Diploma in Pasta Design

- Added: 27.09.2019
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design of a pasta factory based on the leading technological equipment in Mirny city. Explanatory note, drawings: general process diagram with automation, general view of flour sieve and pasta press
Project's Content
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Additional information
1 Feasibility study of pasta production in Mirny
1.1 Economic and geographical characteristics of Mirny
1.2 Market analysis and justification of assortment selection based on marketing research
2 Power justification and line selection per workshop. 3 Characteristics of raw materials used
3.1 Flour
3.2 Water
3.3 Egg powder
4 Formulation and calculation
4.1 Quantity of water for dough kneading
4.2 Selection of test temperature
4.3 Calculation of water temperature
4.4 Calculation of flour and additives consumption
5 Calculation of warehouses
6 Equipment operation schedule
7 Analysis of Russian pasta equipment
8 Selection and calculation of main process equipment
8.1 Bin for bulk storage of flour
8.2 Flour sieve
8.3 Vacuum cleaner
8.4 Pasta Press
8.5 Drying line
8.6 Stabilizer hopper
8.7 Packing apparatus
9 Calculation of auxiliary materials
9.1 Calculation of requirements for packagings and packaging materials
9.2 Water, heat and power consumption for process needs
10 Process Diagram Description
11 Technochemical control of production
11.1 Quality control of raw materials
11.2 Quality control of semi-finished products
11.3 Quality control of finished products
12 Construction part and equipment layout
12.1 Structural elements of industrial buildings
12.2 Enclosing elements of industrial buildings
12.3 Additional structural elements of industrial buildings
13 Automation of production
14 Safety of life
15 Economics and organization of labour
List of sources used
Pasta are food products made from wheat flour and water by mixing, various moulding and drying methods. The pasta production additionally uses vegetables, dry gluten, wheat embryos, dairy, egg and soybean products.
Pasta belongs to basic foods, and the demand for them is quite stable. They are products formed from wheat dough in the form of tubes, strands of ribbons and figures and dried to a humidity of 13%. They are characterized by good preservation, transportability, speed and ease of cooking, as well as high nutritional value and good digestibility. The biological value of pasta is significantly increased when enriched with various additives (eggs and egg products, milk and dairy products, etc.).
During storage, pasta do not blacken like bread, and are less hygroscopic compared to breadcrumbs, are well transported and preserved (up to a year or more) without deterioration of taste and nutritional properties. Pasta is of nutritional value superior to wheat bread, since they are made from wheat flour with a maximum content of protein substances. They contain 12-14% of proteins, 75 80 digestible carbohydrates, 0.9 fats, 0.6% of minerals and vitamins B1, B2, PP, etc. The calorie content of pasta is 360 kcal/100 g. Their digestibility by the human body is higher than the digestibility of cereal. Pasta proteins are absorbed by 85%, carbohydrates by 98% and fats by 95%. From them you can quickly prepare a dish, since the duration of their cooking is 5 - 15 minutes [1].
At catering enterprises, pasta is a culinary semi-product for the preparation of the first (meat, dairy, vegetarian) and second dishes (casseroles, side dishes). The diverse form of these products allows you to beautifully combine them with other products and prepare a wide range of tasty and nutritious dishes: with meat, sweet gravies, cheese, cottage cheese, boiled as a side dish, etc.
The development of market relations in the economy has led to a logical increase in the number of small pasta enterprises. The production of pasta in small enterprises makes it possible to quickly expand the range, quickly respond to changes in consumer demand, and provide the population with fresh products.
One of the areas facing the food industry is the creation of highly efficient technological equipment that significantly increases labor productivity, reduces the negative impact on the environment and contributes to the saving of raw materials, fuel and energy and material resources. It is also necessary to introduce modern technologies aimed at local raw materials and ensuring the production of stable quality products.
The purpose of the diploma project is to design a pasta factory based on the leading technological equipment in the city of Mirny. For this purpose, the following tasks must be achieved:
1) calculate the required prospective production capacity of the enterprise;
2) to select modern technological equipment suitable for the production of pasta from available raw materials - prime grade wheat flour in accordance with GOST R 518652010 - "Pasta products. General Specifications. ";
3) to select an assortment of pasta;
4) consider issues of technochemical control and occupational safety;
5) perform the necessary technoeconomic calculations.
Feasibility study for the organization of pasta production in Mirny
1.1 Economic and geographical characteristics of Mirny
The construction site of the designed enterprise is the city of Mirny.
Mirny is a city in Russia, the administrative center of the Mirny district of Yakutia. The city is located in the west of Yakutia, on the Irelyakh River (Vilyuya Basin). The distance from the capital of the republic of Yakutsk is 1072 km by road "Vilyuy," 820 km by air. The area is 33.66 thousand square meters. km
The city owes its existence and name to the discovery in 1955 of the Mir kimberlite tube. In 1957, open-cast diamond mining began (Mir quarry), which lasted 44 years (until 2001). In 1959, Mirny already received the status of a city. In the late 50 - early 60 years of the last century, the Udachny - Lensk highway was laid about 800 km long for the development of the city of Mirny, the villages of Udachny and Aikhal, and the construction of Yakutalmaz mining enterprises in these settlements.
The city of Mirny is located in the very north of the temperate zone of the Northern Hemisphere. The climate is sharply continental. Winter is very cold, summer is short, but warm enough.
G. Mirny is the center of the ALROSA joint-stock company engaged in diamond mining on the territory of the Mirny, Anabar and Nyurba uluses with their subsequent implementation.
In Mirny there are objects of the socio-cultural sphere, such as: Almaz recreation center, sports and entertainment complexes, swimming pools, cinemas.
The main structures of the socio-cultural sphere of the city and the Mirninsky district were built by builders and at the expense of ALROSA, are on the balance sheet of this company.
In the city and in the Mirninsky district, Vilyugesstroy JSC, the Western Electric Networks enterprise, ALROSAGAZ OJSC, local industry enterprises, MAKBANK, trade and catering organizations also operate.
The population of the city as of 01.01.2012 is 35.5 thousand people. The city's economy employs more than 60% of the economically active population. Of these, about 40% works in industrial production, more than 30% in the budget sector. The level of economic development in the city is relatively high. The main economic activity is mining.
A powerful source of pollution is transport, characterized by multi-component and complex composition. Pollution with exhaust gases of atmospheric air, oils and soil gasoline, makes them very dangerous. Most of these substances precipitate in the soil, reducing its productivity, role and value.
For vehicles of the enterprise, it is planned to provide a special paved site, which means that the ingress of gasoline, engine oil and other harmful and toxic substances into the soil and groundwater will be reduced.
The construction of pasta production practically does not affect the environmental situation in Mirny.
Waste water of the designed pasta production does not require treatment, since it does not contain dangerous and poisonous substances and is not harmful to human life.
The enterprise provides electrical power supply to process equipment, units and systems. Therefore, there will be no harmful and toxic emissions into the atmosphere, such as are formed by burning fuel.
Consequently, the construction of a new enterprise will practically not have a significant impact on the ecological situation of the city.
1.2 Market analysis and justification of assortment selection based on marketing research
Pasta is the second bread for most Russians. Having appeared relatively recently - a little over 200 years ago, pasta became one of our favorite products: on average, the Russian family consumes 6 kg of pasta per year.
In terms of pasta consumption, Russia ranks 14th in the world (about 6 kg per year per capita), Italy is in first place - about 28 kg.
According to ROMIR Monitoring experts, the total number of pasta consumers currently accounts for 94% of the Russian population over 18 years old (i.e., of those who do not buy pasta, only 8% do not consume this product at all).
In the Russian Federation, pasta products are produced by more than 900 enterprises, the total production capacity of which is about 1.2 million tons per year. The maximum production capacity is concentrated in the Central Federal District, whose share in the all-Russian production of pasta is 4041%. The second place is the Ural region (17%), the third - Volga (16%).
Until now, the most important criterion for consumers when buying pasta is price.
The pasta market is characterized by seasonality: the volume of consumption increases in the spring and reaches its peak in the maeyun, then demand stabilizes and there is a slight decrease in it. Minimal sales are observed in early autumn, which is associated with harvesting, which replaces pasta.
In Russia, horns (more than 50% of the population consume this product) and spaghetti occupy a leading position among a diverse assortment of pasta. The following species are also popular: shells, vermichel, noodles, spirals, feathers.
At the designed enterprise, it is planned to produce the most popular types of pasta - short-cut pasta, such as: short vermichel, horns with egg additive, shells, scallops, feathers.
Traditional methods of advertising communications - radio and television - are usually used to promote pasta products. In addition, manufacturers are increasingly resorting to trade marketing and BTL tools. Quite often, promotions are held when when buying two types of goods as a gift are given a third and more.
Advertising is implemented through:
Signs at retail outlets that are manufactured in-house;
media advertising;
advertising on product packaging;
Vehicle advertising.
The distribution of information about the item must begin 2 weeks before the start of release. Then, for one year, it is necessary to constantly maintain in the minds of consumers an interest in this product, in connection with which, advertising will appear constantly, but less often.
Thus, the conquest of the market must be carried out by expanding the range of pasta; enhanced promotion with the help of an advertising company of already developed products [2]. It is necessary to constantly improve the quality and efficiency of marketing activities.
The purpose of the diploma project was to design a pasta factory based on the leading technological equipment in the city of Mirny.
Analysis of modern technologies and techniques for pasta production was carried out and theoretical foundations of production were considered. The design shows the characteristics of the main and additional raw materials, the finished product and the quality requirements for them. Technological diagrams are considered in detail and a technology is chosen that meets the modern level of pasta production and guarantees the production of high-quality products. This is ensured by the addition of additional special additives at the manufacturing stage .
Requirements for raw materials and materials, methods of analysis are considered and points of technochemical control are determined.
The assortment of pasta is selected. Calculations of recipes, raw materials consumption, plant capacity have been carried out. A selection of modern production equipment was made, on the basis of which the main and auxiliary equipment was chosen that meets modern requirements and is suitable for the production of pasta from affordable raw materials - prime grade wheat flour in accordance with GOST P 518652010 .
The proposed technochemical control schemes allow controlling the production process.
To improve working conditions, a functional diagram of automation of production processes was proposed.
An analysis of harmful and hazardous production factors was carried out at various stages of the designed technological scheme, as well as specific measures were developed to ensure health and safe working conditions.
The main technical and economic indicators of this enterprise are calculated, such as the profitability of the enterprise 19.6%, the payback period of 4.9 years, on the basis of which it was concluded that it is advisable to build this enterprise in the selected area.
Pasta are food products made from wheat flour and water by mixing, various moulding and drying methods.
The purpose of the diploma project is to design a pasta factory based on the leading technological equipment in the city of Mirny. For this purpose, the following tasks must be achieved:
1) calculate the required prospective production capacity of the enterprise;
2) to select modern technological equipment suitable for the production of pasta from available raw materials - prime grade wheat flour in accordance with GOST R 518652010 - "Pasta products. General Specifications. ";
3) to select an assortment of pasta;
4) consider issues of technochemical control and occupational safety;
5) perform the necessary technoeconomic calculations.
The construction site of the designed enterprise is the city of Mirny.
The pasta market is characterized by seasonality: the volume of consumption increases in the spring and reaches its peak in the maeyun, then demand stabilizes and there is a slight decrease in it. Minimal sales are observed in early autumn, which is associated with harvesting, which replaces pasta.
At the designed enterprise, it is planned to produce the most popular types of pasta - short-cut pasta, such as: short vermichel, horns with egg additive, shells, scallops, feathers.
The sale of the products of the designed production is expected in the wholesale and retail retail network. Clients can be both the direct population of the city of Mirny and organizations and institutions.
The calculations revealed that it is necessary to design a pasta factory with a production capacity of 147 tons/year, with a daily capacity of 0.557 tons/day. At the same time, the company's share in the industry market will be 30.95%.
The assortment of manufactured pasta is presented on slide No. 2.
Average warm kneading, dough humidity of 29.5%, kneading temperature of 5565 ° С is chosen as the production technology. With such kneading, a high-quality dough with high organoleptic characteristics is obtained, such dough does not adhere to the walls of the equipment, respectively, when the finished product is released, there is less loss and scrap. The daily consumption of raw materials is shown in slide No. 3.
Slide # 4
Flour from a warehouse (1) by means of a meshkooprokidyvatel comes to a reception funnel of a mukoproseivatel of A2HPG (2) from which the shnekovy conveyor (3) arrives on storage in a silo of the XE160 (4) brand for its storage. Using screw feeders (3) flour is supplied to flour dispenser (9 ).
Egg powder is cleaned from impurities on screw screen (7) and sent to emulsion preparation tank (8). Part of water is cleaned from impurities on fine filter (5), then heated in water heating tank (6), and supplied to emulsion preparation tank (8). Ready emulsion is fed by gravity into dough mixing compartment into emulsion dispenser (10). The same dispenser receives prepared water from the water heating tank to create the desired emulsion concentration.
Flour and emulsion are continuously fed by dosing agents into pasta press dough mixer (17). It has three separate chambers, through which the treated mixture passes successively, which allows to increase the length of kneading to 20 minutes. At the final stage of kneading in the last chamber, the mixture is evacuated by means of a vacuum pump (12). This results in a denser pasta structure without air inclusions, as well as further dried products with an equally strong structure without shells.
The mixture then enters the screws of the Makiz 02100 (17) pasta press. In the initial part of the screw zone, the mixture undergoes intensive mixing, moving along the screw channel to the forming holes of the matrix, it turns into a densely bound plasticized mass - pasta dough. A pressure of 6-12 MPa is created in the pre-die chamber of the press, under the influence of which raw dough strands are pressed through the matrix.
The screws, rotating in the plane of the outlet holes of the dies, cut the necessary dough blanks along the length from the dough flow, which are blown with air from the annular nozzle.
Raw pasta blanks are directed to sections of vibration dryer. In the section, the product passes from top to bottom through five vibrating screens, is blown with air from the fan and dried. The flow of dried dough blanks is then combined in the vibration tray (13) and conveyed by the screw elevator (3) to a device which distributes them in a uniform layer over the entire area of the upper tier of the C10903 dryer (14). The dough blanks, passing from top to bottom of the belt conveyors, are dried. Depending on the range and productivity of the line, it includes two or three belt conveyor dryers installed in series. In them, the dough blanks undergo preliminary and final drying.
After drying, heated billets are directed by elevator (3) and movable belt conveyor (15) into hoppers with volume of 2 m3 (16) of accumulator-stabilizer. In them, the blanks gradually cool down to the temperature of the workshop room, in them the moisture content is equalized.
Finished products are fed by system of conveyors (17) into packing machine of grade U03 (18) and packed in cartons from cardboard or bags from polymer film. Bags are packed in commercial container in machine (19) and sent by means of transportation trolley (20) to warehouse of finished products.
Slide # 5
The drum sifting machine of A2HPG is intended for sifting of flour, loosening and aeration. The plant is equipped with magnetic traps. Flour in the field of magnets moves with a layer of thickness not more than 6-8 mm, at a speed not more than 0.5 m/s. Every 4 hours the magnets are cleaned. Working member is made in the form of two fixed drum screens. The receiving bin is made of food stainless steel.
Slide # 6
Pasta Press Makiz 02100 is designed for the production of high quality short cut pasta with vacuumization. Evacuation of the dough in the hopper before pressing makes it easy to remove air from the loose dough mass. Oxidative processes occur to a lesser extent in the oxygen-depleted test mass, which increases the nutritional properties of pasta, improves taste and appearance, and a denser and more uniform structure increases their strength.
Slide # 7
To improve working conditions, a functional diagram of automation of the pasta press was proposed.
Smart pressure sensors of the Metran150 series and a thermal transducer of resistance platinum TSP Metran226 were selected. The selected sensors are modern, inexpensive, highly accurate, have a wide range of measurements, meet the requirements of the sanitary and hygienic standards of the food industry.
An analysis of harmful and hazardous production factors was carried out at various stages of the designed technological scheme, as well as specific measures were developed to ensure health and safe working conditions, such as calculating the lighting of the workshop and calculating the number of fire extinguishers.
Slide # 8
The main technical and economic indicators of this enterprise are calculated, such as the profitability of the enterprise 19.6%, the payback period of 4.9 years, on the basis of which it was concluded that it is advisable to build this enterprise in the selected area.
Thank you for your attention!
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