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Design of the area of the crumbs


Design of the plot of centers 2 points

Project's Content

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icon 2 участок.cdw
icon ПЗ.doc
icon Расчет загрузки.xls

Additional information




1 Description of the design object and analysis of its operation

2 Determination of the annual production program of the site

3 Substantiation of operating modes and determination of time funds

4 Calculation of manpower

5 Substantiation of the method of organization of technological

6 Calculation of number of posts, lines for repair, workplaces

7 Selection of process equipment

8 Calculation of required production area and arrangement of equipment

9 Development of plant layout

10 Safety, Environmental Project Requirements


Bibliographic list


The equipment during its operation requires systematic execution of various maintenance and repair works.

It is important to improve the quality and reliability of the manufactured machines, the level of their technical re-equipment and repair, including the organization and design of repair and maintenance production. It is necessary to reduce equipment repair costs due to: improving the quality and reliability of major and current repairs of machines and high-quality restoration from worn parts, preventing wear and failure of machines based on the use of diagnostic and maintenance methods directly in the places of machine operation, increasing labor productivity and resource saving during maintenance and repair of machines. The organization of labor, reasonable rationing and remuneration, ensuring technological discipline and technical quality control of repairs are important.

The main and most effective measure to keep the machines in working condition is the planned preventive maintenance system using means and methods of technical diagnostics. The high level of working condition of the machine-tractor fleet and reduction of spare parts consumption are achieved under the condition of high-quality maintenance and repair of machines, which, in the conditions of complex mechanization of agricultural production, is one of the conditions for the successful operation of agricultural machinery and ensures the performance of agricultural work in the optimal agrotechnical time.

Description of the design object and analysis of its operation

The developed technical service enterprise is designed for the maintenance and maintenance of tractors, as well as simple mudflats. cars.

Current repair of tractors is carried out without replacement of basic parts, basic parts are restored at specialized enterprises during major repairs.

Maintenance or repair operations are carried out with or without prior control. The main method of performance of control works should be diagnostics, which is used to determine the technical condition of the car, its units and assemblies and is a technological element of maintenance and repair.

Compliance with the periodicity and technical requirements for the quality of maintenance operations ensures high technical readiness and reduces the need for repair.

Justification of repair process organization method

For the work of the designed repair plant, the aggregate method is used because it is most effective for repairing machines operating in harvesting complexes and due to a large production program. The aggregate method (GOST 1832278) [3] is a repair method in which faulty units are replaced with new or previously repaired ones. The aggregate method drastically reduces the downtime of the machine in repair. The whole process is reduced to disassembly and assembly work related to the replacement of the unit. To be able to use the aggregate method, it is necessary to have an appropriate number of spare parts and units. This revolving fund is used in farms to replace worn-out units and complete groups on machines undergoing ongoing repairs in workshops, in specialized repair enterprises as a backbone for the uninterrupted and continuous operation of the enterprise.

With the aggregate method, the duration of the machine's stay in repair is significantly reduced, quality is improved and the cost of repair in the workshops is reduced.

At enterprises, an aggregate flow method is used in which the machine being repaired is disassembled and assembled at specialized workplaces of flow lines with a certain technological sequence and rhythm. Repair, assembly and run-in lines of units shall be arranged in process sequence.


During the work on the project on the topic: "Design of technical service enterprises," the annual production program of the enterprise was determined, the total labor intensity of the work was calculated, which amounted to 12,396 people. The operating mode of the enterprise was determined: the number of working days in the city was 253 days, the number of working shifts per day, 1 shift duration - 8.2 hours, the nominal fund of working time was 2070 hours, the actual - 1997 hours, the actual fund of equipment was 1966 hours. The number of personnel was 9 hours. Calculation and selection of technological equipment was made. The area of ​ ​ the site was 36 m2. Measures to improve working conditions and safety of life have been developed. Measures to reduce environmental pollution have also been developed.

The project consists of 20 sheets of an explanatory note, 7 sheets of the annex and 2 sheets of the graphic part.

Drawings content

icon 1 график.cdw

1 график.cdw

icon 2 участок.cdw

2 участок.cdw