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Design of squirrel-cage induction motor with power P=11.9 kW, f1=50Hz, IP44, IM3001, p=2, Um=127V, steel 2013


According to the task, it was necessary to design an induction motor with a squirrel-cage rotor. In the process of working on the course project, the following sections were completed: Description of the design  and technology of the electric motor assembly, Selection of main dimensions, Electromagnetic calculation, Pie diagram Parameters of the operating mode, Calculation of starting characteristics, Thermal and ventilation calculation, Mechanical calculation, Economic calculation, Conclusion.


In the 1st section, the issue related to the design of the machine was analyzed: according to the conditions of the course project, the degree of protection IP44 and the mounting version of the IM3001 electric motor were set.  In IP44 machines , the first digit 4 indicates     that the motor is protected against the ingress of objects larger  than 1 mm,  the second  digit indicates that the motor is protected from water splashes from all sides. The mounting  version of the IM3001  indicates that    the motor  is protected   against  the ingress of objects  larger than 1 mm.  that the motor is made  without paws, the front bearing shield shield is made in the form of a flange

For a power of 11.9 kW, the frame and end shields are cast in aluminium. The electric motor is cooled by a fan. The outdoor fan is made of plastic. It is mounted on the protruding end of the shaft opposite the output shaft. Outside air is sucked in by a fan through the louvers of the hood and run along the ribs of the bed.


The stator core is made of thin-sheet cold-rolled isotropic electrical  steel 2013 and fastened with staples. The stator grooves are semi-closed trapezoidal, the rotor is closed pear-shaped. The stator winding is single-layered, equal-sectional. The rotor core is also made of 2013 steel. The rotor winding is a cast aluminum squirrel cage. The rotor core is attached to the shaft with a keyway. On top of the bed there is a flush with a threaded hole, into which an eyebolt is screwed to raise the motor during installation.

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