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Design of the plant for production of LW rings

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Design of the plant for production of housing rings. Explanatory note + plan + sections + plot plan + flow diagram.

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1.1 Composition of the enterprise

1.2 Operating mode of the enterprise

1.3 Product nomenclature

1.4 Characteristics of local conditions

1.5 Raw Material Base and Transport


3 Selection of materials for manufacture of articles

4 Design of concrete mix composition


5.1 Justification of selected production method

5.2 Main provisions of molding shop

5.3 Basic provisions of concrete mixing shop technology

5.4 Main provisions of reinforcement shop technology

6 calculation of demand for production areas

7 Calculation of the amount of compressed air, water and electricity for the main production

7.1 Power consumption for process needs

7.3 Calculation of compressed air quantity

7.3 Calculation of water flow rate

8 Factory laboratory and product quality control

8.1 Process Control Map

8.2 Acceptance Rules

9 Warehousing

9.1 Cement Warehouse Design

9.2 Calculation of crushed stone warehouse

9.3 Calculation of Sand Storage

9.4 Calculation of Finished Product Warehouse

9.5 Calculation of cargo flows

10 master plan of the enterprise: location, layout and development of industrial area

11 Construction part

12 Safety, Health and Environmental Guidelines


14 Research and development




Design of a reinforced concrete ring manufacturing plant. Course project, Vodorevich P.V., gr. PSIiK1. - Grodno: GrSU, 2014-56 with: 12 table, 9 Fig., 13 sources.

Keywords: reinforced concrete products, rings, reinforcement, concrete, moulding.

It contains: the range of products, the choice of the production method and the technological scheme, the description of the technological process, the calculation of the productivity of cargo flows, the selection of technological equipment, control of the quality of production and raw materials, as well as labor and environmental protection, the organization of production.


Modern construction is inconceivable without concrete. 2 billion m3 per year - this is the world volume of its use today. This is one of the most massive building materials, largely determining the level of development of civilization. Concrete is the most complex artificial composite material that can have completely unique properties.

Concretes are artificial stone materials obtained as a result of solidification of a thoroughly mixed and compacted mixture of binder with water (less often without water), small and large aggregates taken in certain proportions. Before solidification, this mixture is called a concrete mixture.

 Concrete is used in a variety of operating conditions, harmoniously combines with the environment, has an unlimited raw material base and a relatively low cost, comparative simplicity and availability of technology, the possibility of wide use of local raw materials and utilization of man-made waste in its manufacture, low energy intensity, environmental safety.

The wide use of precast reinforced concrete made it possible to significantly reduce the consumption of metal, wood and other traditional materials in construction, sharply increase labor productivity, and reduce the construction time of buildings and structures.

The full satisfaction of the country's construction needs and their economic and technical compliance with scientific and technical progress is associated with the expansion of factory production of products and structures from precast concrete and the creation of large enterprises with advanced technology, mechanization and automation of production.

The most important link of technological progress in the production of precast reinforced concrete, linking science with production, is the design of new technological lines, workshops, plants, reconstruction and re-equipment of existing enterprises. The projects directly implement the results of scientific research, use the achievements of advanced technology. The pace of technological progress depends to a large extent on the quality of design [1].

Characteristics of the designed enterprise

The designed enterprise is located in the Vitebsk region in the town of Kamennoye. Annual capacity is 50,000 m3.

1.1 Composition of the enterprise

 The ZhBK plant consists of main and auxiliary workshops.

The main workshops include:

 Molding workshop for production of pulp rings .

Concrete mixing shop for production of heavy concrete of specified classes for products of selected nomenclature.

Reinforcement workshop for the production of reinforcement products: grids, frames, embedded parts, mounting loops and individual rods.

Warehouse of finished products for storage of finished products before their export to the consumer (at open sites).

Cement (silo) and aggregate (stacked) warehouses.

Auxiliary workshops include:

 Mechanical repair shop designed for repair and maintenance of production equipment and vehicles of the enterprise.

 Compressor (for supply of compressed air for production needs).

Boiler room used for heating the premises in winter, as well as for steam production.


 Transport boxes providing auto, rail and intra-plant transport.

 Fuel and lubricant warehouse.

 Fire pond.

1.2 Operating mode of the enterprise

According to the "All-Union Standards for Technological Design of Precast Reinforced Concrete Enterprises" (ONTP0785) we accept:

The nominal number of working days per year  is 260 .         

Same for unloading raw materials and materials with 

          railway transport 365  .                        

Number of working shifts per day (without heat treatment) 2 .  

Number of working shifts per day (for heat treatment) 3 .  

Number of working shifts per day for reception of raw materials and materials:

  by rail 3 ;                          

  road transport - 2 .                            

The working shift duration in hours  is 8.               

Estimated number of working days per year for:                

  unit-flow line - 253 .                            

Duration of scheduled stops for repairs in days:

  for aggregate flow line 7;                             

1.3 Product nomenclature

Reinforced concrete rings for wells are made in accordance with the requirements of GOST 8020 90 (specification) "Concrete and reinforced concrete structures for wells," heavy-density concrete grades are used for their manufacture, as well as reinforcement with high corrosion resistance.

Accepted conventions: Series 3.900.114, GOST 802090.

KS - a ring wall; PC - ring with slab; TO - the support ring.

Characteristics of local conditions

The construction site of the plant is the city of Kamennoye  .

Average daily ambient air temperature by months, its relative and absolute humidity

Raw material base and transport

Cement, sand, crushed stone, reinforcement, water are used for the production of reinforced concrete rings. The transportation range of cement is 100 km, sand is 7 km, crushed stone is 130 km, reinforcement is 410 km. The company is supplied with water from the city water utility .

Design of the product to be manufactured

Reinforced concrete rings should be manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this standard and the process documentation approved by the manufacturer, according to the working drawings of the series series 3.900.114, GOST 802090.

Selection of materials for the manufacture of articles


Portland cement is a hydraulic binder that hardens in water or in air. It is a gray powder obtained by fine grinding of a clinker with a gypsum additive.

To obtain high quality cement, it is necessary that its chemical composition and composition of the raw material mixture are stable.

Cement shall meet the following requirements:

1. The fineness of the grinding shall be such that at least 85% of the weight of the sample to be screened passes through screen No. 008.

2. Start of setting not earlier than 45 min, end of setting not later than 10 hours from the beginning of closing with water.

3. The cement should show a uniform change in volume when the samples are tested by boiling in water, and when the content causes cracking of the solidified cement. Saturation factor-0.88; module-1.67; alumina module-1.26.


Sand shall meet the requirements of GOST 873693. The main indicators of sand quality are grain composition and content of pulverized and clay particles, including clay in lumps. The standard recommended grain compositions of sand provide a compact package of its particles and the smallest inter-grain voids, which leads to savings in binder.

In accordance with the requirements of GOST 873693, sands with a size module 1.5... 3.25 shall be used in heavy concretes. In natural sand, grains larger than 10 mm in an amount of more than 0.5% by mass, more than 5 mm - more than 10% by mass are not allowed. The grain content passing through sieve No. 016 should not exceed,% by mass: in natural sands of increased size, large and medium 10, in fine and very fine sand - 15.

Crushed stone

Diabase crushed stone is used as coarse aggregate for heavy concrete. Crushed stone shall meet the requirements of GOST 873693. Indicators of the quality of crushed stone are: grain composition, grain shape, strength, grain content of weak rocks, dust and clay particles, frost resistance; petrographic characteristic; density, average and bulk density, inter-grain voids, water absorption.

The content of fractions in aggregate 510 and 1020 is 2540% and 6075%, respectively, with the largest size of 20 mm. The content of lamellar and needle grains in crushed stone should not exceed 35%, grains of weak and weathered rocks should not exceed 10%. The presence of clays in the form of individual comas in an amount of 0.25% or a film enveloping aggregate grains is not allowed.


Ground, surface and fresh lake waters (GOST 2373279 *) are used to fill the concrete mixture. The water content of organic surfactants, sugars or phenols, each, should not be more than 10 mg/l.

Water shall not contain films of petroleum products, fats, oils. Water shall not contain sulphates greater than 2700 mg/l (in terms of SO4) and all salts greater than 5000 mg/l. In doubtful cases, the suitability of the water for the preparation of the concrete mixture should be checked by comparative tests of samples made on this water and on a conventional tap.

For the preparation of the concrete mixture, sea water and other salt water satisfying the above conditions can be used. The exception is the concreting of internal structures of residential and public buildings and surface reinforced concrete structures in a hot and dry climate, since sea salts can protrude on the surface of concrete and cause corrosion of steel reinforcement.

For watering concrete, water of the same quality should be used as for preparing the concrete mixture. 

Water oxidability must not be more than 15 mg/l. Hydrogen value of water (pH) must not be less than 4 and more than 12. Water shall also contain no impurities in quantities that violate the setting and hardening time of cement dough and concrete, which reduce the strength and frost resistance of concrete. In this project, we will use water from city networks.

Reinforcement steel

Metal reinforcement is used in production of reinforced concrete rings. To strengthen concrete layers, spatial frames of welded grids and flat frames are used. Nets and frames are made of reinforcement steel and wire GOST 578182, GOST 672780. 

For the production of reinforced concrete rings, reinforcement steel of the following types and classes should be used:

- as non-stressed reinforcement - hot-rolled rod profile of S500 class and hot-rolled rod smooth profile of S240 class as per GOST 5781.

Hot-rolled reinforcement steel of class S240 of St3sp and St3ps grades according to GOST 5781 should be used for the manufacture of mounting loops.

The values of actual deviations of the geometric parameters of the plate shall not exceed the limits specified in STB 118599.

Design of concrete mix composition

Heavy concrete of the following classes is used for the manufacture of articles:

- reinforced concrete rings - class C25/30;

The mobility and rigidity of the concrete mixture is assigned taking into account the technology of manufacturing products and the method of compacting concrete. According to GOST 7473, a concrete mixture with mobility is used, see:

rings - 1-4 cm;

Cement consumption for production of rings is assumed according to calculation.

For other products, cement consumption rates are set in accordance with SNiP 5.01.23 "Typical cement consumption rates for the preparation of concrete of prefabricated and monolithic concrete and reinforced concrete products and structures" for concretes with a release strength of 70% under heat treatment conditions. 

Production technology

5.1 Justification of selected production method

In the production of LBK, various organizational methods of production can be used: aggregate-flow, conveyor, semi-conveyor, bench, cassette.

When choosing a way of production as a rule carry out the equipment economic justification (EEJ) on the given costs of creation of the line.

Aggregate flow method of production - at a small capital cost, it allows for a wide range of products. Process operations are performed sequentially at several work stations. To maintain the sequence, the shape is transferred from one post to another using a bridge crane. This method corresponds most to the conditions of small-scale production at medium and small plants.

Conveyor Production Method-The process plan is split into elemental processes that are run simultaneously at individual workstations. Molds with articles are moved from one post to another by special transport devices, each workplace is served by a link attached to it. It is characterized by a forced rhythm of operation, i.e. simultaneous movement of all forms along a closed technological ring with a given speed.

Bench manufacturing method - products are molded in stationary molds, and they are hardened at the molding site, while the process equipment and the working links serving it move from one mold on the bench to another. Bench technology is useful in the manufacture of large-sized prestressed structures with a length of more than 9 meters for industrial and civil buildings.

Cassette production method - molding of articles is carried out in vertical position in stationary detachable metal group moulds, where the articles remain until concrete acquires the necessary strength. The unit of workers in the production process moves from one cassette mold to another, organizing a production stream.

In this course project, an aggregate flow method for the production of rings has been adopted.

5.2 Main provisions of molding shop

Production of rings is carried out by aggregate flow method in unified standard span according to the following functional scheme. Process operations in this production method are carried out at one station.

In the production of rings, the manufacturing process consists of the following operations:

Formwork with a bridge crane.

A bridge crane from a pit-type chamber builds a mold with a finished product. The rafter clings the slings to the gripping fingers located along the perimeter of the shape. The form is then sent to the line.

Cleaning and lubrication of molds with special lubricants.

After the mold is placed on the line, the moulders unscrew the clamping locks, thereby folding the mold sides. The finished product is built by lifting loops with a bridge crane and sent to the shutter station. After lifting the article with hand-held metal scrapers, the mold is cleaned from strains of concrete mixture. Further, the folded sides are brought to the design position, the clamping locks are twisted. In order that the article is not "fused" with the mold, the metal sides and the mold tray are lubricated by means of a spray rod. Hard-to-reach places are lubricated with a brush.

Reinforcement and assembly of shapes.

The bridge crane builds the metal frame of the product and is installed in the shape in the design position. The crane operator (moves the frame to the reinforcement point) and the moulder (helps to set the frame to the design position) participate in this operation.

Laying and compaction of concrete mixture with concrete dispenser and depth vibrators.

After the metal frame is settled, the concrete mixture is laid out. With the help of conveyors, silos with concrete are supplied to concrete laying. A moulder of at least 4 discharges is allowed to work behind the concrete laying. Concrete is evenly distributed over the shape with the help of deep vibrators, which compress the concrete mixture. Compaction of concrete mixture in vibration gloves .

Heat-moisture treatment of rings at steaming temperature 800.

After laying and vibration compaction of the concrete mixture, the mold is slung with a bridge crane and sent to the TVO post. Heat-moisture treatment is carried out for 8 hours. 1 hour sucks, 1 hour temperature rise to 40C (warm-up), 4 hour product steaming, 2 hour isothermal (strength gain).

Acceptance and marking of OTC rings is carried out in accordance with GOST 13015 standards.

After the finished product is lifted to the product holding station, the products are checked by OTC. The CTC monitors compliance with geometric dimensions, conformity of the product to strength characteristics, etc.

Removal of rings to the finished product warehouse complying with the rules as per GOST 13015.

Removal of rings to the finished product warehouse is carried out by slinging the product with a bridge crane to the transfer cart. The article is laid on wooden gaskets to reduce impact vibrations of the transmission trolley against track limiters.

5.3 Basic provisions of concrete mixing shop technology

Concrete mixtures are prepared at the LBI plants at special concrete mixing units (BSU), concrete mixing shops or concrete mixing rooms.

The structure of the BSU includes: stores of fillers, binders, additives, devices for their preparation, above-the-bunker, bunker, dosing, mixing compartments, a compartment for dispensing the finished mixture, an automation system and the necessary vehicles.

On BSU the following main processes and operations are made: intake of initial materials from vehicles, their storage and processing, sorting and distribution on compartments, bunkers, silos, tanks, if necessary heating, defrosting, thawing, giving to account bunkers, determination of moisture content of materials, dispensing, mixing, unloading of ready mix, regular cleaning of working surfaces and cavities from the stuck materials and mixes and their regeneration.

At this FCS it is rational to perform single-stage (high-altitude) equipment layout, in which the initial materials are lifted once, and then they are lowered under the influence of gravity. The process of concrete mixture preparation consists of four successive stages: acceptance, accumulation and dosing of components, preparation and dispensing of concrete mixture. This scheme provides for mechanochemical activation of cement.

The arrangement of mixing machines in a planelinear two-row, when one set of supply hoppers and dispensers serves two mixing machines;

According to the method of control of production processes: mechanized, automated and automatic plants.

Preparation of concrete mixtures in BSU is performed as follows. Materials are received from the warehouse and distributed to the silos in the upper above-bunker floor. It houses unloading devices and drives of inclined belt conveyors and vertical bucket elevators, as well as distributors - rotary funnels for fillers, short screws for distributing cement and other powdered materials to silos. In case of pneumatic transportation of cement, cyclones and fabric filters are installed in the above-bunker floor for subsequent cleaning of air from cement dust. The cement separated from the air enters the service hoppers.

The feed hoppers are divided into compartments according to the number of raw materials or separately metered aggregate fractions. The inclination angles of the bottoms of the supply hoppers are usually larger than the angles of the natural slope of the corresponding material and are about 50 ° for large, 55 ° for small aggregates about 60 ° for cement.

Bunker drains are equipped with sector gates, as well as feeders, for example, short screw or drum for cement and powder additives. Under each leak there is a dispenser corresponding to this material.

Permissible dosing error for binders, water, additives is ± 1% by weight, for aggregates ± 2%.

Uniform concrete mix shall be characterized by uniform distribution of all components throughout the volume. Achieving homogeneity in the mixing process depends on the internal friction forces, the adhesion forces between the particles, the shear resistance of the mixture, the gravity force, and the coarseness of the aggregate. For example, concrete mixtures moving are much easier to mix until homogeneous than skinny and stiff, also coarse-grained mixtures are more easily mixed than fine-grained ones. In this regard, various methods of mixing materials in the preparation of concrete and solution mixtures are used, depending on their type:

mixing at free fall of materials in drum (gravitational) mixers. This method is used in the preparation of plastic and movable mixtures with coarse-grained aggregate from dense rocks;

preparation with forced mixing of mixture components in forced mixers providing multiple movement of mixed materials along complex trajectories. This method is used for slow-moving, rigid fine-grained mixtures, as well as for mixtures on porous aggregates;

vibration mixing, as a form of a method of forced mixing of rigid concrete mixtures.

At factories and landfills of precast reinforced concrete, the following methods of transporting concrete mixtures are most common: by bridge cranes or car cranes in bays; self-propelled concrete carriers moving along rail tracks; belt conveyors; pneumatic devices. The main factors for choosing the method of transportation of the concrete mixture are the intensity of the mixture supply, the transportation range and the height of the mixture discharge. At this enterprise concrete mixture is supplied to the workshop by self-propelled concrete carriers moving along the rail tracks.

Belt conveyors equipped with self-propelled drop trolleys are widely used to move rigid and slow concrete mixtures. They make it possible to increase the intensity of the concrete mixture supply by two to three times compared to other modes of transport, which in some cases is crucial (for example, when feeding the concrete mixture into cassette molds). The angle of inclination of belt conveyors for the supply of concrete mixture should be taken: for movable mixtures up to 8 °; for rigid mixtures up to 15 °. The maximum height of the concrete mixture when it is delivered to vehicles is taken to be no more than two meters.

When forming panels in cassette molds, in the production of supports for power lines, etc., transportation of concrete mixture by a pneumatic transport plant is used. The mobility of the concrete mixture to be transported shall be within 1015 cm of the cone settlement. The capacity of the plant at an average displacement range of 150175 m is 710 m3/h, depending on the organization of the plant.

Losses of concrete mixture during its supply by pneumatic transport, belt conveyors or buckets, as well as during moulding of articles shall not exceed 1.5% of the total volume of the mixture [1].

5.4 Main provisions of reinforcement shop technology

Reinforcement shops can be located as part of the production building in parallel or perpendicular to the moulding spans, depending on the capacity of the enterprise and the adopted technology for the production of railway products.

When placing equipment of reinforcement workshops, it is recommended to organize specialized areas: reinforcement blanks, welding and assembly, as well as the area for manufacturing embedded parts.

The assembly area where the three-dimensional reinforcement blocks are assembled should be located in the immediate vicinity of the places where the reinforcement products are delivered to the moulding spans.

The entire range of reinforced concrete products is divided into groups by the nature of reinforcement. From each group, the product is selected - "design representative," the most mass and characteristic of reinforcement for this group, the number of representative products is determined .

Reinforcement that meets the requirements of the relevant state standards shall be used for reinforcement of reinforced concrete structural elements.

Reinforced concrete products are reinforced with flat bent and spatial grids and frames.

Manufacture of reinforcement elements includes mechanical treatment of reinforcement steels, welding of grids and flat frames, assembly of spatial frames from them.

Machining of steel consists in unwinding, straightening, measuring and cutting of steel, flexible individual rods, grids and frames, manufacture of mounting chains. The use of machines and non-standard equipment to perform these works allows you to mechanize and automate all the main changes in the machining of steel of reinforcement production.

Rebar meshes are manufactured on multipoint automatic machines on which reinforcement meshes up to 3.8 m wide can be welded. These machines have high productivity. 

In most cases, flat frames are made on single-tone machines from pre-straightened and cut rods. 

The production of three-dimensional frames is based on the following principles: splitting a complex three-dimensional frame into separate flat or three-dimensional doya elements of their manufacture on serial welding equipment; maximum use of contact spot welding and bending machines for bending frame elements; organization of in-line production of frame elements and reduction of transportation operations of integrated mechanized lines and conveyors; welding of three-dimensional frames from individual parts on horizontal and vertical conductors - manipulators equipped with suspended welding machines such as MTPG 75, MTPP75, etc. Volumetric elements up to 3.0 x 3.0 x 0.35 m in size, for example volumetric frames of external wall panels, are assembled on horizontal rotary units.

Larger three-dimensional reinforcement products, for example, the frames of two modular external wall panels, as well as floor panels, roofs, and internal walls, are assembled on vertical one- and two-sided installations.

Embedded parts are manufactured from sheet, strip, angle and shaped rolled steel, which meets the conditions of weldability. For anchor rods, reinforcement steel with a diameter of at least 8 mm is used.

The process of manufacturing embedded parts consists in the preparation of elements - cutting, grinding surfaces, drilling holes, bending rods and their electrical welding. Sheet steel is cut with scissors into strips of the required size, which are then supplied to eccentric press for cutting. These parts are then welded. 

In structures where corrosion of metal is possible, embedded parts with an anti-corrosion coating are used.

Quality control of reinforcement elements is carried out at the LBI plants in an operational manner.

Control is established: quality of reinforcement steel, welding and corrosion protection coating; accuracy of geometric dimensions of individual workpieces (grids, frames, embedded elements, etc.) and reinforcement elements in general (spatial frames), as well as correctness of location and accuracy of installation of embedded elements.

Reinforcement steel coming to the plant shall be accepted by comparing the results of external inspection and measurements, the data given in the certificates and the results of control tests with the requirements of State standards or technical specifications. In the manufacture of reinforcement elements, compliance of the used reinforcement steel with the design requirements shall be established.

Rebar meshes and frames shall be sized in accordance with the design or shall have deviations in dimensions not exceeding those permitted by the specification for these products. You can accept frames and grids individually or selectively (in batches) depending on the technical culture of production and the quality of the equipment.

The main methods of inspection of welded joints are visual inspection, cold bending and fracturing tests. The structural strength of the entire structure depends to a large extent on the quality of welding in the manufacture of the main reinforcement elements and embedded parts.

Conditions of reinforcement elements storage prior to their installation in moulds shall ensure preservation of geometric dimensions, as well as integrity of individual parts and joints [1].

Factory laboratory and product quality control

When producing prefabricated reinforced concrete products, technical control is carried out at various stages of the technological process. Depending on this, control is distinguished between input, operational and acceptance.

Production control is carried out by the shop technician, he is responsible for compliance with the technological requirements for the products. The technical control department of the enterprise (CTC) monitors the quality and receives the finished products, checks the compliance of the technology with the technical specifications for the production of products.

The tasks of production control include: quality control of materials and semi-finished products received at the enterprise - incoming control; process execution monitoring performed during performance of certain operations in accordance with established modes, instructions and job instructions - operational control; quality and completeness control of the product, compliance with its standards and specifications - acceptance control.

Concrete Strength Control

When fabricating prefabricated reinforced concrete structures, the design grade of concrete for compression, the release strength of concrete and the transfer strength for pre-stressed structures shall be controlled.

The methods of strength control may be different. Design grade of concrete is determined by testing of control samples before destruction, release or transfer - by testing of control samples or by non-destructive methods.

When checking the strength of concrete by non-destructive methods, at least 10% of the lot and at least three samples are controlled, while the number of controlled areas in the lot should be at least 9.

In all cases of control, the transfer strength should be at least 50% of the accepted design grade. If the average strength of the samples is lower than required, repeat the test using non-destructive methods. If at the same time the strength of the concrete is lower than required, then continuous testing using non-destructive methods should be carried out.

During quality control of embedded parts and reinforcement articles geometric dimensions, appearance, quality of welded joints are checked. Geometrical dimensions include: dimensions, distance between extreme rods in length, height and width of articles, distance between rods, between elements of embedded parts and their mutual position, flatness of embedded parts, dimensions of welded joints, dimensions and number of external pores and other defects of welding.

When examining the appearance, the absence of rust, scale, traces of oil, bitumen, etc. is recorded. Quality of welded joints is checked by mechanical test or ultrasonic method.

Reinforcement articles are accepted in batches of one standard size. Batch is accepted by results of selective control of at least three articles. Control standards are set by GOST 1092275.

Acceptance control

Acceptance control of prefabricated reinforced concrete products provides for checking their strength, stiffness and crack resistance and acceptance according to a set of quality indicators, on the basis of which a decision is made on the compliance of the product or batch of products with the requirements of GOST.

Strength, stiffness and crack resistance are checked in accordance with GOST 882977, testing samples with external load before destruction or using non-destructive methods. Loading testing shall be carried out before mass fabrication of structures, non-destructive methods shall be applied.

Loading test of structures shall be performed in accordance with standards and working drawings on specially equipped stands at positive air temperature. The structure and loading devices are installed on the bench in accordance with the diagram given in the working drawings. The conditions for supporting the structure on supports and distribution crossbeams on the structure shall comply with the requirements of GOST 882977.

When tested by non-destructive methods, the decision on compliance of a batch of structures with the requirements of strength, stiffness and crack resistance is made on the basis of data and single quality indicators of structures obtained during input, operational and acceptance control.

The controlled unit quality indicators include type, class, grade, mechanical properties of reinforcement steels, quality of reinforcement products, diameter, quantity and location of reinforcement, thickness of protective layer of concrete, reinforcement tension, geometric dimensions of sections, transfer and release strength of concrete.

Concrete strength in structures is determined by non-destructive methods. Position of reinforcement and thickness of protective layer are controlled directly in structures by magnetic method (devices of ISS type ).

Geometric dimensions are measured to an accuracy of ± 1 mm.

The results of acceptance inspection, input and operational inspection data on quality indicators are recorded in special logs.

Process Control Map

The process control map is presented in Appendix 1.

Acceptance Rules

The products are taken in batches .

The batch shall consist of products of one type, one grade in terms of strength and frost resistance. Acceptance and periodic tests are carried out to verify that the products meet the requirements of the standard.

Acceptance tests are carried out according to the following indicators:

- appearance (presence of appearance defects);

- dimensions and correctness of shape;

- presence of inclusions in the fracture and on the surface;

- presence of punctures and defects from the unfilled mixture;

- color (color tint);

- weight of the article;

- compressive strength;

- bending strength.

Periodic tests shall be carried out at least once:

per month - to determine the strength from the adhesion of the decorative coating with the surface of the products quarter - to determine the frost resistance, water absorption, average density of the products;

per year - to determine the specific effective activity of natural radionuclides in the article in the absence of data from the supplier of raw materials on the specific effective activity of natural radionuclides in the supplied materials.

Periodic tests are also carried out when the raw materials change.

Thermal conductivity of products is determined when putting products into production, as well as when used materials change, size and number of voids.

To carry out acceptance and periodic tests, samples are taken by random selection from different places of the lot.

Acceptance level of defects equal to 10% for ordinary articles and 6.5% for face articles is accepted for control.

The batch is accepted if the number of defective articles in the sample for the first stage is less than or equal to the receiving number Ac for the first control stage.

The batch is not accepted if the number of defective articles is greater than or equal to the defective number R e for the first control stage.

If the number of defective articles in the sample for the first control stage is more than the acceptance number Ac, but less than the rejection number R e, the second stage is controlled, for which the sample of the same volume is taken as in the first control stage.

A batch of articles is accepted if the total number of defective articles in the first and second stage samples is less than or equal to the receiving number As. The batch is not accepted if the total number of defective articles in the first and second stage samples is equal to or greater than the rejection number R e for the second control stage.

If when checking the dimensions and correctness of the shape of the products selected from the lot on the bottom, the product does not meet the requirements of the standard, the batch is accepted, if two, the acceptance batch does not lie.

If the products are tested according to other indicators, unsatisfactory results are obtained, for these indicators repeated tests of twice the number of samples taken from this batch are carried out.

A batch of products is accepted if the results of the repeated tests meet the requirements of the standard, if they do not satisfy the batch is not subject to acceptance.

Each batch of delivered products shall be accompanied by a quality document indicating:

- name of the manufacturer and (or) its trademark;

- product name and its symbol;

- document number and date of issue;

- batch number and quantity of items to be shipped;

- weight;

- water absorption;

- flexural strength;

- specific effective activity of natural radionuclides;

- adhesion strength of the decorative coating to the surface of face articles;

- thermal conductivity of articles;

-The designation of this standard.


9.1 Design of Aggregate Warehouses

The designed plant uses a stacked linear aggregate warehouse. The advantage of these warehouses is their relatively simple and cheap equipment. In the warehouse, aggregates are stored in compartments that are separated by reinforced concrete walls.

Materials are delivered to the warehouse by rail in open platforms and by road. Materials from railway platforms are accepted by TBR2 unloading stacking machine. Materials delivered by road are unloaded to the receiving bins.

In winter, aggregates in stacks are heated by means of a system of steam pipelines and spatial sectional registers from steel pipes installed at the places of filler dispensing to the concrete mixing shop. Individual sections are included depending on the availability of material in the compartment and production requirements. In winter, rippers are used to restore the bulk of materials.

Filler is dispensed from storage compartments through drains located in the ceiling of the stacking gallery and tray vibration valves - feeders. By means of the understage belt conveyor, the aggregates are fed to the inclined conveyor and further to the undercut compartment of the mixing shop.

9.2 Cement Warehouse Design

Cement warehouses shall be designed taking into account the following conditions: acceptance and unloading of cement from vehicles; supply it to the warehouse; Storage in stock during the stock period cement delivery to BSC.

To supply cement from the receiving bin to the silos of the warehouse, pneumatic screw lifts are used, cement air pulp is supplied vertically to a height of up to 35 m.

Cement unloading is carried out via cement pipeline to bunker-growing silo-silo gallery of the warehouse. Filters and cyclones are used to clean the air exiting the silos when they are loaded with cement, reception and delivery silos, under which collectors of dust sucked periodically by the pneumatic discharger are installed.

Level indicators are provided in silos for monitoring and automatic control of cement loading and unloading. Bottom of silos is equipped with aeration coarsening device. Cement is discharged from silos by means of bottom unloading air loaders. The pneumatic screw pump carries out a continuous transportation process. Cement is delivered from silos to auto cement trucks without self-unloading through pneumatic unloaders of lateral unloading to a loading plant designed to ensure the supply of cement to the hatch of the auto cement truck, and with self-unloading through a crane located at the bottom of the conical bottom of the warehouse.

Silo warehouses provide protection of cement from humidification both during precipitation and at high air humidity. Separate storage of cement is provided by creating a number of containers. Elimination of caking is achieved by pumping cement in the form of aerosol from one compartment to another, for which one free compartment is always provided

Structural requirements for silos:

inclination angle of leaks without inducement not less than 60 °;

inclination angle of bottoms covered with aeration elements is not less than 50 °;

capacity filling factor is not more than 0.9;

9.3 Design of valves warehouses

The manufacture of valves at the LBI plants is carried out in reinforcement workshops on production lines equipped with high-performance machines. The manufacturing process shall be based on the principle of unified process flow from the production of reinforcement steel to the production of the finished product as far as possible without transshipment operations and interoperative storage of blanks and semi-finished products. The production of reinforcement products provides for the restriction of the storage of reinforcement steel in warehouses.

Reinforcement steel storage shall be covered and equipped with crane rack. High-strength wire and products from it are stored in closed rooms. Reinforcement steel is placed in the warehouse by grades, profile and diameters .

Valves are stored in the reinforcement shop and delivered to the plant by rail with a reserve of 20 days of continuous operation. Reinforcement steel in the warehouse is placed according to grades, profiles, diameters and batches .

9.4 Calculation of Finished Product Warehouse

Finished product warehouses are an open rectangular platform equipped with lifting and transportation mechanisms necessary for handling operations. As lifting and transportation mechanisms are used: bridge, portal, tower self-propelled cranes, car cranes and forklift trucks.

At stationary prefabricated reinforced concrete plants, the storage area has a concrete coating. When storing articles from cellular concrete, the warehouse must be covered. The storage area is made with a slope of 1... 2% towards its external circuit for surface water runoff. From the factory shops, finished products are supplied to the warehouse by self-propelled trolleys or electric cars, and cranballs, roller tables, electric telefers, conveyors can also be used.

Depending on its purpose, the warehouse equipment includes prefabricated wooden or metal cassettes for storing large-sized panels in vertical or slightly inclined (at an angle of 75... 80 0 to horizon) position, conductors for individual or group storage of products, inventory gaskets with a section of 6x4 cm, tilters, crossarms, rigging, roller crowns and ladders, hand slopes. Roads from finished goods warehouses adjoin the main highways and internal driveways. The width of the carriageway of the warehouse roads is 8 m if a junction is necessary and 4 m without it.

Each stack must contain only one type or grade. The position of the products in the stack and their height must comply with the requirements of the current standards.

Calculation of cargo flows

Calculations for cargo turnover and cargo flows of the enterprise and its workshops are drawn up in the form of a chess list (table). It shows all movements of goods carried out in the plant, which allows you to determine the external cargo turnover and the corresponding external cargo flows of arrival and departure, all internal (inter-company) cargo flows and the total cargo turnover of the plant. Calculation of cargo turnover is made in Table 9.1 (in 1  year).

General plan of the enterprise: location, layout and development of industrial area

The general plan of the enterprise reflects the spatial placement of buildings, structures, transport and engineering communications on the territory allocated for the enterprise, taking into account the terrain.

The general principles for developing master plans are:

- Effective use of the territory;

- reducing the length of flows;

- elimination of flow crossing;

- ensuring the clarity of production links;

The master plan was developed taking into account the requirements of safety and environmental protection.

The radii of rounding of roads comply with transport and technical standards, the ring road has a radius of rounding of 50 meters, for the passage of trucks. The roads are equipped with junctions and turning platforms, while the dimensions of the transport used for the export of products or the export of semi-finished products are also taken into account.

Railway tracks are equipped with a railway arrow to increase the maneuverability of railway transport. According to SNiP requirements, treatment facilities are arranged at the plant site. All roads with oncoming movements have a width of 7.5 m and are equipped with pedestrian paths of 1.5 m. Fire hydrants are installed no more than 200 meters from the most remote object and are as close as possible to sources of increased danger.

Construction part 

Architectural and construction decisions for the design are made taking into account the initial data, engineering and geological and climatic conditions of the construction site and comply with the current construction codes and design rules.

For the construction of plant workshops, single-storey multi-span schemes of workshops with the length determined by the nature of the technological process, the dimensions of technological changes and the sizes of gaps between them are used. For the development of a typical plant, a workshop with dimensions in the plan of 144x36 m is adopted, it allows you to rationally place a production line. The main elements of the structure framework are:

- foundation (foundation blocks of standard type);

- columns (single-branch, double-branch, fachverky);

- rafters and stiffening links;

- coating plates.

To secure the wall panels, the columns are equipped with embedded steel parts. The pitch of the extreme and middle columns is 6 m, the height of the span is 9.6 m. The columns of the extreme longitudinal row are aligned with the outer faces with the longitudinal axes. Columns of extreme transverse row and at deformation joints 500 mm. Columns of middle rows are aligned by axes of sections with grid of layout axes . Foundations for prefabricated reinforced concrete glass type columns. The frame of the building consists of transverse frames formed by columns pinched in the foundations and building trusses hinged on the columns. In the longitudinal direction, the frames are connected by crane beams, a rigid coating disk that forms coating plates with steel bonds .

In this course design, the span is designed with a non-planar roof, expanded concrete wall panels and ribbon glazing in metal bindings.

The construction parameters of the workshop building are as follows: 

span width - 18 m;

pitch of columns - 6 m;

the height of the workshop (distance from the zero elevation of the floor to the bottom of the rafters) is calculated by the formula:

H = H1 + H2H3, where H1 - height of crane part, H2 - height of crane part, H3 - height of buried part. A bridge crane with a lifting capacity of 10t is provided for the installation of equipment, therefore, in this case a two-wind column is suitable, where the height of the buried part is 1.35 m.

H1 = h1+h2+500+100

H1 = 6000 + 1500 + 500 + 100 = 8100 mm

where: 500 and 100 are safety standards for the operation of machines and mechanisms;

 h1 equipment height (maximum);

 h2 height of slings during installation of equipment [16];

Over-crane part of the column :

H2 = b1+500+100

H2 = 2250 + 500 + 100 = 2850 mm

where: 500 and 100 are safety standards for the operation of machines and mechanisms;

b1 - height of crane equipment;

Total workshop height:

H = H1 + H2H3 = 8100 + 22501350 = 9600 mm.

I accept the column of the series 1.4635 of K096 grade, height H = 10950mm , H1 = 8100 mm, H2 = 2850 mm, weight 9,850 t.

The roof is composed of: one layer of gravel with a grain size of 510 mm on hot bitumen mastic with a thickness of 10 mm, three layers of ruberoid with an elastic coating layer and coarse-grained sprinkling on bitumen mastic, cement sand bracing with a thickness of 15 mm, foam concrete 90 mm, vapor insulation from the layer of isolate and a composite reinforced concrete slab.

Concrete floors: M 400 concrete with a thickness of 30 mm and the underlying layer of concrete M 200-20 mm.

Crane beams - T-section. Coating plates - ribbed with dimensions of 3x6 m. External wall panels are made of light concrete and have dimensions of 1.2x6 m and intermediate panels with dimensions of 1.8x6 m. The panels have steel embedded parts for attachment to columns of the supporting frame. The panels of the end walls are fixed in steel framer columns, which are made in the form of two welded channels and are installed with a pitch of 6 m. The section of framer columns is 200x240  mm.

Designed building for fire resistance shall not be lower than required values. For preliminary assessment of the limit of fire propagation, the following provisions are used: for hard-burning materials, the limit of fire propagation horizontally - 25 cm and, accordingly, vertically - 40 cm. Unprotected metal structures have a very low fire resistance, namely steel - 0.25 hours. The above structures can be used in the designed building, since their use is allowed by regulations.

Depending on the pitch of columns of 6 m, we draw up a list of railway structures:

Frictionless truss FBK18series 1.4633, length by span - 24 meters, weighing 9250 kg

Column K096 series 1.4635, length 10.95 m, weight 12000 kg

Column K0962 series 1.4635, length 10.95 m, weight 13200 kg

KF column of KE0155 series, weighing 5700 kg

Coating plate PP1 series 1.4653, weighing 6200 kg, size 3x6 meters.

Wall panel PS1 series 1.43214, weighing 1400 kg, measuring 6x1.2 meters

Wall panel PS2, series 1.43214, weighing 2100 kg, measuring 6x1.8 meters.

Domestic and office premises

All the main domestic premises are located in the domestic building. It contains dressing blocks in which lockers for clean and working clothes for each worker are located.

The area of domestic premises is determined as per Table 11.1.

In addition to the domestic building, each production building provides latrines and fountains with drinking water.

Adjacent to the dressing blocks there is a shower room equipped with fences for each shower. Cabin size 0.9x0.9 m; the width of the passage between the rows of cabins is 1.5 m. In addition to showers, washbasins are located adjacent to the wardrobe. At the dressing room there is a restroom with the number of toilets at the rate of 1 pc per 100 people. The distance from workplaces to latrines does not exceed 100 m. Recreation rooms are combined with eating rooms. Sanitary facilities are equipped with water supply with cold and hot water supply; sewage; heating and ventilation. They should be placed not further than 500 m from the work places. The distance from the work places to the room for heating workers - not more than 150 m, and to drinking plants - 100 m.

Heating, ventilation, running water and sewerage

Heating systems are installed in all industrial and domestic premises to provide heating in accordance with the requirements set out in SN 24571 "Sanitary Design Standards for Industrial Enterprises." Air ventilation in the production building is designed combined, natural and mechanical (mechanical is provided for environmental improvement). The plant is supplied with air from its own compressor room. Water supply - technical water intake from the reservoir, drinking water - city water supply.

Sewage waste is released into the city gravity collector with subsequent discharge.

The enterprise needs to make export, utilization, placement of production wastes under the contract with the organizations which have licenses for this type of activity. This will help avoid trouble with regulatory authorities. The production of M'Henke blocks involves the complete disposal and recycling of such waste.


For uninterrupted operation of the enterprise and to improve the conditions of workers at the designed enterprise, combined lighting is used, that is, during the day through glazing in the walls and light-aeration lights, at night - artificial, that is, under the ceiling light. In addition, local lighting of workplaces is provided.

In accordance with SNB 2.04.0598, the category of visual work in the workshop is VI (objects larger than 5 mm) - for natural lighting KEO = 0.5%, for artificial general minimum illumination E = 150 Pc. The number of lighting sources is 235 units of 500 watts each, that is, 235 lamps are provided.

Safety, Health and Environmental Guidelines

          When designing and operating precast reinforced concrete enterprises in order to ensure safe and normal sanitary and hygienic working conditions, it is necessary to comply with the current safety and industrial sanitation regulations, as well as safety regulations in force in each given department, they contain the requirements for the enterprise as a whole, its individual workshops, technological processes, transport devices and vibration equipment that contribute to noise reduction and improvement of sanitary and hygienic working conditions, as well as regulated standards for natural and artificial lighting of premises, their heating and ventilation.

Ensuring healthy and safe working conditions is the responsibility of the enterprise administration. The administration is obliged to introduce modern safety equipment that prevents industrial injuries and provide sanitary and hygienic conditions that prevent the occurrence of occupational diseases of workers and employees.

The administration of the institution is obliged to carry out organizational work to ensure safe and healthy working conditions (planning and financing of various labor protection measures, training of workers and employees in safety and industrial sanitation). Labor legislation pays special attention to compliance with labor protection requirements when designing and developing new enterprises, machines and technological processes.

In workshops where, according to technological requirements, gates are opened in the premises for a long time and the possibility of arranging plugs and locks is excluded, air curtains should be provided in the following cases:

a) at the gates of premises opened for at least 40 minutes per shift, as well as in buildings located in areas with an estimated air temperature of 20 С and below;

b) when it is unacceptable to reduce the air temperature in the rooms compared to the above in terms of technological or sanitary conditions, regardless of the duration of opening the gate and the design temperature of the outside air.

In industrial and auxiliary buildings, regardless of the degree of air pollution, it is necessary to provide for natural or forced ventilation. The following measures should be taken to prevent air pollution of working premises by harmful emissions and their spread:

equipment, instruments, pipelines and other sources of significant convection or radiant heat release shall be heat insulated;

Equipment and devices, in operation of which moisture release occurs, should be safely covered;

The process with significant dust emission should be isolated and carried out without the direct participation of people; The equipment or parts thereof which are the source of dust shall be covered and sealed as much as possible;

process emissions emitted from the devices in the form of dust, pores and harmful gases must be subjected to effective cleaning before being released into the atmosphere.

In molding shops and other rooms where vibration mechanisms are used, special attention should be paid to eliminating the effect of vibration on workers and reducing noise levels.

In all cases when noise and vibration levels at workplaces exceed permissible limits, it is necessary to take measures to reduce them to those regulated by sound and vibration insulation of premises, workplaces and machines, using personal protective equipment for workers:

a) installation of vibration platforms and vibrators on massive foundations insulated from the floor and along the perimeter by elastic gaskets;

b) installation of machines with vibration mechanisms on spring or rubber vibration isolators;

c) isolation of control panels and monitoring cabins from vibration mechanisms;

e) mandatory attachment of molds on vibration platforms and impact tables;

f) shelter of vibration platforms with acoustic casings and arrangement of sound insulation shelter for impact tables and lining of receivers with sound absorbing materials;

g) location of noise sources in isolated rooms or closing of work posts with vibration mechanisms with noise protection casing;

h) timely preventive inspection, repair and adjustment of vibration equipment.

As means of individual protection against vibration and noise, it is necessary to use special shoes, on a thick sole made of spongy rubber, sleeves with a foam pad, noise headphones (antifones).

Centrifugal dust precipitators of NIIOGAZ type are used in cement warehouses and in concrete mixing shops for dust deposition, which capture from 70 to 90% of dust. Finally air from dust is purified with FR30, F^-60, FR90 filters made of cloth.

For individual protection of workers from high dust concentration, F45, F-46, sealed protective glasses and special clothes made of dust-proof fabric are recommended.

In order to ensure safe working conditions and prevent injuries at the main technological limits, the following requirements must be observed:

at operation of correct-cut machines and machines for cleaning and straightening of rod reinforcement connect their casing to the local aspiration system;

- during welding operations ground welding devices, insulation of current conductors, protect the eyes of workers with glasses and shields with light filters, lay rubber mats or wooden grids at workplaces, turn on exhaust ventilation at welding devices and enclose welding posts with protective screens;

- perform periodic preventive inspection and repair of the ventilation system during manufacture of the concrete mixture, monitor the sealing of the cockpits of the control panels of the mixers and dispensers, the serviceable state of the signalling system of level indicators, dump breakers and other automation devices, repair the mixers after removing the fuses from the wiring and installing a signal prohibiting the activation of the machine;

- tension of reinforcement by electrothermal method, lay and remove heated rods at off current, turn on the signal lamp for the duration of rods, arrange protective visors at power mold supports;

- during moulding, actuate the sound alarm during start-up of self-propelled concrete laying machines or cassette forming machines, remotely control molding machines, including cassettes from vibration isolated platforms;

- during heat treatment monitor the absence of steam leakage through leaks in the walls of chambers, hydraulic gates of chambers and pipelines, load and unload articles from chambers with automatic crossarms, enclose running bridges between hardening chambers.

To ensure compliance with fire protection requirements it is necessary to:

- observe fire-fighting reserves between temporary buildings and structures in order to avoid fire transfer;

- provide the possibility of fire engine access to any plant facility;

- use water supply networks for fire extinguishing, for which fire water intake points shall be provided in all networks;

- provide all objects with primary fire extinguishing means.

In all industrial, domestic and administrative premises in the event of a fire, it should be possible to safely evacuate people through evacuation exits.

Packing, storage and transportation

Rings shall be transported and stored in accordance with the requirements of GOST 13015.4 and this standard. 7.2 Rings shall be stored in working position in specially equipped warehouses, sorted by marks, laid so that their markings are visible, relying on inventory linings of rectangular or trapezoidal section, in one or two rows in height, ensuring the safety of falcons. Linings shall be not less than 40 mm thick and not less than 100 mm wide. If there are mounting loops, the thickness of the liners shall exceed the size of the protruding loops by at least 20 mm. Passageways and passageways between stacks in the warehouse shall be in accordance with SNII480. The rings should be transported by road and rail in accordance with the freight transport regulations in force in these modes. Loading and attachment of rings shall be carried out in accordance with the specifications for loading and attachment of loads approved in accordance with the established procedure. The manufacturer guarantees that the supplied structures comply with the requirements of this standard, subject to transportation and storage conditions.

Research Part

Reinforcement based on fiberglass was chosen as innovations for the production of reinforced concrete rings.

The new material is a matrix of glass fiber and epoxy resin ten times lighter than steel. It can provide savings in construction up to 30%. This is a glass fiber reinforced polymer. The main advantages of composite reinforcement are the large material savings (compared to a steel substrate up to 50%), the ultimate strength when using new reinforcement during tension, twice as much steel (1100 MPa). This reinforcement has a low specific gravity, it is 10 times lighter than steel. In addition, from the positive properties of stainless composite reinforcement, it can still be distinguished that it is not aggressive with respect to concrete.

Composite reinforcement, due to its tensile strength (MPa) 1100, replaces the reinforcement of a much larger diameter of steel reinforcement. For example, a steel reinforcement diameter of 8 mm corresponds to a composite reinforcement diameter of 6 mm.

This material does not conduct heat or radio or magnetic waves. Due to its low weight and high elasticity, composite reinforcement can be stored and transported in coils, which significantly reduces transport consumables. The quality of the fiber affects the shape, structure, size and chemical resistance. In addition to all the composite reinforcement has the property of assuming the role of tensile stress, the fibers prevent the propagation of cracks that may occur during material loading. When fiber reinforcement is chosen, much greater concrete strength is obtained without the addition of fibers.


In the course project, a line for the production of reinforced concrete rings was designed. An analysis of the need to design an enterprise for the production of this type of product was made, the main aspects of design were studied, the necessary production equipment was selected, the calculation of production areas, and the calculation of the required number of energy resources. In the architectural and construction part, the main dimensions of the workshop and the construction of the building were determined. The main aspects of occupational safety and safety were considered, risk reduction measures were carried out. The research part considered the possibility of introducing fiberglass reinforcement into the production, which in turn reduces the material consumption for the production of the product, therefore positively affects pricing and competitiveness.

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