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Detail of wood frame wall and foundation basement with warm underground


1. Frame bars are laid on foundation blocks along the entire perimeter of the building. Wooden beams along the entire width of the frame and at least 70 mm are supported on the bars.
2. The bar is made of 50mm bars, cutting off the ends at an angle of 30. It is attached to the frame bars every 500 mm. We hire a board, and a tin lies on the boards.
3. In the spaces between foundation blocks it is necessary to equip ventilation ducts for ventilation of underground space.

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icon Деталь деревянной каркасной стены и цоколя фундамента с теплым подпольем.dwg

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icon Деталь деревянной каркасной стены и цоколя фундамента с теплым подпольем.dwg

Деталь деревянной каркасной стены и цоколя фундамента с теплым подпольем.dwg

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