Device for testing generators and relay regulators

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Regulations. Patent Information Research Reference
Analysis of selected analogues and justification of prototype
Performance benchmarking matrix
Development of functional and physical diagram of technical proposal
Technical Quotation Description
Calculations confirming the operability and reliability of the structure
List of sources used
This course work involves familiarization with the methodology for analyzing the novelty and effectiveness of the created technical proposals and includes a patent-information search in the collections of the scientific library, as well as Internet resources that allow you to conduct a patent search. The result of this work is the possibility of consolidating general and practical skills in the search for new technical solutions.
The analysis involves finding and proposing specific tools for upgrading and improving the technical characteristics of the device. The engineering analysis process consists of a number of sequential research and design operations, which are carried out in the following order:
definition of physical principles of action;
assessment of advantages and disadvantages, identification of dominant factors (most influencing the possibility of equipment functioning);
determination of operability of selected variants of devices.
Performance of course work, the purpose of which is to improve the device for checking generators and relay regulators;
The unit shall have a high performance indicator;
the plant must be universal, since the possibility of using it will reduce the cash costs of the equipment;
must be minimal labor during repair, since productivity depends on them.
After performing the patent search, one of the devices was chosen as a prototype and based on it we will design advanced equipment. Changes in the device should increase the level of work on the search for breakdowns of generators and relay regulators.
The design process is carried out in the following sequence:
study of the product drawing and structure of the process operation, diagrams, characteristics and structural features of the installation;
analysis of operating conditions;
analysis of existing structures used for similar type of works;
selection of the optimal design option;
clarification and processing of the selected design version, drawing up diagrams, performing calculations of equipment elements for improved elements, which make it possible to prove the acceptability of the selected design and the principle of operation of this equipment. Graphic design of the installation.
Regulations, Patent Information Research Certificate
After issuing the topic of patent research, I conducted a preliminary study. Research was carried out at the FIPS (Federal Service for Intellectual Property, Patents and Trademarks) on patents and applications that identify countries and companies engaged in solving the problem of car wheel washing.
Work on patent research was carried out in the following order:
receiving a job; development of regulations for searching for information; search and selection of patent and other scientific and technical information, research of technical literature on this topic; systematization and analysis of selected information; synthesis of results on patent research.
After the study, each patent was analyzed separately and a table was completed on the following items: name of the object; Security document type patentee country; IPC class; Security document type object of the invention; essence of technical solution.
Analysis of selected analogues, overview of existing designs and rationale of prototype
On the basis of tables 1.3 and 1.4, and based on the indicators of the level of development of technical solutions, I chose 4 analogues that allow the most successful car washing, and in which it is possible to improve the design, these are:
Analogue No. 1 - (Patent of the Russian Federation No. 2110421) - Device for checking relay regulators.
Connected in parallel a DC power source 1 (for example the G6.5 generator) and the potentiometer 2 having the variable section of windings which plus (at a potentiometer it is the end of a winding with smaller section) is connected to terminal Ya of the tested releregulyator and a cursor of a potentiometer is connected to the case of the relay regulator (terminal K), are intended for providing standard operating modes of the scheme.
Voltmeter 3, connected between the potentiometer engine and the relay terminal I, is designed to measure the adjustable voltage, which is determined by the formula: Up = Uo1.5 V, (1) where: Up is the adjustable voltage, V;
Uo is the shunt circuit opening voltage of the generator, which is determined at the moment of current interruption through ammeter 6.
The signal lamp 4 connected between terminal K and the terminal Z (protection) of a releregulyator is intended for connection of contacts of the relay of protection with the case through onboard network of the car.
Switch 5, movable contact of which is connected to relay terminal W, is intended for connection of generator excitation winding, the first fixed contact is connected to relay terminal J, and the second fixed contact is connected through ammeter 6 and shunt rheostat 7 to minus of current source.
Accumulator battery 8, minus which through switch 9 is connected to releregulator terminal K, and plus through ammeter with double-sided scale 10 is connected to releregulator terminal B, provides generation of reverse current at voltage drop in the source for the purpose of DMR check.
Ammeter 10 is designed to measure the load current of the relay regulator.
Connected in series is a diode 11 designed to prevent polarization of the source in the event of a reverse current and a voltmeter 12 designed to measure the voltage drop between terminals I and B, plus which is connected to terminal I, and minus - to terminal B of the relay-regulator.
In the initial state, the propeller of the potentiometer 2 is in the upper position, the movable contact of the switch 5 is in the neutral position, and the switch 9 is open.
The device operates as follows.
For check of protection of the relay regulator the mobile contact of switch 5 is connected to the first motionless contact, closing a chain between terminals Ya and Sh of the tested relay regulator. Then the potentiometer engine is moved downwards, increasing voltage at the input of the relay-regulator protection circuit until lamp 4 comes ON. In case of serviceable protection circuit, the lamp lights up at the voltage corresponding to the specification, which is measured by voltmeter 3. After parameter check, potentiometer 2 engine is returned to initial state.
To check the remaining parameters, the movable contact of the switch connects to its second fixed contact, connecting to the terminal W of the releregulator under test, the circuit of the shunt rheostat 7, in which the current corresponding to the rated current during operation of the relay-regulator with the controlled generator is set by the potentiometer propeller by ammeter 6. Circuit breaker 9 closes circuit of accumulator battery 8.
For check of overvoltage of terminal Ya over terminal B tension at the time of inclusion of DMR move a cursor of a potentiometer 2 down and determine overvoltage at operation (click) of DMR and emergence of current of a charge of battery 8 by voltmeter 12.
To check the controlled voltage, the propeller of the potentiometer 2 is continued downward, and the value of the controlled voltage at the moment of current termination in the circuit of the ammeter 6 is determined using the formula (1).
To check reverse current of DMR shutdown, propeller of potentiometer 2 is moved upwards until discharge current of accumulator battery 8 appears and at the moment of DMR shutdown (click) reverse current value is determined by ammeter 10.
To return to initial position, propeller of potentiometer 2 is set to upper position, movable contact of switch 5 is set to neutral position, switch 9 is opened.
The device allows checking relay-regulators with DMR, which operate at voltage drop between the current source and load, and are switched off only at reverse current created by the active load, which is the battery. The combination of load and current source functions is obtained not only by using a battery, but also by including it in a circuit other than the prototype. In addition, with such a battery connection, potentiometer 2 performs two functions: when the battery is charged (direct current of the relay regulator), it simulates a source of controlled voltage, and when the battery is discharged, it simulates a load that determines the value of the reverse current of the relay regulator.
The proposed device allows checking any types of relay-regulator for 1328 V DC generators.
Formula of the invention
Device for checking releregulators, comprising DC source and potentiometer connected in parallel with alternating section of winding, plus output of which is connected to terminal "I" of releregulator intended for connection of generator armature, potentiometer engine is connected to housing of relay-regulator through terminal "K," shunt rheostat, one end of winding of which is connected to negative output of source, and the other end through the first ammeter and switch is connected to terminal "W" relay designed for connection of shunt winding of generator, voltmeter connected between terminals "I" and "K" of the releregulator, the second ammeter, differing in that between the terminal "B" of releregulator intended for connection of generator load and terminal "K" are connected in series with second ammeter and accumulator battery, and between terminal "To" and terminal "Z" intended for connection of protection of the generator the lamp is connected.
invention relates to devices for studying parameters of generators and can be used in laboratory and production tests of synchronous and asynchronous generators. The technical result consists in stabilization of frequency and speed of the analysed generator, for which purpose synchronisation of voltage of the analysed generator is used in the speed regulator of the drive motor. The bench comprises a synchronization mode switch and a power unit control unit of the generator drive motor. The control unit implements the function of phase-pulse control of the power unit and comprises a synchronization unit, to which a synchronization mode switch is connected by output contacts, which is connected by input contacts to the network and output of the generator. 2 silt.
invention relates to devices for studying parameters of generators and can be used in laboratory and production tests of synchronous and asynchronous generators.
The study of electrical machines can be performed by one of the methods recommended in the standards.
These known circuitry for the investigation and testing of electrical machines have a number of significant drawbacks in that it is necessary for the operator to manually maintain one or another generator parameter during the examination. Automatic control and control schemes often do not meet the requirements for stability, quality and cost indicators (Handbook on Automated Electric Drive/Ed. V.A. Eliseev and A.V. Shayanskogo. -M.: Energoatomizdat, 1983, p.241-260.).
The closest by technical solution is the test bench for autotractor generators according to a. from. USSR N 1095116, G 01 R 31/34, from 30.05.84. Bulletin N 20
The known device is designed for testing autotractor generators, in particular for removing current-velocity characteristics.
Device comprises drive motor of generator with power supply and control unit, unit of rotation speed measurement, at that control unit of drive motor is made in the form of digital-to-analog system, input of which is connected to unit of voltage setting.
When examining synchronous and asynchronous generators, it is necessary to accurately stabilize the frequency. This process is especially difficult to implement in asynchronous generators, since their frequency depends on sliding, and the latter on the load of the generator.
The disadvantage of this device is the inability to provide the necessary requirements for frequency synchronization in static and dynamic modes.
The technical solution of the proposed invention is stabilization of frequency of the analysed generators in static and dynamic modes.
The task is achieved by the fact that an electrified stand for the study of asynchronous and synchronous generators, the generator drive motor, a power unit, a control unit, a speed sensor further comprising a synchronization mode switch; and the control unit implements a phase pulse control function and comprises an analog-to-digital converter and a synchronization unit; wherein the drive motor of the generator is mechanically coupled to the shaft of the studied generator and the speed sensor; Note here that power unit thyristors are connected to three-phase rectification circuit with its input connected to mains while its output "+" and "" with armature of drive motor, switch of synchronization mode is connected with output contacts to synchronization unit of control unit, and with input contacts to network and output of analysed generator, and output of speed sensor is connected to input of analog-to-digital converter of control unit, control signals of the latter are transmitted to control electrodes of thyristors of power unit.
Novelty of technical solution is due to introduction of switch of synchronization mode and implementation of phase-pulse control function in control unit, which contains analog-to-digital converter and synchronization unit.
According to scientific, technical and patent literature, the authors do not know the claimed set of features aimed at achieving the given task and this solution does not follow with obvious from the prior art, which makes it possible to conclude that the solution corresponds to the level of the invention.
The proposed technical solution is industrially applicable. The electrified stand is used for laboratory studies of asynchronous and synchronous generators with a capacity of up to 30 kW at the Department of Electric Machines and Electrical Wiring of the Kuban State University, as well as in the laboratory of OGK of the Kaluga Transmash Plant.
The essence of the invention is explained in the drawings. In Fig. Figure 1 is a schematic diagram of an electrified bench, and Figure 2 is a graph illustrating the operation of the circuit.
Analogue No. 2 - (Patent of the Russian Federation No. 2136013) - Electrified stand for the study of asynchronous and synchronous generators .
Analogue No. 3 (Patent of the Russian Federation No. 2171998) - Device for detecting short-circuited turns in electric coils.
Analog No. 4 (Passport of the stand) - The stand for control and repair of E 250 electric equipment.
For each analogue, the claims, scheme, description and principle of operation or operation are given.
Analogue No. 1 Device for checking relay regulators according to patent No. 2110421
Use: means for monitoring the technical condition of electrical equipment, for testing of relay-regulators with differential-minimum relays (DMR) used in the onboard network of ground vehicles. proposed device for checking relay-regulators differs from known ones in that accumulator battery is included in main electric circuit instead of load rheostat. The device allows to check the adjustable tension, protection of a releregulyator, overvoltage of terminal Ya over terminal B tension at the time of inclusion DMR, the return current of shutdown of DMR. 1 silt.
invention relates to devices for monitoring the technical condition of electrical equipment, and more precisely to devices for testing relay-regulators with differential-minimum relays (DMR) used in the onboard network of ground vehicles.
The most closely related technical aspect of the present invention (prototype) is a device for checking relay regulators (Handbook on Repair of Armored Vehicles. M.: VA VTV, 1969, p. 774778).
It contains: DC source, potentiometer, voltmeter, signal lamp, switch, ammeter, shunt rheostat, load rheostat, switch, ammeter with double-sided scale.
This device allows you to quickly and easily check the control relays and perform their static adjustment from batteries or from an unregulated generator. However, this device does not allow checking relay controllers with DMR, which are installed on most military tracked vehicles.
It is an object of the present invention to provide a device for checking all types of control relays.
The solution of the given problem is achieved by the fact that a storage battery is included in the electric circuit of the device for checking relay-regulators instead of the load rheostat.
Performance benchmarking matrix
As a result of my patent research search, 4 analogues related to the topic of research were selected. I will analyze the possibility of using them in the development of a car washing plant, and choose a prototype.
The results of the analysis are presented in Table 3.1.
Prototype Justification
To achieve the goal of improving the design of the car washing installation on the bases of Table 3.1, I accept analogue No. 4 (Stand Passport) - A stand for monitoring and repair of E 250 electrical equipment as a prototype, since it allows you to most successfully solve the task of improving the designed design, while: the device qualitatively diagnoses generators and relegulators, and the goal of its creation was an increased set of diagnostic devices.
E250 stand is equipped with electric drive for generator rotation, starter current source, load devices, devices for armature checking and insulation control, means for measuring voltage, current strength, electric resistance, torque, rotation frequency. It is equipped with clamps for fixing generators and starters, a braking device for implementing the full braking mode of starters and measuring torque.
The purpose of improving the design of the E250 stand is to improve the mobility of this stand, because the selected prototype does not have the ability to move.
Technical Quotation Description
The stand is used in the conditions of car repair plants and maintenance stations.
The bench provides the following measurements:
- generator rotor speed at full (partial) load;
- speed of rotation of the drive motor rotor;
- generator load current;
- voltage during these checks;
- current consumed by DC generators in engine mode;
- voltage of turning on the reverse current relay;
- voltage level maintained by voltage regulator;
- current of voltage regulator limitation;
- reverse current of voltage regulator;
- variable voltage of starter interlocking relay actuation;
-protection relay actuation current;
- voltage mismatch of two-element voltage regulators.
- speed of starter armature rotation at idle;
- current consumed by starter at idle;
- current consumed by the starter in full braking mode;
- moment developed by starter in full braking mode;
- moment of starter main contacts actuation by clearance between gear and thrust washer;
- voltage and current of switching relay actuation;
- voltage and release current of switching relay.
-resistors resistance from 1 Ohm to 100 kOhm.
Since vehicle repair plants and maintenance stations have many separate posts located from each other at considerable distances, that is, the need to move the diagnostic and repair equipment between the stations. Since the stand was not mobile, this created some inconvenience in checking the electrical equipment of the car. To solve this problem, I propose to put a stand on Blickle wheels.
As a result of the course work, an introduction was made to the methodology for analyzing the novelty and effectiveness of technical assumptions created, it included the following sections: the regulations of research on scientific and technical literature and patent information funds, the results of research on three indicators, the purpose, description of analogues selected for analysis, the justification of the prototype, recommendations for its improvement.
During the project, the engineering task of improving the car washing plant was solved, which made it possible to consolidate theoretical skills in finding new technical solutions and ways to reduce material costs for the manufacture and operation of developed technological equipment. The engineering analysis involved the development of specific recommendations and proposals for the application, modification or rejection of the options under consideration, as well as their justification.
Car wheel washing can be widely used in conjunction with conveyor-type washing plants for final cleaning (polishing) of wheel tires.
A calculation was made, during which we made sure that the developed installation complies with the accepted standards.
List of sources used
Pashin A.D., Sai A.S., Kuchur S.S. Methodical guidelines for performing calculation and graphic work on the course "Basics of calculation, design and operation of technological equipment." - Mn.: BGPA, 1992. – 33 pages.
Pashin A.D., Sai A.S., Rasolko A.M. Fundamentals of intellectual property management: methodological manual. - Mn.: BNTU, 2007. – 73 pages.
3. Chuprakov Yu.I. Hydraulic drive and means of hydroautomatics. - Moscow "Mechanical Engineering," 1979.
4. Kurmaz L.V. Machine details. Design: Textbook/L.V. Kurmaz, A.T. Skoibeda. -Mn.: UP "Technoprint," 2001. – 209 pages.
5. (FIPS Website)
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