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Development of a contact apparatus for the oxidation of SO2 to SO3

  • Added: 21.05.2022
  • Size: 621 KB
  • Downloads: 3
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the work is devoted to the development of a contact apparatus for the oxidation of sulfur dioxide SO2 into sulfurIC SO3 by oxidation on the surface of the catalyst.

Based on the analysis of literature data, the features of the kinetics of the oxidation process are considered. It is shown that the optimal catalyst for the process under consideration is currently vanadium based on vanadium pentoxide V2O5.

The contact apparatus used, differing in the method of removing the heat of the reaction from the volume of the reaction system, is also considered. Taking into account the specified flow rate, a contact device with intermediate heat exchange was selected. 

On the basis of the given initial data, calculations of the thermal and material balances of the oxidation process were made.

The main parameters of the contact apparatus are also calculated. 

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