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Designing a Shaped Cutter


1.3. Calculates height deviations from the profile of the shaped cutter. 8 1.4. Calculation of tolerances for longitudinal dimensions. 9 1.5. Calculation of tolerances for sharpening parameters and cutter installation. 10 1.6. Template and Counter Template Design. 10 1.7. Design of shaped cutter holder. 11

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1. Designing a Shaped Cutter

1.1. To Select a Shaped Cutter Type and Basic Dimensions

1.2. Shaped Cutter Profile Correction Calculation

1.3. Calculation of height deviations of profile of shaped cutter

1.4. Calculation of tolerances for longitudinal dimensions

1.5. Calculation of tolerances for sharpening and cutter installation parameters

1.6. Template and Counter Template Design

1.7. Design of shaped cutter holder

Design of shaped cutter holder

Shaped cutter holders shall meet the following requirements:

The design of the holder must be simple and ensure the reliability and rigidity of the cutter attachment;

Quick pre-installation and precise adjustment of the height of the base point of the cutter blade along the height of the part axis is required;

For holders intended for different round shaped cutters with different height of cutter axis above part axis (universal holders) precise adjustment of this height is required;

For holders used on automatic machines, it is necessary to quickly and accurately set the base point of the cutter blade at the height of the part axis;

For holders of all types, it is necessary to align the dimensions of the holder with the dimensions of the working space and caliper of the machine used.

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Резец круглый фасонный.cdw

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Ш и К.cdw