Development of a reduced project for the construction of eight sections of a 4-storey 32-apartment residential building
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Course project on the topic: "Development of an abbreviated project for the construction of eight sections of a 4-storey 32-apartment residential building"
Project's Content
Additional information
1.1 Characteristics of space-planning and structural solution of the object
1.2 Creation of a list of construction and installation works and determination of their scope. Specification for FMS and FMS
2.1 Value of calendar plans
2.2 Description of variants of organizational and technological schemes of the facility erection
2.3 Network models as a way to graphic the schedule
2.4 Development of enlarged network models for versions of organizational and technological schemes of erection
2.5 Development of logistic resource requirements statement
2.6 Development of a determinant card for enlarged network models, determination of standard terms of construction of the facility, selection of the optimal option
2.7 Development of detailed calendar plan and determinant card for it
2.8 Schedule of changes in the number of workers
2.9 Schedule consumption and delivery of materials
2.10 Construction of schedule of main construction machines
2.11 Schedule TEP
3.1 Purpose, structure and sequence of GWP development
3.2 Description of the dynamics of the situation according to the calendar plan
3.3 Main option selection and description
3.4 Selection of the main mounting mechanisms, calculation of binding and crane working area
3.5 Organization of warehousing
3.6 Calculation of vehicle requirements
3.7 Design of temporary roads
3.8 Design of temporary buildings and structures
3.9 Calculation of temporary power supply
3.10 Calculation of temporary water supply
3.11 Determination of TEP of construction plan
4.1 Safety precautions
4.2 Occupational safety measures
4.3 Environmental Protection
PAGES - 113; TABLE - 17, FIGURES - 14.
List of graphic material: 1 sheet of A1 format (detailed network of work execution, schedule of labor resources movement, schedule of supply and consumption of materials, schedule of movement of main construction machines and mechanisms), 2 sheet of A3 format (detailed schedules of work execution, OTS of construction), 3 sheet of A1 format (construction plan, 5 diagrams of situations at construction site for main construction periods).
In the course project, the nomenclature of works and their volumes were formed, a list of requirements for material and technical resources was compiled, organizational and technological diagrams and enlarged network models for the construction of the facility were developed, a detailed network schedule for the construction of the facility, a schedule for the movement of labor, a schedule for the supply and consumption of materials, a schedule for the movement of construction machines and mechanisms, diagrams of situations on the construction site for the main construction periods.
As part of the course project, the development of elements of the PDP as part of the calendar clan and the construction master plan with related calculations is considered. The organization of construction production should ensure the focus of all organizational, technical and technological solutions on the achievement of the final result - the commissioning of the facility with the necessary quality and within the established time frame, which is indicated by the normative duration in the relevant TNAP.
Before the construction of the facility, preparatory work must be carried out, the duration of which is determined by the standard value. These works must ensure the implementation of construction at the planned pace, including general organizational and technical training, preparation for the construction of the facility, preparation of the construction organization and preparation for the construction and installation work.
The construction of each facility is allowed to be carried out only on the basis of previously developed decisions on the organization of construction and the technology of work, which should be adopted in the construction organization project and work execution projects.
The Work Execution Project (PDP) is drawn up on the basis of the Construction Organization Project (PIC) according to the working drawings for the construction of new ones or the reconstruction and expansion of existing enterprises, buildings and structures, for the performance of certain types of construction and installation works, as well as for the work of the preparatory period of construction.
Construction of facilities and structures without PPM is prohibited.
PWRs are developed taking into account the requirements for construction organization projects, at the expense of overhead costs in construction.
For certain types of civil, installation and special construction works, the PDP is developed by organizations performing these works.
The PWP should be developed taking into account the plan of organizational and technical measures of the construction and installation organization, the current system of operational planning, management and accounting of construction production.
The initial documents for the development of the PPM are:
consolidated estimates;
construction organization project;
working drawings;
task for development of the work execution project, which contains information on the scope and terms of development;
information on the timing and procedure of delivery of finished structures, products, semi-finished products, materials and equipment, on the number and types of construction machines and mechanisms intended for use, as well as on working personnel in other professions;
other information related to the specifics of construction and installation works and special construction works.
The abbreviated course work execution project includes:
a) network schedule of works execution, in which, on the basis of the scope of construction and installation works and developed technology, the sequence and terms of works execution are established, the need for labor resources is determined, as well as the terms of supply of all types of equipment;
b) construction master plan indicating the location of acquired temporary transport routes, water supply networks, power supply, administrative and control communications, installation cranes, warehouses, temporary inventory buildings, structures and devices used for construction needs;
c) schedule of receipt for construction of structures, parts, materials;
d) schedule of demand for work personnel for the object;
e) schedule of requirements for the main construction machines for the facility;
f) solutions on health, safety, environmental protection requiring design development (temporary fixation of structures, fencing of work areas during operation at height, etc.);
g) calculation of water supply, power supply, calculation of temporary buildings and road routing. Calculation of vehicle requirements.
Characteristics of site-wide, structural solution and construction conditions
Characteristics of space-planning and structural solution of the object
The task of the course project is to develop an abbreviated PPR for the construction of eight sections of a 4-story 32-apartment residential building.
Section in plan dimensions - 17.4 x 10.8 m.
Floor height - 3 m.
Structural diagram with structural walls.
Foundations - cast-in-situ reinforced concrete tape
Walls - single-layer panels made of light concrete (ceramic concrete) 30 cm thick;
Floors - continuous flat reinforced concrete panels with a size of "per room" 12 cm thick;
Internal walls - reinforced concrete panels with a thickness of 140 mm.
Bathrooms - gypsum concrete sanitary and technical cabins.
Stairs reinforced concrete slab marches, platforms.
Roof - ventilated with an unorganized outflow; insulation.
The roof is a four-layer roll.
Floors - in residential rooms, front - from linoleum. In kitchens - from linoleum. On the terraces - cement bracing.
Windows and balcony doors - with paired bindings according to the series 1.1363. Release 1;
Doors - as per GOST 662974.
Interior decoration - in living rooms, front lining with wallpaper, in kitchens - oil coloring on H = 1.5 m.
The largest weight of the structure is 5.3 tons (floor panel).
Engineering equipment:
- Water supply - drinking water from the city network. Head at H20 input.
- Sewerage - economic and fecal in the city network;
- Heating - from external source. Single-tube system with "II" - shaped risers with lower wiring. Coolant - water with temperature t = 9070 ° C;
- Ventilation - exhaust channel, mechanically driven from kitchens.
- Hot water supply - from external source;
- Power supply - from external networks 380/220 V;
- Low-current devices - telephone, radio, television.
- Kitchen equipment - gas stoves, washing.
- Bathroom equipment - toilets, baths, washbasins.
Construction Scheduling
Calendar Plan Value
A schedule is a document that reflects the accepted sequence of work, their combination, duration of work, saturation with labor resources, the start and end dates of each work and the total duration of construction of the facility.
Calendar plans are the main documents in all types of organizational and technological documentation: in the construction organization project (PIC); in the Work Execution Project (WP); in the project of organization of works (ERP) of the construction division.
A schedule is a document in which you want to display:
Sequence of works execution;
The duration of work is calculated and shown;
Calendar dates of commencement and completion of works;
Number of workers, shift;
Nature (combination) of works.
Graphically, the schedule may be depicted as a cyclogram, a Gantt plot (linear model), and using network methods.
The choice of some form of graphic image depends on the nature and complexity of the object, the existing traditions, the preparation of personnel and other factors. For simple, typical objects and objects of a linear nature (roads, utilities), linear models or cyclograms can be recommended as a graphical form. For all other objects, it is recommended to display scheduling plans using network models (methods).
Calendar plans in construction include all planning documents, in which, on the basis of the scope of construction and installation work and the adopted organizational and technological decisions, the sequence and timing of construction are determined. Scheduling plans are the main documents within the PIC and PPR.
In accordance with the construction calendar plans, calendar plans are developed to provide schedules for the need for work personnel and material and technical resources.
The structure, composition and level of detail of the master data of the calendar plans depends on the purpose of the project documentation, which includes the calendar plan, and therefore determines the period of work to which it is dedicated, the level of management for which it is intended, and the time when it is developed. The main parameter that determines the rest of the schedule is the time period for which it is calculated. In the construction calendar plan, which is part of the PIC, such a period is the year, quarter and month, decade, week, day; in the section of works execution as a part of Job Instruction depending on the scope and duration of works - day, shift and hour, and in transportation and installation schedules - hour and minute.
The work schedule for the object in the form of a linear or network schedule is designed to determine the sequence and timing of civil, special and installation works carried out during the construction of the object. These deadlines are established as a result of rational linkage of the deadlines of certain types of work, accounting for the composition and number of core resources, primarily working teams and leading mechanisms, as well as specific conditions of the construction area, a separate site and a number of other existing factors.
According to the calendar plan, the need for labor and material and technical resources, as well as the timing of deliveries of all types of equipment, are calculated in time. These calculations can be performed both for the entire object and for individual construction periods. On the basis of the calendar plan, they monitor the progress of work and coordinate the work of the performers. Work dates calculated in the schedule are used as starting dates in more detailed planning documents, such as weekly schedules and shift jobs.
The procedure for developing the schedule is as follows:
make a list of works, according to which their scope is determined for each type of work;
make a selection of methods of basic works and leading machines;
calculation of standard machine and labour intensity;
determining the composition of brigades and links;
process sequence of works execution is detected;
determining duration of individual works;
work replacement is established;
determining duration of individual works and possibility of their alignment;
comparing the estimated duration with the standard duration and making the necessary adjustments;
On the basis of the plan implemented, schedules of resource requirements and their provision are developed.
Schedule consumption and delivery of materials
The schedule is based on the KP, from which the start and end dates of the materials required to perform the relevant work are taken, and on the material requirements list, from which the material and quantities required to perform the work are selected.
The schedule starts with a line showing the consumption of the relevant material with the calendar start and end dates. In order to ensure the continuity of each work, it is necessary to have a stock of relevant material resources, for which it is necessary to provide for their advance delivery taking into account the standard stocks in days.
This form of image involves uniform consumption and supply of the necessary materials. In fact, the intensity of consumption of any material (laying in business) depends on many factors: complexity of work, number of performers, shift, weather, quality and number of tools, etc., and accordingly can be:
uniform (every working day the same amount of material is put into business);
uneven (each working day a different amount of it fits into business).
In practice, in the construction process, the consumption of materials is usually uneven, that is, at different rates. But no matter how much material resources are spent, their supply should be organized in such a way that at the construction site the reserve of material resources meets regulatory requirements at each point in time of construction of the facility.
The line schedule for delivery and consumption of material is shown in the graphic part.
Schedule the main construction machines
The schedule of movement of construction machines and mechanisms is drawn up on the basis of the network schedule of construction and installation work on the object. It is drawn under the schedule of labor movement with reference to the calendar.
In the movement chart of construction machines and mechanisms for each machine, the plot of its operation on the object is shown in the form of a linear diagram, at the beginning of which the date of start of operation of this machine on the object is indicated, and at the end - the date of end.
The graph of movement of the main machines and mechanisms is presented in the graphic part.
Construction Site Organization
Purpose, structure and sequence of GWP development
The construction plot plan is developed for the entire facility and should reflect the state of the construction site for the entire period of construction of the above-ground part of the building.
On the construction plan there are :
construction facilities available on the construction site of buildings and structures;
temporary and permanent roads used during construction;
temporary water supply and power supply networks;
mechanisms serving the construction of the facility;
Purchase and open warehouses
temporary buildings for industrial and cultural purposes.
General principles of construction plan design:
The construction plan is part of the integrated construction documentation, and its solutions should be linked to the rest of the project, including the accepted work technology and construction deadlines set by the schedules;
Construction plan solutions shall meet the requirements of construction standards;
the construction plan should ensure the most complete satisfaction of the domestic needs of construction workers, this requirement is implemented by carefully selecting and placing domestic premises, devices and pedestrian paths;
temporary buildings, structures are located in territories not intended for development until the end of construction;
The solutions of the construction plan should ensure the rational passage of cargo flows at the site by reducing the number of transshipments and reducing the distance of transportation;
decisions taken in the construction plan must meet safety requirements and environmental conditions;
temporary construction costs should be minimal.
Prefabricated products, parts and structures are stored in the crane area. Open storage sites provide storage of standard stock for uninterrupted operation. Material layout provides passages with a width of at least 1.0 m for workers in order to ensure the convenience of slinging structures.
To illuminate the construction site in the evening and at night, a temporary lighting system is provided.
Power supply to installation mechanisms is provided via insulated cables.
Domestic and temporary premises shall be located outside the crane area. On-site temporary water supply is carried out by connection to the existing water supply system. Temporary water supply is calculated to satisfy household and production needs. The temporary transformer substation supplies electricity by connecting it to the existing power grid. The entire territory of the construction site is protected by a temporary fence.
Description of the dynamics of the situation according to the calendar plan
During the construction of the facility on the construction site, various developments are possible. Each period is characterized by a certain, inherent, use of basic resources, location of temporary warehouses, arrangement diagrams of installation mechanisms, order and sequence of installation of certain structures, performance of work on a certain grip, etc.
In this course project we will consider 5 variants of the most characteristic situations:
Period from 15.08.2020 to 21.08.2020 (Excavator excavation);
Period from 26.10.2020 to 30.12.2020 (erection of the above-ground part on the I grip, technological waiting on the II, III, IV grips);
Period from 30.12.2020 to 24.02.2021 (roofing and finishing works on I gripping, erection of above-ground part on II gripping, technological waiting on III, IV gripping);
The period from 24.02.2021 to 03.05.2021 (at the I capture of the work, roofing and finishing work on the II capture, erection of the above-ground part of the III capture, technological waiting on the IV capture);
The period from 03.05.2021 to 30.06.2021 (on the I and II grips the work is completed, roofing and finishing work on the III gripping, the construction of the above-ground part on the IV gripping).
All options are shown in the graphic part, see sheet 2.
Main Option Selection and Description
In the course project, an object SGP is being developed, which is based on the situational schemes developed earlier (in paragraph 3.2).
The construction plot plan is also shown on the second sheet of graphic material.
For the development of the construction plan, the following calculations are given:
the selection of key mechanisms;
calculation of reference and work zones;
design of temporary roads;
design of temporary buildings;
organization of warehousing;
calculation of vehicle requirements;
calculation of temporary water supply;
calculation of temporary power supply.
In the course project, enlarged models of the calendar plan were developed, then a detailed calendar plan with observance of the flow of work on the construction of 5 sections of a 5-storey 20-apartment residential building.
Schedules of labor movement, supply and consumption of materials, schedule of construction machines and mechanisms have been developed. The developed project corresponds to the normative duration of the construction of such facilities.
The progress on the construction site was also evaluated in accordance with the schedule. Calculations necessary for the construction of the detailed construction plan have been made, such as:
1. Calculation of temporary facilities area;
2. Calculation of storage area;
3. Calculation of vehicle requirements;
4. Calculation of temporary water supply;
5. Calculation of temporary power supply.
The graphic part of the project shows the detailed schedule and schedules of resources movement on the first sheet, as well as dynamics of the construction site on the second.
The development of PPM and PIC is an important stage in the preparation of construction. With these, the document can be clearly said "what, when and how" should happen on the construction site .
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