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Project for the development of work for the construction of a 9-storey residential building


The object is a 9-story residential building, consisting of 7 sections. Building configuration "5 + 2."

The designed building is characterized by the following space-planning and structural solutions:

- section dimensions in plan view - 12 x 24 m;

- height of floors - 3.0 m;

- height of attic/basement - 2.0 m;

- foundation - FMZ;

- external walls - panels;

- slab - prefabricated, 220 mm thick;

- staircases and flights - prefabricated;

- doors and windows - individual manufacture;

- roof - flat from rolled materials on bitumen mastic.

Project's Content

icon 9etazhny_panelny_zhiloy_dom.doc
icon Vedomost_obemov_rabot_i_trudovykh_zatrat_i_KOR_dlya_vstavki_v_poyasnilku.doc
icon stroygenplan.dwg

Additional information



1. Architectural and structural characteristics of the object

2. Procedure of works execution

3. Bill of Quantities, Labor and Machine Time

4. Planning Plan Design Philosophy

5. Select a crane type and associate it to an object, calculate areas of operation and impact


6. Construction Master Plan

6.1. Construction Master Design Philosophy


6.2. Organization of acquired warehouses

6.3. Design of temporary buildings and structures

6.4. Design of construction site power supply

6.5. Calculation and design of site lighting

6.6. Water Supply and Sewerage Design

7. Key Safety Activities

8. Technical and economic indicators

List of literature used

2. Procedure of works execution

Prior to the installation of the underground part of the building, preparatory and earthworks are carried out. These works include clearing the surface of the site from objects that may interfere with the work; site breakdown, site layout, pit, trenches, layout, soil development, etc.

After excavation, work is underway to erect the underground part of the structure, namely the foundation and basement.

First, longitudinal and transverse axes are split. For this purpose reference axial benchmarks installed on the main layout axes of the building are used, with their extension beyond the building under construction by a distance from the external wall not less than the height of the building.

On the erected basement part of the building (and subsequently on the floor of the mounted floors or the top of the installed panels) the axes are applied with oil paint in the form of a thin feature.

The transfer of the axes of the building to the overlying floors is carried out by theodolite with its installation exactly above the axial reference.

Construction of shallow foundations begins with the installation of formwork and concreting of the foundation. After concrete acquires the strength of the foundation provided for by the project, the formwork is removed, waterproofing is arranged, sinuses between the foundation and the walls of the pit are filled with soil, and the territory around the foundation is planned.

After the construction of the underground part of the building, the above-ground part is installed. The above-ground part represents a arceless structure with external and internal load-bearing wall panels. Panels of external and internal walls are mounted "on weight" method. Depending on the size of the panels, they are stroked in two or four places, using flexible slings and various crossbeams.

Before mounting of bearing panels, mounting horizon is determined and fixed on floor and hairlines are applied, which determine position of vertical seams and planes of panels. The mounting horizon is the elevation of the bottom face of curtain panels. Beacons are arranged along them, between which a bed of plastic cement mortar is laid. The top should be 5 mm higher than the level of beacons, and on the outer wall it should not reach the edge of the wall by 2-3 cm, otherwise the solution will be squeezed out.

Installation works (installation of prefabricated railway floors, stairways and platforms)

During the construction of a residential building, it is required to install in the following order:

• Stairways and platforms;

• Slabs and coverings.

The installation process includes the following stages:

- grip (sling);

- lifting (displacement);

- aiming;

- orientation and installation;

- reconciliation and fixing .

Further, corrosion protection, concreting of joints, anchoring, etc. are performed.

Installation of prefabricated railway structures is carried out from open warehouses located in the area of ​ ​ the tower crane. Installation of floors and coatings is carried out by the method "on the crane."

Bill of Quantities, Labor and Machine Time

Based on the accepted methods of construction and installation works and architectural and structural characteristics of the building, we will compile a detailed list of types of works (the degree of detail corresponds to the ENiR), calculate their volumes.

The labor input of works and the need for mashinosmena are determined by ENiR. The working day for a seven-day working week shall be eight hours and a pay-per-view working day.

Labor costs for performing auxiliary works, transport, loading and unloading and others are taken as% of labor costs for basic works.

Planning Plan Design Philosophy

The construction schedule on the basis of the general organizational and technical scheme establishes the order and terms of construction of the main and auxiliary buildings and structures.

According to the calendar plan, schedules are made for the need for work personnel, material resources, basic machines and transport. The volume of construction and construction works and the need for structures, parts, semi-finished products and basic materials are determined by the data of typical projects, analogue projects or by the current directories and calculation standards.

The basis for the construction of calendar plans is the principle of in-line construction. To speed up the work, it is advisable to combine the work. The correct combination of work in time makes it possible to achieve conditions under which not only the duration of construction is reduced, but also a more rational use of resources, both material and labor, is achieved.

The organization of in-line production in construction provides for:

a) splitting the production process into separate works, preferably equal or multiple in terms of labor intensity;

b) establishment of expedient sequence of works execution and interconnection of interrelated works into the overall aggregate process and their synchronization, thereby achieving continuity of construction production;

c) fixing separate types of work to certain teams of workers, establishing the sequence of inclusion of individual objects in the flow and the movement of teams in the process of performing work.

Construction Master Plan

6.1. Construction Plot Plan Design Philosophy

Construction plan - site master plan, which shows the arrangement of the main installation and lifting mechanisms, temporary buildings, structures and installations, built and used during the construction period.

The construction plan is part of the integrated construction documentation and its solutions should be linked to the rest of the project, including the accepted work technology and construction deadlines set by the schedules. Construction plan solutions shall meet the requirements of construction standards. The solutions of the construction plan should ensure the rational passage of cargo flows at the site by reducing the number of transshipments and reducing the distance of transportation. These requirements, first of all, apply to mass and especially heavy goods. Proper placement of installation mechanisms, installations for the production of concrete and mortars, warehouses, pre-assembly sites is the main solution to this problem. The construction plan should ensure the most complete satisfaction of the domestic needs of construction workers, the decisions made should meet the requirements of safety, fire safety and environmental protection. Temporary construction costs should be minimal. Their reduction is achieved by using permanent facilities, reducing the volume of temporary buildings.

Drawings content

icon stroygenplan.dwg


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