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Diploma Automated design of drainage networks based on GP drawings

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The diploma project addresses issues related to the automation of the design of drainage networks. A program has been developed to design drainage networks, build a longitudinal profile of the network and provide methodological guidance.

Project's Content

icon Drenazh 2006.ppt
icon Pasport.doc
icon Аннотация.doc
icon Задание.doc
icon Отзыв.DOC
icon РЕФЕРАТ.doc
icon Титул.doc
icon Введение.doc
icon ЗАПИСКА.doc
icon Каледарь.XLS
icon Календарь1.xls
icon литература.doc
icon Организационный раздел.doc
icon Организационный раздел1.doc
icon Приложение 1.doc
icon Приложения 2.doc
icon Расчётный раздел.doc
icon смета дренаж.xls
icon Содержание.doc
icon Специальный раздел.doc
icon 1.MNU
icon 3dd.lsp
icon A0.SLD
icon A1.SLD
icon A2.SLD
icon A3.SLD
icon A4.SLD
icon D1.sld
icon D11.dwg
icon D2.sld
icon D22.dwg
icon D3.sld
icon D33.dwg
icon D4.sld
icon D44.dwg
icon D5.sld
icon D55.dwg
icon Detal.LSP
icon drena.lsp
icon drena.sld
icon Drenazh.MNU
icon F00.dwg
icon F11.dwg
icon F22.dwg
icon F33.dwg
icon F44.dwg
icon F44.dwl
icon format.LSP
icon HELP2.LSP
icon itog.lsp
icon O1.lsp
icon O10.lsp
icon O11.lsp
icon O12.lsp
icon O13.lsp
icon O2.lsp
icon O3.lsp
icon O4.lsp
icon O5.lsp
icon O6.lsp
icon O7.lsp
icon O8.lsp
icon O9.lsp
icon OZELen1.DWG
icon OZELen10.DWG
icon OZELen11.DWG
icon OZELen12.DWG
icon OZELen13.DWG
icon OZELen14.DWG
icon OZELen15.DWG
icon OZELen2.DWG
icon OZELen3.DWG
icon OZELen6.DWG
icon OZELen7.DWG
icon OZELen8.DWG
icon OZELen9.DWG
icon ozelenenie.LSP
icon Proba.lsp
icon Proba1.lsp
icon profil.dwg
icon profil.lsp
icon sloi.lsp
icon tab1.dwg
icon tab2.dwg
icon tabliza1.sld
icon tabliza2.sld
icon tabliza3.sld
icon tabliza4.sld
icon tabliza5.sld
icon Компас.sld
icon КОНТЕЙнеры.SLD
icon КУСТАРник.SLD
icon ОГРАЖДение.SLD
icon ПЕРЕКЛадины.SLD
icon ПЕСОЧНица.SLD
icon translation
icon translation
icon благоуст-во.dwg
icon вертикалка.dwg
icon ГЕНЕРАЛплан2.dwg
icon дрена1.dwg
icon озеленение.dwg
icon план покрытий.dwg
icon ПОС.dwg
icon разбивка.1dwg.dwg
icon 1этаж.dwg
icon 3d.dwg
icon Детали.dwg
icon кровля.dwg
icon перекр.dwg
icon план типового торец. этажа.dwg
icon подполье.dwg
icon разрез 1-1dwg.dwg
icon схема блокировки.dwg
icon фасад.dwg
icon Экспликация.dwg

Additional information





2.1 Setting of the task

2.1.1 General Information

2.1.2 Purpose and purpose of the system

2.1.3 Characteristics of the automation object

2.1.4 Functional part of the project

2.1.5 Reliability Requirements

2.1.6 Requirements for types of support

2.2. Technical (working) project

2.2.1 Development and selection of algorithms, methods of automated activity

2.2.2 Working with the graphical model of the original design object

2.2.3 Create a 3D plot plan model

2.2.4 Visualization of the original model

2.2.5 Information support

2.2.6 Linguistic support

2.2.7 Organizational Support

2.2.8 Technical support

2.2.9 Methodological support

2.3. Drainages

2.3.1 General part

2.3.2 types of drains

2.3.3 Material of drain pipes

2.3.4 Resistance of drain pipes to aggressive impact of groundwater

2.3.5 Initial data for drainage design

2.3.6 General conditions for selection of drainage type Head drainage

2.3.8 Systematic drainage

2.3.9 Ringed drainage

2.3.10 Wall drainage Reservoir drainage

2.3.3 Drainage of underground channels

2.3.4 Drainage of pits and buried parts of basements

2.3.5 Other types of drainage

2.3.6 Drainage route

2.3.7 Longitudinal drainage profile

2.3.8 arrangement of inspection wells

2.3.9 Exhaust Device

2.3.6 Alignment of drain with drain

2.3.7 Drainage structures and drain filters

2.3.8 pipe filters

2.3.9 Wells

2.3.9 Sand Prisms

2.3.6 Filter Wells

2.3.7 Structure of reservoir drainage


3.1 Volume-planning solution of the building area

3.2 Volumetric planning solution of residential building


4.1 Calculation of collector

4.1.1 Initial data

4.1.2 Soil pressure in trenches

4.1.3 Coefficient taking into account unloading of the pipe by soil sinuses

4.1.4 Fill pressure concentration factor

4.1.5 Design reduced pipe load

4.1.6 Design reduced load from transport

4.1.7 Design reduced load from liquid

4.1.8 Design reduced load from pipe own weight

4.1.9 Total reduced load

4.1.10 Forces in the pipe from the main load reading

4.1.11 Geometric characteristics of longitudinal section General reinforcement data reinforcement area Longitudinal reinforcement factor Area of the given section Static moment Distance from inner face to center Moment of inertia of the given section Moment of resistance of the given section

4.1.12 Calculation for crack resistance

4.2 Foundation calculation

4.2.1 Geotechnical conditions

4.2.2 Load collection Permanent loads Temporary loads

4.2.3 Foundation calculation Determination of freezing depth Selection of foundation variant Calculation of foundation on natural base


5.1 Schedule

5.2 Construction Site Master Plan

5.3 Job Instruction for Drainage Pipes Leveling

5.3.1 Construction Process Organization and Technology

5.3.2 Winter Instructions

5.3.4 Summary of requirements for construction machines and machinery







Z and d and N and e

for execution of exhaust work

Issued to student Shurutin P.M.

Issue topic: "Design of drains based on GP grade drawings"

Graduation Status: Specialized Degree Project

The basis for work on the topic is the order of the dean of the faculty

No. 645 of February 2006

Proposed Output Content

In the architectural and planning section, study the requirements for drawing utility networks as part of the master plan with the possibility of automation, building a 3-dimensional model of the building and topography of the building site.

In a special section, draw up a program for automated drainage design.

In the organizational and technological section, develop a schedule, construction plan for the construction of the building and a process plan for the drainage device.

In the design section, calculate the strength of the storm collector and foundations for the specified conditions.

In the economic section, calculate the estimate for the arrangement of drains .


Specialized diploma project:

Automated design of drainage networks based on GP drawings

/ P.M. Shurutina; Petrozavodsk State Unt. Petrozavodsk: Faculty of Construction, Department of Computer Aided Design Systems, 2006. c.

Student of the 5th year of the day department Polina Mikhailovna Shurutina.

Head - lecturer at the Department of Computer-Aided Design Systems Elena Igorevna Ratkova.

The diploma project addresses issues related to the automation of the design of drainage networks. A program has been developed to design drainage networks, build a longitudinal profile of the network and provide methodological guidance. As an example, the development site located in the area of ​ ​ the Perevalka microdistrict in the city of Petrozavodsk is taken. On the site is a 9-storey 54x apartment building

In the design section, the storm collector was calculated for strength and the width of the foundation base was calculated.

The organizational and technological section describes the technology of installation of drain pipes and developed a construction plan and a schedule for the drainage device

In the economic section, the estimate for the wall drainage device was calculated.


The diploma project considers the issues related to the automation of the design of the drainage network. The diploma project provides for the creation of a system that allows you to design a drainage network, build a longitudinal profile of the network, and provide methodological guidelines for design.

As an example, the development site located in the area of ​ ​ the Perevalka microdistrict in the city of Petrozavodsk is taken. On the site is a 9-story 54x apartment building.

In the design section, the storm collector was calculated for strength and the width of the foundation base was calculated.

The organizational and technological section describes the technology of installation of drain pipes and developed a construction plan and a schedule for the drainage device

In the economic section, the estimate for the wall drainage device was calculated.


The word "drainage" comes from the English verb "to drain," that is, "withdraw," which corresponds well enough to the very essence of the operation of drainage devices that perform the function of draining groundwater from a water-saturated layer along newly created artificial underground routes.

To do this, "drains" or "drains" are laid in the aquifer, which directly take (drain) water from the soil and bring it to various kinds of conducting (transporting) devices that serve for the quick withdrawal of drainage water to natural (rivers, lakes, ravines, seas, etc.) or artificial (canals, ponds, reservoirs, receiving reservoirs, etc.)

Thus, underground drains are a special kind of underground structures that allow artificially lowering the level of groundwater (drain the aquifer) in areas with an elevated position for a long time (decades). In some cases, the same effect can be achieved by intercepting groundwater by underground drainage laid along the upper or lower (downstream) boundary of the drained area.

Underground drains are designed to improve general sanitary, agrotechnical and construction conditions on industrial sites and urban areas characterized by an unfavorable (elevated) level of groundwater, or to protect against flooding of underground structures and communications located in these territories.

The main requirement for underground drainage during industrial and urban construction is that the level of groundwater reduced as a result of their action is not higher than a certain depth from the surface of the earth, that is, in other words, that the so-called drainage norm is maintained.

Based on the general requirements, the depth of groundwater in conditions of industrial and urban development should be at least 1.5 m from the ground surface; this depth usually meets the requirements of preventing the deluge of dusty and clay soils, which serve as a natural basis for road surfaces of city streets and factory driveways. For the normal development and existence of various tree and shrub species, it is also necessary that the level of groundwater does not lie above a certain depth, since otherwise they are threatened with death from soaking. This depth is different for different species: for example, for poplar it is about 0.4 m, for pine about 1 m, for fruit trees 1-1.5 m or more, which does not usually go beyond the norm of drainage prescribed by sanitary requirements.

The main types of underground structures and communications in cities and industrial enterprises that need to be protected from flooding by underground water using underground drainage are foundations and basements of buildings, tunnels and underground galleries, heating channels, etc.

To protect these structures from flooding, it is necessary that the reduced level of groundwater is located below their bases by at least 0.5 m.

Given the real depths of underground structures, the average drainage rate for cities with multi-storey buildings and large industrial enterprises can almost be taken equal to 3-3.5 m, and for small cities and towns (in the absence of basements and deep foundations) - 1.5 m.

1.2 GP grade drawings

The master plan is the main design document according to which the development of urban territories and industrial zones is carried out. Master plans are drawn up on the basis of topographic layout and geodetic survey. Terrain is shown in contours in absolute or relative elevations counted from the conditional zero elevation. Main set of GP grade working drawings (plot plan)

In the drawings of the master plans, schematic images show the location of existing and designed buildings and structures, roads, etc.

Before you begin to read the drawings of the master plans for the development and improvement of territories, as well as the construction master plans, you need to get acquainted with the schematic images and symbols of the elements of the master plan.

The composition and rules of the master plan working drawings shall comply with the requirements of GOST 21.20493 [1], and in terms of the image and designation of pipeline networks - with the requirements of GOST 21.60482 (1992 ).

The scale of images is taken according to Table 1.1. The images in the kit drawings based on the area plan are made on the same scale.

The elevation elevation system shall correspond to the elevation system adopted during topographic survey.

1.2 Analogue Programs

To date, many professional systems focused on architectural and construction design have been created, such as AutoCAD, ArchiCAD. However, no system allows us to fully automate the design of drains based on plot plan drawings.

Consider the capabilities of these professional systems:

ArchiCAD has the ability to construct a three-dimensional topography of the site with a subsequent profile image, but only with the simplest primitives and manually.

AutoCAD does not include parts responsible for the automation of the design of master plans and networks.

1.3. Relevance

Underground drainage in industrial and urban construction is widely used in the development of new watered areas for development and during the reconstruction of already built-up ones.

Numerous small drainage facilities are also important, often carried out in the territories of existing industrial enterprises, cities and other settlements in connection with the rise in groundwater levels.

The effectiveness of any underground drainage depends to a large extent on how well it is designed and calculated, as well as on the observance of normal drainage conditions in its operation, provided for by the project and linked to local hydrogeological and other features of the drained area.

Special section

2.1. Setting the task

2.1.1. Overview:

The system developed in the diploma project is called: "System for automated design of drains on drawings of the master plan brand." In the future, in this document, this software product will be abbreviated as "Drenazh 2006."

List of documents from which the package is created:

Order of the Dean of the Faculty No.

design task,

3. SNiP 2.01.0183 *. Foundations of buildings and structures/Gosstroy SSR.-M: Stroyizdat, 1985.40s.,

4. GOST 53980 (1997). Asbestos cement pressure pipes and couplings. Specifications.

5. GOST 183980. Asbestos cement pipes and couplings for pressure-free pipelines. Specifications.

6. GOST 2510095. Soils. Classification. -M: MNTKS, 1996. 31 pages; 6.

2.1.2. Purpose and Purpose of System Creation

The Drenazh 2006 system is designed for automation in the design of drains.

The system can be used for educational purposes in course and degree design.

The source data for the calculation is:

engineering and geological conditions of soils ;

• structural features of buildings;

Information about existing networks

diameter of pipes;


climatic conditions.

As a result of calculations under the developed program, the following were obtained :

master plan with indication of drainage networks ;

construction of longitudinal profile of networks;

Specifying the elevations of structures, network slopes

Provision of guidance.

2.1.3. Characteristics of the automation object

general information

The object of automation in the developed system is the drainage network. The system shall contain the required regulatory and technical reference information.

characteristics of system environments:

During the development of this system, preference was given to the environment

Microsoft Windows. This is due to the fact that the software package should be

is user-oriented with minimal operating system knowledge, i.e. the interface of the software environment should be easy to learn and use, which is what Microsoft provides us with its Windows product. There are a huge number of applications running Windows. These are word processors, spreadsheets, databases, graphics editors, networking applications, etc.;

characteristics of software environments:

The system is designed for Autodesk Land Desktop and above.

Drenazh 2006 requires Autodesk Land Desktop skills.

The system has open access to the user menu and program text, where the necessary changes and additions can be made.

2.1.4. Functional part of the project

In the functional part of the project, two groups of subsystems are distinguished: main and supporting.

By its purpose, the main subsystem is a designing subsystem in which a functionally completed sequence of CAD tasks is solved using specialized equipment complexes. This subsystem has an object orientation and implements a certain design stage or a group of sequentially interconnected design tasks. Accordingly, when developing Drenazh 2006, it is necessary to take into account that the subsystem should allow automating the design process at the level of creating a sketched design solution and obtaining individual fragments of the architectural and design part of the project.

The supporting subsystems include information, software, linguistic, mathematical, technical and organizational support.

Information support can be divided into a conditionally permanent part (regulatory information or NSI) and a conditionally variable part (input and output information). NSI includes information from existing SNiP, GOST. The output information is output to the printer or plotter in the form of a set of technical documentation. The software includes: program modules created using the AutoLISP programming environment (a user menu is needed to access them) and program modules for describing dialog boxes in the DCL language.

The linguistic software consists of the functionality of the Autodesk Land Desktop environment, an additional software tool - the AutoLISP programming language and dialog boxes compiled in the DCL language.

The technical support includes a personal computer that allows you to work with Autodesk Land Desktop.

The organizational support includes a user instruction on how to work with the program.

System software modules written in AutoLISP are additional elements that are assembled together and whose operations are placed on a separate menu that completely replaces the standard one.

When developing the subsystem, it is necessary to formulate the following requirement: provide for "flexible" placement of files on external media, that is, provide users with the opportunity to transfer the latter to various sectors of the hard or flexible disks of the personal computer. At the same time, it is not necessary to develop software tools that allow integrating the results of this subsystem into other software environments, since this opportunity is provided, in fact, by the base system AutoCAD.

In the process of structuring the component parts of the subsystem, its files on external media should be ordered by functional characteristic and contained in several directories .

Information exchange between subsystems is carried out at the program level inside the base system AutoCAD.

In addition to the above conditions, the subsystem should also provide for the possibility of including additional (new) block modules for the construction of individual structural elements for the future.

Prospects for the development of the system:

Add calculation;

Create DCL-based dialog boxes to help you enter information in the design module.

Integration of this complex with other programs specializing in foundations;

Refinement and improvement of the program interface;

Development of the reference information system.

2.1.5. Reliability requirements

The developed system must be reliable in operation, do not contain viruses that interrupt its operation and the operation of the operating system as a whole. The reliability of the system should be ensured by the availability of all auxiliary files, directories, as well as the availability of computer resources, uninterrupted power supply, etc.

2.1.6 Requirements for types of support

Before you could develop a complex, you would need to familiarize yourself with the automation object by examining the necessary sources that would provide information about the object itself and how it was designed, calculated, and designed. On the other hand, reliable sources were required to correctly set the task. For this purpose, various regulatory documents were used, such as SNiP and GOST.

Technical support is a set of interconnected and interacting technical means intended for automated calculation. The normal operation of the software complex requires a personal computer with peripheral devices for entering and displaying information, a drive on a hard magnetic disk of sufficient capacity, and a functional keyboard. As previously noted, the subsystem is created to work with AutoCAD Land Desktop, which implies that all program modules will be created using the AutoLISP programming environment, which is a modification of the LISP programming language. Technical support of Drenazh 2006 system is represented by a set of interconnected and interacting technical means intended for computer-aided design. Using the developed system is possible on any personal computer that allows you to work with AutoCAD Land Desktop, the minimum configuration of which is as follows: a processor with a clock frequency of 500MHz and higher; 32MB and higher RAM; FDD (drive) and HDD (hard drive); VGA monitor that supports 800x600 and 256 colors (1024x768 and higher recommended)

2.2. Technical (working) project.

2.2.1.Development and selection of algorithms, methods of automated activity.

When creating Drenazh 2006 CAD, the following methods and algorithms of automated activity are supposed to be used:

1. Working with the graphics model of the original design object

2. Create a 3D model of the drainage network

3. Visualization of the original model;

2.2.2 Working with the graphical model of the original design object.

The graphics model is stored as an external block AutoCAD and is called for processing in the graphics editor by a special load function. When accessing the load function, the following operations are performed:

Views the block table of the current drawing in search of the block you are looking for.

if it is not found, looks for a file with the same name and extension "dwg" on the hard disk in the search paths. AutoCAD

2.2.3 Create a 3D model

The model is created in stages:

1. Initial data entry;

2. Create a drainage network by specifying plan points and network elevations;

3. Create a profile;

4. Installation of slope indicators, elevations;

To build a plot plan model, use Autodesk Land Desktop v3.0

2.2.4. Visualize the source model.

Visualization is done by changing the viewpoint with the AutoCAD < View > command, which leads to the construction of plans, elevations, or axonometries; A perspective view is created by using the < Dview > command, a hidden and rendered image can be obtained by using the < Hide > and < Shade > commands.

2.2.5. Information support.

The basis of CAD information support is the data used by designers in the design process to develop design solutions. This data contains information of a reference nature.

In this case, the data resulting from one conversion process can be the source data for another process. The totality of data used by all CAD components constitutes the CAD Information Fund (IF CAD). The main function of the CAD IF is to maintain an information fund, that is, to create, support and organize access to data. IF CAD consists of an information fund and the means of its maintenance.

The information fund consists of:

Regulatory and reference project documentation: state and industry standards, guidance materials and guidelines, standard design solutions, regulatory documents. The Drenazh GP includes a list of GOST and SNiPs regulating the design of drainage networks.

Input and output data required when executing software modules during conversion. This data often changes during the design process, but its type is constant and completely determined by the corresponding software module.

the current design information reflecting a state and the course of implementation of the project: it is displayed graphically in the form of creation of primitives of AutoCAD.

To maintain the CAD information fund, the OS file system is used. Documents are accessed through the standard help support function AutoCAD. At the same time, the files have a file structure using the base system.

2.2.6. Linguistic support.

The linguistic support of CAD is based on special language tools designed to describe computer-aided design procedures and design solutions. The main part of the linguistic provision of CAD is the Visual LISP language, which combines high-level azerbaijmic language tools for solving computational mathematical problems and special language tools for modeling geometric objects.

Visual LISP is an integrated software development environment in the AutoLISP language in the AutoCAD 2000/2002 system, which greatly facilitates the process of creating, modifying, testing and debugging a program.

AutoLISP is a powerful add-on to the Computer Aided Design System AutoCAD developed by Autodesk Ltd, which is a leading provider of automation packages. This is a quick execution of drawings, on average 2.5-3 times faster than when working with a kulman; improving drawing accuracy by more detailed viewing of any drawing element at any scale; improved quality of drawings due to the fact that CAD makes it possible to quickly make corrections without deterioration of quality of the finished drawing.

AutoLISP is a LISP dialect created specifically for AutoCAD, resulting from a change in the XLISP language. It implements, in addition to the traditional capabilities of high-level languages, such as performing calculations and I/O results, such as accessing the AutoCAD abase database, working with dialog boxes described in DCL, and accessing application PSA functions. The use of the AutoLISP language not only greatly speeds up the process of developing project documentation in the AutoCAD, but also allows you to create new graphics editor commands and specialized menus in this environment, Access and upgrade the graphics database, develop functions for a wide variety of tasks, and, in addition, to create efficient systems and subsystems associated with processing information presented in the form of symbols and numbers. The Visual LISP system, designed to facilitate and accelerate the development of programs in the AutoLISP language, includes the following functional components:

a text editor focused on the syntax of the AutoLISP language;

a console that facilitates programming in the AutoLISP language;

A formatter that converts the program text into a structured view

program of check of syntax, recognition of the wrong designs of AutoLISP;

a compiler that ensures effective execution of programs;

built-in verification system;

a debugger that facilitates the process of debugging programs;

Context-sensitive help for AutoLISP functions

project management system.

Visual LISP fully supports the Windows interface. Compared to traditional systems, today's programming environments, which include Visual LISP, allow you to improve programming performance several times.

The presence of the AutoLISP language largely led to the dominance of AutoCAD in the CAD market.

Organizational support.

The project organization, which intends to use CAD GP "Drenazh" should have the following organizational structure of departments:



Interaction with the set of tools

Pre-Project Research Department

preparing the model of the source object in the environment AutoCAD

Project Division

Performing Project Creation Work

Technical support.

Technical support of ESCS GP "Drenazh" is a set of interconnected and interacting technical means intended for computer-aided design. The use of Drenazh CAD GP is possible on any computer that allows you to work with AutoCAD 2000/2002, the minimum configuration of which is as follows:

a processor with a clock frequency of 500MHz and higher;

32MB and higher RAM;

VGA monitor that supports 800x600 and 256 colors (1024x768 and higher recommended)

mouse or other pointing device, recommended to be compatible with Intellimouse.

Optional hardware:

Printer or plotter


NIC (for networking)

Modem or Internet connection over the network.

During the development of CAD GP "Drenazh," technical means were used that have the following characteristics:

Atlon 1700 ;

Giga-byte GA60MM7;

DDR 256 PC2100;

HDD 80 Gb QUANTUM 7200 rpm 2 Mb Cashe ATA100

FDD 3.5" 1.44MB;

LG Flatron 17, "1024x768, 85Hz.

Methodological support.

Drenazh CAD support is implemented using the standard AutoCAD assistance function and is available to the user in the process of working with CAD commands, while access at an arbitrary moment in the AutoCAD environment can be carried out by accessing the < Help > section of the top menu. The methodological support includes the user's instruction on the operation of the automated system.

2.3 Drains

2.3.1. General part

Drains shall be provided to protect buried parts of buildings (basements, technical sub-floors, pits, etc.), intra-quarter headers, communication channels from flooding with pound water. Drainage structures and waterproofing of underground part of buildings and structures shall be performed in accordance with SNiP 2.06.1585, SNiP 2.02.0183.

Drainage design should be carried out on the basis of specific data on hydrogeological conditions of the site of construction of the facility, the degree of aggressiveness of groundwater to construction structures, space-planning and structural solutions of protected buildings and structures, as well as the functional purpose of these premises.

Anti-capillary waterproofing in walls and dressing or painting insulation of vertical surfaces of walls in contact with the ground shall be provided in all cases regardless of the drainage device.

Drainage arrangement is mandatory in case of location:

floors of basements, technical sub-fields, intra-quarter collectors, channels for communications, etc. below the design level of groundwater or if the excess of floors above the design level of groundwater is less than 50 cm;

floors of operated basements, intra-quarter collectors, channels for communication in clay and loamy soils, regardless of the presence of groundwater

basement floors located in the area of capillary humidification, when in basements

rooms are not allowed to become damp;

floors of technical subholes in clay and loamy soils at their deepening more than 1.3 m from the planning surface of the earth regardless of the presence of groundwater

of technical underground floors in clay and loamy soils when they are buried less than 1.3 m from the planning surface of the ground when the floor is located on the foundation slab, and also in cases where sand lenses approach the building from the upland side or talveg is located on the upland side to the building.

In order to prevent watering of the soil of the territories and water supply to buildings and structures, except for drainage, it is necessary to provide:

normative soil compaction during backfilling of pits and trenches ;

as a rule, closed outlets of drains from the roof of buildings;

drainage open trays with cross section > 15 x 15 cm with longitudinal slope, > 1% at open drain outlets;

arrangement of a bridge at buildings > 100 cm wide with an active transverse slope from buildings > 2% to roads or trays;

tight sealing of holes in external walls and foundations at inputs and outlets of utility networks;

organized surface runoff from the territory of the designed object, which does not worsen the drainage of rain and meltwater from the adjacent territory.

In cases where, due to low elevations of the existing surface of the earth, it is not possible to ensure the removal of surface water or to achieve the required lowering of groundwater, it should be envisaged to fill the territory to the necessary elevations. If it is impossible to drain drainage water from individual buildings and structures or a group of buildings, it is necessary to provide for the arrangement of pumping stations for pumping drainage water.

Design of drains of new facilities should be carried out taking into account existing or previously designed drains of adjacent areas.

In case of a general decrease in the level of groundwater in the territory of the microdistrict, the elevation of the reduced level of groundwater should be assigned 0.5 m below the floors of basements, technical subfolies, channels for communications and other structures. In case of impossibility or impracticability of general lowering of groundwater level, local drains for individual buildings and structures or groups of buildings shall be provided.

Local drains, as a rule, should be arranged in cases of significant deepening of underground floors of individual buildings if gravity removal of drainage water is impossible.

2.3.2.Types of drains

Depending on the location of the drainage in relation to the water stop, the drains may be of a perfect or imperfect type.

Drainage of the perfect type is laid on the water stop. Groundwater recedes into drainage from above and from the sides. In accordance with these conditions, the drainage of the completed type must have draining sprinkling from above and from the sides (see Fig. 2.1).

Drainage of imperfect type is laid above water stop. Groundwater - drains from all sides, so drainage sprinkling must be closed from all sides (see Figure 2.2).

.3.3.Material of drain pipes.

The material of drainage pipes is selected depending on the chemical composition of groundwater.

Horizontal tubular drains are a combination of drainage pipes (water-conducting element) with loose filter sprinkles from one or more layers of sorted material or with wraps from mineral fibrous materials. Also used are pipes with porous walls, the so-called pipe filters. All currently used horizontal drains can be divided into the following structural views:

drains in separate trenches (linear, annular);

drains combined with drains in a common trench (linear) or with headers;

drains arranged under well penetration facilities (beam).

For horizontal drains, perforated, coupling, smooth free-fitting pipes and pipe filters are used (Fig. 2.3); for beam drains - horizontal or inclined wells with filters.

Drains using perforated and smooth butt pipes. Ceramic, plastic, asbestos cement, concrete, reinforced concrete and metal pipes are used for the arrangement of these drains.

Ceramic, pipes are divided into drainage funnel-free and sewage funnels. The length of the pipes is from 33 to 120 cm. Ceramic pipes (pottery) are produced mainly for reclamation construction with small diameters (mainly 50 mm). The production of pipes used in urban and industrial construction (diameter 150, 200 and 300 mm) accounts for about 2% of the total production. Ceramic sewage pipes are widely used for drainage in industrial and urban construction.

It is recommended to use ceramic pipes for drainage both in aggressive and non-aggressive groundwater, and lay them in trenches to a depth not exceeding the values ​ ​ specified in Table 1.

Separate ceramic pipes are connected to each other by means of sockets or butt, and water enters the remaining gaps between the articulating parts, the width of which is allowed to not more than 2 mm.

When drainage is arranged using ceramic pipes, it is possible to colmatage and siltation of pipes, associated both with the supply of fine soil particles in them, and to a large extent with the deposition of iron oxide compounds. The degree of siltation of ceramic pipes depends on the width of the gaps in the joints and on the longitudinal slope of the dren. (see Figure 2.4).

The width of the gaps in the joints of ceramic pipes in practice is in most cases 3 mm, and sometimes reaches 6-9 mm. In the practice of construction of drainage, the gaps between pipes with a width of more than 2 mm exceed 20%. Naturally, with such a gap width, the risk of siltation is high.

Fig.2.4- dependence of drainage pipes silting degree

The main materials for plastic pipes are polyvinyl chloride and high-density polyethylene. The advantages of these materials are low weight, resistance to acids, alkalis and organic solvents and the ability to widely mechanize the production of drainage laying works.

Currently, plastic pipes are smooth-walled with a longitudinal slot perforation and corrugated with short longitudinal slots on the protrusions and depressions of corrugations. Plastic pipes with diameters of 50, 100 and 150 mm are used for industrial construction. When using pipes with a diameter of 50 mm in horizontal drains, it is usually necessary to lay 2-3 rows of pipes. Quantity, rows are determined by hydraulic calculation.

In terms of water grip capacity, plastic pipes of some structures are inferior to ceramic ones, while others, on the contrary, are superior to them. It all depends on the size and location of the perforation of the plastic pipes through which the ground water enters.

Typically, the longitudinal-slotted discontinuous perforation is performed in several rows symmetrically over the surface of the pipe or round perforation is done. The width of the slots and the diameters of the holes usually do not exceed 1.5 mm, the length of the slots is 25 mm.

All plastic pipes are stable in aggressive environments, but they can only be used at ambient soil and water temperature (flowing to the drains) not exceeding 40 ° C, so their use requires the availability of routine data on the temperature of the soils in which the drainage is laid.

Asbestos cement pipes are very scarce and therefore they are used very limited for drainage. Asbestos cement pipes are interconnected by couplings of the same material. Perforation in the form of slots or holes is performed to receive water on the pipes (Table 2.1)

Table 2.1 - Dimensions of water intake holes

Asbestos cement pipes can be laid in the ground to the entire depth of the developed trenches.

Pipes from other materials - concrete, reinforced concrete and metal (including cast iron) have a relatively low specific gravity during the construction of drainage systems. They are mainly used in the laying of drains under structures that exert great pressure on pipes. Concrete and reinforced concrete pipes with a diameter of 500-600 mm are also used for drainage headers and single-line drains designed for a large influx of water (for example, coastal drains).

2.3.4. Resistance of drain pipes to aggressive impact of groundwater.

The aggressive effect of the medium on the material of drainage pipes is determined by the properties of soils and the hydrochemical composition of groundwater.

In case of corrosion of pipe materials on their surface (external and internal), physical, chemical and microbiological processes occur simultaneously, the speed and development of which is influenced by ambient conditions: temperature, humidity, concentration of solutions, etc. The main factor of corrosion is the duration of exposure of the material to an aggressive medium.

A feature of the work of drains in industrial and urban construction is that in most cases they work for a round year, unlike agricultural and road drains, which are characterized by a seasonal working cycle. Therefore, drainage pipes in urban and industrial construction are highly aggressively affected.

Soil-soil solutions and groundwater containing carbon dioxide, sulphates, magnesia salts, chlorides, etc. have aggressive properties in relation to drainage pipe materials. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that in saline soils, as a result of rainwater or water filtration from reservoirs, the aggressive effect of the environment on drainage pipes is reduced

The most stable in groundwater of various chemical compositions are ceramic and plastic pipes, as well as pipe filters from polymerbetons. At the same time, ceramic pipes are destroyed under the influence of mechanical forces if they are stored in air for a long time, since salts crystallize in ceramic when water vapors are absorbed and the pipes become brittle. Plastic and polymer concrete pipes are unstable in the high temperature field. In aggressive environments, concrete pipes are subject to severe destruction.

2.3.5.Information for Drains Design

The following data and materials are required for the drainage design:

technical conclusion on hydrogeological conditions of construction; p

1:500 area plan with existing and projected buildings and underground structures;

Relief Organization Project;

floor plans and elevations of basements and sub-floors of buildings ;

building foundation plans, sections and drills;

plans, longitudinal profiles and sections of underground channels.

In the technical conclusion on hydrogeological conditions of construction, the characteristics of groundwater, the geological and geological structure of the site and the physical and mechanical properties of soils should be given.

Groundwater characteristics shall be specified in the section:

causes and sources of groundwater supply;

groundwater mode and elevation of the appeared, stable and calculated groundwater levels, and, if necessary, the height of the capillary soil humidification zone;

chemical analysis data and conclusion on aggressiveness of groundwater to concrete and solutions.

The geologolithological section gives a general description of the structure of the site.

The characteristics of physical and mechanical properties of soils must indicate :

granulometric composition of sandy soils;

filtration coefficients of sandy soils and sandy soils;

porosity and drainage factors;

angle of natural slope and bearing capacity of soils.

The conclusion shall be accompanied by the main geological sections and soils on the boreholes required for drawing up alogic sections on the drainage routes.

If necessary, in complex hydrogeological conditions for the projects of drainage of quarters and microdistricts, a map of hydroisogypsum and a map of soil distribution should be attached to the technical conclusion.

In case of special drainage requirements caused by specific operating conditions of protected premises and structures, these requirements shall be specified by the customer as additional raw materials for drainage design.

2.3.6. General conditions of drainage selection.

The drainage system is selected depending on the nature of the protected object and hydrogeological conditions.

When designing new neighborhoods and microdistricts in areas with groundwater level, a general drainage scheme should be developed.

The drainage scheme includes drainage systems that provide a general decrease in the level of groundwater in the territory of the quarter (microdistrict), and local drainage to protect individual structures from flooding with groundwater.

Drains providing general lowering of groundwater level include:

head or shore;


Local drains include:




Local drains also include drains designed to protect individual structures:

drainage of underground channels ;

drainage of sumps ;

road drainage;

drainage of backfilled rivers, streams, logs and ravines;

sloping and stranded drains;

drainage of underground parts of existing buildings.

Under favorable conditions (in sandy pounds, as well as in sandy layers with a large area of ​ ​ their distribution), local drains can simultaneously contribute to a general decrease in the level of groundwater.

In areas where groundwater lies in sandy soils, drainage systems should be used to ensure a general decrease in the level of groundwater.

Local drains in this case should be used to protect individual specially buried structures from flooding with groundwater.

In areas where groundwater lies in clay, loamy and other soils with low drainage, it is necessary to arrange local drains.

Local "preventive" drains should also be arranged in the absence of observed groundwater to protect underground structures located in clay and loamy soils.

In areas with a layered structure of the aquifer, both common drainage systems and local drainage should be arranged.

Common drainage systems should be arranged to drain watered sand layers through which water enters the drained area. Separate local drains can also be used in this system, in which the radius of the depression curve captures a significant area. Local drains should be arranged for underground structures laid in areas where the aquifer is not completely drained by the general drainage system, as well as at places where headwaters may appear.

In built-up areas, during the construction of individual buildings and structures that need protection from flooding with groundwater, local drains should be arranged. When designing and building these drains, it is possible to take into account their impact on neighboring existing structures.

For drainage of areas flooded by underground water flow with area

feed located outside this territory, head drainage should be arranged. Head drainage should be laid along the upper, in relation to the underground flow, border of the drained territory. The drainage route is assigned taking into account the location of the building and carried out, if possible, in places with higher water stop marks.

Head drainage shall normally cross the flow of groundwater over its entire width.

If the length of the head drain is less than the width of the underground flow, additional drains should be arranged along the lateral boundaries of the drained area in order to intercept underground water entering the side.

If the water stop is shallow, the head drain should be laid on the surface of the water stop (with some deepening in it) in order to completely intercept underground water, as a drainage of a perfect type.

In cases where it is not possible to lay drainage on the diver, and under drainage conditions it is required to completely intercept the flow of groundwater, a screen from a waterproof tongue row is arranged below the drainage, which should be lowered below the water stop marks.

When water stop is deep, head drain is laid above the head stop as a drainage of imperfect type. In this case, the depression curve must be calculated. If the arrangement of one head drain line does not achieve a lowering of the groundwater level to the specified elevations, the second drain line shall be parallel to the head drain. The distance between drains is determined by calculation.

If the part of the aquifer above the drainage consists of sandy soils with a filtration coefficient of less than 5 m/day, the lower part of the drainage trench shall be filled with sand with a filtration coefficient of at least 5 m/day (see Figure 2.6).

The height of sand filling is 0.60.7N, where: H is the height from the bottom of the drainage trench to the undivided design level of groundwater.

In case of layered structure of part of water-bearing formation located above drainage, with alternation of sand and loam layers, filling of drainage trench with sand with filtration coefficient of at least 5 m/day; must be made at

30 cm above the non-lowered design level of groundwater. Sand can be filled over the entire width of the trench with a vertical or inclined prism, with a thickness of at least 30 cm. For head drainage of a perfect type, when the aquifer does not have clay, loamy and sub-sand layers, a sand prism can be arranged only on one side of the trench (from the side of the water inflow).

If the head drainage is laid in the thickness of relatively poorly water-permeable soils underlying well-permeable soils, a combined drainage consisting of horizontal drains and vertical self-pouring wells should be arranged (see Figure 2.7).

Vertical wells shall communicate with their base with water-permeable soils of the aquifer, and with the upper part with the inner part:. layer of horizontal dryer sprinkling.

To drain coastal areas flooded in connection with the water horizon overflow in rivers and reservoirs, coastal drainage should be arranged (see Fig. 2.8) where the designations: MG is the low-lying horizon of the reservoir, GPV is the horizon of the water reservoir.

Coastal drainage is laid parallel to the shore of the reservoir and laid below the normally supported horizon (NPG) of the reservoir by the value determined by the calculation.

Where necessary, head and shore drainage can be used in conjunction with other drainage systems.

2.3.8. Systematic drainage

In areas where groundwater does not have a clear flow direction, and the aquifer is composed of sandy soils or has a layered structure with open sandy layers, systematic drainage should be arranged (see Fig. 2.9).

Figure 2.9 - systematic drainage diagram

Distance between drainage dryers of systematic drainage and depth of their laying are determined by calculation.

In urban settings, systematic drainage can be combined with local drainage. In this case, the design of individual drains should consider the possibility of their simultaneous use as local drainage, protecting individual structures and as elements of systematic drainage, ensuring a general decrease in the level of groundwater in the drained area.

When laying drains of systematic drainage in the soil thickness with low water permeability, underlying well-water permeable soils, a combined drainage consisting of horizontal drains with vertical self-pouring wells should be used (see Figure 2.7).

In areas flooded by a stream of groundwater, the area of ​ ​ nutrition of which also captures the area being drained, head and systematic drainage should be used together.

2.3.9.Ringed drainage

For protection against groundwater flooding of basements and sub-floors of separate buildings or a group of buildings, when they are laid in aquifer sandy pounds, circular drains should be arranged (see Figure 2.10).

Fig. 2.10 - circuit diagram of annular drainage

Circular drains should also be arranged to protect especially buried basements in new neighborhoods and microdistricts with insufficient depth of lowering the ground water level by the general drainage system of the territory.

With good water permeability of sandy soils, as well as when laying drainage on a water stop, it is possible to arrange common ring drainage for a group of neighboring buildings.

With a clear one-way flow of pound water, the drainage can be arranged in the form of an open ring according to the type of head drainage.

Ring drainage must be laid below the floor of the protected structure on. Depth determined by the calculation.

If the width of the building is large or if several buildings are protected by one drain, as well as in case of special requirements for lowering pound water under the protected structure, the depth of drainage is taken in accordance with the calculation, in which the excess of the reduced level of groundwater in the center of the ring drainage circuit above the level of water in the drainage should be determined. If drainage depth is sufficient, intermediate drains shall be arranged

Ring drainage shall be laid at a distance of 5-8 m from the building wall. If there is a shorter distance or a large depth of drainage, it is necessary to take measures against removal, weakening and precipitation of soil under the foundation of the building.

2.3.10. Wall drainage

To protect against pound water of basements and sub-floors of buildings laid in clay and loamy soils, wall

Wall "preventive" drains must be arranged also in the absence of groundwater in the zone of basements and subfolies arranged in clay and loamy soils.

In a layered aquifer structure, wall or ring drains should be arranged to protect basements and sub-basements, depending on conditions

If individual parts of the building are located in areas with different geological conditions, both annular and wall drains can be used in these areas.

Wall drainage is laid along the outline of the building from the outside. The distance between the drainage and the building wall is determined by the width of the building foundations and the placement of the drainage manholes.

Wall drainage shall normally be laid at elevations not lower than the bottom of the foundation strip or foundation slab. At high depth of foundation laying from the floor elevation of the basement, the wall drainage can be laid above the base of the foundations, provided that measures are taken against drainage subsidence.

2.3.11.Plast drainage

For protection against groundwater flooding of basements and basements of buildings arranged in complex hydrogeological conditions, such as: in water-bearing formations of high capacity, with a layered structure of an aquifer, in the presence of pressure groundwater, etc., as well as in case of insufficient efficiency of ring or wall drainage, it is necessary to arrange formation drains (see Fig. 2.11).

Fig.2.11 - diagram of reservoir drainage

In high-capacity aquifers, the calculation of possible lowering of the groundwater level in the center of the ring drainage circuit should be carried out beforehand. In case of insufficient lowering of groundwater level, reservoir drainage should be applied.

At complex structure of water-bearing formation with change of its composition and water permeability (in plan and in section), as well as at presence of watered closed zones and lenses under floor of basement, formation drains are arranged.

In the presence of pressure groundwater, circular or formation drainage should be used depending on local hydrogeological conditions with a calculated justification.

In order to protect basements and structures in which damp is not allowed under operating conditions, formation drains should be arranged when laying these rooms in the area of capillary soil humidification.

Formation "preventive" drains for such premises and structures arranged in clay and loamy pounds are recommended to be provided also in the absence of observed groundwater.

Formation drains are arranged in combination with tubular drains "annular and wall). To mate formation drainage with external tubular drainage, tubular drainage is laid through foundations of building.

For sub-floors of buildings with foundations on pile pile pits, formation drainage can be arranged in combination with single-line drainage laid under the building.

2.3.12. Drainage of underground channels

In order to protect the channels of heating network and headers of underground structures from flooding with groundwater, linear associated drains must be arranged when laying them in water-bearing pounds.

"Preventive" (accompanying) drains should be arranged in clay and loamy soils.

The accompanying drainage must be laid 0.30.7 m below the bottom of the channel base.

The associated drainage shall be laid on one side of the channel at a distance of 0.71.0 m from the outer face of the channel. A distance of 0.7 m is required to accommodate the manholes.

When the flow channels are arranged, the drainage can be laid under the channel along its axis. In this case, special inspection pits with hatches embedded in the bottom of the channel should be arranged on the drain.

In case of laying of the channel base on clay and loamy pounds, as well as on sandy soils with filtration coefficient less than 5 m/day, formation drainage in the form of a continuous sand bed shall be arranged under the channel base.

The formation drainage shall be connected to the drainage dressing of the associated tubular drainage.

When arranging channels in clay and loamy soils, in pounds of layered structure, as well as in sandy soils with filtration coefficient less than 5 m/day, vertical or inclined prisms from sand with filtration coefficient not less than 5 m/day should be filled on both sides of the channel.

Sand prisms are designed to receive water flowing from the sides and are arranged in the same way as sand prisms of head and wall drains.

2.3.13.Draining of pits and buried parts of basements

Drainage of pits and buried parts of basements shall be performed in each case depending on local hydrogeological conditions and accepted structures of buildings.

For this purpose, the following solutions may be recommended: deepening of the lower drainage section, when the buried rooms and pits are located at the lower part of it, counting the flow of water in the drainage;

general reduction of drainage at laying of drainage and protected structure in sandy soils;

division of the total drainage into separate parts with independent releases; arrangement of additional local drains.

When draining individual pits and buried rooms, it is necessary to pay special attention to measures against soil removal from under the foundations of the building.

During the arrangement of ring drains, the foundations of the building can be laid slightly above the drainage. The excess of the building foundations above the drainage and the drainage distance from the building should be checked taking into account the angle of internal friction of the soil according to the formula:

When laying drainage below the foundation of buildings in order to prevent soil suffosion, special attention should be paid to the correct selection and arrangement of drainage sprinkles, to the quality of sealing of seams and holes in wells, as well as to measures that exclude the removal of pounds during the opening of drainage trenches.

If the ground water horizon is lowered below the foundations (existing and projected), the soil sedimentation should be calculated.

When arranging drops on the drainage within the area of ​ ​ influence of the lower drill, the measures listed above should also be provided.

Differential wells shall be arranged with careful sealing of all seams and holes.

Local drains for individual pits are recommended to be arranged according to the type of reservoir drains.

2.3.14. Other types of drainage

In some cases, the required lowering of groundwater levels can be achieved by a system of general drainage of the territory (head and systematic drainage).

Drains can be laid together with drains (see Figure 2.12). When filling rivers, streams, logs and ravines; being a natural drainage of groundwater, in addition to reservoirs for the removal of surface water, it is necessary to arrange drains for the reception of groundwater.

Figure 2.12 - Diagram of drainage laying above the drain

Drains shall be connected to the aquifer on both sides of the drainage reservoir. With a large influx of groundwater, as well as when laying the collector on clays and loams, two drains are laid, placing them on both sides of the collector.

With a small influx of groundwater and the location of the drainage reservoir in sandy soils, it is possible to lay one drain, placing it from the side of a larger influx of water. If sand soils have filtration coefficient less than 5 m/day, formation drainage in the form of continuous formation or separate prisms shall be arranged under the reservoir base.

When wedging an aquifer on slopes and in slopes, it is necessary. Build intercepting drains.

Intercepting drains are laid at depth not less than depth of freezing and arranged according to type of head draining.

When the aquifers are not well defined and the groundwater is cured throughout the slope area, special slant drains are arranged.

At arrangement of retaining walls, in places of underground water release, stagnant drainage is arranged. The stacked drain is a continuous backfill of filter material laid behind the wall. With a small length, the stacked drainage can be laid without a pipe. With a significant length, it is recommended to arrange tubular drainage with draining sprinkling.

To catch springs, which are wedged on the slope, capture wells are arranged.

Sloping and stranded drains and hood pits shall have provided water outlets.

In order to protect existing basements and sub-floors of buildings, the type of drainage is chosen on a case-by-case basis, guided by local conditions.

Ring and head drains are arranged in sandy soils.

In clay and loamy soils, when the foundations are deep, wall drains are arranged, provided that such a solution is allowed

construction of foundations and walls of the building.

Formation drainage is arranged in case when the second floor can be arranged in the basement at higher elevations. In this case, a layer of filter material (coarse sand with prisms of gravel or crushed stone) is poured between the old and the new floor and connected to the external tubular drainage, as in conventional formation drains.

During the design and construction of drains from existing buildings, measures should be provided against removal and subsidence of soils.

The opening of the drainage trench in these cases should be carried out with short grips with immediate laying of drainage and backfilling of the trench.

2.3.15.Draining route

Routes of ring, wall and associated drains are determined by binding to the protected structure.

Head and systematic drainage routes shall be determined in accordance with hydrogeological and building conditions.

When laying drainage below the bottom of the foundations of neighboring structures and networks, the distances between them should be checked taking into account the angle of natural slope of the soil from the edge of the base of the structure (or network) to the edge of the drainage trench.

2.3.16. Longitudinal drainage profile

Drainage depth shall be not less than ground freezing depth.

Depth of laying of head, ring and systematic drains is determined by hydraulic calculation and deepening of protected buildings and structures.

Depth of wall and associated drains is determined in accordance with depth of protected structures.

Longitudinal drainage slopes are recommended to be accepted at least 0.002 for clay soils and 0.003 for sandy soils.

The highest drainage slopes should be determined based on the maximum allowable water flow rate in the pipes - 1.0 m/s.

2.3.17.Installation of manholes

The inspection structures should be installed at the points where the route turns and slope changes, at the differences, and between these points at long distances.

In straight drainage areas, the normal distance between inspection wells is 40 m. The largest distance between inspection wells is 50 m.

On drainage turns at the ledges of buildings and at the chambers on the channels, the installation of inspection wells is not necessary, provided that the distance from the turn to the nearest inspection well is not more than 20 m. In case; when the drainage takes several turns in the area between the inspection wells, the inspection wells are installed through one turn.

2.3.18.Level arrangement

Water is discharged from drains into drains, reservoirs and ravines.

The connection of drains to drains, as a rule, should be carried out above the silk of the drain. If the drain is attached below the drain pipe silk, a check valve shall be provided at the drain outlet. It is not recommended to connect drainage to drains below the water level in the latter if the period exceeds 3 times a year.

When discharged into the reservoir, the drainage should be laid above the water horizon in the reservoir during the flood. In case of short-term increase of the reservoir horizon, the drainage can be laid below the flood horizon, if necessary, provided that the drainage is discharged by the check valve.

The wellhead area of the drainage outlet into the reservoir shall be buried below the water horizon by the thickness of the ice sheet with the device of the differential well.

If it is impossible to remove water from the drain by gravity, it is necessary to provide a pump station (installation) of drain water transfer, which operates in automatic mode.

2.3.19.Complementation of drainage with drain

When designing the drainage, consider the option of laying it together with the drain.

If the drain depth is sufficient, the drain should be located above the drain in the same vertical plane with the drainage water discharge to each inspection pit of the drain. The distance in the light between the drain and drain pipes shall be not less than 5 cm.

If it is impossible due to the depth of laying, the drainage should be located above the drain, parallel laying of the drainage in one trench with the drain should be carried out.

Asbestos cement pipes shall be used for drainage.

The exception is drains laid in groundwater aggressive to concrete and solutions on Portland cement. In this case, plastic pipes should be used for drainage.

Allowable maximum backfilling depths up to the top of the tubular drain depend on the design resistance of the bearing pound, pipe material, pipe laying methods (natural or artificial base) and backfilling of trenches, as well as other factors.

The necessary data on the use of asbestos cement pipes are available in the album SK 211189, and on plastic pipes in the album SK 210384.

Water intake holes in pipes should be arranged in the form of propyls with a width of 3-5 mm. The length of the propyl must be half the diameter of the pipe. The propyls are staggered on both sides of the pipe. The distance between the holes on one side is 50 cm. There is an option with drilling of water intake holes

When laying pipes, it is necessary to make sure that the propyls are on the side of the pipe; the top and bottom of the pipe shall be without propyls.

Asbestos cement pipes are connected by couplings.

When using polyvinyl chloride pipes (PVC), water intake holes are made in the same way as asbestos cement pipes. Corrugated polyethylene drain pipe (IPA) is produced with finished water intake holes (see Figure 2.13).

Fig.2.13 - perforated pipe

2.3.20 Draining structures and drain filters

Draining sprinkles, in accordance with the composition of drained soils, are arranged as single-layer or two-layer.

When the drainage is located in sands of gravelly, large and medium size (with an average particle diameter of 0.30.4 mm and larger), single-layer sprinkles of gravel or crushed stone are arranged.

If drainage is located in medium-sized sands with average particle diameter less than 0.30.4 mm, as well as in fine and dusty sands, sandy loams and with layered structure of aquifer, two-layer sprinkling is arranged. Inner layer of sprinkling is arranged from crushed stone, and outer layer of sprinkling is arranged from sand.

Draining sprinkle materials shall meet the requirements for hydraulic materials.

Gravel is used for the inner layer of draining sprinkles, and in the absence of it, crushed stone of erupted rocks (granite, sienite, gabbro, liparite, basalt, diabase, etc.) or especially strong varieties of sedimentary rocks (siliceous limestones and well-cemented non-weathering sandstones).

For the outer layer of sprinkles, sands are used that are the product of weathering of erupted rocks.

Draining sprinkle materials shall be clean and not contain more than 35% by weight of particles with a diameter less than 0.1 mm.

Selection of the composition of draining sprinkles is carried out according to special schedules depending on the type of filter and the composition of draining soils.

Drains should be laid in drained trenches. In sandy pounds, water reduction with needle filters is used. When the drainage is blocked on the water pump, drainage with the device of construction drains, freezing or chemical fixation of soils is used.

Drainage pipes of imperfect type are laid on lower layers of draining sprinkle, which in turn are laid directly on trench bottom.

For drains of the perfect type, the base (bottom of the trench) is strengthened by crushed stone stranded into a pound, and pipes are laid on layers of sand 5 cm thick.

In weak pounds with insufficient bearing capacity, the drainage must be laid on an artificial base.

Draining sprinkles may have a rectangular or trapezoidal cross-sectional shape.

Sprinkling of rectangular shape is arranged with the help of inventory boards.

Sprinkles of trapezoidal outline are poured without shields with slopes 1:1.

Double-layer drainage sprinkles are recommended to be rectangular in shape using inventory boards.

The thickness of one layer of draining dressing must be at least 15 cm.

2.3.21. Trubofiltra

Instead of the drainage device from pipes with gravel-crushed stone filter, pipe filters made of porous concrete or other material can be used for preventive drains. The scope and conditions of use of pipe filters are determined by special instructions.

2.3.22. Wells

Wells are arranged on tubular drains.

To prevent clogging, the wells shall be provided with second covers.

The differential wells on the drainage shall have a water-running part.

2.3.23. Sand Prisms

When laying drainage in sandy pounds with filtration coefficient less than 5 m/day, as well as in soils of layered structure, part of trench above drainage is filled with sand. The filled sand prism shall have a filtration coefficient of at least 5 m/day.

Sand filling of a trench developed in sandy soils is carried out to a height of 0.60.7 N, where H is the height from the bottom of the trench to the level of underground water, but not less than 15 cm above the top of the drainage sprinkle. In pounds of layered structure, the trench is filled with sand 30 cm above the level of groundwater

2.3.24. Filter Structures

In case of inhomogeneous structure of the aquifer formation, when horizontal drains flow in the upper less permeable layer, and a more permeable layer is located below, a combined drainage is arranged, consisting of horizontal drains and vertical self-pouring wells-filters (see Figure 5).

Vertical filter pits can be penetrated hydraulically (submerged by washing) or by drilling. In these cases, the filter pits are structurally arranged in the same manner as the vertical drain pits. The mouth (upper end of the tubular well) is located below the total undivided level of groundwater and is embedded in the "niche of the drainage inspection well. The elevation of the mouth of the tubular well should be 15 cm higher than the elevation of the horizontal drill tray. At a shallow depth, the installation of filter wells can be carried out in an open way. For this purpose, wells are opened from the bottom of the horizontal drainage trench, in which pipes (asbestos cement or plastic) filled with gravel or crushed stone are installed vertically. Space between vertical pipe and Pound is filled with coarse sand. The lower end of the vertical pipe enters a layer of gravel or crushed stone at the bottom of the well. Upper end of pipe is mated with inner layer of horizontal drill dressing.

2.3.25. Formation Drainage Design

Reservoir drainage is used to protect basements of buildings, pits and channels in cases where one tubular drainage does not give the necessary drainage effect.

Formation drainage is arranged in the form of a layer of sand poured along the bottom of the pit for the building or trenches for the channel.

Layer of sand in transverse direction is cut with prisms from gravel or crushed stone.

Formation drainage shall be protected against clogging during construction. When constructing floors and bases in a wet way (using cast-in-situ concrete and cement mortars (it is necessary to close the formation drainage with insulating material (pergamine, etc.)).

Gravel (or crushed stone) prisms must have a height of at least 20 cm.

The distance between prisms is 6 * 12 m (depending on hydrogeological conditions). Prisms are laid, as a rule, in the middle between the transverse foundations of the building.

With a large influx of water or for especially "critical structures, the formation drainage can be two-layer throughout the area with a lower layer of sand and an upper layer of gravel or crushed stone.

With a small width of the protected structure and a limited flow of water, in particular under underground channels, the formation drainage can be arranged from one layer of sand or from crushed stone.

Thickness of reservoir drain under buildings shall be not less than 30 cm, and under channels not less than 15 cm.

In some cases, with a large drainage area or special requirements for lowering the capillary saturation zone, the thickness and structure of the formation drainage are determined by calculation.

Formation drainage shall extend beyond the external walls of the structure, and, if necessary, shall fall down the slope of the pit (trench).

The formation drainage shall be connected to the tubular drainage ring, wall or associated.

With a large area of ​ ​ the underground room, additional tubular drains should be laid under the floor of the room.

In the underground of buildings erected on pile bases, formation drainage can be arranged in combination with a single-line tubular drain located under the underground.

Architectural and Planning Section

3.1Scale - planning solution of the building area.

The vertical layout of the site was made on the basis of the general plan and engineering and geological surveys carried out by the Karelproekt Design Institute in 1990. And solved taking into account the planning marks of the adjacent streets and taking into account the existing development. Based on the geological and hydrogeological conditions of the site, for the construction and further successful operation of the building, engineering preparation involves: vertical layout, surface drainage, drainage. Vertical layout is made in filling. It is assumed to use the soil seized during the digging of the pit of the building in the filling of lawns.

Surface drainage is carried out along trays of asphalt pavement in the direction of adjacent streets. Wall drainage from asbestos cement pipes D = 150mm with 2-layer filtration sprinkling is provided for protection of basement rooms from headwaters and groundwater. The wall drain release is designed in the designed storm header.

The building site is located in the area of ​ ​ the Perevalka microdistrict in the city of Petrozavodsk.

On the site there is a 9-storey 54x apartment building, areas for recreation, drying linen, a platform for containers, a playground, an economic playground, as well as a platform for temporarily stopping passenger transport.

The facade of the building faces the south-west, which provides a good degree of insolation of the premises.

The area has the following characteristics:

Plan dimensions: width 123.26 m; length 157.39 m;

The area of ​ ​ the site within the limits of the diversion is 19400 m2;

The area of ​ ​ the site within the boundaries of improvement is 19400 m2;

The building area is 2970 m2;

The area of ​ ​ driveways, sidewalks, pavements is 2600m2;

The area of ​ ​ the sites is 2000 m2;

Roads 5.5 m wide;

Sidewalks 1.5 m wide;

Pedestrian paths 1.5 m wide;

The area of ​ ​ landscaping of the site is 6000 m2. Table 2.1 shows the list of landscaping elements.

The minimum distance from the building to the sites is 12 m, and the maximum 20 m.

The site layout is made in accordance with the requirements of the existing SNiP and GOST.

3.2 Volumetric - planning solution of residential building.

As part of this diploma project, according to the initial assignment for course design, a 9-storey residential building has been developed, which has the following characteristics.

The building has a rectangular shape with the following plan dimensions, a width of 12 m and a length of 45 m.

In the building of the technical subpole, in which there is a room for wiring sanitary and technical networks (water supply, sewerage, etc .).

On the ground floor there is a garbage chamber for collecting garbage.

3.3. Design Solution Description

Facades - with attachment loggia

Foundations - tape from prefabricated railway slabs and concrete blocks -FL 12.12, FL 12.24, FL 16.12, FL16.24, FL12.8, FL16.8

External basement panels - Single-row cutting, three-layer made of heavy concrete with insulation, 350 mm thick

External walls - Single-row cutting, three-layer of heavy concrete, 350 mm thick, with 350 mm insulation

Internal walls - Structural railway panels 160 mm thick

Partitions - 80 mm thick gypsum board

Roof - With a warm attic with a roll roof made of floating ruberoid

Slabs - Solid panels, 160 mm thick

Ventblocks - Self-supporting railway panels

Stairs - Prefabricated railway platforms and walkways

Bathrooms - Plumbing cabins

Loggia - A/B panel thickness 160 mm

Loggia Fences - Concrete Panel

Basement decoration - Large-sized ceramic tiles

Visors above entrances - 160mm thick W/W flat plate

Floors in rooms - Parquet board on lags

Floors in kitchens - Linoleum

Floors in bathrooms - Ceramic tiles

Windows - With separate bindings

External doors - Glazed and blind, sheathed

Internal doors - Panel doors

Ceilings - High quality adhesive painting

Wall Finishes - Wallpaper Glazing

Decoration of bathroom walls - Oil painting

Bathroom wall decoration - Cafel

Kitchen decoration - Oil coloring, tile

Staircase trim - Oil and emulsion colouring

Carpentry decoration - Oil painting in 2 times

Water supply - Domestic drinking water from external networks

Heating - Central

Ventilation - Natural exhaust from bathrooms and kitchens

Hot water supply - Centralized from external networks

Sewerage - To city sewerage network

Gutters - Internal in stairwell with discharge to storm sewer

Electrical equipment - Electrical lighting from mains 380/220 V

Communication device - Electrical lighting from 380/220 V network

Waste water - With a camera on the 1st floor

Elevator - Passenger, lifting capacity 400 kg

The structural diagram of the building with load-bearing transverse walls is used. The spacing of the transverse bearing walls is 4.5m and 3m. External load-bearing wall panels are three-layer reinforced concrete on flexible links with effective insulation.

The building is designed with a warm attic with a roll roof made of floating ruberoid. The roof is made of their three-layer railway coating plates with an effective insulation.

Floor slabs are provided with continuous 160mm thickness. Continuous floor slabs with a span of 4.5 m, supported on those sides, are made with conventional mesh reinforcement.

The project used double glazing with separate bindings.

Building class - II

Durability - II

Degree of fire resistance - II

Design section

4.1 Calculation of collector

4.1.1.The initial data

It is required to calculate the railway pipe Ø 500mm with normal reinforcement. Pipeline is laid in trench by open method on natural base. The depth of laying from the surface of the earth is up to 3 meters to the top of the pipe, the soil is refractory. Groundwater level at a depth of 2 m.

Organizational and Technological Section

This section is represented by the schedule for the construction of the drainage network of the quarter, the master plan for the organization of the construction site, the process map for the installation of drainage pipes.

5.1 Schedule

According to SNiP 1.04.0385 "Standards for the duration of construction and backlog in the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures" the maximum duration of the drainage network is 0.5 months.

Main stages of work execution:

• trench separation;

• pipe slinging;

• pipe laying;

• verification;

• connection of pipes;

• pipe picking and filling;

The supply of electrical networks, water supply and sewerage networks is carried out in the preparatory period.

The actual construction period of the building is 0.5 months.

See appendix for calendar field.

5.2 Construction Site Master Plan

Roads at construction site:

temporary rings 6.5 m wide, designed for movement of mounting mechanisms;

permanent roads are used to transport structures to the construction site.

Temporary fencing of the construction site is arranged along the contour of the construction site from reinforced concrete panels, which includes all hazardous areas. A 6 m gate is provided in the fence for access of transport to the construction site.

Temporary buildings and structures include an office, a passage room, a control room, living quarters for workers, a dining room, a bathroom, warehouses and canopies. All temporary structures are blocked outside the area of the installation mechanisms and connected to temporary networks.

The power supply system is organized from the existing transformer substation located on the construction site according to a low-voltage scheme.

Temporary water and heat supply networks are connected to existing highways. Domestic premises are provided, in addition, fire hydrants are connected to water supply networks.

The means of communication is the telephone. Connects to an existing line.

Lighting of the construction site in the dark is carried out by SPO200 floodlights on masts installed in 35-40 m.

The safe organization of the construction site is carried out using fire protection measures - a fire shield, as well as fire hydrants, are installed next to the domestic appliances.

The safety of workers during installation of structures is ensured by means of a signalman warning workers about the beginning of installation.

The production culture is represented by an advertising shield at the entrance to the construction site and special warning signs.

For construction plan, refer to Appendix

5.3 Job Instruction for Drain Pipe Laying

5.3.1 Organization and technology of the construction process.

Before commencing work, it is necessary to:

open the trench;

open pits in places of pipes connection;

provide drainage from the trench;

install two engineering sheaths along the leveling on the trench edge taking into account the slope of the pipeline trays;

remove the pipeline axle with installation of hangers in wells and trench;

spread the pipes on the edge along the trench;

clean the pipes of contamination ;

Excerpt trenches for designed utility networks by excavator of EO5015 type with bucket of tank. 0.5 m3.

Slope slope is taken according to SNiP12042002 and is equal to - 1:1 for these geological conditions.

Soil during trenching is developed mainly in a dump on the trench brow, in certain areas where the placement of soil on the trench brow is not possible, the soil is loaded onto dump trucks and taken to a temporary dump a distance of up to 1.0 km with subsequent use during backfilling of trenches.

When performing works below the groundwater level, an open drainage from the trenches should be provided with pumps with a capacity of up to 30 m3/h.

When crossing trenches with the existing underground communications, the development of soil by a mechanized method is allowed according to paragraph 3.22 of SNiP 3.02.0187 and PUE at the following minimum distances:

- for cable power supply and communication lines 1 m from the cable;

- for long-distance communication lines - 2 m from the cable;

- for steel welded, ceramic, cast iron and asbestos cement pipelines, channels and headers - 0.5 m from the side surface and 0.5 m above the top of communications for hydraulic excavators; 2 m from the side surface and 1 m above the top of communications for other means of mechanization.

The remaining soil shall be developed using manual impact-free tools or special means of mechanization.

Filling of trenches with laid pipelines of drainage, water supply, sewerage and heat supply networks shall be performed in compliance with item 4.9 of SNiP 3.02.0187.

At the first stage, the lower zone is filled with non-frozen soil.

Pipe insulation shall not be damaged during backfilling.

At the second stage, the upper zone of the trench is filled with soil that does not contain solid inclusions larger than the pipe diameter.

The pipelines shall be kept safe.

It is recommended to cut trenches for laying cable lines using small-sized excavators of EO2621 type, in cramped places - manually.

Lowering of pipes into trenches and installation of prefabricated reinforced concrete wells, base slabs is carried out with the help of pipe layouts and car cranes of appropriate lifting capacity using inventory load-gripping devices.

Winter conditions for construction and installation works are determined by the average daily outside air temperature of + 5 ° С and below and the minimum daily temperature of 0 ° С and below.

During tillage of soil, wedge-baba or diesel hammer are used, for thawing of soils - heating in a fire method.

It is recommended to protect the soil to be developed in winter conditions from freezing with cheap materials (sawdust, leaves, etc.).

Soil for backfills, embankment devices shall meet the requirements of paragraphs 3-6 of Table 7, SNiP 3.02.0187.

5.3.3 Occupational safety measures

Labor protection of workers has to be provided with delivery of necessary personal protection equipment by administration (special clothes, footwear, helmets, etc.), performance of actions for collective protection of workers (protections, lighting, ventilation, protective and safety devices, devices, etc.), sanitary and household rooms.

According to the current norms and rules, the construction administration must organize training, study and verification of the knowledge of workers and technical personnel in the field of safety with mandatory documentation of it, draw up visual agitation in the form of posters hung near workplaces in domestic premises.

Sanitary and hygienic measures provide for the provision of sanitary and hygienic services for workers at workplaces and in domestic premises. Such measures include the creation of a normal air environment at workplaces, illumination, the elimination of harmful effects of vibration and noise, and the equipment of the necessary domestic and sanitary facilities.

The construction site, as well as the places of work during the laying of utility networks, in order to avoid access by unauthorized persons, should be fenced. The types of temporary enclosures are determined during the development of the PPM.

During works, it is necessary to ensure proper storage of materials and products, eliminate the possibility of flammable and combustible materials burning, enclose welding sites, clean up construction debris in a timely manner, allow smoking only in specially designated places, strictly observe other fire safety rules, as well as keep all fire extinguishing equipment in constant readiness and serviceability (fire water bodies, water lines with hydrants, fire extinguishers, alarm devices, fire equipment).

Fire extinguishing for the construction period is provided from fire hydrants installed on existing and designed water supply networks, which are laid in the preparatory period.

When performing work on areas adjacent to existing driveways, it is necessary to display warning temporary road signs agreed with the traffic police during the development of the PPR.

5.3.4 Technical and economic indicators.

Labor costs for pipe installation, hours - days 78.75;

on I m pipes, people. - days - 0.2;

production per worker per shift, m 43.5;

Economic section

List of sources used

1 Abramov S.K., Underground drainage in industrial and urban construction. M., Stroyizdat, 1973, 47 p.

2 Simagin V.G., Ratkova E.I. Drains. Design and arrangement of horizontal tubular drains. Training edition. Petrozavodsk, Printing House of PetrSU Publishing House, 2002, 240 s.

3 Simagin V.G., Protection of the underground part of buildings and structures from the impact of groundwater. Petrozavodsk, Printing House of PetrSU Publishing House, 1983, 67 s. SNiP

4 Moiseev V.Yu., Engineering preparation of the built-up territory. Kiev, Publishing House "Budivelnik," 1974, 276 s.

5 Degtyarev B.M., Protection of foundations of buildings and structures from underground water. M., Stroyizdat, 1985, 263 s.

6 Poleshchuk N.N. Visual LISP and secrets of adaptation AutoCAD. St. Petersburg: BHVeterburg, 2001. 576 pages.

7 Kudryavtsev E.M. AutoLISP. Programming fundamentals in AutoCAD 2000. M.: DMK Press, 2000. 416 pages.

8 Senkevich P. Reinforced concrete pipes. M.: Stroyizdat, 1989. 272 pages.

9 Levchenko G.E. KTP - Installation of external networks. M.: Stroyizdat, 1982. 40 pages.

10 Details of drainage and urban roads. Petrozavodsk, 1992. 50 pages.

11 Dolmatov B.I. Mechanics of soils, bases and foundations. - M.: Stroyizdat, 1981. 480 pages.

12. SNiP 2.01.0183 *. Foundations of buildings and structures/Gosstroy of the USSR. - M.: Stroyizdat, 1985. 40 pages;

13. SNiP 2.01.0785 *. Loads and impacts. Design Standards. - M.: Stroyizdat, 1985. 60 pages;

14. SniP 2.05.0384. Bridges and pipes. Design Standards. - M.: Stroyizdat, 1988. 191 pages;

15. SNiP 2.03.0184 *. Concrete and reinforced concrete structures/Gosstroy of the USSR. - M.: CITP Gosstroy of the USSR, 1985. 79 pages;

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