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Design of the highway "Khabarovsk — Vladivostok-Komarovo-Zapovednoye" on site 5km-10km


Design of the highway "Khabarovsk — Vladivostok-Komarovo-Zapovednoye" on site 5km-10km the Explanatory note, Drawings. calculations

Project's Content

icon 0. Введение.doc
icon 1. Общая часть.doc
icon 2 План трассы.doc
icon 3. водопропускные сооружения.doc
icon 4. зЕМЛЯНОЕ ПОЛОТНО.doc
icon 5. ДОР ОДЕЖДА.doc
icon 6. Обустройство дороги.doc
icon 8. Обустройство и обстанеовка дороги.doc
icon Дорожная одежда.vsd
icon Моя деталь.vsd
icon План трассы чертеж-1.vsd
icon Поперечники.vsd
icon прододольник.bak
icon прододольник.dwg
icon сметный рассчет.xls
icon Содержание часть 1.doc
icon Содержание часть 2.doc
icon Список используемой литературы.doc
icon Штамп.doc

Additional information




1 General part                          

1.1 Economic characteristics of  the design area                            

1.2 Natural and climatic            conditions

1.3 Engineering Specifications        

2 Route Plan 17                          

      2.1 Map Route Plan Design        

      2.2 Calculate Route Plan Fillets           

3 Culverts                  

3.1 Table of initial data of small bridges and pipes    

3.2 Pipe Calculation                      

3.3                      Bridge calculation

4 Earthwork                       

      4.1 Determination of recommended operating mark     

      4.2 Determination of zero points              

      4.3 Description of Longitudinal Profile   28                 

      4.4 Cross Profile Design         

5 Roadwear                        

5.1 Designation of Road Lining Options        

5.2 Calculation of Road Lining                 

5.3 Economic comparison of road clothing options 

6 Road arrangement                      

6.1 Road landscaping list                 

6.2 List of protective devices       

6.3 List of road markings and road signs  

7 Land reclamation and environmental protection     

8 Project Detail                        

9 Construction management and safety    

10 Economic part                     

List                        of literature

Composition of the graphic part

Sheet 1 Route Plan

Sheet 2 Longitudinal Profile

Sheet 3 Cross Profiles of Roadbed

Sheet 4 Roadway Construction

Sheet 5 Project Part


The highway is a complex of complex and expensive engineering structures, without which vehicles carrying about 80% of the country's cargo cannot work.

Road transport efficiency and road safety depend on the complexity of the road network and its quality.

According to a task, the purpose of the degree project is development of the standard project documentation on construction of the section of the highway "Khabarovsk — Vladivostok — Komarovo — Reserved". The objective is achieved by the following tasks:

- development of route plan;

- calculation and construction of longitudinal profile and transverse profiles of the roadbed;

selection, calculation and justification of roadway construction;

- calculation of estimated construction cost;

- economic, ecological and energy assessment of the proposed route version.

General part

1.1 Economic characteristics of the construction area

Primorsky Krai is one of the most economically developed regions of the Far East. Almost a third of the industrial and agricultural products of the entire Far Eastern region are now produced in Primorye. The southern regions of the region are most populated and developed in industrial and agricultural terms.

The economy of Primorsky Krai specializes in mechanical engineering and ship repair, fishing industry, forestry and woodworking industry, coal and mining industry, and chemical industry.

Agriculture is also developed, the main focus of which is vegetable and animal husbandry. The first is aimed mainly at fodder production and potato production, rice, soybeans and some early cereals and cereals are also grown, and the second has meat and dairy. Pig farming, poultry farming, antler reindeer herding and fur husbandry, beekeeping are also developed.

In recent years, foreign economic relations of Primorsky Krai with our Far Eastern neighbors Japan, China, and Korea have been intensively developing.

Natural and climatic conditions

1.2.1 Climate

The road design area is located in the Primorsky Territory and belongs to the II road climatic zone with a seismicity of 6 points. The regime of precipitation in the Primorsky Territory is determined by the features of monsoon circulation, cyclonic activity and the nature of the relief. Precipitation in winter falls a little, 16% of the annual amount. In summer, especially in the second half of Primorye, very humid and warm masses, mainly marine tropical air, come from the southeast, cyclonic activity sharply intensifies. The main amount of precipitation falls in this part of the year. A characteristic feature of the intensity of summer rains is the large activity of their stormwater part. The duration of summer rains can reach several days.

1.2.2 Relief

The surface of Primorye is mountainous in most of the territory. Here are the average height (600800) of the SikhoteAlin mountain. The ridges of this mountain country stretch from southwest to northeast parallel to the seashore. The highest peak is Mount Cloudy, located in the southern part of SikhoteAlin (its height is 1856 m above sea level). Among its ridges, the Przhevalsky ridge extends almost in a latitudinal direction, the picturesque coastal ridges Partizansky and Livadia. In the south, spurs of mountains intersect the transverse coast. The eastern slopes of SikhoteAlin form steep rock coasts. The western slopes have a smooth outline: wide and gentle, they gradually pass into the Prikhankai plain.

To the southwest of the Prikhankai Plain are the spurs of the East Manchurian Mountains - the Border and Black Mountains ridge. The highest peaks of these mountains do not exceed 1000 m. Low mountains are distributed along to the sea.

Differences in the relief of the western and eastern regions of the region depend on many factors, including the geological structure. The most ancient of the rocks (2000 million years) - Proterozoic marbles, gneisses, crystalline shale

1.2.3 Soil geologic conditions of the construction area.

The projected road runs in the southern part of the spurs of the SikhoteAlin ridge. In the geological structure of the described site, mainly Miocene deposits, represented by loamy differences, are taken part, in their base dresvy sandy loams are noticed. In river floodplains, the geology of soils is as follows: alluvial deposits of heavy, hard loams with a thickness of 1.5-2.1 m, sludge fluvial: alluvial deposits are explored to a depth of 20 m, they are gravel pebble soils and sands watered.

1.2.4 Hydrological conditions.

The Sea of Japan is one of the deepest seas in the world's oceans. Already at a distance of several tens of kilometers from the coast of Primorye, depths of 2000 m begin. Along the coast, in the direction from the northeast to the southwest, the Primorsky current carries cold waters. Warm and cold currents have a great influence on the life of the sea and the climate of the surrounding land. So, the Primorsky current in summer causes the formation of persistent fogs, and in winter it brings a lot of ice.

Many large and small rivers flow through the territory of Primorsky Krai. Their total length is 140 thousand km. From the SikhoteAlin ridges, the largest rivers begin and flow east and west. Rivers in Primorye are the main source of water supply for settlements and industrial enterprises.

There are few lakes in Primorye. They are located mainly on the Prikhankai plain and on the coast of the Sea of ​ ​ Japan.

In Primorye, about 4% of the area is occupied by swamps. Significant swampiness is observed on the Prikhankai plain, along the southern and eastern shores of Lake Khanka, in the upper and middle reaches of the Bikina, Bolshoi Ussurka and Arsenyevka rivers. Moss-plain swamps predominate. Sphagnum marshes are rare, mainly on flat elevations.

On the territory of Primorsky Krai there are groundwater: fractured and interplate. Fractured waters are contained in rocks occupying most of the territory of Primorye, and are the most common type of groundwater. Interplate waters are confined to sandy deposits of river valleys.

1.2.5 Vegetation.

Primorsky Krai is located in the forest zone. Depending on the geographical latitude and altitude above sea level, forests are located in three belts - coniferous, mixed and broadleaf.

The peaks of the highest mountains resemble tundra. The Prikhankay plain is occupied by sections of the forest-steppe.

In the north of the region and in the upper belt of the mountains, coniferous, spruce and deciduous forests prevail. In the taiga, where Ayan spruce and white buttermilk grow, it is gloomy and raw.

The belt of mixed forests occupies a central position in Primorye, located in the north of SikhoteAlin in the lower, and in the south middle and lower high-altitude belt. Mixed forests are much richer than conifers in the composition of the plant and animal world. They are characterized by a combination of broad-leaved and coniferous trees with abundant undergrowth and lianas. Here is struck by a bizarre mixture of plants from southern deciduous forests and Siberian taiga.

The belt of broad-leaved forests occupies low mountains, the southern parts of mountain slopes, they grow on peregrine-rich brown mountain-forest soils. In its appearance, the broad-leaved forests of Primorye are close to European, but more diverse in composition. Mongolian oak dominates them, in the community with it bream of different leaves and hazel grows.

Forest-steppe vegetation is characteristic of the Prikhankai plain.

In different years, four reserves were created on the territory of Primorye: Cedar Pad, Ussuri, Lazava Reserve named after L.K. Kaplanova, SikhoteAlinsky Reserve. The natural wealth of the reserves is protected by the state and is used for research. An organized visit to the reserve by tourists is allowed.

1.2.6 Characteristics of road building materials

The construction of the roadway is carried out due to materials taken during the development of excavations, as well as from the side reserves of their physical and mechanical properties, described in the previous paragraph.

For the construction of road clothing:

Crushed stone is supplied from the butter-crushed stone plant of Sibirtseva - by road at a distance of 105 km;

Soil of the earthen  - from excavations and local quarries;

Asphalt concrete and reinforced concrete - from the ABZ of Ussuriysk by road at a distance of 18 km.

1.3 Engineering Specifications

1.3.1 Determination of promising traffic intensity.

To determine the prospective intensity of traffic, we know:

The distance between settlements is less than 10 km;

Composition of transport flow - Table 1.5;

Design area - Primorsky Territory.

Route Plan

2.1 Map Route Plan Design

According to the map, in the contours between the given points, you can usually design several externally equivalent (competitive) route options.

The design of the road route is a creative work that allows the more solutions, the more difficult the relief and situation of the area. The route of the road should be designed as a smooth line in space, that is, mutually linking the elements of the plan, longitudinal and transverse profiles with each other and with the adjacent terrain. It should be shortest in length with the least volume of work and compliance with design standards, also fit well into the landscape. Small and medium bridges, as well as pipes, can be located in any combination of plan elements and longitudinal profile. Large rivers should be crossed at right angles. Railroads and highways of a wound or higher category should be crossed at an angle of at least 45 degrees, preferably at an angle close to a straight line. In all cases where it is possible under the conditions of the terrain, the following should be taken:

1) longitudinal slope not exceeding 30 ‰;

2) radii of curves in plan not less than 3000m;

3) radii of concave curves not less than 70000m;

4) radii of concave curves not less than 8000m;

5) length of vertical convex curves not less than 300 m;

6) length of vertical concave curves is not less than 100m.

To the initial and final settlements, the designed road should adjoin as a direct continuation of the street. It is possible, but less desirable, to adjoin the street at right angles. Intermediate settlements of the road of 1-3 categories are bypassed at a distance of no closer than 200 m from the development border with the arrangement of access roads.

It is advisable to pass roads of 4-5 categories through settlements. The worst land in terms of agriculture, wasteland or with low-value plantations should be used for the road. You should avoid passing the route to karst and landslide places. Swamps with roads of high categories should not be bypassed. Forests and even groups of trees should be bypassed only in steppe regions. When crossing the road, the forests are ugly through straight. When entering and exiting the forest, it is advisable to arrange curves.

The later the relief, the road can be laid by longer straight sections, but their length should be limited to 3-4 km, given the decrease in attention of drivers. In such cases, the curves should not look artificial, but motivated (bypassing a settlement, lake, convenient crossing of a large watercourse or railway, etc.)

The radii of adjacent or non-adjacent curves must not differ more than 1.3 times.

In conditions of intersected terrain, the lengths of straight and curve runs of an alignment, as a rule, should not differ from each other more than 2-3 times.

Avoid designing short curves (less than 200m) between long lines. In this case, it is necessary to increase their radius. Short lines (less than 300 m) between long curves should also be avoided. spirals.

It is recommended that you align the plan curves in the longitudinal profile. Note here that lengths of curves in lengthwise profile are arranged at subsequent straight sections.

Do not allow short radius curves at the end of protracted descents.

Longitudinal Profile Description

The final alignment position is established by simultaneously designing the plan and the longitudinal profile of the selected line direction. Therefore, to evaluate the resulting route plan, we proceed to design a schematic longitudinal profile.

A longitudinal profile is a flat pattern on a vertical cylindrical surface that passes through an alignment; is a combination of its elements - lifts, descents, platforms.

An alignment consists of elements that are characterized by a slope (in thousands). The slope is determined by the ratio of the difference in elevations at the ends of the element to the horizontal projection of the length of the element.

Detailed longitudinal profile is designed on millimeter paper at scale:

horizontally - 1:5000

vertical - 1:500

Cross Profile Design

The main elements of the cross-section - the number of lanes, the width of the lane, the width of the carriageway and shoulders and the type of road clothing - are set by the design assignment. In the technical design, in addition to the main profiles, drawings of the transverse profile of roads within settlements, at the intersection of swamps, on river floodplains, at intersections with roads and railways and tractor tracks are developed. The design line of the roadway is applied to all the crossbars taken during detailed surveys on the Koshore sections of the terrain and on sections coinciding with existing roads. Depending on the type of soils and the geological structure of the slopes, slopes of embankments and excavations are assigned, retaining walls and counter-banks are designed, which are necessary to ensure the stability of embankments on steep slopes. Retaining walls are built from masonry on solution and dry masonry. The latter are cheaper, but require careful masonry made of bedstone. Otherwise, they turn out to be unstable and short-lived. In the absence of a bedstone and the difficulty of obtaining and delivering binder for the solution, counter-banks are arranged. When designing the retaining wall from masonry on the solution, it is necessary to provide stagnant drains and holes for the discharge of water collecting behind the wall. Geological sections shall be applied to crossbars, which are filmed on steep slopes. Dimensions of section areas of embankments, recesses, masonry of retaining walls, drains and other devices are inscribed on the drawings of crossbars. This is necessary to calculate the quantities of work and demand for

materials (stone, cement, lime, etc.). For sections of road where profiling works are planned, areas of cuvettes are calculated and working elevations are determined, at which volumes of earthworks are balanced. This work mark is taken as a guide in designing areas where profiling work is designed.

Cross-sections for areas exposed to snow drifts are projected in the form of not high embankments and widened ("divided for embankment") small excavations, etc. In places of high ground water standing, cross-sections of drains are applied on transverse profiles, which are indicated by elevations of the bottom of the drainage gallery and sizes of structural elements of the slot and filling with drains.

7 land reclamation and environmental protection

In accordance with SNiP 2.05.0285, when designing roads, preference should be given to solutions that have a minimum negative impact on the environment, providing for the optimal combination of the road and the landscape.

In forest areas, roads are laid as far as possible using clearings and fire breaks, enterprise boundaries and forestry, taking into account regulatory documents on the use of forests in the category of protection and environmental survey data.

It is desirable that the direction of the route of roads of categories 1-3 passing through the forests coincide with the direction of the prevailing winds in order to ensure natural ventilation and reduce the congestion of roads with snow.

On land occupied by the road and its structures, the fertile layer should be removed and used to increase the fertility of low-productive agricultural land.

Environmental protection requirements must be taken into account when selecting the route direction. The construction of the road makes great changes in the ecological balance of nature and the economic life of the area of ​ ​ its extension. The seizure of land for the construction of a road and the violation of land boundaries can disrupt the rational system of crop rotation and cause great economic damage to agriculture. 

Rain-washed oils and tyre wear products, and especially icy water salts used to control ice, inhibit roadside vegetation and lead to pollution. This should be taken into account when laying roads near water bodies and within water protection zones, where water treatment sumps are provided in a closed system of road drainage. 

Cutting slopes and overloading them with embankments can cause the activation of landslide processes. When laying roads along the highway, road ditches, intercepting flowing surface water, cause drying of trees from the lower side of the slope. At the intersections of the embankment marshes, compacting peat, interrupts the seepage of groundwater, and causes the development of waterlogging.

The intensity of traffic noise depends on many circumstances - intensity, composition and speed, types of tires, evenness of road surfaces, etc. The most rational way to prevent the influence of traffic noise is to lay the road at a distance from development at which it does not exceed permissible standards. If this is not possible, highways with heavy traffic are located in recesses and tunnels, sound-absorbing fences made of porous materials are installed along the road, enclosing earth shafts are poured.

Soil is a valuable national economic resource, the creation of which nature took millennia. Therefore, it is necessary to strictly comply with the requirements of SNiP and soil conservation projects, which are previously removed and folded in specially designated places without contamination and mixing it with other materials.

Protection of the environment during the construction of the roadway requires first of all the exploration of the possibility of erecting the roadbed from production waste. In agricultural areas, the construction of deep concentrated reserves that qualitatively change the terrain should be avoided.

Side reserves, as a rule, are arranged up to 1.5 m deep. Reclamation and restoration of land must be carried out immediately after the construction of the roadbed.

Recultivation is subject to temporarily occupied land disturbed during earthworks, surfaces of developed side and concentrated reserves, temporary land roads, sections of the green surface disturbed by the maneuvering of earth-moving and earth-moving vehicles and places of their parking. During recultivation in a hot period, moistening of plant soil is required. 

Special means of drainage and installation of water treatment facilities shall provide the possibility of excluding pollution of rivers and other reservoirs from drains from construction sites, construction machine sites, and building materials warehouses.

Serious environmental disturbances can occur in the construction of bases and coatings made of asphalt concrete mixtures and using organic binding materials. Special requirements are imposed on the selection of the location of the asphalt concrete plant and bitumen base and their work.

Asphalt concrete factories are usually located on the windward side of settlements, in addition they are separated by a sanitary barrier, often in the form of plantations from rapidly growing trees and shrubs. Warehouses of bitumen and mineral powder make closed type. Asphalt mixing plants are equipped with special cleaning devices that ensure effective cleaning of discharged gases from dust and soot.

Loading and unloading operations and transportation of mineral and binding materials to the mixing plant must be equipped with devices that exclude dust formation.

Waste water contaminated with activators and surfactants is not allowed to be discharged outside the plant area without their treatment in special devices.

When performing work on the roads, the used binding materials, activators, surfactants used on the roads should not fall on the land adjacent to the road.

Parking places for construction machines and cars are chosen in a distance from agricultural land and plantations. During the washing and filling of machines, cement particles, chemicals, oil and combustible materials are contained in water drains. All these impurities adversely affect the root system of plants; all contaminated water effluents are collected in a special settling tank. Upon completion of construction works, works on sewage treatment, closure of the sump and recultivation of its surface are performed. As a result, work is being done on the planning and landscaping of the road lane.

Project Part

Technology of construction of small artificial structures.

Culverts on roads are built according to standard designs. Pipe construction technology includes a set of operations. Prior to the commencement of work on the ground, the axes and contour of the pipe are broken down in accordance with the design. Installation of prefabricated pipes is carried out immediately after acceptance of pits and verification of correct fixation of pipe elements position on layout cover. Then prefabricated pipe elements (links, blocks) are transported. The elements are unloaded to a flat specialized site. Pits are arranged for pipe body and heads at temperature not lower than 15 degrees. Foundation laying for pipes is performed in direction from outlet tip to inlet by sections with creation of deformed seams between them. Installation of heads and pipe links shall be carried out as per installation drawings. First of all, the output tip is mounted. Slinging loops of pipe links shall be cut flush with concrete surface before installation. Slinging of links during installation is performed with clamps or crossarms. Blocks are laid preliminary cleaned and immediately in design position on solution layer. Seams between pipe links at the end of installation are made with a pack impregnated with bitumen (at a temperature of at least + 5 degrees). Stitches between head blocks on visible surfaces are stitched with solution. Lubricating insulation consists of two layers of hot or cold bitumen mastic on bitumen primer. Cement mortar is poured from inner side of seams to depth of 3 cm.

Culverts shall be filled only after inspection and installation of the waterproofing provided for by the design. Pipes are filled with soil in two lines with careful compaction. Backfilling is carried out simultaneously on both sides with horizontal layers of 1520 cm thickness with careful sealing with light pneumatic rams. Then the head tray is strengthened. All installation of pipes, including reinforcement of channels, is carried out simultaneously. The reinforcement of the slopes of the roadbed near the pipes is carried out by the forces of the detachment after the erection of embankments.

Construction organization and safety

Earthworks carried out during the construction of roads, as a rule, are not homogeneous along the length of the road under construction. The composition of the work during the construction of the roadbed is constant - these are preparatory work, the main work on the construction of embankments and the development of excavations, finishing work.

Preparatory works - restoration of the route, removal and fixation of land for permanent and temporary use, clearing of the diversion strip, breakdown of work, arrangement of drainage ditches and drains.

The main work is the direct development of excavations and filling of embankments. The main works include such main technological processes as tillage and development of soil, its transportation to the places of filling of embankments or cavaliers, distribution or compaction of soil.

Finishing work - the layout of the surface of the roadbed, the strengthening of the ditches and slopes of embankments and excavations from washing with water, the restoration of the vegetation layer on the lands allocated for temporary use.

Embankments are erected mainly by layer-by-layer method. Soil laying in each layer is started from the most distant part of excavation from edges to the middle. The work is carried out mainly on two grips  - soil is laid on one, on the second it is compacted.

Preparation of the embankment base and removal of the vegetal soil layer from the area occupied by the excavation are carried out before the start of the main works; Surface layout and slope strengthening are performed after start of main works.

Safety precautions for earthworks.

Geological and hydrological surveys shall be carried out in the construction area prior to the start of earthworks to identify soil properties, groundwater regime, etc.

Within the built-up area, in places where above-ground and underground communications and electrical cables pass, earthworks can be carried out only by special permission of the organization responsible for the operation of these communications and structures, and under the continuous supervision of the technical personnel of these organizations. A plan shall be attached to the excavation order with precise indication of the route direction, depth of laying, name and size of communications and structures within the territory where excavation works are to be carried out.

Prior to the development of excavations, all surface and groundwater removal activities must be carried out. When groundwater appears on excavation slopes in order to avoid landslide, measures should be taken to divert or lower groundwater by means of drainage, trays or pumping.

When developing recesses with a shoulder device, the width of each of them is chosen depending on the depth of the recesses and the technical characteristic of the excavating machine, but the width of the shoulder should be at least 2.5 m.

Immerse the ground on cars with an excavator from the rear or side of the car. It is impossible to be between an excavating machine and a vehicle during loading of soil. During operation of the excavator, it is not allowed to be under its bucket, to conduct any other work from the side of the face, to be outside the range of the excavator plus 5 m.

Bulldozers are intended for the development and movement of soil, the performance of planning work, cutting off the vegetable layer.

Before the start of earthworks, the site is cleaned of trees, stumps, boulders.

In order to avoid soil collapse and overturning of the bulldozer when the soil collides under the slope of the embankment, the bulldozer dump should not extend beyond the edge of the caterpillar or bulldozer wheels to the edge of the embankment of at least 1 m.

In order to prevent accidents and accidents:

allow uneducated and unauthorized persons to work;

Start work or continue when any fault is detected;

install the machine on freshly filled, non-rubbed soil;

move the dump truck with the body raised;

move backwards to the place of loading at a distance of more than 30 m. When the car moves backwards, a continuous sound signal is sent;

be under the raised working member held by the force of the hydraulic cylinder or rope;

perform any work related to cleaning of moving parts of the machine during its operation;

Establish enhanced supervision of compliance with safety, fire safety and industrial sanitation regulations by appointing an engineer and technician responsible for the safe conduct of work;

provide sanitary and household services and the issuance of free clothing, special shoes and personal protective equipment.

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