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Development of Job Instruction - Construction Production Technology


Course - drawings and note.
Introduction Slab slabs are made of heavy concrete, structural lightweight concrete of dense structure and dense silicate concrete and are designed to be used as a bearing part of slabs of large-panel buildings of various purposes with a design load on the slab (without taking into account the slab's own weight) up to 6.0 kPa integral. Floor slabs are intended for use in the design and construction of the load-bearing part of buildings and structures with a normal temperature-wet mode and non-aggressive environment under normal construction conditions. Slabs are classified according to the following features characterizing their types : by the thickness of the slab; according to the scheme of supporting the slab on the load-bearing structures of the building; Slabs (description): slabs shape and dimensions shall correspond to the established working drawings for these slabs; the structural length and width of the plate are accepted in accordance with GOST 28984 equal to the corresponding coordination size of the plate, reduced by a gap between adjacent plates; if it is necessary to cover space with a slab that exceeds the distance between adjacent coordination axes of the building, the structural length of the slabs (for example, slabs resting on the walls of the staircase of large-panel buildings with transverse bearing walls) is taken equal to the distance between the axes increased by the required value a, determined in accordance with the taken design decision

Project's Content

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Additional information


Floor slabs are made of heavy concrete, structural lightweight concrete of a dense structure and dense silicate concrete and are designed to be used as a load-bearing part of floors of large-panel buildings of various purposes with a design load on the floor (without taking into account the own weight of the slab) up to 6.0 kPa integral.

Floor slabs are intended for use in the design and construction of the load-bearing part of buildings and structures with a normal temperature and non-aggressive environment under normal construction conditions.

Floor slabs are classified according to the following characteristics characterizing their types:

the thickness of the plate;

according to the scheme of supporting the slab on the load-bearing structures of the building;

Floor slabs (description):

the shape and dimensions of the plates shall correspond to the established working drawings for these plates;

the structural length and width of the plate are accepted in accordance with GOST 28984 equal to the corresponding coordination size of the plate, reduced by a gap between adjacent plates ;

if it is necessary to cover space with a slab that exceeds the distance between adjacent coordination axes of the building, the structural length of the slabs (for example, slabs resting on the walls of the staircase of large-panel buildings with transverse bearing walls) is taken equal to the distance between the axes increased by the required value a, determined in accordance with the taken design decision

Floor slabs

Slab slabs shall be mounted on a layer of freshly laid cement sand mortar M200 with thickness of 10 mm.

Carefully clean the seams between the slabs from debris and seal with cement sand mortar M200 .

After installation, protect metal anchors from corrosion with a layer of cement sand M200 δ = 200 mm .

Holes for passage of communications, measuring up to 150 mm, must be pierced in place within the voids (by drilling without destroying the ribs of the plates).

Holes in end faces of slabs resting on external walls shall be sealed with concrete. B15 to a depth of 250 mm.

Installation works

Construction and installation works are carried out in-line by sections (grips) and by tiers, which makes it possible to combine construction and installation processes and other works in time.

We divide the building into three grips corresponding to the limits of the unit section. Work on the cycle above the zero mark is carried out by the crane of the tower KB 403.

In the area (gripping) where installation works are carried out, it is not allowed to perform other works and find unauthorized persons.

When erecting buildings and structures, it is forbidden to perform work related to the presence of people in the same section (gripping, section) on floors (tiers) above which prefabricated structures or equipment elements are moved, installed and temporarily fixed.

During the construction of single-section buildings or structures, simultaneous installation and other construction work on different floors (tiers) is allowed if there are reliable (justified by appropriate calculation of impact loads) between them Interstage floors according to the written order of the chief engineer, after the implementation of measures ensuring the safe performance of work, and provided that specially appointed persons responsible for the safe production of installation and movement of goods by cranes are located directly at the site of work, as well as for monitoring the implementation of occupational safety instructions by the crane operator, slinger and signalman.

Methods of slinging structural elements and equipment shall ensure their supply to the installation site in a position close to the design one.

It is prohibited to lift prefabricated reinforced concrete structures that do not have mounting loops or labels to ensure their correct slinging and installation.

Cleaning of structural elements to be installed shall be performed before their lifting.

The components of the structures or equipment to be mounted shall be held during the movement against swinging and rotation by flexible braces.

People are not allowed to stay on elements of structures and equipment during their lifting and displacement.

During interruptions in operation it is not allowed to leave raised elements of structures and equipment on weight.

Structural elements installed in the design position must be fixed so that their stability and geometric stability are ensured.

Disassembly of elements of structures and equipment installed in the design position should be performed after their permanent or temporary reliable fixation. It is not allowed to move the installed elements of structures or equipment after their disassembly, except for cases justified in the PPM.

Installation works at height in open places at wind speed of 15 m/s and more, in case of ice, thunderstorm or fog excluding visibility within the work front are not allowed. Work on the movement and installation of vertical panels and similar structures with high sailing speed should be stopped at a wind speed of 10 m/s or more.

It is not allowed to find people under the mounted elements of structures and equipment until they are installed in the design position and fixed.

If it is necessary to find those working under the mounted equipment (structures), special measures must be carried out to ensure the safety of those working.

Mounted mounting platforms, ladders and other devices necessary for the operation of the installers at height should be installed and fixed on the mounted structures before their lifting.

Installation of stairways and platforms of buildings and structures, as well as cargo and passenger construction lifts (elevators) shall be carried out simultaneously with installation of building structures. Fences shall be installed immediately on the mounted stairways.

Analysis of hazardous and harmful factors

When performing construction and installation works, it is necessary to comply with the requirements of SNII480 "Safety in Construction," as well as the rules for the arrangement and safe evacuation of lifting cranes approved by Gosgortekhnadzor, SNiP 3.08.0185 "Mechanization of construction production. Rail tracks of tower cranes. " The construction site should adhere to safety regulations approved by state supervision bodies and relevant ministries and departments of the Russian Federation in agreement with the State Building of the Russian Federation. Persons allowed to participate in production processes should have vocational training, including on occupational safety, corresponding to the nature of the work .

In the area (gripping) where installation works are carried out, it is not allowed to perform other works and find unauthorized persons.

When erecting buildings and structures, it is forbidden to perform work related to the presence of people in the same section (gripping, section) on floors (tiers) above which prefabricated structures or equipment elements are moved, installed and temporarily fixed.

During the construction of single-section buildings or structures, simultaneous installation and other construction work on different floors (tiers) is allowed if there are reliable (justified by appropriate calculation of impact loads) between them Interstage floors according to the written order of the chief engineer, after the implementation of measures ensuring the safe performance of work, and provided that specially appointed persons responsible for the safe production of installation and movement of goods by cranes are located directly at the site of work, as well as for monitoring the implementation of occupational safety instructions by the crane operator, slinger and signalman.

Methods of slinging structural elements and equipment shall ensure their supply to the installation site in a position close to the design one .

It is prohibited to lift prefabricated reinforced concrete structures that do not have mounting loops or labels to ensure their correct slinging and installation .

Cleaning of structural elements to be installed shall be performed before their lifting .

The components of the structures or equipment to be mounted shall be held during the movement against swinging and rotation by flexible braces.

People are not allowed to stay on elements of structures and equipment during their lifting and displacement .

During interruptions in operation it is not allowed to leave raised elements of structures and equipment on weight .

Structural elements installed in the design position must be fixed so that their stability and geometric stability are ensured.

Disassembly of elements of structures and equipment installed in the design position should be performed after their permanent or temporary reliable fixation. It is not allowed to move the installed elements of structures or equipment after their disassembly, except for cases justified in the PPM.

Installation works at height in open places at wind speed of 15 m/s and more, in case of ice, thunderstorm or fog excluding visibility within the work front are not allowed. Work on the movement and installation of vertical panels and similar structures with high sailing speed should be stopped at a wind speed of 10 m/s or more.

It is not allowed to find people under the mounted elements of structures and equipment until they are installed in the design position and fixed.

If it is necessary to find those working under the mounted equipment (structures), special measures must be carried out to ensure the safety of those working.

Mounted mounting platforms, ladders and other devices necessary for the operation of the installers at height should be installed and fixed on the mounted structures before their lifting.

Installation of stairways and platforms of buildings and structures, as well as cargo and passenger construction lifts (elevators) shall be carried out simultaneously with installation of building structures. Fences shall be installed immediately on the mounted stairways.

When moving and delivering bricks, ceramic stones and small blocks to the workplace with lifting cranes, pallets or load-grabbing devices should be used that do not drop the load during lifting.

Masonry level after displacement of scavenging means shall be not less than 0.7 m higher than level of working flooring or floor.

If it is necessary to produce masonry below this level, masonry shall be carried out using safety belts or special mesh protective fences.

Masonry of the walls of the buildings of the subsequent floor is not allowed without installation of load-bearing structures of the interstage floor, as well as platforms and flights of staircases .

When laying walls with a height of more than 7 m, it is necessary to use protective visors along the perimeter of the building that meet the following requirements:

the width of the protective visors shall be not less than 1.5 m and shall be inclined to the wall so that the angle formed between the lower part of the building wall and the surface of the visor is 1100, and the gap between the building wall and the visor floor does not exceed 50 mm;

protective visors shall withstand uniformly distributed snow load set for this climatic area and concentrated load not less than 1600 N (160 kgf) applied in the middle of the span;

the first row of protective visors should have a continuous flooring at a height of not more than 6 m from the ground and remain until the entire completion of wall masonry, and the second row, made of continuous or mesh materials with a cell of not more than 50 x 50 mm, should be installed at a height of 6-7 m above the first row, and then in the course of masonry rearranged every 6-7 m.

Without the installation of protective visors, it is allowed to masonry walls up to 7 m high, as well as more than 7 m high, provided that mesh fences are installed at the masonry level.

Soil extracted from a pit or trench should be placed at a distance of at least 0.5 m from the brow of the excavation. Excavation of soil in pits and trenches is not allowed.

Storage of materials, arrangement of mechanisms is not allowed within the prism of excavation soil (pits, trenches).

To ensure the necessary stability, the installation crane must be installed on a reliable carefully adjusted base. Each crane shall be equipped with an automatic load limiting device, and steel ropes, slinging devices and crossarms shall be checked periodically. Use inventory stairs, walkways, and railing ladders to move installers from one structure to another.

The speed of vehicles near the work sites shall not exceed 10 km/h and 5 km/h at turns.

Fire safety at the construction site, work areas and workplaces shall be ensured in accordance with the requirements of fire safety rules during welding and other fire work at the facilities of the national economy, as well as the requirements of GOST 12.1.00485 "Fire safety. General requirements. "

Electrical safety at the construction site, work areas and workplaces shall be ensured in accordance with the requirements of GOST 12.1.01878 "Construction. Electrical safety. General requirements. "

The construction site, work areas, workplaces, driveways and passages to them in the dark shall be illuminated in accordance with the requirements of GOST 12.1.04685 "Construction. Lighting standards for construction sites. " Illumination shall be uniform, without the blinding effect of lighting devices on the workers .

Safety features during construction

The current occupational safety system (labour legislation, industrial sanitation and safety) ensures the proper working conditions of workers, the improvement of the production culture, the safety of work and their facilitation, which contributes to increased productivity. The creation of safe working conditions in construction is closely related to technology and the organization of production .

The construction is guided by SNiP, which contains a list of measures that ensure safe methods of construction and installation work. Admission to the work of the newly accepted workers is carried out after they have passed a general safety instruction, as well as training directly at the workplace. In addition, workers are trained in safe working methods within three months from the day of admission, after which they receive appropriate certificates. The safety knowledge check is carried out annually.

Responsibility for the safety of work is assigned by law to technical managers of construction projects - chief engineers and occupational safety engineers, manufacturers of work and construction workers. Construction managers are obliged to organize the planning of measures for labor protection and fire protection equipment and ensure that these measures are carried out in a timely manner .

All labor protection measures are carried out under the direct state supervision of special inspections (boiler, state mining supervision, mining, gas, sanitary, technical and fire).


In the course project, I determined the nomenclature, the scope of work, compiled a calculation of labor costs and wages, the selection of machines and mechanisms for the performance of work, a comparison of mechanization options, the calculation of vehicles, determined the labor intensity and composition of teams, calculated loads, wrote out safety requirements, and drew up drawings.

Drawings content

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