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The creation of multifunctional public centers and complexes has recently received wide development in Russia. The construction trend is due to a number of sociological, economic, urban planning, artistic , aesthetic and functional factors.

Often an integral part of large multifunctional complexes are buildings and structures for spectacular purposes. Not the last place among the spectacular buildings is occupied by cinemas and cinema halls, often modified due to their sprawling functions into cinemas with halls of universal use or cinema and concert halls.

A cinema is an institution designed to show films to the public. They conduct a wide cultural and leisure activity: before the beginning of the film, meetings with deputies, concerts of professional and public groups, lectures, conversations, etc. are organized.

The fate of the further development of the cinema network and cinemas cannot but be considered in relation and interrelations with other cultural institutions, with the system of organizing leisure activities of the population. Out-of-home communication, change of scenery and collective perception of the film, recreation, related activities and entertainment - variety, exhibitions, discussion of the film - these are the functions that, together with the incomparably better quality of film screening, remain the advantages of the cinema.

In the modern world, there is a specialization of cinemas, which reflects the trend of differentiation of the audience, showing the result of the growing culture of all segments of the population. In parallel with specialization, there is a desire to create cinemas with universal halls, which allow expanding the forms of activity of cinemas and thereby increasing the efficiency of auditoriums. Episodic holding concerts, public meetings and festive evenings in cinema halls brings them closer to multifunctional cultural centers.

Thus, the topic of my term paper "Designing a construction master plan for the construction of a cinema for 150 seatsis relevant and practically significant. 

The object of course research is the projected cinema. 

The subject of the work is the development of a construction master plan for this facility. 

The purpose of the course project is to design a construction master plan for the construction of a cinema for 150 seats.

To achieve the goal of the study, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

  • design a construction master plan;
  • perform the architectural and construction part;
  • examine the available drawings;
  • calculate the scope of work on the designed object;
  • calculate warehouses and sites;
  • determine the places of storage of building structures;
  • to ascertain the need for temporary buildings and structures;
  • design roads at the construction site;
  • place household buildings and premises;
  • pick up a construction crane;
  • calculate technical and economic indicators;
  • pay attention to labor protection at the construction site;
  • develop safety precautions at the construction site.

Project's Content

icon Курсовая работа Нуриддинов И.Р. (2020г.).docx
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Additional information




1.1 Brief description of construction object

1.2 Design Solutions


2.1 Calculation of the scope of work for the designed facility

2.2 Calculation of storage rooms and platforms

2.3 Warehousing of building structures

2.4 Determining the Need for Temporary Buildings and Structures

2.5 Road Design

2.6 Accommodation of domestic buildings and premises

2.7 Technical - Economic Indicators


3.1 Occupational safety at the construction site

3.2 Site Safety




The creation of multifunctional public centers and complexes has recently been widely developed in Russia. The construction trend is due to a number of sociological, economic, urban planning, artistic and aesthetic and functional factors.

Often, buildings and structures for spectacular purposes are an integral part of large multifunctional complexes. Not the last place among spectacular buildings is occupied by cinemas and cinema halls, often modified due to their sprawling functions into cinemas with halls of universal use or cinema concert halls.

Cinema is an institution designed to show films to the public. They conduct wide cultural and leisure activities: before the start of the film, meetings with deputies, concerts of professional and public groups, lectures, talks, etc.

The fate of the further development of the film network and cinemas cannot but be considered in relation and relationships with other cultural institutions, with the system of organizing leisure activities of the population. Out-of-house communication, changing the situation and collective perception of the film, recreation, related activities and entertainment - variety, exhibitions, discussion of the film - these are the functions that, together with the incomparably better quality of the film's demonstration, remain the advantages of the cinema.

In the modern world, cinema specialization takes place, which reflects the tendency to differentiate the audience, showing the result of a growing culture of all segments of the population. In parallel with specialization, the desire to create cinemas with universal halls is developing, which make it possible to expand the forms of cinema activity and at the same time increase the efficiency of auditoriums. The occasional holding of concerts, public meetings and festive evenings in the cinema halls brings them closer to multifunctional cultural centers.

Thus, the theme of my course work "Designing a construction master plan for the construction of a cinema with 150 seats" is relevant and practically significant.

The object of the course study is the projected cinema.

The subject of the work is the development of a construction master plan for this facility.

The purpose of the course project is to design a construction master plan for the construction of a cinema with 150 seats.

To achieve the objective of the study, the following objectives must be achieved:

design a construction master plan;

perform architectural and construction part;

study the available drawings;

calculate the scope of work for the designed object;

calculate storage facilities and sites;

determine places of building structures storage;

ascertain the needs for temporary buildings and structures;

design roads on the construction site;

place domestic buildings and premises;

pick up the construction crane;

calculate technical - economic indicators;

pay attention to occupational safety at the construction site;

develop safety equipment at the construction site.

Architectural and construction part

1.1 Brief description of construction object

An ordinary cinema - a building designed exclusively for showing films, can not always now meet the growing demands of the population. The problem of organizing cultural recreation is especially acute in new areas of the city, remote from the city center with its established cultural service system.

Since cinemas are more often than other spectacular institutions are the first cultural centers in new areas, it is natural to think that it is cinemas that are turned into full-fledged centers of culture, to coordinate them with other related institutions of the cultural and consumer service system. In such multifunctional complexes created on the basis of the cinema, with a variety of related institutions (cafes, exhibition and dance halls, winter gardens, living rooms and club rooms), the leading role remains with cinemas.

For 0.00 of the main part of the hospital complex, the absolute mark (minus) -0.450 m was adopted.

The building area is 501.4 m2.

The building construction volume is 3,619,12 m3.

The total length of the hospital in axes 1-6 is 19.8 m.

The total width of the hospital in axes A-E is 21 m.

The maximum height of the building from the elevation ± 0.000 is: 8.7 m.

The cinema has a central entrance and exit and three spare exits. The building will house the following rooms:

All premises of the cinema are divided into the following complexes and groups: premises of the spectator complex; the premises of the demonstration complex - the auditorium, the premises of the technological support for the film screening; administrative - economic and production premises; technical rooms.

Each of these groups of premises is developed according to the character and capacity of the building for 150 places. The calculation of space is given in the design standards of cultural and entertainment institutions VSN 4586. The mutual position of the groups should create a simple and convenient schedule for the movement of spectators, optimal conditions for the technological process of showing films and fire safety.

The cinema building is equipped with heating, hot and cold water supply, sewage, ventilation, power supply, telephony, Internet and video surveillance cameras. Attention is paid to people with disabilities, ramps are installed at the entrance to the building.


During the studies carried out in the course project, the tasks were completed to design a construction master plan for the construction of a 150-seat cinema - an object construction master plan based on the example of a project for the construction of a cinema in accordance with SNiP 3.01.0104 "Construction Organization."

Based on these data, an object construction master plan was designed, on which construction machines are located, temporary buildings and structures, temporary roads, open warehouses and canopies, power supply, water supply, heat supply and sewerage lines connected to permanent networks, boundaries of the construction site are defined in terms of convenience and safety of their use during construction and installation works, and in relation to sanitary, fire, environmental and economic requirements. Technical and economic indicators of the construction plan were determined, with the help of which the economy of the selected solution is determined.

As a result, the most efficient process of organizing the construction of the facility was designed, which allows you to carry out construction and installation work qualitatively and with the lowest costs.

When working on the course project, textbooks and regulatory documentation were used. She also studied well some programs in the computer, such as COMPASS, with which the entire graphic part of the course project was executed.

I consider the goals and objectives of the course project achieved.

Drawings content

icon Чертеж Нуриддинов И.cdw

Чертеж Нуриддинов И.cdw

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