are very sensitive to soil acidity. The optimal acidity for it is 6.07.0, but even a small increase in pH greatly harms the growth and development of onions: the leaves become small, light green with yellow tops. The soil of areas with increased acidity must be calcined by placing onions for the 2nd-3rd year after the addition of calcareous materials.
Onions respond well to the application of fertilizers, but it is necessary to take into account for what purposes they are grown. It is not advisable to add fresh manure directly under the onions on the turnip, since it causes an increased increase in vegetative mass and delays ripening, bulbs. And when growing on a feather, the addition of overheated manure in combination with mineral fertilizers contributes to better growth.
On humus-poor soils, small doses of organic fertilizers can be introduced under marten ploughing, better - peregrine (4050 t/ha), peat compost (5080 t/ha) and, as an exception, fresh manure (3040 t/ha).
Mineral fertilizers for onions are introduced depending on the content of nutrients in the soil. Since it reacts negatively to the high concentration of mineral fertilizer salts, phosphorus and potassium must be introduced under the ground, 2/3 of nitrogen - under the pre-preparation of the soil and 1/3 - in the form of 2-3 feeds.
The particular requirements of onions for soil fertility, illumination and moisture determine the choice of the area for its cultivation. The best precursors are crops under which large doses of organic fertilizers were introduced - cucumber, pumpkin, zucchini, early cabbage. It grows well in the turnover of a formation of perennial grasses and in siderates. In field crop rotation onions are placed after boboslak mixtures on green feed, peas and winter rye. Bulb onions, in turn, are a good precursor for all vegetable crops, but it can be returned to its former place no earlier than 3-4 years later.
Weed-free soils are a prerequisite for the successful cultivation of any type of onion. The soil for it needs to be treated very carefully. Immediately after cleaning the predecessor, round-up or its analogues (2-4 l/ha) are added. After 1012 days, soil is removed in two passages to a depth of 810 cm, then ploughed under a pile. Before plowing, organic fertilizers and 2/3 doses of mineral are added. Field alignment is required. 710 days after the layout - cultivation to a depth of 1012 cm.
Spring tillage begins with the loosening of the site to preserve moisture. The field is harrowed or cultivated in two tracks to a depth of 5-6 cm. Then, as the soil is ready, it is soaked (1518 cm) with harrowing or rolling, at the same time 2/3 doses of nitrogen fertilizers are added. Pre-sowing cultivation or milling treatment of soil to a depth of 810 cm is carried out on the day of sowing. Narrow-profile beds are cut with UKO0.7 cultivator immediately before sowing. On light, well-warmed and ventilated soils, formation of ridges is not necessary.
Growing methods. The natural and climatic conditions of the republic allow growing onions in an annual, biennial and perennial culture.
One-year culture is carried out in two ways - by sowing seeds into the ground and planting pre-grown seedlings. For these growing methods, sparse, fast-growing varieties are used, which are able to mature under conditions of a short growing season.
Two-year culture allows you to get commercial onions for the second year. In the first year, sowing is grown from seeds in thickened crops, which is then used as planting material. This method of growing onions is most common in household areas and ensures the annual production of stable crops.
Perennial culture is carried out vegetatively, i.e. by planting a sample or uterine bulbs. For these purposes, multifaceted varieties are used that form a small bulb. They need to be propagated through seeds after 5-7 years (to renew the culture), and in the future they are propagated only vegetatively.
Preparation of seeds and planting material. Onions begin to cook for sowing in autumn. The main elements of pre-preparation are: maintaining the correct storage mode, sorting and decontamination.
The storage of the sow is the most important link in agricultural equipment of a two-year culture. The temperature of storage depends on the speed and degree of shooting of the bulbs. Small shark (0.71.2 cm) is not capable of shooting. The seedlings of the first (1.52.2 cm) and second (2.23.0 cm) groups are stored at a temperature that excludes the passage of the jarovization stage. A warm storage method (+ 1820 ° C) or cold-warm is used, in which in autumn and spring the temperature is kept at + 1820, and in winter it is reduced to - 130 and the relative humidity of the air should not exceed 70%.
After winter storage, 2-3 weeks before planting, the sows are sorted and sorted into groups. Healthy bulbs are selected for planting. 1015 days before planting, the sowing is heated for 8 hours at a temperature of 4042 ° C or 1012 hours in a stream of warm air at a temperature of 4547 ° C, which reduces shooting and reduces the disease of false powdery mildew and neck rot.
Seeds 1-2 days before sowing are soaked in water or bubbling is carried out, after which they are dried until loose, scattered with a thin layer on a bag or tarpaulin, stirring periodically.
Seed etching involves treatment against diseases with the preparation royalflo 42C (4-5 g/kg), against onion fly - "Prestige" (100 ml/kg).
Sit down and land. The time of sowing and planting onions is determined by its requirements for heat, moisture, ripeness of the soil, and the duration of the day. The optimal time for planting onions for the southern zone is April 5-15, for the central and northern - April 15-20, but no later than April 25.
The absence of effective seeders in the republic for planting lukasevka, which ensure high-quality planting of bulbs, requires this operation to be performed manually. Field before landing is marked. The basic planting scheme for medium-length varieties is two-line 8 + 62 cm, for small-length varieties the line distance is narrowed to 15 or 10 cm; for efficient use of harvesting machines, especially on heavy soils, sowing and seeds are sown on narrow-profile beds. Landing depth 4-5 cm.
Sowing seeds to produce onions-turnips in annual culture is carried out in spring as early as possible (no later than the 1st-2nd decades of April).
The most suitable sowing scheme for Belarus - 8 + 62 on narrow-profile beds with a height of 610 cm and a width of 20 cm. On light soils on a flat surface of the field, such a scheme provides the technological possibility of mechanical destruction of weed vegetation between rows and the use of local application of pesticides and soluble mineral fertilizers, reducing their consumption by 1.52 times. The depth of seed seeding is 2-3 cm. The optimal density of onion plants (800 thousand pieces of germinating seeds per 1 ha) (Table 28). To cultivate onions from seeds, domestic sowing machines KPA2.8, SPV-4 and AKP4 are used and for treatment of UKO0.7 interspaces.
Nursing crops. Cultivators with passive and active working organs are used to loosen the soil and destroy weeds between rows. The loosening depth is 4-6 cm (first by 4 cm, subsequent - by 6 cm). Depending on weather conditions, 4-6 inter-row treatments are carried out per season. The width of the protective area on each side of the tape shall be 810 cm.
At the same time as inter-row treatment, crops are fed with fertilizer consumption: in the first phase (1-2 real leaves) - N20, in the second (3-4 leaves, but no later than June 20) - N10. Nitrogen fertilizers may be introduced in solid or liquid form.
In dry years and with moisture deficiency in soil, 3-4 vegetation watering is carried out with water flow rate of 250300 m3/ha.
Weed control. Onion crops do not tolerate clogging of fields. The correct combination of mechanical and chemical weeding allows you to achieve almost complete purity of crops and exclude manual. The system of chemical measures to control weeds on onion crops involves the use of herbicides before sowing or before the appearance of crops and vegetating plants.
The soil herbicide stomp (33% of Nye k.E.) is introduced before the appearance of weed plants in a dose of 2.34.5 l/ha, while the depth of sowing should be at least 2.5 cm. Weeds germinating in the upper layer die, and onions sown below are not damaged. The main condition for the effective action of stump is the moisture content of the soil in the upper layer, so it must be added either on the day of sowing, or after watering or precipitation.
In dry weather, the action of stomp is not effective, 2-3 days before the appearance of onions, weed seedlings appear. In this case, reglon is introduced at a dose of 2 l/ha. Treatment with this preparation 2-3 days before seedlings is carried out in exceptional cases and extremely carefully.
For growing onion plants in the 1-2 leaf phase, the use of stump (22.5 l/ha) is also permissible. In the earlier stages of the development of onion plants (cotyledon leaf), the drug significantly slows its growth or completely destroys seedlings.
Starting from the phase of 2 real leaves, the use of 24% GoCe is effective. goala 2E (0.51.0 l/ha) and 22.5% gf ke. totrile (2-3 l/ha). Depending on the development phase of onions and weeds, different treatments for these herbicides may be used. They can be applied in disposable or fractional doses. Fractional application of goal 2E is recommended from the onion phase of 2 leaves and early stages of weed development. Treatments are carried out at a dose of 0.1 l/ha with an interval of 710 days. The dose of herbicide in the first treatment can be increased to 0.25 l/ha, and in the second and third treatment - to 0.3 l/ha. In exceptional cases (when the weeds have reached the 4-6 leaf phase), the third treatment is allowed with a dose of 0.5 l/ha.
The use of totril is most effective on onions in the 3-6 leaf phase. In earlier phases, it is used in two receptions of 1.01.5 l/ha.
Against cereal weeds on onion crops use 7.5% q.e. fuzilad super (1-2 l/ha) in the phase of 2-4 leaves of annual weeds, (2-4 l/ha) - at the height of perennial weeds 1015 cm) or 4% k.e. panther (0.751.0 l/ha) in the phase of 2-4 leaves of annuals and (1.01.5 l/ha) at a perennial height of 1015 cm).
Protection against pests and diseases. Currently, there are no registered insecticides in the republic to protect onions from onion flies and other pests. Therefore, preventive measures, observance of crop rotation, the destruction of post-harvest residues and weeds should be carried out especially carefully.
To protect crops from the most harmful disease of false powdery mildew (peronosporosis) during the growing season, 2025 days after the appearance of seedlings, preventive spraying is carried out with contact fungicides (1% solution of Bordeaux liquid, 0.4% suspension of polycarbacin, avixil or polychome). Subsequently, depending on the prognosis and the degree of manifestation of the disease, crops are treated 2-4 times with the following drugs (consumption per drug): methaxyl - 2.02.5 kg/ha, arceride - 2.53.3, tuba-reed - 2.0, polycarbacin - 2.4 and avixil - 2.12.9 kg/ha.
Cleaning. Onions are considered ripe and ready for harvesting if the leaves yellowed and lay, and the outer covering scales dried up somewhat and adopted the color characteristic of the variety. The beginning of harvesting is considered to be the time when the number of plants with fallen leaves is 6080%, while 3-4 leaves on each plant remain still green. Depending on the zone and method of cultivation, as well as the ripeness group of the variety in Belarus, harvesting dates come in the 2nd-3rd decade of August or the 1st-2nd decade of September. If the ripened onion is not removed in time, after 810 days its growth may resume, especially when rain falls. This disrupts the resting stage of the bulb, it becomes more susceptible to diseases, poorly stored.
Harvesting and post-harvest refinement of onions consists in sampling of bulbs, placing in rolls for refilling and drying, selection of rolls, drying of graff, separation of tops, sorting into fractions.
Artificial drying of onions involves blowing air through graff, for which purpose a ventilation drying unit ABC300 is used. The supply air temperature shall not exceed 26 ° C. After a week, the temperature was reduced to external (1520 ° C) and vented for 2 weeks. After 2-3-week drying, the onions are finished on specialized LOS5 lines or treated by hand.
For onions of bulb to the half of sharp and varieties grown from seeds, it is better to carry out post-harvest refinement not before laying for storage, but immediately before implementation. This is due to the fact that the bulbs of this group of varieties are severely bare when refined, injured, as a result of which they are poorly stored. Before implementation, the preparation of onions can be carried out on onion-mining machines and specialized lines.
Refinement of dry, well-matured onions of sharp varieties on mechanical lines before laying for storage allows reducing the yield of commercial bulbs by 510% compared to manual refinement, and in unfavorable years this difference increases to 1525%.
Leaf removal on onion-mining machines is carried out immediately before the implementation of the onion by dumping the leaves on onion-mining machines of the roller type. The onion should be well dried. The root system is not trimmed, but in the process of canceling it is completely or partially covered.
Manual trimming of small batches of onions can be carried out before laying for storage or before sending for sale. Onion leaves are cut with a knife at a height of 4-5 cm from the shoulders of the bulb. The root system is removed completely. At the same time, injury to the donets should be avoided, which affects the subsequent preservation of the bulbs.
Storage of onions. Food onions are stored in special storage facilities equipped with ventilation systems and refrigeration units. Optimal storage temperature of food onions 010 С, relative humidity 7580%. Storage parameters must be monitored daily. In order to prevent neck rot bulbs damage, it is necessary to heat onions at a temperature of 40 ° C for 8 hours before laying for storage.
Storage of graff in bulk. In storages equipped with an artificial ventilation system, food onions are covered with a layer of 2.54 m, bulbs should be without mechanical injury, their fall height should not exceed 30 cm. The ventilation system should provide air supply in the amount of 100150 m3 per 1 ton of onions and maintain temperature within 1 ° C + 2 ° C and air humidity 7080%. Storage parameters should be monitored in several locations at different levels, but at least in five. Ventilation of the onion layer is carried out as necessary when the mode parameters change.
Storage of onions in containers. For storage in containers, well-dried onions are laid, which have undergone post-harvest rework. 350400 kg of product is loaded into one container. Containers are installed in 3-4 tiers. The distance between adjacent containers shall be not less than 10 cm.
Storage of onions in plastic trays. Plastic trays or boxes should provide good ventilation of the onion layer. Onions weighing 1025 kg are filled into the boxes for temporary storage for a period of 1-3 months. The height of the stack is up to 2.5 m, the distance between the stacks is 510 cm. With longer storage, the yield of commercial products decreases to 80%.
Storage of onions in mesh bags. Onions embedded in mesh bags weighing 2540 kg are placed on wooden pallets with stacks 2-4 m high, 4-5 m wide. The distance between neighboring stacks is 5-10 cm.
Justification of complex of agrotechnical, technological and organizational measures on intensive technology of bulb onions cultivation
Having analyzed the best practices of flax cultivation in the Republic of Belarus and abroad, it can be concluded that the technology used in the Timonovo SEC needs significant improvement.
Choice of variety. The Vetraz variety should be applied to cultivation, which is distinguished by its versatility, speed, resistance to peronosporosis and neck rot, and good lying. It is suitable for cultivation in annual and two-year culture.
Fertilizer system. For recommendations [2] we apply the following fertilizer system:
- mineral 2/3 doses are introduced in autumn for plowing (30% superphosphate - 0.5 t/ha, potassium chloride - 0.4 t/ha), the rest in spring (ammonium nitrate - 0.2 t/ha before sowing and ammonium nitrate - 0.2 t/ha - feeding at the first cultivation);
- organic, we introduce autumn for grasshopper ploughing (30 t/ha).
A place in crop rotation. The most suitable precursor of all crops cultivated in the farm are perennial herbs.
Soil treatment. In the soil treatment system for bulb onions, we use:
- stubble removal after perennial herbs;
- serpentine plowing to a depth of 2022 cm;
- Semi-agricultural cultivation;
- Early autumn cultivation;
- preliminary soil treatment with a combined unit.
Nursing crops. When caring for crops, the following operations should be used:
- application of herbicide 20 days after sowing (stomp 33% of Nai k.E.);
- treatment of crops with insecticide against pests (metaxil - 2.02.5 kg/ha);
- feeding with cultivation;
- two loosening between rows, the first to a depth of 6-8 cm, the second 1012 cm;
- double watering.
Cleaning. Cleaning is performed in the following sequence:
- harvesting of onion feather;
- harvesting with putting onions in rolls;
- selection of rollers with loading into vehicles;
- post-harvest processing of onions.
Calculation of Operating Technology Card
The main document that allows you to carry out an agricultural operation in an organized and high-quality manner is the operational technology map.
3.6.1. Source data.
The field area is 5 hectares.
The length of the gon is 500 m.
The type of soil is light loam.
Resistivity - 50 kN/m2.
The average slope is 2 °.
Yield 200 c/ha.
Between rows - 70 cm.
Agrotechnical standards and quality indicators
Terms of work - 5.1015.10.
The duration of work is 10 days.
Soil moisture content,% - 20.
Mechanically damaged tubers - up to 2%.
Tuber losses 2%
Economic justification and design efficiency of engineering solutions
5.1. Economic efficiency of bulb onion cultivation technology
In this section, based on the totals of the developed routings, we calculate the economic efficiency indicators. As the basic technology of cultivation, we take the cultivation of bulb onions hereinafter referred to as index 1 and the designed technology having index 2. The difference between the basic technology and the one being developed is the following: the use of more promising technology, effective fertilizers and plant protection tools.
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