Development of shaft-gear process
- Added: 12.12.2018
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development of shaft-gear process
Project's Content
015 КЭ.xls
040 КЭ.xls
Маршрут обработки детали.xls
Операционная карта 015.xls
Операционная карта 035.xls
Вал шестерня (заготовка) _ ОМК К.П. 15.02.08 15.41. Г.Ч..m3d
Вал-шестерня (Заготовка) _ ОМК К.П. 15.02.08 15.41. Г.Ч..cdw
Вал-шестерня _ ОМК К.П. 15.02.08 1541 Г.Ч.cdw
Вал-шестерня _ ОМК К.П. 15.02.08 1541 Г.Ч.m3d
Наладка 10.m3d
Наладка 015.cdw
Наладка 035.cdw
Операционный эскиз 015.frw
Операционный эскиз 035 ОМК К.П, 15.02.08 15.41.02 П.З..cdw
Операционный эскиз 035.frw
Операционный эскиз ОМК 15.02.08 К.П. 15.41.02. П.З ..cdw
Пояснительная записка.docx
Простановка баз.cdw
Резец канавочный (рабочий чертеж).cdw
Скоба чертеж.cdw
Спецификация резца.doc
Спецификация скобы.doc
Схема расположения полей допусков.frw
Эскиз штамповки.frw
Эскизы заготовок.frw
Additional information
Content of the course project
General Section
Part Brief
Part material and its properties
Part Processability Analysis
Process Section
Select Production Type and Optimal Batch Section
Selection and justification of procurement method
Preselect Two Procurement Options
Feasibility Study
optimal procurement version
Calculation of intermediate allowances and dimensions
workpieces. Plot and Position Design Tolerances and Limit Dimensions
Development of operational technology of part machining
Develop a processing route for a given part
Brief technical description of the used
Detailed development of 2 process operations
process (universal and with NC) with calculation of cutting modes
and the norm of time
Design Section
Cutting Tool Description and Calculation
Description and calculation of measuring instrument
List of literature
Process Documentation
Process Map Book
Graphic part of the project
Part Work Drawing
Workpiece Working Drawing
Adjustment routines
Cutting Tool Working Drawing
Measuring Tool Working Drawing
Engineering is one of the oldest industries, it is of great importance in the economy. Engineering provides various equipment and machines to all sectors of the economy, produces many consumer goods (watches, refrigerators and other household appliances). Today, mechanical engineering ranks first among all sectors of the world industry in terms of both the number of employees and the cost of products. According to the level of development of engineering, the level of development of any country is judged.
The industrial composition of mechanical engineering is very complex. It consists of more than 70 industries. Its main industries are electronics, electrical engineering, computing, robotics, instrument engineering, precision engineering, agricultural engineering and tractor engineering, transport, machine tool engineering, automotive, locomotive building, car building, aircraft engineering, shipbuilding.
The production of many types of modern machine-building products requires high labor costs, high skills of workers. Instrumentation, computer production and other emerging industries are especially labor-intensive. These industries also require the constant introduction of the latest achievements of science, that is, they are knowledge-intensive. Such production is located in or near large cities, where there are many skilled workers and engineers, research centers are located, and there is a developed infrastructure. But the orientation of mechanical engineering to metal sources in the NTR era has significantly decreased. Engineering is increasingly becoming an industry of ubiquitous accommodation.
The importance of the engineering industry and its constructive role is determined, first of all, by the fact that it is the basic industry of the economy, which is closely inextricably linked with the priority areas of production. Engineering is the basis for the development of industrial and technological potential, since it directly contributes to meeting the needs of the market.
The machine-building complex includes more than twenty sub-sectors (metalworking industry; producing the means of production; transport; defense products, as well as consumer goods) and under certain conditions should become a key factor influencing the effectiveness of the innovative scenario. MSK Mechanical Engineering is designed to provide production equipment to key sectors of the economy and primarily manufacturing industries and thereby determines the state of the production potential of the Russian Federation. The level of development of mechanical engineering depends on the material capacity, energy intensity of the gross domestic product, labor productivity, industrial safety and the defense capacity of the state.
The ICS has a key role to play in ensuring the transfer of traditional sectors of the economy to a fundamentally new technological base, including through the deployment of globally oriented specialized industries, where the technological development of the machine tool industry plays a special role.
The spontaneous transition to the market at the end of the last century, of course, positively affected the development of extractive industries - as the most profitable, but adversely affected the manufacturing industries. First of all - machine building. The current share of mechanical engineering in the total industrial production of the Russian Federation is about 20%, inferior to at least 2 times the indicators of industrialized countries. And for the vast majority of world exports of machinery, equipment and vehicles, the country's contribution is tenths and hundredths of a percent (the relative exception is energy equipment - about 2.5 percent).
Among the main problems of domestic engineering:
Overcapacity, usually obsolete, and thus extremely high maintenance costs.
Obsolete production capacity infrastructure.
Critical moral and physical wear of equipment and technology.
Lack of monetary resources (low credit and investment attractiveness of enterprises) for the implementation of strategic change programs.
Inefficient production cooperation of industrial enterprises.
Shortage of qualified personnel.
According to statistics, up to 70% of equipment in domestic engineering has an average age of 20 years or more. This means that the vast majority of fixed assets are obsolete, not only mentally, but also physically. In particular, in shipbuilding, the electronic complex, the helicopter industry, equipment wear exceeds 65%.
Вал шестерня (заготовка) _ ОМК К.П. 15.02.08 15.41. Г.Ч..m3d
Вал-шестерня (Заготовка) _ ОМК К.П. 15.02.08 15.41. Г.Ч..cdw
Вал-шестерня _ ОМК К.П. 15.02.08 1541 Г.Ч.cdw
Вал-шестерня _ ОМК К.П. 15.02.08 1541 Г.Ч.m3d
Наладка 10.m3d
Наладка 015.cdw
Наладка 035.cdw
Операционный эскиз 015.frw
Операционный эскиз 035 ОМК К.П, 15.02.08 15.41.02 П.З..cdw
Операционный эскиз 035.frw
Операционный эскиз ОМК 15.02.08 К.П. 15.41.02. П.З ..cdw
Простановка баз.cdw
Резец канавочный (рабочий чертеж).cdw
Скоба чертеж.cdw
Схема расположения полей допусков.frw
Эскиз штамповки.frw
Эскизы заготовок.frw
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